TOP 30 Things to Do in Prague (First-Timers Travel Guide)

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hi guys my name is Valerie and I'm a real  Prague guide real because I am a licensed   tour guide in Prague and in this video  I'm gonna share my top 30 things to do   in Prague especially if it's your first  time visiting even if it's your second   time you will still enjoy this video  because you probably don't remember much   since you had a lot of Czech beer anyway  let's go to our number one Prague Castle Prague Castle is the largest ancient castle  complex in the world according to Guinness   Book of World Records this is where the history  of Prague and Bohemia started so it is definitely   a must see one building you have to see the  Interiors of in the castle is Saint Vitus   Cathedral you can see two front chapels for free  but the rest of the cathedral requires a ticket   speaking of which Prague Castle is free to visit  but you have to have a ticket to enter certain   buildings for example Saint Vitus Cathedral or Old  Royal Palace we highly recommend only getting the   tickets here in the castle at the official cash  desks please be very careful with buying tickets   online because there is a bunch of fraudulent  websites that will be selling those tickets for   twice as much including services that don't  exist for example skip-the-line skipping the   line in the castle is only possible for the  guides to buy tickets to the attractions it   is not possible to keep the line to enter the  attractions our third recommendation is a quiet   little neighborhood called Mala Strana aka the  Lesser Town where every corner is photo worthy we recommend visiting four sites in  the Lesser town Saint Nicholas church   famous for its gorgeous frescoes  that will make your head spin Kampa Island an oasis of relaxation and art  of the Lesser town we will talk about art a   bit later John Lennon wall the monument  to freedom of speech and fight against   communism we made a whole video about the  wall its history and controversy surrounding   it the Petrin Tower aka miniature Eiffel  Tower of Prague it has two platforms one   outside one inside by the way you do need  a ticket to enter and if you are as lucky   as we are the elevator will be broken  and you will have to walk up the stairs you are gonna do a lot of walking in Prague  and the best way to replenish your energy is   of course eating Czech traditional food we  made the whole video about the dishes that   you should try when you're visiting Prague  but in short Czech traditional food is meat   with more meat and a little bit of bread in  it the best match for this one is of course   Czech beer Czechs are actually the biggest beer  drinking nation in the world and if you think   that it's your nation you're wrong and if you  want to argue about it do it in the comments   make tasting Czech food and water uh I mean  beer your number one priority and set out for   a new adventure in the old town of Prague with  a full stomach Old Town is the heart of Prague   and that heart beats to its own drum we made so  many videos about sights of the Old Town it's   historical events and curious facts yet never  came close to covering everything we wanted   [Music] [Music] nowadays old town is  pretty much taken over by tourists   you can find hidden quiet corners there as  well but that is for another video [Music]   what is the most famous site of the Old Town you  should visit? Astronomical Clock obviously! this   mind-blowing mechanism has been counting times  since 1410 Vaclav can teach you how to read it and   I can tell you why people still argue if the clock  is overrated what you need to do is to watch the   astronomical clock show at least once if you want  to beat the crowds go to the earliest one at 9am   if you are not traveling to Prague on  Christmas or Easter when a seasonal   market occupies every square head to  the oldest still working market of   the Old Town which opened in 1232 - Havel's  Market. Not everything there is traditional,   but you can still find some interesting  things you can get as souvenirs another area in the Old Town we recommend  visiting is Josefov or Jewish quarter it is   basically a giant museum situated inside of  synagogues so you can spend half of your day   exploring and learning about the history of one  of the most preserved Jewish quarters in Europe   you should also try to find the statue of its most  famous resident Franz Kafka who was born in Prague   and lived here most of his life a surprising fact  to some of you who didn't watch our new video   about Franz Kafka if you did you know that Franz  Kafka enjoyed spending his time at cafes and that   is another thing you should do in Prague pick  a coffee place that you like we made a list of   the most beautiful ones and enjoy your warm drink  and no it's not being lazy it's a cultural pastime   my next recommendation is an unpopular opinion  despite what people say the touristy Old Town   Square is worth looking at if you ignore the  crowds and the trumpery of souvenir stores you   will be able to enjoy its amazing architecture  let's look at some beautiful buildings on the   square we have Gothic House of the stone Bell some  historians even say that Charles IV was born in   this house next to it we have Golz-Kinsky Palace  it is built in Baroque style of architecture with   Rococo decorations gorgeous kind of looks like a  cake but it's a vibe on this side of the square   we have a lot of smaller buildings people always  ask us what it is it used to be a publishing house   and a bookstore this was not an attack of course  you can see the beautiful Gothic Tyn church it's   a very iconic building for the square and the  opposite side of the square we have a yellow   building that sticks out this is now used by  the ministry of interior development again   looks like a cake which we don't mind because  we like cakes speaking of cakes and pastries,   we recommend tasting at least one traditional  Czech pastry check out our video to learn about   the most delicious ones the three pillars  of Prague tourism are Astronomical Clock,   Prague Castle, and the romantic Charles Bridge and  though we are not filming this video on Christmas   and that's why it's so busy it is that busy pretty  much every day whatever you want to see you will   see on this bridge dogs without leashes children  crying their parents climbing the statues with no   sight of police or order just pure chaos just  how I like it we recommend and dare you to get   up at 5am to see this bridge relatively empty it  will be just you the runners and the photographers   good luck waking up and beating the crowds if you  are wondering where are we because this is one of   the unique views of the Charles bridge we are  on the Lesser Town Tower of the Charles bridge   and yeah we still have to climb and our next tip  for you guys is of course find one of those towers   that you can climb I mean there are many you can  take an elevator on top of the tower of the Old   Town Hall and have the iconic view of the Old Town  Square from there you can also climb another Tower   of the Charles bridge on the opposite side and  this is how the view will look like from there   this Tower is often overlooked but let's go up  and see what the view is going to be like foreign because I scolded a guy who was scratching  his and his girlfriend's initials on the   tower and yeah I thought that he will  defenestrate me but luckily I survived [Music]   let's look at something different [Music]   Wenceslas Square was a background for many  historical events you will like it if you   enjoy modern architecture it is a business  district though but if you are here make   sure to say hi to Saint Wenceslas the patron  saint of Czech lands and if you have time visit   the National Museum it is famous for its large  collection of exhibits and its stunning Interiors if you're a sucker for gorgeous old rooms  that look like Beauty and the Beast cartoon   we recommend visiting Strahov Library Belle would  approve! please remember that the basic entrance   ticket doesn't cover the tour of the libraries  you will see them only from the threshold [Music] you can also see the rest of Strahov Monastery  and visit its famous Brewery to taste Saint   Norbert beer and check out their viewpoint [Music]  [Applause] now let's kill two birds with one stone   save our feet and do another top thing on our  list take a tram the most famous Prague vehicle but before you do make sure to watch  our video about mistakes tourists make   while using public transport  we don't want you to get fined   you will need to use public  transport to get to our next spot   it is located on the edge of the city center  Vysehrad Fortress I always emphasize that   it is a fortress because nothing much  survived from the former Vysehrad Castle   today it is a nice park with historical cemetery  and the cool views of the city center [Music]   right below you can find an extremely  popular hangout spot Naplavka if weather   allows it grab a drink here following  the riverbank line you will get to the   Dancing House your next top thing to do is to  dance in front of the Dancing House [Music]   come on let's celebrate now we are in the  new town we made a whole video about this   place and what to see here among New Town sites  you will find this statue the rotating head of   Franz Kafka by David Cerny which brings me  to our next recommendation Prague is famous   for its beautiful architecture and art so our  next top thing to do in Prague for you guys is   to try find statues of David Cerny they're sort  of scattered all over the city center you will   find giant sculptures of babies that look like  ***rtion survivors you will see two men peeing on   the contour of the Czech Republic clearly speaks  of the author's love for his homeland right or   Sigmund Freud who is hanging on the last thread  of the passing Millennium or this the embryo I   know what **** but that is the question that you  often ask yourself when you see statues of David   Cerny if you have a spare day on your Prague  vacation and you already have seen enough of   sites or you have kids and wondering where to take  them I recommend visiting Prague Zoo you can spend   the whole day exploring it just don't visit on  a public holiday to avoid the crowds [Music] a bonus thing to do if you're lost in  Prague or missing some company we are   happy to help because we run free tours  every day go to our website to sign up   and explore Prague with my wonderful  smart funny and charming friends and   colleagues I swear they didn't make  me say that see you guys in Prague bye
Channel: Real Prague Guides
Views: 153,668
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Keywords: prague, prague attractions, prague castle, prague city guide, prague czech republic, prague czechia, prague things to do, prague top attractions, prague travel guide, prague travel vlog, things to do in prague, top 10, travel guide, travel guide prague, what to do in prague
Id: 8l_Du0GGqqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 09 2023
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