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where Nick and Jenna and we have just arrived in Prague czechia and we want to show you the top 10 best things to do in this beautiful city in this episode you'll see us try lots of delicious foods as there's so much on offer see some really interesting sculptures look at the stunning views those Red Roofs never get old the cathedrals and stained glass windows are absolutely beautiful we remembered to have lots of fun along the way and we even had our first video bomber you all know Zoe by now she is one of my best friends and we've been traveling with her for a week now because she has been living and studying abroad in Amsterdam welcome to Prague we just dropped off our luggage because our apartment is not quite ready yet and the first thing on our list is to go and see the Old Town Square [Music] welcome to the main square look how pretty this place is that's a very cool buildings here so many colors are we doing this I'm doing the spin we're doing this very nice good spin I like it we are five minutes to midday and we're waiting at the astrological clock to see it do its little thing a couple of things we learned because we overheard a tour guide the red part Rose when there's longer days during summer but currently it is smaller because the days are shorter we learned that there are three golden circles you can use them to track when the solstices are and when the summer and the winter equinoxes are so the longest and shortest days and something else which is crazy that I could do that because it was placed on the side of this clock tower in 14 40 1410 even earlier they were able to figure that out that long ago there's some history for you trying our first chimney cakes I chose the chocolate and strawberry one if I just bite it we're gonna try all of them I've only got two days only two days to try all of them basically a donut with a hole in it and then they filled it with chocolate and strawberries can't get any better [Music] we're currently walking down the very famous bridge in Prague Charles bridge it's pretty Grand and the big arch back there is pretty impressive and it has some like golden statues on it which are really pretty and there's just statues all the way along this bridge very cool uh we are currently heading to a very special Fountain I don't know what it's called but you're going to see it in a second so this is the little fountain that we've been wanting to find it is called kiss Fountain and it was made by I can't remember the name now but we'll put it on the screen what we think it is Fountain is in the shape of the Czech Republic and they are peeing out letters hope I explained that right there's any information I miss and for the name of the artist we'll put that up on the screen now oh [Music] from our balcony of our apartment that we're staying in in Prague how cool is this this view is amazing very cool also last night didn't do too much after we left off just had a quiet evening cook some dinner yeah organized dinner went to bed this morning we're back out exploring this very beautiful city got a few things to do so we better get going let's go oh no it's not spinning at the moment we're on our way to visit a castle here in Prague we've come across our great Nemesis again upstairs almost there climbing away Up Up and Up made it and what a nice view we are currently inside Prague castle and we are just in front of Saint Vitus Cathedral how crazy is that it's stunning yeah [Music] thank you [Music] thank you all right we went in here about 11 o'clock 11 o'clock uh there was absolutely no in the line now yeah I think we just stuck in the right time no line when we came here off season make sure you come in the morning [Music] they're back where are we going now Jenna all the way to the top this hill which has basically the proud version of the Eiffel Tower Patron Hill is supposed to have very nice views after this walk yes [Music] I don't know we made it to Patron Hill it's a baby Eiffel Tower now we've seen both we just haven't seen the one in Las Vegas yet oh you have yeah what do we have here more stairs we're going to the top of the picture observation Town observation tower my legs are gonna be so strong oh it's so close it's all about motivation I think us calling it the mini Eiffel Tower just made us underestimate how big it actually is and uh three two one all right that was pretty cool you got some good views up there it's a little bit of a walk if you're using the stairs but if you wanted to take the elevator it's like double the price it was constructed in 1891 and then reconstructed in 2000 and it was originally a telephone we found a park and I think they found a trampoline did you roll your ankle oh dear I can't take it anywhere Jenna my foot got caught under the spiky thing okay I'm good now oh wow so much fun [Music] well that was Andy climactic George wow it's hard work no no ah yeah okay laughs alrighty basically the music in here was way too loud and we were going to get demonetized and that's not following the guidelines so I'm just gonna voice over this part for you guys we wanted to let you know that we were at Manifesto market and that the chips here are amazing they're fresh cut and we had them with sour cream and chives we then realized that our Taco plates were ready this was like a mix plate of all different types of tacos they were amazing and so fresh then we had some drinks Nick had a cocktail and I had some red wine followed by dessert of course we all had a delicious donut to finish it off foreign [Music]
Channel: Nik and Jenna
Views: 615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: prague, czechia, prague czechia, czech republic, top 10, things to do, things to see, top 10 things to see and do in prague czechia, vlog, travel, travel couple, food, views, petrin hill observation tower, observation tower, chimney cakes, astrological clock prague, astrological clock, charles bridge, charles bridge prague, prague castle, old town square, old town, Manifesto Market, Piss sculpture, St. Vitus Cathedral, Franz Kafka, rotating head sculpture prague, trending
Id: ui9sP8evZr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 3sec (543 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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