RV Black & Grey Tank Cleaning & Maintenance (LIES & MYTHS Exposed!)

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that is unfortunately what we see is right there  is just this kind of slow River of lava how clean   are our RV holding tanks after one year of using  regular toilet paper and none of the commercially   available additives none of these for a year  let's find out I'm going to get graded again   what do you think my grades are going to be I can  talk a good talk right but can I walk the talk as   we say in the industry went we want floaters  not sinkers oh that is one of my biggest pet   peeves I'll be honest with you people don't want  to waste their money right that's true yeah I mean   it's like there's so many aftermarket RV products  and stuff like that and you know just save your   money get the stuff that works yep so your uh  tanks today we did uh the back one the front   two and I will say for being 11 months in you've  got I'm Tom and I'm Sheree and we're enjoying the journey. are buddy good to see you good to see  you too oh my Gosh Look Who's Back hey everybody   it's Jim from clean tank it has been about a year  y since you first cleaned our tanks absolutely so   you guys are going to get to find out how clean  are our tanks after one year of using regular   toilet paper and following some of the steps and  and tricks or tips uh and you know not making yeah   making some of the same mistakes that a lot of you  guys have have made and and we were making as well   do you have any new black tank jokes for for us H  let me think boy I don't know I I don't hear Too   Many that I haven't heard already okay but we're  also going to get some stories about uh some tough   jobs and maybe uh some new things that you found  coming out of Tanks I'm going to get graded again   what do you think my grades are going to be you  know so I can talk a good talk right but can I   walk the talk and to give you a little perspective  these are our grades from one year ago a a b and a   c oh ABC okay yeah oh look how clean it is uh-oh  not so not so much huh not so clean wow those are   some pretty dirty tanks I think my grades are  going to be better okay you know I don't know   if I'll get an A on everyone but that would be  awesome what do you think our new grade is going   to be comment down below if you haven't seen the  black tank master class we will link to that down   below it's gotten over 500,000 views 500 comments  on it uh lots of love here for Jim you deal with a   with an area that a lot of our viers don't want  to deal with yeah we're very specific we don't   know a lot about RVs but we know about poop tanks  you're the expert in this business uh here's some   of my jokes okay uh the black tank master class is  either number one or number two on our Channel all   the time and it's number two in RV tank cleaning  ranked on YouTube how about that that sounds good   I like that one so and it's it's all about how  do we deal with number two right that's right uh   we want to make a dealing with number two in the  RV World as easy uh and as painless as possible   getting rid of some of the smells uh that we have  and uh yeah gosh uh so much uh awesome comments   on that video and people just even saying that  they did not feel confident doing full-time RV   life until this video and you know to be afraid  of your tanks and that it's like don't be afraid   of your tanks you can handle this area and and  maybe I'll share that comment there with your   method of uh cleaning the tanks um that you teach  us to do that there's some satisfaction in doing   that each time and watching that water run clean  absolutely if you've been using Jim's method for   black and gray tank cleaning comment down below  and let us know how it's been working for you   well let's get started maybe in reverse order this  time we're going to start with the back tank back   here and uh this is going to be an a right yeah  I'm pretty confident okay awesome so um here for   Tom's uh rig obviously the tanks are emptied we  empty them out you don't have to empty them we'll   take care of it but if it's an emergency and you  want your tanks emptied uh before we get there   certainly go ahead and do it uh we're going to  go up inside with our uh jedar it's a uh custom   specially designed uh cleaning apparatus that goes  literally up inside the tanks uh uses 1,500 PSI of   water which is roughly 10 to 15 times what uh all  RV tank spray and flushing systems use so we're   about 10 times the pressure it does not hurt the  tanks that's a question everybody asks we've been   doing this now for uh 11 years never had any tank  damage at all so it's enough to get it basically   what we say Factory clean but not to cause any  kind of damage so we're GNA turn on the water   here we're going to give them a good uh cleaning  and then uh we're going to do a flushing after that that's one actually looks pretty darn clean   there time really yep I think you  know what the grade's going to be here well I don't know what you got last time but  uh boy that uh that was one clean tank there I'll   tell you it's like Factory fresh huh it sure  is if you want to get a glass of water I'd be   happy to let you taste it I'm kidding you I'm  kidding you there well you probably don't see   that uh very often then do you Jim no we don't  we've uh we have seen some things over the years   I'll tell you uh some recent things we and our  dealers have seen uh uh we saw some batteries   and some little uh toy soldiers come out of a  tank once that was from the owner's uh son uh   we had another uh dealer who reported they had  uh called in for a uh for a clog and uh the uh   the lady's uh teenage daughter had uh thrown some  things down the toilet that she shouldn't have and   basically completely compacted the tank the black  tank oh my gosh that was a pretty terrible one we   have had plenty of struvite which we know is a  concentration of urine uh it's very common when   people don't use enough water we've had plenty  of stories of those in the last year and uh it's   uh it's been pretty interesting the things that  we have seen I'll tell you that much and I gave   you a little challenge here we got another uphill  climb here to the uh the sewer connection up there   so uh I'm running out of hands that's all right so  we're going to put on uh remember this contraption   we talked about last time called the flush King  from Vala and I think Tom links to that in the   comments there this is the one piece of equipment  that every RV should be using and basically let me   just get it set up here real quick basically what  this does is it drives a wall of water into your   tank so you have a flushing system in your black  tank very few RVs have a flushing system in the   gray tank but this is used to clean both the tanks  separately and what it does is it uh drives a wall   of water from this hose into the tank and uh it  cleans it literally from the bottom so anything   that's sitting on the bottom uh decomposed waist  toilet paper whatever is going to get flushed up   hold up as the tank fills and then when we pull  this uh valve here it's going to kind of whoosh   out you're going to get that whoosh that everybody  likes to hear so we're going to go ahead and you   also got that uh sa drop on there as well right  yep so we look up uh everybody should know their   tank capacity and uh this uh measures how many  gallons are going in at one time you don't want   to go to the capacity we go about 80 to 90% And  that's enough to get you within an inch or so of   the top of your tank and get everything uh nice  and clean out of there so if you can't have a   clean tank person come out and get you cleaned up  uh then using obviously this flush King uh once a   month if you're a full-timer uh maybe every other  camping trip if you're not uh will do a good job   of keeping all of your tanks clean so it flushes  one tank at a time so I've been putting 40 in   these and I've been safe Jim okay good so and this  is a key thing to talk about right Absolut uh do   not get distracted while you're doing this right  uh or you will have a rude awakening at the very   best you'll have some water flowing down like a  river off of the top at the worst you'll have a   partner inside who is screaming and yelling about  uh things that are coming up so keep focused keep   attention if somebody comes up and uh talks to  you you turn the water off and you say whatever   drink your beer or your coffee uh but when you  are doing this flushing you want to be focused   on this meter I will share a story uh from a  tour with uh Chris and Martha from ventur some   couple uh he got distracted while he was doing  this and they had a big accident with that so   that's in our Chris and Martha venturesome couple  uh tour video I'll put a link down below to that   if you want a funny story and at least this time  we have great water pressure yes compared to the   last part I think this was quite the long process  yes so our cleaning takes about an hour and a half   to 2 and 1/ half hours depending on what we  encounter uh but uh all of our dealers are uh   trained by us and they all use the same training  same equipment same processes and uh we're all   about educating the customers that's what clean  tank is known for yeah we have uh currently 48   new dealers uh 10 are full-timers the other 30  eight are uh in an area I guess you might say   uh but we can pretty much service anywhere in the  United States and in Canada now we have our first   Canadian dealer and another two on the way uh but  we're always looking for new dealers so if you're   interested uh just visit our website my personal  most uh challenging one was the couple who uh used   paper towels instead of toilet paper for about  10 years and that was a completely compacted uh   and dried out tank took me about 5 hours to clean  and uh that was the worst one that I've ever done   but I've done some where I've worked on four or  five hours um I did one where I had to do 13 back   flushes on them like I'm doing now uh that was  a pretty terrible one um but uh I safe to say uh   there hasn't been anything that we haven't seen  and uh I think the important thing that people   need to know is um we also do handle toilet  clogs and tank clog so if you have a toilet   or tank clog we have the special training to do  that too how many flushes do you think it's going   to take to clean my tanks let us know down below  so this is the flushing here this is the first   one and I can already tell you it's the only one  I'm going to do cuz boy that is as clean as it gets you're going to get an A on this one you  hear that guys look at that no mistakes on this   tank huh that's perfect that's exactly what we  want awesome clean as a whistle huh you got it   Factory clean as we say cool good job hey guys  this time I did bring the slide in for Jim here   so a little easier for him to work but it doesn't  have to come in right Jim nope we can we can we   can work underneath I got a helmet uh good to  go no worries so Tom which one do you open up   first black or gray black for sure black is that  what everybody thinks here's a little tip for you   open up the gray first a really quick one on the  gray allows you to do a couple of things number   one if you have any leaks here now it's going to  leak out or spout a little gray water rather than   black number two the inside of your hose here  it's always smells a lot and uh smells a lot   because initially it's dry and the first liquid  thing which most people think is the black tank   that they should open the first liquid thing that  it uh that touches it it tends to grab and hold   on to and these sewer hoses have a lot of little  creases in them so they're holding on to a lot of   that black tank stuff and they're uh that's why  they smell all the time so if you do a really   quick gray kind of pull it out count to three one  two three that'll help to lubricate things you   can see if there's any leaks and then you can go  ahead and open up that black kind of flush things   out that way and then when the Black is empty we  can open up the gray to do that kind of rinse on   it so a quick gray then the black and then the  rest of the gray and you know what it's what's   funny is I just was tagged in a post on Instagram  by somebody that had yeah went black first had a   bad connection and then yeah you have a big issue  so thank you for sharing that tip yep uh well you   had to get me on one mistake right on this video  at least one mistake uh so yeah a little bit of   gray first check your fittings and and that  thing about sticking to the hose yeah that's   a that's a great one yep so we're just emptying  out these tanks here and then we're going to get   cleaning them I can already tell I think you're  doing better this year than you were last year   that's my initial my initial assessment okay cool  going to be on the a h a roll here right well you   might be we don't hand out many A's and you said  you've been using the regular toilet paper right   yes okay yeah now this is after a year of using  the fluffy this is the Great Value Walmart special   premium Ultra strong bath tissue it's like I feel  so pampered now after using thin uh dry you know   RV toilet paper but speaking of toilet paper Jim  some people actually don't even put toilet paper   in their toilet sure you know would you recommend  that uh that yeah I've heard of that before they   use um either a wipe or they'll use little bags  you know obviously you don't want to put a wipe   down the tank but uh they'll little disposable  bags they'll put the toilet paper in and you can   go ahead and do that but uh uh again uh like you  said time any kind of toilet paper is fine the   key is using a lot of water so just use enough  water don't use a big giant ball of toilet paper   and just keep uh just be sensible and reasonable  when you're using toilet paper no need to use RV   toilet paper no need to use septics um safe uh  toilet paper these are holding tanks not septic tanks you know which one you got  I'm going to say it is the gray   tank that's my initial guess okay uh  but I'm going to go and close one of   your gate valves just to make sure okay  these are usually cleaner than the gray   or black obviously but I got to tell you  from what I'm seeing here I'm pretty darn impressed yeah I'd say that's probably the  gray too cuz it's pretty clean the black is   not going to look that good so gray tanks we  look for mold there are a couple of different   types of mold or levels of mold the first level  looks like little coffee grounds it might be   gray or white with their little tiny flexs the  second level bigger a little chunkier um maybe   almost flakes they're usually black and then  the most severe are level three uh big chunks   about the size of my thumb they're spongy they  can be yellow uh gray or black or brown a lot   of smells and odors from those and remember the  gray tanks have tend to have a lot off well all   the tanks have mold in them but in the black  tank obviously it's hard to find it hard to   see it uh the gray tanks uh we do see some  mold in there especially in the summer uh so   just a good cleaning and uh good use of water  using a tank solution that uh has something in   it that can fight that mold and kill kill that  mold in Milo I like the tank solution that we recommend we're going to move on to  the black now that's the true one   that's going to tell us what's going  on yeah that's the black tank is the   one I most uh you know concerned about  like me too we'll save the best for last right you probably spend a lot of time training  your dealers just how to do that technique right   yeah so uh it looks easy but I'll tell you uh  every RV is a challenge and there's definitely   a technique to it and as I always say uh our  dealers just get more and more uh experience and   more expertise in things and I've been doing it  now for 11 years so I'm probably about the fastest   of anybody but uh you know we'll get them clean  way we've never met one we uh we can't in one   way or another we can get them clean so and this  is not just any old pressure washer here right no   this is a uh commercially uh a commercial water  pump uh built exclusively for us it's a Italian   made assembled in the United States and uh we  uh we use it for all of our dealers have the   exact same equipment uh supplies they go through  the exact same training everybody knows the same   thing we've got a great support network uh fa  uh secret Facebook groups where we all talk   about things we're all uh talking to each other  lit literally every day uh my wife and I go and   visit all the dealers every year uh so uh we uh  it it's you know you're not just uh dealing with   just some guy with a pressure washer from loans um  and the only way to get this is to become a dealer   right that is correct so our dealer program is  completely turny it's one price uh you don't it's   not a franchise of any kind and uh uh we've had  great success with it all of our dealers get uh   fantastic reviews we're a five-star company we're  the biggest uh company of this type in the world   and uh we are just continuing to grow and we're  looking for new dealers every day awesome well I   can't believe this is my black tank here J Wow I I  not seen anything come out is how is that possible   well you must be doing something right there we're  going to find out when we do the flush we'll see   exactly what's going on in there but so far I'm  pretty impressed there Tom well you know what I'm   going to do I'm gonna show a little bit from our  first video of what first came out of our black   tank okay you know just to just to give viewers  the right perspective here CU they don't always   look this way right right oh this is uh you've  been doing really well the last year that is   unfortunately what we see is right there is just  this kind of slow River of lava coming and and   I think usually is it is it one year or is it two  years so usually once a year so just kind of think   about it like uh your colonas you want to get it  done on a regular basis and uh have it done by a   professional and I take that flush King again we  were talking about the best tool any RV can get   oh my gosh uh We've we've sold hundreds of those  from that last video so I'll show my setup right   here all set up with an old freshwater hose and  my sa drop well you see I have a pair of big black   gloves here I like to have the big thick ones just  to give me some protection but I got a new tip for   you today oh great blue gloves I wear multiple  pairs oh nice when you're out there in the hot   weather your hands get kind of sticky and sweaty  multiple pairs will take care of that no problem   at all so if you get a a pair of your gloves on  there you get a rip in them or tear if you have   multiple pairs on it PE them off and keep on going  that's a great tip yep and here we go the flush on   the black so this is going to be the this is going  to be the one this is it this is I'm not worried   about the gray but this black one is going to be  the The Telltale see how you've been doing okay   and it's not so much that it's clean coming out  right what are you looking for well yeah I mean   we always flush and I always recommend that  the people who are RV owners who are using   this uh this flush King here uh are uh doing it  until the water comes out perfectly clean that's   what we want is this perfectly clean water coming  out okay so right now it's going in so everybody   thinks well it looks really good well it's going  in uh so we're going to let that fill up to about   40 gallons and then we're going to pull this valve  and we're going to see how it looks after that it   might take you two maybe three flushes sometimes  to get uh things running nice and clear so Jim   we had a comment saying just get a cassette toilet  and not mess with all of this any thoughts on that   yeah cassette toilets are very popular in Europe  and basically there you're just kind of popping in   literally a cassette doing your business taking  them out and uh they are uh interesting I think   technology that uh may find its way into the  states uh a little bit more than it is already   but uh you may have a tough time uh convincing  the major manufacturers to convert from the plain   old holding tanks to the cassette version and I  guess maybe a close uh to that one would be the   composting toilet yeah you know we we we talk  about uh we were talking about in uh another   video about some things you can do uh if you're  boondocking or conserving water or something like   that the composting toilet is definitely one of  those options it's kind of a advanced level arvine   it's not for everybody uh but it is a good option  and it can help to conserve water if you do a lot   of boondocking it just takes a little bit of a  learning curve and just kind of get used to how   it works and what about uh like Beday now people  are putting Beday in RVs you if you have uh any   uh concerns about toilet paper then a bedet is a  great way to go uh we have more and more customers   who uh use those and uh I don't personally but  uh you know I've only heard good things about   them and I have another another tour with a couple  that uses of a day so I'll drop that down below in   the description as well if people want to you know  get an example of what that looks like absolutely   all right we're coming up to 40 gallons here okay  how clean will it be saw some toilet paper go by   couple little ones not concerned boy that's pretty  clean what are we thinking Jim well I'm thinking   I'm going to do one more flush okay so we're not  doing four we're just going to do two but okay I   I think I already have an idea of what what grade  you what the grade's going to be all right I don't   want to I don't I'm going to wait till the end  okay so maybe we can talk about the RV uh myth   uh different myths out there about this and or  mistakes okay um we kind of already talked about   the first one is uh you you don't have to use re  toilet paper that is correct you can use any kind   of toilet paper you want uh one ply two ply three  ply even four ply you want to use quilted lavender   scented go right ahead uh just make sure you use  two things number one use a lot of water when you   using the toilet fill it up do your business uh  flush it down fill it up again and flush it down   that's a minimum so two flushes two bowls full  of water is what you wanted to use and then the   toilet paper don't use a big giant tight ball of  it just be very sensible uh with your toilet paper   usage and I think this ties into another myth  but Lisa honey cut asked does adding bleach to   the water help with breaking down the sludge yeah  so um no it doesn't help at all in fact uh bleach   is one of those things you want to be very careful  about it's very costic it can damage the seals and   the poles in your tanks uh so you really don't  want to have bleach in there for very long uh   and there's no need to put it in there you're not  going to sanitize a black tank because it's never   going to be sanitary for one thing and the next  time you would use it it would be unsanitary as   well so bleach doesn't do any kind of breaking  down and if done correctly if you use your tanks   correctly that's a lot of water and not using  I have to stress this not using a tank additive   that breaks down liquefies or dissolves the waste  in there so you just want things kind of floating   around uh will give you the best tank possible so  if you're just using water watered water or water   and maybe our tank solution that we recommend  which is that combination of kelan and pine Sal   and water you're going to have a much healthier  tank it's going to drain better it's going to   smell better you're not going to have buildup in  there so you don't have to worry about that and   your tank sensors will probably work properly  and we'll share that formula at the end but I   think you just hit two Mists right there with that  so myth number two will say don't use bleach yes   and myth number three yep uh is you don't need  additives no not at all in fact you you don't   need to put anything in there you can just use  water and your tanks will be perfect but everybody   likes to put something in there and I get that  uh just be careful about putting those things in   that break down or liquefy or dissolve because  this is a whole in tank you don't want to turn   it into a septic tank where everything breaks  down into like a peanut butter or an oatmeal   and it's thick and it's sticky and it sticks to  sensors and it smells all the time well and you   know it's people don't want to waste their money  right that's true yeah I mean it's like there's   so many aftermarket RV products and stuff like  that and you know just save your money get the   stuff that works yep absolutely so Jim uh did  Denise asked uh great information any special   advice for Weekend Warriors that don't usually  fill the tanks in just a few days yeah that's   another good uh uh Point uh there is let's  say you're going out for the weekend you're   doing what you're doing it's time to go home on  Sunday or maybe on a Monday your tanks are maybe   a third full or so put some water in there to get  them up to at least 75% to 100% uh and that way   a full tank when you you pull these valves it's  going to create sort of a whirl poool and that's   going to help to keep things clean it's going to  evacuate those tanks quickly and uh you're just   going to have a healthier tank so adding water to  get the volume up is key and I think we can say   myth number four is leaving your gray tank open  oh myth or mistake oh that is one of my biggest   pet peeves I'll be honest with you okay uh you  can leave them open under two circumstances you   got a big family everybody's taking a shower you  know that Tank's going to fill up pretty quickly   you're going to be emptying it all the time um  so that's the one time you can leave it open   or if your rig has a washing machine you're doing  some laundry uh that tank fills up pretty quickly   it's okay to leave that gray open otherwise no  not at all uh keep it closed uh it'll help to   control odors coming up through the sewer pipe  uh it will keep a buildup of water in that gray   tank and just make everything healthier and  that reminds me Tom I do have a story for   you of something unusual uh one of our dealers  down in Tennessee was doing a cleaning and uh   needed to use some extra sewer pipe uh that the  customer had underneath their rig so he went and   grabbed it and he uh felt something in there  he wasn't sure what it was he dumped it out   and a big long black rat snake came out my gosh  that's the first time I've ever seen that happen I have a story I can share with you uh I was  disconnecting my RV and maybe I'll we'll get   through this process here since we're we're  seeing a couple things happen here y so there's   flush number two here flush number two little  bit of toilet paper in the beginning but I'm   seeing that pretty clean right now I always like  to look to see what happens at the end here and   uh boy that's uh that's pretty clean I like that  a lot and you w want to see the toilet paper come   out like that right yeah exactly we want uh as we  say in the industry we want floaters not sinkers   you don't want to see broken down toilet paper we  want to see big chunks of toilet paper coming out   that tells us that nothing is breaking down  in the in the tank okay no reason for that   to happen all right I think we're going to move  on to the gray okay good deal so we're going to   going to save revealing the the Mig grade till  later huh you got it okay so I haven't shared   this story of what I found inside of a sewer uh  hose once it was connected to the RV I just was   disconnecting it there was a huge toad oh in there  and it I mean it it scared me at first cuz it was   huge but it' been in there for weeks it's like  oh man yeah it's amazing uh what gets into the   different things you know we were talking about  some other uh odd things that come out we always   see uh toilet paper or toilet uh cleaning wands  come out or the cleaning wand heads come out all   the time uh I once had a can of energy drink come  out uh I had four cigar butts come out all at once   1 2 3 4 a lot of K kids toys pens uh wipes of all  different types so just be careful when you're in   the bathroom that you don't start dropping things  down and if you got kids you know kind of explain   to them what they can and can't do yeah I think  that's something we talked about before in that   other video is that our viers often know what  they should and shouldn't put in their tank but   then you have guests you have kids grandkids  and you never know you know how much they're   going to remember so Kathy asks just wondering  when you are using pressurized flush where does   the air go from the pressure do you have to leave  the toilet seat open good question so all tanks   have some sort of venting apparatus it's usually  a stand pipe that goes down into the tank usually   travels up the wall and there'll be a vent stack  or pipe up on top there and uh when you're doing   either uh our process or even using this uh flush  valve uh uh to clean your own tanks it does build   up some pressure of water and that's driving the  air and that typically goes right up that vent   uh pipe just like it's intended to to do and  uh everything should be fine so no need to uh   to open up the uh the toilet in fact uh we had  a report the other day of uh a customer who uh   overfilled their tanks and uh the fell had walked  away and came back and saw that there was uh about   50% more water he had put in than the tank would  have held and the unfortunate thing was uh his uh   partner inside had actually flushed the toilet  and literally the entire uh toilet tank kind   of exploded and coated the inside of the bathroom  every single thing I've heard those stories oh my   gosh yep yep so just be careful like we said this  is the one time you want to be paying attention to   what you're doing just focus if you have somebody  come up and ask a question or you get distracted   just turn things off just be careful I'm testing  you Jim by asking you questions while you're doing   this process if I was one of our new dealers they  would be uh instructed to turn off everything and   answer your question but uh I'm able to do two  things at once St I was going to say this is   probably part of your training it is it is you you  you're testing them while distracting them to see   what they're going to do that's exactly what we  do during training yes coming up to 40 gallons   here on your gray tank gray tanks remember we're  looking for mold or mildew uh chunks flakes uh any   anything like that most people do a really good  job of controlling or taking care of the food off   their plates they might scrape it into a garbage  can or they might have a strainer or something   in their uh sink so we don't really often see a  lot of food but we're looking here for some some   molder mildew that might have built up in in the  gray tank and so far think we're looking pretty   good well that was one one flush on the back I  think right right and one flush on the gray or did   we do two back there I don't remember uh we did  two here on the black so uh I don't know should   I reveal uh what your grade is now um I think we  have a few more questions to answer all right what   else we got and then we'll uh we'll share that  toward the end how about that that sounds good   and uh we always say use plenty of water in your  tanks again some of the tips uh use the two flush   method in the toilet when you're traveling a good  5 to 10 gallons in each of your tanks that's black   and gray that's sort of your traveling water empty  that out when you get to your next destination and   then before you start clean or start camping and  after every time you have emptied your tanks you   want to prime those tanks with a good three to  five gallons of water so really water is all you   need to be using in those tanks uh if you want to  do an additive I personally would stay away from   the uh stay away from the uh things that break  down liquefy or dissolve any kind of enzyme or   bacteria uh just converts your holding tank into  a septic tank a clean tank for uh 11 years now   we've been recommending this and we give it out  to all of our uh our customers we actually give   it out to everybody that asks for one um simply a  recipe of kelgan pinol and water kelgan you want   to use the kelgan from the bath Department that's  bath pearls which I understand are hard to find   these are the uh elusive bath pearls uh but you  can use uh bath beads which is more of a powder   or even a bath liquid but uh you're going to want  to use those in that tank solution and then any uh   scent of pinol you can use the original Pine lemon  lavender there's a new orange there's a new green   there's a new blue and there's a new red each with  a kind of different scent so any kind of uh smell   you like you can find in your Pinta mix that  up uh if you get one of our bottles the recipe   for it is right there on the bottle every piece  of marketing or promotion that we do this is my   business card and same for all of our dealers  has the recipe to make it on your own you can   make a gallon for about $5 it is the cheapest  tank solution you can use it is the best stuff   you'll put inside your tanks awesome well thanks  for sharing that Jim you got it I I've got some   questions related to that mixture and you may have  covered some of these but we'll uh we'll kind of   go through these here so Diane asks Calon ageless  bath beads not only is that very hard to find but   it's extremely expensive can the cheaper lavender  box of beads do okay thanks a bunch for the video   yep absolutely you can use the kelon bath per  or bath pearls bath PE beads which is more of a   powder or the bath liquid uh I do know that these  bath uh pearls uh which is what we recommend but   you can use any of the bath products is going  to be more readily available here in the fall so   just kind of keep a eye on the clean tank website  and I think you're all of a sudden going to find   that there's plenty of this around oh awesome and  Mike says that Calon is not available in Canada   is there an alternative to Calgon actually kelgan  is more available in Canada than it is right now   in the United States uh you can find it at the  Walmart's up there as well as some of the drug   stores uh pretty readily available Greg asks uh  fantastic video with so much helpful information   we have a new Flag Staff 21 fbrs that we will  use about once a month should we store it in   between trips with 3 to four gallons of water and  the calagon pinea solution in the tanks ah good   question so my personal rule to thumb is that if  you are going to be using your RV within 30 days   that you can store it with some liquid in there  that's a pretty good amount of uh water to put in   there and you could put some of our tank solution  as well after 30 days personally I like to have   them uh dry or emptied out and then again remember  as you're about to drive to your next uh camping   destination that's when you're going to put that  traveling water in there 5 to 10 gallons per tank   so Jim uh what if people have concern about the  pine oil and the pine yeah that's a good question   um so pinol uh actually stopped using pine oil  in pinea in 1982 and the concern is that pine   oil is a pretty costic chemical they actually did  start adding it back into the original pine scent   uh Pine saw but it's at such a low concentration  it's more of a fragrance than anything else uh but   if you do have a concern about it then you can use  any of the other scented Pine saws that don't have   any pine oil at all and I'll just kind of reduce  this question down a little bit uh she says that   uh they have a massat uh built into their RV will  your service still work uh depending on the type   of murator uh we uh can generally get around the  murator into the tanks it's kind of specific to   the type of RV uh it's a good question if you're  going to um call us up and arrange service that   you mention that ahead of time uh so we can  sort of ask some questions we might want some   pictures uh but uh generally speaking yes we  can work around the murator and John Brown has   a suggestion so if needing High ratio of waste to  water in the black tank could you not just fill a   tank oneir or more uh full with the flush every  time after you empty it seems like that should   eliminate most problems rather than spending 2  to three minutes flushing extra water through the   toilet after each use uh yeah so what he's talking  about is basically priming the tanks and putting   some water in there uh to kind of start out your  your experience or or or restarting it after you   empty the tanks that's what we recommend um but  still most our viers don't use enough water so   just using a couple extra flushes when you use  the toilet it's always smart and asks uh I am   curious would hot or warm water under the same  pressure be better uh hot water or warm water   would be better in our process uh we're trying  to uh figure an economical way of doing that   without some very large and expensive OnDemand  water heating unit uh but uh one of the things   related to hot water that we always recommend  if you have a toilet clog which we can handle   handle but maybe one of our dealers can't get to  you right away uh that dealer will help you to uh   resolve temporarily that clog using hot water  I wouldn't go ahead and start dumping it down   make sure you talk to one of our dealers but  hot water uh does do a good job sometimes of   dissolving and that reminds me of something else  that if somebody does accidentally put something   down there in their tank and then they get really  concerned how like if uh somebody tosses a can of   beer down there uh how bad is that and is that  something you can take care of yeah so uh those   types of large obstructions can really be a cause  of concern because they can wedge themselves into   uh that drain opening for instance and they can  really cause quite a backup so um if that ever   happens if somebody accidentally drop something in  I would suggest that they give one of our dealers   a call right away and let them know uh I would  say a high percentage of the time our process   can get that out so your uh tanks today we did  uh the back one the front two and I will say for   being 11 months in you've got three A's oh my gosh  yeah woohoo yeah those were some pretty darn clean   tanks we're doing exactly what we taught you  to do or what you've been doing so it's you're   doing just great that's great well well thank you  Jim I appreciate that well Jim I can't thank you   enough for coming out here today you know uh I  did not expect my tanks to be that clean three I   mean that's not very often you probably give that  grade out uh I can probably count very few times   indeed yeah okay couple A's here and there but  I can't remember the last three AER I gave wow   and so with that how long would you say I should  go until the next cleaning 3 A's uh normally will   be two years but you're a full-timer so maybe  we'll see in a year just to see if you can keep   things going okay don't slack off is what you're  telling me that's right that's right okay I guess   it's important to say that uh you know you are  still adding dealers if people are interested in   that absolutely all of your contact information  will be down below in the description and the   pinned comment yep uh so they can reach out to  you with questions absolutely um and keep the   question coming because I'm sure we'll run into  you again and we'll get more of these questions   answered make sure you hit that subscribe button  because we've recorded even more videos with Jim   about this topic so actually we'll put one  of those videos up right over here right now
Channel: EnjoyTheJourney.Life
Views: 63,556
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Keywords: RV, RV living, RV life, RV living full time, Travel full time, RV newbie, how to RV, RV upgrade, RVing, rv living for beginners, rv life full time, rv lifestyle, rv travel, full time rv living, rv travel vlog, rv tank cleaning, rv tank flush, rv black tank flush, rv black tank cleaning, rv black tank clog, rv black tank smell, rv black tank treatment, rv black tank sensor cleaning, rv grey water tank cleaning, Tom & Cheri, enjoy the journey.life, Ford, F450, e bike, RV tip
Id: yW7gT067ZaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 45sec (2745 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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