Top 10 Things to do in Prague 2023 | Czech Republic Travel Guide

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Prague has been nicknamed the city of a thousand spiers for good reason as you glance over its 1 100 year old Skyline you'll be rewarded with Splendid views of lovely domed churches and soaring old Towers had combined to make Prague one of the world's architectural gems in this video we're going to be taking a look at the top 10 rated attractions and things to do in Prague and just wait till you see the top two something you may not even have thought of so make sure you watch till the end now before we begin make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more awesome travel guides and make sure to hit the notification Bell so that you know when we publish a new video so now let's cut to the chase at 10 enjoy free art at the municipal house the Prague Municipal house is widely considered one of the finest examples of Art Nouveau in the City built in 1912 this Splendid Civic building is also home to one of prague's most important and largest concert venues smetana Hall and boasts numerous striking features from its Sumptuous facade with a large mural on the arch above the second floor balcony to the large Dome that rests behind and above the arch the interior is equally impressive and includes many fine stained glass windows and important paintings while English language guided tours are available including a chance to see otherwise closed ceremonial rooms one of the best ways to enjoy this Landmark is to take in a concert or sample its Cafe restaurants and luxury Boutique shops next up at nine see world-class exhibitions at the National Gallery in Prague spread across some of the city's most important architectural landmarks the National Gallery in Prague is home to some of Europe's most important art collections the bulk of the collection is housed in the Village New Palace a relatively modern structure built in 1925 that holds the 19th to 21st century works while there's a strong emphasis on Czech artists foreign artists such as Monet and Picasso are included as are other art forms such as photography fashion applied arts and sculpture other notable works are held in the kingski palace home to an Asian art art from the ancient world and the gallery's Baroque Collections and at the convent of Saint Agnes of bohemia where you'll find European art from the Middle Ages finally The Splendid 17th century Sternberg Palace houses some of the gallery's most famous pieces focusing on European art from the classical era to the end of the Baroque Period and including important ancient Greek and Roman pieces hopefully not actual pieces 14th to 16th century Italian masterpieces and 16th to 18th century works by artists such as El Greco Goya Rubens Van Dyke Rembrandt and Van goyen foreign the Church of our Lady before teen one of prague's most recognizable buildings is the Church of our Lady before teen often abbreviated to Simply tin Church well you would wouldn't you unmistakable for its twin 80 meter tall spiers flanking each side of the building each supporting four smaller spiers its main entrance is through a narrow passage past the houses obscuring its facade although completed in the 15th century the church was altered numerous times through the centuries as the city's allegiances changed and while interior Renovations are ongoing there's still much worth seeing including numerous fine tombs the superb Gothic Northern portal with its crucifixion sculpture early Baroque altar-piece paintings dating from 1649 and one of Europe's finest 17th century pipe organs afterwards be sure to explore the 11th century unguiled Courtyard behind the church with its many fine restaurants and cafes another Splendid old church worth visiting is the Baroque Church of the Virgin Mary with its famous statue of the Infant Jesus said to have been responsible for miracles and still a point of pilgrimage next up at number 7 Saint Vitus Cathedral situated within the grounds of Prague Castle the Roman Catholic Saint Vitus Cathedral is the Czech Republic's largest and most important Christian Church seat of the Archbishop of Prague it's also home to the tombs of numerous Saints and three Bohemian Kings founded on the site of a Romanesque rotunda built in 8925 the cathedral was started in 1344 and took more than 525 years to complete wow sleeping on the job resulting in a mix of modern neo-gothic and 14th century Gothic Styles along with Baroque and Renaissance influences be sure to keep an eye out for the impressive Gargoyles adorning the exterior of the cathedral interior highlights include stunning stained glass windows depicting the Holy Trinity a mosaic from 1370 the last judgment and the saint Wenceslas Chapel with its spectacular duel encrusted altar with more than 1300 precious stones also of note although rarely displayed are the Czech Crown Jewels on average they're exhibited just once every eight years be sure to make the climb up the cathedral's 97 meter main tower for splendid views over Prague might give that a Miss visitors are also welcome to attend cathedral mass now at six stop by the Old Town Square and the astronomical clock the historic center of Prague the old town is where you'll find The Splendid Old Town Square well I suppose you would wouldn't you one of the best places to begin exploring the city here you'll find the tin church and the clementinum along with numerous other fine old churches as well as Splendid old architecture dating back as far as the 11th century while the Jewish quarter Joseph is just a short walk North a highlight is the Old Town Hall home to the wonderful early 15th century astronomical clock each hour it Springs to life as The Twelve Apostles and other figures appear and parade in procession across the clock face other Old Town Hall highlights are the gothic doorway leading to its Splendid interior with its art exhibits and displays a chapel built in 1381 and well an old prison be sure to make the ascent not to the prison by stairs or elevator to the top of the Old Town Hall tower for its fine views over Prague few had been worried there for a moment [Music] at five visit the Clementine and the National Library the Clementine one of the largest collections of historic buildings in Europe is home to the National Library of the Czech Republic these beautiful Baroque buildings were originally part of a Jesuit college and later came to house the Jesuit book collection as well as the collection from the Carolina the library eventually became the property of the state after the Jesuits were expelled and the clementinum became a public library in 1782 shortly after being constituted as the National Library with more than guess what six million books The clementiniums Collection is huge and includes copies of every book published in the Czech Republic a highlight is the Exquisite Baroque Library Hall with its beautiful ceiling artwork the 68 meter tall astronomical Tower with its spectacular views over Prague and The Splendid mirror Chapel with its Exquisite Decor English language guided tours are available and last approximately 50 minutes for a truly memorable experience the clementinum is also used as a venue for jazz events classical concerts and festivals and now at 4 explore the treasures at the national museum fresh from a seven year long renovation the national museum in Prague is spread across a number of locations and houses numerous important collections representing a variety of fields with literally millions of items covering mineralogy zoology anthropology and Archeology as well as the Arts and Music the entomology collection alone numbers more than 5 million specimens hope you've got lots of time the oldest Museum in the Czech Republic it was established in the early 1800s before moving to its current location in 1891. a particularly enjoyable highlight is the archeology exhibit with its extensive collection of first and second century Roman artifacts along with numerous bronze and early Iron Age finds another Museum to include on your must visit list is the excellent National Technical Museum which documents the many technological advances the country has contributed to including displays of machinery and equipment built here over the years from automobiles to aircraft foreign Square a highlight of prague's Newtown District an area that grew out of the city's need to expand as it prospered is the wonderful Wenceslas Square home to the National Museum and numerous other architectural Treasures named after the patron saint of bohemia whose statue can be seen here once a slash Square was created in the 14th century during the reign of Charles IV as a horse market and has since become one of the city's most important public spaces still used for demonstrations and celebrations alike a visit today is a fun experience and undoubtedly one of the top free things to do in Prague and will introduce visitors to some of the city's best dining and restaurant experiences as well as great shopping great if you are visiting Prague in December it's also the site of the city's largest Christmas Market now next up at number two stroll across Charles bridge one of the most recognizable old bridges in Europe magnificent Charles bridge boasts 32 unique points of interest along its 621 meter span built in 1357 the bridge has long been the subject of a great deal of superstition including the builders having laid the initial Bridgestone on the 9th of July at exactly 5 31 am nothing wrong in that you might think a precise set of numbers one three five seven nine seven five three one believed to give the structure additional strength if you say so the added good measure it was constructed in perfect alignment with the tomb of Saint Vitus and the Setting Sun on the Equinox that's a bit more like it the British particularly famous for its many fine old statues among the most important are those of Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV and John of nepemuck the country's most revered Saint unveiled in 1683 a more recent Superstition involves rubbing the plucket at the base of the statue for the granting of a wish must remember that other highlights include spectacular views over the river of vultava and the structure's superb Gothic Gates viewing Charles bridge at night is also highly recommended and added benefit are the smaller crowds particularly after the spectacular sunset and finally at number one walk the grounds of Prague Castle located in prague's radkani neighborhood Prague Castle once the home of bohemia's Kings is today the official residence of the Czech Republic's president and one of the city's most visited tourist attractions originally built as a walled Fortress around ad 870 the castle has changed dramatically over the years and contains examples of most of the leading architectural styles of the last Millennium within the castle walls are a number of prague's most popular tourist sites including Saint Vitus cathedral St George's Basilica the powder Tower the old Royal Palace and the golden Lane the largest Castle complex in the world this vast Fortress requires considerable time to tour but it's time well spent apparently particularly rewarding are the excellent views over the voltava river with the old town and its many beautiful spiers in the background highlights include the old Royal palace's main hall the vladislav hall so large it could be used for jousting tournaments yes really and staircases wide enough to allow mounted Knights to use them mounted Knights you mean on a horse be sure to also spend time in the Royal Garden dating back to 1534 and home to a number of superb old buildings including the Ballgame Pavilion the Royal summer house with its singing fountain and the Lions Court don't ask the best way to fully explore the castle is on a Prague Castle walking tour including admission tickets also check the Castle's official website for news and updates regarding cultural events such as classical music concerts lectures and workshops one of the top things to do at night in Prague is to find a good spot from which to enjoy the castle illuminations that light This Magnificent structure in a range of Hues in fact basing yourself in a hotel in the vicinity of Prague Castle is a good idea so you can experience the City highlights by day and by night [Music] and there you have the top 10 rated attractions and things to do in Prague did you like what you saw let us know in the comments down below share this video with your friends and don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more fantastic travel guides that's all for now until next time [Music] thank you
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Keywords: trip xtreme, travel, top 10, prague czech republic, prague travel guide, prague things to do, what to do in prague, things to do in prague, prague tourism, places to visit in prague, prague places to visit, prague attractions, prague city guide, prague travel, prague tour, prague travel vlog, visit prague, prague 2023, prague czechia, prague city, prague top attractions, prague castle, prague top 10, things to see in prague, prague trip, where to visit in prague
Id: GzeaUjK7gqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2023
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