Top 10 Things That Are Remembered About Vanilla WoW

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Oh, and ACTUALLY, I was a DPS warrior in vanilla :^)

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/JevonP 📅︎︎ Nov 18 2017 🗫︎ replies

The video opens with the idea that warriors cannot dps in Vanilla. Hard to recover any credibility after that.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/gnogg 📅︎︎ Nov 18 2017 🗫︎ replies
what did they be good or bad these are ten things that people use as arguments for classic Wow service ten things that are remembered about vanilla Wow number ten only having one speck per class are you a warrior who won two DPS no you weren't you were a tank you want it to be a Shadow Priests do you PvP no the nearer healer a holy priest healer to be exact no one went full disk were you a druid who wanted to do anything in raid no you were there to give innervate to the helix the holy priests healers specs weren't really balanced like they are today you were lucky if one of your specs was raid viable and you were going to like it Plus since the dual spec wasn't a thing and changing your spec too much cost too much gold if you did it too often you kind of had to pick something and just stick to it number 940 man reading it's hard enough to get twenty competent people together at the same time every week to run mythix I can't imagine how much of a pain in the ass it was to get 40 people together but I bet it was fun to feel like you were throwing an army of people at the hardest bosses instead of just the elite task force thing we've got going on today with half as many people number 8 class quests a level 10 hunters had to go out and tame 3 different pets before being able to tame a real one for themselves warlocks had to do lengthy questions to summon their demons then defeat them before they got to use them shamans had to run halfway across the world to get their totems rogues had to level up to class specific professions to make their own poisons or to pick locks the list goes on and on pretty much all classes had quests that needed to be completed in order to get basic abilities and you could be severely gimped if you ignored them and just leveled up normally since some of your core class abilities came from these quests nowadays you just get all your abilities automatically as you level up there is still some class specific quests in order to get special armor and weapons but they're optional so most people never do them or even know that they exist the closest thing we have to class quests in Legion is the artifact quest lines which are actually pretty faithful to old school class quests as they have you use all of your abilities in creative ways to solve problems number seven grinding everything was a grind quest items routinely had low drop rates there wasn't enough quest to get to max level so you had to grind mobs for those last few levels you would miss all the time with new weapons so you had to go out and grind out a weapon skills to use them no daily quests meant you had to grind any and all gold you got since there was no way to earn it passively many raid fights required you to have resist gear that you had to grind many a 2mins required random items from dungeons that only dropped from one player so lots of dungeon grinding there was also lots of the tomb ins to do pretty much all of the raids which all required a huge grind getting high warlord and PvP meant full-time job at levels of grinding PvP all day every day and many many more grinds nothing we have in Legion as close to the grinding that went on back then unless you're a mythic Raider part of a world first pushing guild trying to grind out as much artifact power as possible and even then it's not really comparable to some of the vanilla grinds number 6 no catch-up mechanics start late in vanilla and want to raid the new naxxramas raid well you better run a q40 first but in order to run a q40 you're going to need gear from at least Blackwing Lair but if you want to do Blackwing Lair you need a cloak made from Onyxia and at least gear from molten core but if you want to do molten core or Onyxia you need gear from upper Blackrock Spire Stratholme and other high-level dungeons to at least get your tier 1 set + fire resistance gear and don't forget all the attunements required to do all of those places there's a reason Blizzard remade an axe for wrath almost no one got to do the original one today if you want to start raiding in the newest raid there are so many different ways to get gear good enough to start doing normal mode it's not even worth listing them here if you have an alt that you casually play on you probably have gear and good enough to start at least running the normal mode of the current rate here and then just work your way on up from there number 5 carrying around stacks of food while questing today leveling has been made so easy that Blizzard is actually looking at ways to make it less brain-dead without reverting it back to how it used to be but in vanilla wow mobs hit hard mana poles were low and default regen was garbage some classes had some kind of regen mechanic tied to getting killing blows on mobs to kind of lessen the effect but no matter what class you played you needed to have food on you at all times after killing maybe five to ten mobs your health or mana would need to be replenished and you could be lazy and just auto attack but eventually you were going to have to eat and drink mages were actually extremely helpful for other players for their ability to create food and water and trade it to people today the only people who need to eat or drink our healers and mythic dungeons to get mana back in between pools and Raiders for the buffs they provide only and not the actual mechanic that eating provides food items while leveling are just kind of an optional thing that might sometimes give you a buff if you get a special food item from a quest and until pretty recently you still started off with food in your bags when you made a new characters but that's no longer the case every class has some kind of self heal or bubbled now and you don't run a man out levels anymore unless you're specifically trying to number four codexes believe it or not some class abilities couldn't be learned from your class trainer or from class quests you needed to get special items called code X's which dropped mostly from raid bosses in order to learn basic class abilities like hunters for example got their tranq shot ability from a codex which was one of the few ways to purge rage effects back in the day and most other classes could only learn the highest bail rank of certain abilities from codex's it was a fun RPG element of the game that sometimes you would get stronger or learn new abilities by killing bosses today they're not really a thing anymore but there are various items that give cosmetic abilities like the different animal mage polymorphs or the pet training manual that teaches your pet to loot corpses for you so it's kind of similar but you no longer learn core abilities from items that drop in raids like the Codex is from vanilla number 3 hunter pets today hunter pets are more of a cosmetic than they are anything else but it used to be that pets had special abilities and stats depend on which beasts you tame for example gorillas were the only pet who actually have an AoE so getting to a high enough level to actually tame one was a special event lots of different pets had special hidden abilities as well like a certain rare cat having a lesson 1 second attack speed which made him attack faster than all other pets or how wolves from a V could run faster than mounts it was a treat to go out and hunt a rare Beast to use their hidden abilities or to just go out and get a new special ability to use on a normal pet the players just had to ruin it eventually everyone found out which pets were the best pets and everyone was running around with exactly the same pets I remember Wrath of the Lich King when I first started raiding the best pet was a wolf so all hunters only had wool or maybe cats if they didn't mind a slight DPS decrease as that was the second highest dps pet so Blizzard over the many expansions kept trying to streamline pets so that players could have more choice with them until finally they just got rid of nearly all special abilities and just made the good ones baseline that everyone could use now there are steel pets with special abilities don't get me wrong turtles can shell shield to act like a personal tank core hounds can bloodless moths can battle Res but it's a complete shell of its former self from when all pets had special abilities number two the community did you know people used to actually know each other on their respective servers so many things you did in game required a group of people and you couldn't always rely on your guild to run everything so you had to pug things and with there being no Auto Group finders people had to actually talk to each other and play nice you would develop a rep on your server for being good at what you did or bad being known can go both ways you can recognize people and trade chat or notice people are running by them in major cities forcing people to interact with each other in order to do everything made the game's endgame communities seem bigger today you mainly just talk to your guild and rarely other people unless you absolutely need to running random dungeons are pretty much quiet it's very common to get a group with four other people and not say a word to them over the course of a 30-minute run if you go out and duke world quests and use the add-on to search for groups like I do to make them quicker I can't remember one person saying a thing in over a hundred world quests in fact I can't remember anyone ever saying anything in a world quest group despite doing hundreds of them like I've said I personally love this I'm totally antisocial and I hated having to look for groups to gear up and raid the dungeon finder was my favorite addition to the game but being forced to talk to people to do everything is a thing that's remembered about vanilla Wow and one of the cornerstone arguments for people wanting classic service I can understand this argument even if I personally don't really care for it and number one talent trees old school talent trees where you had a set amount of points to spend on things you thought were fun I personally loved old school talents you got a new one every time you leveled up which made new levels a lot of fun because you knew you just got a little bit stronger in a tangible sense and could feel like you were progressing to something bigger sometimes reaching a new talented ability could double your damage output since a lot of the core abilities are buried deep in aspects tree nowadays you get a ton of your core spells early on so that you can actually get used to doing what you'll be doing at max level it makes more sense this way and I do like it but a part of me also really like the old method better the talent trees of today do also sometimes give you big boost to your abilities when you get a new row unlocked but it's just not the same as slowly working your way up to it over time since you just get it all at once every 15 levels or so now the last time I had fun the level a new character was with my demon hunter and that was because you got a new talent every two levels instead of every 15 it almost felt like having old talent points again the artifact weapon design was really close to recapturing that magic I did like getting new traits on the weapon while leveling up for the first time in Legion but the fact that you just get everything eventually kinda kills some of the fun of it to the point where I kind of like how the nether like crucible forces you to pick an ability over another that element of choice is fun for me and made me want to farm artifact power for the first time ever in the expansion just to unlock all of the choices okay and that's the end of the video I'm pretty sure I covered literally everything that people remember fondly about vanilla Wow but if you feel like I missed any important ones just let me know because I'm pretty sure I already have a bunch of comments saying something like actually I was a DPS warrior in vanilla [Music]
Channel: hirumaredx
Views: 1,014,454
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: World Of Warcraft (Video Game), hirumaredx, history, wow, worl, vanilla, bc, burning crusade, wrath, wrath of the lich king, linch king, Video Game (Industry), World Warcraft, facts, Warcraft (Fictional Universe), how did doom work before wrath, before cata, how it use to work, funny, 7.3, Legion, 2017, classic server
Id: gB0CDZfemag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 13 2017
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