Top 10 Scary Stories That Will Make You Question Reality

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Welcome back everyone - are you feeling good? Feeling stable? Feeling grounded? Yeah? Well, by the end of this video, you may not know which way is up. Albert Einstein once said -Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one- … Im sure many of you have stories about things that just didnt make sense in your lives, things that seemed to go against everything you know about the world. These stories are exactly that - from real people on Reddit - and its time we jumped right into them. My name is Danny Burke and this is the Top 10 Scary Stories That Will Make You Question Reality … Starting off at number 10 we have Leave[a]. This one comes from a Reddit user who owes his life to a stranger, or some supernatural force - see what you guys think. They said -I was stationed in Seoul, South Korea several years ago. I was taking a shower in my room and when i got out, the word "leave" was written in small letters in the fog on the bathroom mirror. I didn't have a roommate because NCOs got their own private rooms. A little freaked out, I decided to do exactly that; leave. I went off post for some Korean BBQ and wondered the city a bit. I came back a couple hours later to find the barracks was evacuated and half burned to the ground. The fire was pinpointed to faulty electrical wiring that caught some insulation on fire inside the walls. Something knew it was going to happen and to this day, whatever that something was, it didn't want me in the middle of it. I'd gladly thank who or whatever it is if they'd give me the chance but it's been years and I still have no idea- Moving on to number 9 now we have The Figure[b]. When youre a kid and you get creeped out at night, your parents may tell you its just your imagination - but what if you found out you were right the whole time. Reddit user Miss Awesomeness said -When I was a kid between 8 or 9, I used to wake up every night to headlights coming through my bedroom window. The lights would then would stop and turn off, not as if a car drove by but as if they were turned off. Then the long shadows of a man, as if were looking through my window would pass by and stop in front of my window. I would lay really still and pretend nothing happened, every night for months. Eventually I convinced myself it was imagination. Now that I think back it stopped when my stepdad moved in (my mom was single) but I was convinced it wasn’t real. Across the street lived my best friend-whose mom was also single- and she refused to sleep in her bedroom. Her window faced my window. She told me years later it was because every night a man would park in her side yard and walk over to my yard. The long shadows were from the light in her yard. She eventually decided it was my dad checking on us and never told me until I was a teenager. It wasn’t my dad (I asked him). So I thought I was crazy and hallucinating for years and perhaps I wasn’t or two kids were having were odd dreams at the same time every night- Coming in at number 8 we have In The Room[c]. This one comes from Reddit user I work in hospice, spend a lot of time around dying people. About a month and a half ago one of my longer-term clients was actively passing. That can involve hallucinating, seeing and talking to people who aren't there. Happens a lot, there's nothing wrong with it, it's the dying person's brain trying to grasp with their new reality. So I work overnights. My client was wide awake, talking to people who were in the room with her but who weren't in the room with me. Which was fine. I'm okay with that. Until she started describing people I knew who had passed. I almost quit my job that night and told myself I wouldn't return to her. Most of the rest of her hospice care team started quitting in the next few days and I ended up staying with her until the end. That one weird night was the only time she was talking to my dead family members, I'm still kind of messed up over it. Next up at number 7 we have The Creature[d]. Do you guys believe in Big Foot? Weve talked about that a lot in Urban Legends videos. Is this story related? Redditer user The Glitter Band said -I get insomnia. It was one of those nights, and I was sitting out on my back porch at about 4:00AM smoking a cigarette. It was one of those eerie nights where there is absolutely no breeze and it's just completely quiet out. We have woods behind our house, and I as I was sitting there I see this person making his way through the canopy of the trees, like jumping from tree to tree, 30 or 40 feet up in the air. I was absolutely stunned and just sat there dumbly, too afraid and confused to even get up and run inside the house. This person or thing or whatever it was stops directly behind my house and looks at me. At this point it's about 50 feet away and maybe 40 feet up in the air. It pauses for about five seconds staring in my direction. I'm absolutely certain that it wasn't an animal. It's body was human shaped and it definitely wasnt a racoon, bear or any of the other things people have suggested it might have been. But the way it was moving through the trees definitely was not human. No human, I don't care how adroit they were, could move like that. It was too dark to make out much detail of the face, clothing or anything like that. After about five seconds of looking at me, it turns away and takes off the same way it had been going before, just leaping from tree to tree at a fast pace. Within a few more seconds it was out of site- Moving on to number 6 we have True or False[e]. This one came from Reddit user The Ambush Bug. Im gonna jump right into it and well discuss it after. They said -In 4th or 5th grade, we stopped all of our classes for the day. Two people came into our classroom, a man and a woman, and they didn't say why they were there or where they had come from. They handed out questionnaire booklets, that seemed like standardized tests, except for the questions within them. 50 or so questions, all of them "true or false" format, but with really, really weird content. Some that I can remember were "T or F: Worms talk to trucks" and "T or F: Apples are blue" We all answered them while looking really confused, and our teachers were silent the entire time. The next days, nobody said a word about the tests. I remember asking people what they were, but nobody could recall where the people were from. We never saw them again, and no faculty of the school ever once mentioned the tests. We didn't have them the next year, and had never had them before. I still have no clue what they wanted from us- … alright, what was going on there? That sounds like something out of a movie. Moving on to number 5 we have Teleportation[f]. Do you believe in teleportation? This story makes it sound like you just have to believe really hard to make it happen. Reddit user Avengelina 1021 said -I always remember this and do not have an explanation for it. When I was about 4 or 5 years old I remember waking up in the middle of the night and walking to the stairs. I remember closing my eyes for a second at the top of the stairs and when I opened them I would be at the bottom of the stairs. I would run upstairs and close my eyes and the same thing would happen again. It happened at least 4-5 times until my parents called me to go to bed because they could hear me run up the steps. It’s weird because I was WIDE AWAKE and do not have a history with sleep walking. I still think about it. And wonder how that was possible- Next up at number 4 now we have The Boats[g]. This one comes from Reddit user Rhyssa and if you can solve this mystery - theres a massive monetary reward for you. Youre about to see why. They said -My uncle, never had a chance to meet him, hired a small yacht with a small group of friends and were going to use it to do sailing holidays as a business. Anyway. They radioed in very early one morning saying they were out of petrol off the coast, and were told they would receive petrol in the morning. They went to deliver petrol and never found the boat. They have only ever found one life doughnut thing and that's it. They think the boat was pirated, and we have reports that they're still alive in different countries but they've never been substantiated. They also have a sneaking suspicion that the yacht owner had something to do with it, as he acted SO dodgy after it all went down. They literally have absolutely no idea what happened. There were no other ships in the area at the time (they thought they could have been run over and sunk by a large ship) Anyway. It is called the Patanela. There is still a huge reward out for any info- Coming in at number 3 now we have Pizza Time[h]. This one comes from Reddit user Math The Username who said -I was 18, and my brother, Chris, was 16. I also have a brother, James, who was 5 at the time. We had just moved into an older house that used to be three apartments. We just about finished unpacking and we designated rooms. James's room was directly above the living room with the staircase. James went up to discover his new room, and Chris and I took a short walk around the neighborhood. We got back and were sitting in the living room, just talking. My mom says she's going to get pizza for dinner, and leaves. She took a fairly long time, which is normal for her. I think she really enjoys the small breaks she gets when she can leave the house without James, and I never object to babysitting. Besides, James is plenty occupied with his new room. Chris and I are just talking in the living room. James is super excited about his new bedroom. We hear him running and stomping around upstairs, opening and closing doors. Sometimes he slams the doors pretty hard, but whatever, he's a kid. I assumed he fell asleep since the noise stopped eventually. I hear my mom's car pull up. I get up to meet her in the kitchen. My mom comes in, carrying soda. James follows directly behind her, carrying the food, yelling, "PIZZA TIME!" She took him with her to get dinner (confirmed by my mom). Chris and I just looked at each other taking too long to comprehend what was happening- Next up at number 2 we have John[i]. This one is straight up creepy. If theyre telling the truth about the details of this story, then I have no idea whats going on. Reddit user Katgib 13 said -When my son was about 2 or 3, he wouldn't go to sleep, so I let him in my bed. My husband was asleep so I told my boy he had to look at his books quietly while I read mine. He was good for a bit but then he started reading the book. Actually reading the words out loud. Slowly. He couldn't read and it was a newer book we hadn't read to him yet. It wasn't memorization. I asked him how he knew what it said and he replied "my friend John is telling me". He talked to "John" when he played. He'd divide his matchbox cars into two piles and talk to his "friend". He also claimed he lived in his nursery closet. At age 4, we moved him into his big boy room and now he's 16...he refuses to even step into the nursery. Hasn't been in there since we moved him out. When I ask why, he says he doesn't know but it gives him the creeps and the hair on his arm stands up even thinking about it. That room doesn't bother anyone else- … I actually don't know what the explanation for that is. Maybe the kid could read better than they thought - or maybe the spirit of a man called John read out loud to him at night. I hope its the first one. And finally at number 1 we have Ernie[j]. Do any of you guys have those toys that talk when you press a button or move in front of them? Did you ever think they could be creepy? Well, youre about to after this story from Reddit user Lxnxb. They said -When I was a kid, I had LOTS AND LOTS of plushies. One of them was a talking Ernie (from Sesame Street) that wasn't functioning properly. You had to absolutely bang it on a table for it to say, "I feel great!" Our old house in my home country was housed with spirits but not bad ones (or at least that's what my parents said lmao). I never witnessed or felt anything until this one time. When I was 8, I overheard my parents saying something along the lines that my Ernie plushy spoke every time they talked about my grandma. I got irrationally scared which made my parents hide Ernie in a huge box along with my other unused plushies. One time when I was playing hide and seek, I was hiding with my childhood friend, Jay, in our spare room where the box of plushies was. While we were hiding, I figured might as well tell him the story about the haunted Ernie and my just recently passed away grandma. In the middle of the story, we heard Ernie say, "I feel great!" in the box on top of the shelf. There's no way that was moved. And even if it was somehow moved by gravity, you need to bang Ernie on the table to make it talk. We screamed and ran outside- Well there you go - did any of those make you pause and think about your own reality? Did any of them remind you of a strange experience in your own life? Leave them in the comments section below - perhaps we can make them into a part 2! Until then, thanks for watching as always guys, my name is Danny Burke and Ill see you all in the next video.
Channel: MostAmazingTop10
Views: 3,259,196
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Keywords: top 10, most amazing top 10, top 10 list, mostamazingtop10, top ten, most amazing, scary, top 10 scary, top 10 scary stories, most amazing top 10 scary, top 10 scary stories that will make you question reality, scary stories, scary stories that will make you question reality, stories that will make you question reality, question reality, stories that will make you question, true scary stories, scary true stories, horror stories, scary story, true horror stories, true stories
Id: fO7pEA7H2gA
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Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2019
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