How To See The Best Of Prague In 4 Hours

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hello and welcome to prague are you visiting our lovely city and you only got couple hours or maybe half a day well we are here to help you give you some tips on what to see so if you have your regular guidebook maybe you can use that and add a little spiciness of the honest guide so we can show you some hidden tips we're starting here on wencesla square where this famous statue of saint vances losses but did you know there's one that is upside down let me show you we have entered the luzerna passage which is not only a walkable passage where you can go through but also a place where you can stand under the same pencils on a horse that is upside down and as the people in prague say that they will meet under the horse's tail you can not only meet under the horse's tail but also under his tongue or simply under him this passage is actually mainly not famous for this horse but for the movie theater that is here that usually premieres new check movies and films and you can go up on the balcony to take a cool picture of the horse speaking of the horse it is not the only heavy thing that you can stand under in this passage and just as i said not only a horse but also a piano is hanging in this passage and it is here for a reason it is here to advertise the fact that not only you can walk through the passage but you can actually go to the top of the building to the rooftop this way to get to the rooftop you can obviously walk up the stairs but who would walk up the stairs when you can use the cool paternoster elevator please read the signs only two people at a time and no strollers [Music] and of course in this elevator you just push a virtual button and it will get you to the rooftop [Music] not only the palace we're on is very spread out and serves different purposes also the roof dust it is spread out and serves different events that take place here you can also read some stuff about the history of the palace and of the rooftop but mainly you can enjoy the view not only of the prague castle that is pretty obvious but you can also see the tip of the national museum and if you like to play a game how about you count all the towers and church towers you can see from here please keep in mind that the rooftop is only opened on weekends and if you come here i recommend coming later in the afternoon or evening-ish because the sun is setting usually right behind the castle so it will make some nice instagram photos [Music] up from the sky we get back to the ground and i would like to take you for a tour of the proc underground did you know that we had a tube postal system that used to be running in prague from the main post office to the prague castle at the speeds of 30 kilometers per hour the shipment could be delivered within eight minutes unfortunately the floods that happened to prague in 2002 destroyed the system so it's no longer working but there's something right below us that i can show you that is quite interesting and most people will miss it even though we're under the wenceslas square on one of the busiest metro station there is in prague the station is not called wencesla square it is called bridge now why the hell is it called the bridge well because there used to be a bridge connecting the old town with the new town of course the city is uh gaining elevation so eventually uh the bridge was gone but i'm really happy that they kept this remaining right here in the station not too many people notice now you will hopefully when you get in or out of the metro [Music] we're on an amnesty republican republic square and there's this very famous shopping mall called paladium where most people or many people like to hang out in the food court but there's one tip or one interesting thing we want to show you that most people actually miss right as they enter most people actually let me rephrase that all the people going through this door go to the shopping mall and not too many actually none of them notice this board that says that the words for our national anthem where is my home were written right here in 1834 1834 this building was a little bit different not a shopping mall with starbucks and burger king so don't imagine yosef kaitan still eating a whopper sipping on a frappuccino and writing where is my home where is my home he was a furious no idea how to translate it holden said will help me google it and put it in the title here let's move on [Music] around the beautiful municipal house we turned to see the powder gate not only you can climb up on top of it but i would also like to tell you why does it have the name of powder gate well not because there's powder on it but because they used to store gun powder inside the tower that's how it got the name now if that's too historical for you you can turn the other way onto this building and look at the top where you cannot go because a very bright czech artist has his atelier there he's very popular he's i don't know the reference he's like more popular than pewdiepie in our country his name is kobe he's our great friend and you can check out his videos they're in check but he has one hell of a view hey kobe hi guys they are so sweet in the studio yeah i'm much more famous than pewdiepie true [Music] cool guy we have moved to a place that i doubt you would skip on your trip to prague this is the old town square astronomical clock most people gather here on the hour to see the apostles turn around but i believe the best sightseeing of this is just in between the full hours and discover how the clock actually works we have a full video on that so you can watch it or get a proper guide that would explain you here on the spot in a very brief nutshell if you locate the sun with the hand it will show you what time it is but also it will tell you if the sun is in the blue part it's a day if it's in the orange reddish part it's dusk and if it's in the dark part it's night not only that you can actually see the clock from behind if you enter the building buy a ticket uh it will include the tower at the top and also a look at the clock from behind and there's one more thing i want to show you just around the corner you're done trying to understand the astronomical clock which may take a couple years uh come around the corner to see this place where in 1621 27 czech men were executed on this spot a very interesting story that you can look up but if i were you i would do a recount of the crosses because they're supposed to be 27 of them and they don't add up why is it so maybe somebody can explain in the comments so if i were you i would look it up [Music] on our way from old town square we actually took a turn from the main tourist path where all the tourists go into this house where johannes kepler used to live that's not the only interesting fact about this place another one is hidden here in this sort of passage and that's a look at the prague castle's cathedral before it was finished as you can see it's missing the two front towers because believe it or not it took them almost 600 years to finish this masterpiece not only this but in general this is a tip from us if you're on the main tourist path take a detour get lost take a turn and you may discover places like these [Music] we have approached the square leading up to the charles bridge named after charles iv whose statue you can see right there with all the students admiring him but i think they have a wrong angle at looking at charles iv so i have a sort of a dad joke that my dad and grandpa used to tell me that if you correct yourself at the right angle which jons is about to do right now you will see charles iv peeing on the city of prague but as i mentioned charles bridge there actually was a bridge before that was called the judith bridge and i thought there are no remainings from the bridge well there actually are these stones these rocks right here in the corner are believe it or not from the previous bridge that was here before the charles before the 14th century and if you're looking and curious about what this column is it's the wine column and it actually used to be in the middle of the path to the bridge but it was in a way of people so they simply placed it here in the corner [Music] one of the most popular statues and most popular spots here on the bridge is the saint john of nepal mooc and people quite often as they pass by stop here to rub this dog for good luck because you can see it's been rubbed before right well here's the origin of the rubbing of the dog it actually started in the 90s when two students got drunk and cleaned it so it looks like people are touching it for a long time but they were the one who started this silly crazy tradition that all the tourists just simply followed by the way the story i just told you was a tiny bit of what you can find in terms of stories on the charles bridge each statue has one and the statue of saint john nepomuk has a very strong one that you should look up and also it's actually one of the most popular saints to be portrayed as a statue i was taking selfies today as we were walking along with honza and i found a few let's see if you can find more in prague there are many [Music] from the charles bridge we turned onto an island called kampa and eventually landed right here in this new spot that we've already shown you it's the scouts institute called the fish house because uh it's popular right next to the river but also a czech film regarding fish and creatures human-like that were associated with fish i used to live here that's why you can buy sweets that look like fish and have a lemonade or beer and sit right here by the river which is a really really cool spot [Music] so this was our four hour very random mix walk through prague with some fun facts we actually did also have a time to stop for a lunch but we forgot to film it so i took a picture of hanza as he was finishing his delicious meal in lucerna palace daba restaurant very good as we walk in prague we never walk from a to b there's always things to see along the way for example today with honza we were looking at all the house signs there are wait this is not a house sign that's a tad but there are many in prague and you can watch them and look for them as you walk through also the passage we showed you not the only one just when you cross the street there's another one that sells great ice cream great candy and we showed you a place to eat down in the basement there as well so prague is full of cool spots and if you want another walk where we just randomly pick places and walk you around let us know in the comments below this is hanza the fish and yannick and i will see you next week on honest guide two dudes from prague making videos about the city and in the end i'm going to teach you a check word and this time it's how to say little fish which in check is ribica a fish regular is riba but a small fish is ribica and it's also a pocket knife in a shape of a fish so if you say ribica most people will associate it with the knife not the little fish
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Keywords: prague, praha, czech, czech republic, janekrubes, janek rubes, honest guide, honest prague guide, honest, guide, travel guide, honest janek, honest janek rubes, honza mikulka, janek rubes guide, czechia, visit czech republic, travel blog, what to do, what to see, where to go, in prague, budget, cheap, kluci z prahy, walk, tour, tourguide, without tour guide, solo travel, prague walk, walk prague, how to see, best to see, rooftop, statue, charles bridge, astronomical clock, history
Id: Sz_kXQ-Z0Ew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Sun May 15 2022
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