Top 10 Times Missy Was a Savage on Young Sheldon

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do you feel special least I'm the only daughter you got nothing welcome to miss Mojo and today we're counting down our piics for the times the Cooper's only daughter brought the heat like a pot of Texas Chili on a summer's day if you're not yet caught up beware of spoilers ahead you know what I like about you Sheldon you're incredibly smart but you're also really dumb number 10 nobody cares Sheldon isn't a fan of change or sponsor ity when Mary unexpectedly declares their staying at Mima for the night he bombards her with questions totally oblivious to her frazzled state but don't worry Missy's got it you know what I'll bring both should I pack my toothbrush or use the one I keep at m i got this one nobody cares evidently not satisfied with roasting just one brother Missy takes Georgie down too who says that Sheldon's the only family genius after telling Georgie she forgot to deliver a message a girl left him months ago she knows she can play him like a fiddle and she does hello George is speaking did you run to the phone do you feel stupid who was it nobody young Sheldon fans know that almost nothing will stop Missy from burning her brothers not even an alternate reality or the end of the world and I just want to say I'm sorry for anytime I was bad and anytime I was mean a it's okay it's just so funny when he's upset number nine calling it as she sees it we all know High School politics is basically just a popularity contest Mary tries to spare Sheldon from this hard truth but don't worry Missy as always is happy to help guess what I'm running for class president good for you you're encouraging him he's going to get destroyed you don't know that I feel like I do when Sheldon announced announces he's running for class president she doesn't miss a beat betting against him do you have a campaign strategy no do you have a catchy slogan no does he have a shot at winning no Mary tries to be more encouraging but deep down she knows Miss's right even if she doesn't want to admit it ever the straight shooter Missy finds a hilariously blunt way to remind her mom that honesty is the best policy but you think I'll win right God listening mom she also encourages Sheldon to get his hands dirty to win the election Missy would have made a great campaign manager she gets politics number eight she's delighted Sheldon's going to high school the series wastes no time introducing us to the sassiest member of the Cooper Family Sheldon if you don't get in here I'm going to lick your toothbrush coming that's my sister and she's done it before in the pilot Sheldon prepares for his first day of high school and no one could be happier than his twin sister is she excited to see her brother expand his Horizons reach his full potential nope she's just ecstatic that she doesn't have to go to school with him anymore all I know is he's not in the same gr as me anymore and I'm thrilled good luck with your finger painting you're going to get your ass kicked in h School hey language you know what's even better she knows exactly what lies ahead for their big brother Georgie and she couldn't be more entertained by the thought luckily George senior is around to restore the peace oh no he's on Missy's side well can you blame him everybody's going to know he's your brother it's going to be awful for you tell her to shut up she's not wrong number seven she will sneeze in your mittens Sheldon gets so engrossed by science that he pays no regard to those around him well more so than usual inste of electricity will have magnetc it's getting heavy we'll be right over here if you need them let's go bye ladybug while Miss's willing to say goodbye to her ladybug drawing in exchange for some dinner the one thing she won't compromise on is her sleep and she knows just the way to shut Sheldon up wake me up one more time and I will sneeze in your mittens a big wet snotty one okay so most of us don't go through life with a pair of mittens we use to avoid physical interaction but if we did we'd probably probably rather sleep on the porch than risk waking her up again as we learn later in the episode whether it's with her actions or words Missy always hits her Target you ever thrown a ball before just rocks at Sheldon did you hit him every time so we got something to work with number six I don't have a donkey but if I did Shelton might have a higher IQ than all the Coopers put together but Missy knows other ways to outsmart her family in this episode episode she uses witty word play to get under her mother's skin I'm not allowed to talk about him I know what you're doing okay I just feel bad for my friend that poor son of a mitch Melissa Cooper hey we were teenagers once we get the thrill of bending the rules unfortunately Mary doesn't exactly feel the same way does that deter Missy not even a little she UPS the Auntie by using the Bible to mock her mother and the man increased exceedingly and had much cattle and Maid servants and men's servants and camels and asses okay stop what I'm just reading from Genesis we don't know what's more Savage using the Bible to mess with her mom or the fact that she's dishonoring her God-fearing mother but with one final clip Missy wins the title of queen of capital s that is it you are grounded for reading the Bible the way you are doing it yes go to your room okay I don't have a donkey but if I did I'd take my ass out of here number five offering advice on friend making Mary worries that Shelton has no friends in high school and asks Georgie to take him under his wing not that we think Georgie would have ENT changed the idea for even a second anyway but Missy's input abruptly ends that conversation tomorrow at lunch would you mind sitting with your brother don't do it Georgie stay out of this I ate with him in second grade it really hurt my social life sorry Mom can't do it that doesn't mean she doesn't want to help while Sheldon's reading up on how to make friends she offers him a more practical use of the book albeit one that screams stranger danger Missy more than makes up for her brother's lack of Street smarts all while dropping in as many insults as possible it's a list of losers like you who can't find a friend so so they're desperate and you have their names that's brilliant h she might not be good at math but she solves Sheldon's problem pretty fast I don't need to be good at math I have beautiful hair number four the whole fridge Fiasco Missy Cooper is a mistress of chaos she sees the Embers of trouble and wasts no time Fanning them Sheldon drives his family nuts over a sound no one except he and Missy can hear oh wait wait I think I hear it you do yeah it's coming out of your face but if she couldn't hear it before Sheldon gives her a private nighttime concert as he hums along while she's trying to sleep Missy mously tries to seize the opportunity to encourage Sheldon to take the fridge apart fully aware of the trouble it will unleash what are you doing I'm going to take apart the refrigerator and figure out what's making that noise that is a really good idea usually you're not supportive of my efforts I'm more mature now after their dad schulls him his tears dampen Missy's Triumph you know if you cry I can't enjoy your pain yes she briefly chose remorse but let's not forget who masterminded all this she gets over it pretty quickly though Mom since sh didn't cost you all that money who's your new favorite me or Georgie number three eat dirt Missy has to Swerve a few bases to score a place on a baseball team yet even after making the cut she faces more curve balls primarily in the form of sexist attitudes from her friends and teammates these boys however haven't met Missy Cooper before and they quickly realize she's a force to be reckoned with the boys were a little mean at first but I handled it can I warm up with you I don't play baseball with girls really your friends playing with one unfortunately the opposing team ignores warnings about treating Missy fairly during their game after one too many strikes Missy decides it's time to swing back oh well here we go eat it while we don't necessarily endorse her actions the uproarious cheers from her dad and Mima make it clear where she gets her fiery spirit I shra their faces in the dirt that's my girl someone's getting extra sprinkles tonight number two an A+ in savagery season 6 hits Missy like a tidal wave of Teen Angst it doesn't help when her parents forget to pick her up from school after Mandy goes into labor and she's not letting that slide well since mom's not here I made her lunch that was nice try not forgetting your daughter today XO Missy that's my name in case you forgot however she saves her Peak savagery for her teacher who's also going through a rough patch during a test she quizzes Billy on the previous day's events she was at the hospital for your brother's baby what did you not know he had one it's a girl shh no talking during a test well we all know that talking during exams is a big no no but does Missy care not at all so when her teacher accuses the pair of cheating Missy fires back and dang it's brutal keep your eyes on your own papers I'm not cheating well that's not what it looks like I guess you would know what cheating looks like ask your husband is she at least sorry about her outburst and you do not talk to your teacher that way either Sheldon says obnoxious things all the time but it's fine cuz he's special doesn't seem like it before we unveil our top pick here are a few honorable mentions roasting her dad we're sure he feels the burn if I knew you could run I would have let you teach him no babies or puppies not her problem we probably would have tuned out after the no puppy part too so kids we have a little family business to discuss you're pregnant no we're getting a puppy no I'm not sure I care love thy neighbor Missy knows what that really means love your neighbor as yourself anybody like to take a guess what that means Missy it means to be nice to the people who live next door that's right but everybody else can go to hell Missy gives Sheldon fashion advice even half asleep she knows how to deliver a zinc in style Missy right help me with my clothes burn them and get new ones she's brutally honest no beating around the bush here Pastor Jeff's wife is so much prettier than him it's like Barbie married to Turtle before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one standing up for her family while Missy's family tends to be the most frequent targets of her Barbed tongue She also doesn't hesitate to use it to defend them what's going on is people are talking about my brother behind my back instead of saying it to my face she's talking about Georgie not me people talk about me behind my back but it's about how smart I am I'll say it to your face your brother's going to hell it's a rough time for the Coopers who have essentially been cast out by their Community due to Georgie and Mandy's out of wedlock pregnancy things reach a boiling point during a Sunday school showdown between Missy and another kid who won't quit trash talking her family how about I kick your ass I'd like to see a try how about I help her how about I go get past a Rob say one more thing about my family and see what happens well she usually relies on her razor sharp wit to get her message across loud and clear this time she lets her f this do the talking in a world where savagery could be measured like IQ Missy would undoubtedly be cruising in the top percentile why aren't you in school you told me not to punch anyone else so I left well go to your room can you think of another time Missy had more sting than a prickly pear cactus let us know in the comments I love everything about this do you agree with our pics check out this other recent clip from Miz Mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos
Channel: MsMojo
Views: 63,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Comedy, Sitcom, TV, best of missy, list, missy, missy and sheldon, missy cooper, missy cooper moments, missy moments, missy one-liners, missy roasts, missy young sheldon moments, mojo, msmojo, savage, savage missy moments, tbbt, the big bang theory, times missy was a savage on young sheldon, top 10, watch mojo, watchmojo, young sheldon, young sheldon final season, msmojo young sheldon
Id: 87JwkQEkDd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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