Top 10 Scary SIGNALS From Space

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Welcome back to the most amazing top 10. My name is Danny Burke, and I love space a bit too much it's so mind-blowingly vast that you can't look up at the night sky and not wonder is there life out there are there things we just Don't know about yet. Well. There's been times that we've been looking and listening and we've heard something like for real This is the top 10 scary signals from space At number 10 now the sound of a black hole edward Morgan from MIT collected X-Ray data on a distant black hole then Transmitted it into a sound that is audible to Humans the original of this is about a million billion times deeper than anything you could ever hear the deepest note in the universe in Fact, but with a little bit of tweaking here is a sound of an actual black hole and it's terrifying *Deep Sounds, sounds like someone on mic ruffling blankets* Coming in at number nine, We have the lost cosmonaut in 1961 two Italian brothers recorded a signal from space which they claimed was from a secret soviet space mission It sounded like a female cosmonaut who was in distress while trying to orbit the earth something have apparently gone wrong She was complaining of feeling hot as she burned up in the atmosphere Now the russians announced that an unmanned craft had burned up in the atmosphere and denied. They had any knowledge of the lost cosmonaut *Muffled Female Voice.... Hot...Hot...Oxygen...yes..yes* At the number eight spot now. We have tabby star this mysterious star was discovered by amateur astronomers and found to be about 1,400 light-Years from Earth the strange thing was the brightness of it would dip by 22% for days at a time some suggested. It was a Dyson sphere Theoretical Alien structure that would enclose a whole star to harvest all of its power so many years it's been just a sci-Fi idea But Tabby star seemed to fit this theory very well at a time of recording Scientists are still carrying out further studies coming in at number seven now we have 234 Stars in 2016 Canadian Astronomers found something very strange within the Milky way 234 stars that were blinking at Exactly the same rate Eric Trattoria the astronomer who found this proposed that the signal was just too much of a coincidence He thought it was of Alien origin He said that the pulsating signals were caused by an Alien civilization flashing a laser in our direction causing a faint, but detectable blip in their star's light the stars could even be 234 different civilizations pulling together to try and contact us moving on to number six now we have the sound of Saturn in 2002 the Cassini Spacecraft passed by the gas giant of Saturn it listened to the Planet's Aurora caused by its Huge Magnetic field the signal was way out of human hearing so they slowed it right down it compressed it and this is what they? heard All right, we're on to number five now We have the law in the verse this signal was detected in 2007 after astronomers dug through six years of previous data then they found it It was a very brief burst of radio emission Just five milliseconds in total for the area it came from was five to Eleven billion light-years away from Earth This means that when a signal left it's origin Earth hadn't even been formed yet Which is Mind-blowing? Scientists was shocked to find that whatever made this signal release more energy in that short burst than the sun does in four months moving on to number four now we have this it's a very weird name, but it has an incredible story behind Scientists detected this signal from an empty area of space with no stars or planets Systems near it for about a thousand light years from an area between the constellations of pisces and aries and yet Signal came it was detected as being a short burst at about 1420 Megahertz that's One of the main Frequencies at which hydrogen the most common element in the universe absorbs and emits energy scientists have often thought of using this to contact any aliens out there, and so when we received it. It's drawn a lot of attention Coming in at number three now we have frequency four four six two point three this signal came from a star only a hundred light-years from us And it was a star quite similar to our own It's called Tyc one two two zero nine one one and it was nothing out of the ordinary Until it did something the noise. It made was just ten seconds long, but now that it's been adjusted so we can hear it It's very scary and creepy tell me what you think of it next up at number 2 We have the cosmic raw in 2006 a group of California astronomers are trying to detect the very first stars in the universe instead they heard a radio wave roar what they heard was six times louder than the faint signal they Expected to detect in fact this roar was six times greater than the combined emission of all known radio waves Sources and this wasn't the sound of the big bang it was the sound of something mysterious from the start of the universe Something more intense than we've ever encountered and finally now at number one We have the wow signal what else could it be really in 1977 Ohio State University's Big Ear radio telescopes detected the strangest signal ever heard from space it came from a Sagittarius constellation and many scientists thought that it sounded like it could be of extraterrestrial origin it lasted for Seventy-two seconds And then it was never heard of again The astronomer who found a signal was so shocked by it that they wrote wow in the margin giving us its name now It's been adjusted like some of the other ones so that we can hear it and this is what it sounds like All right, people I could sit here and talk about science all day I don't think I'll ever get bored talking about it But I've got other things to do like making the next video on this channel Let me know what you want that to be find any book thanks for watching and I'll see you all very soon
Channel: MostAmazingTop10
Views: 8,244,469
Rating: 4.7209811 out of 5
Keywords: Top10, 10, MostAmazingTop10, Scary SIGNALS From Space, SIGNALS From Space, Space, Space Sounds, Sounds from space, UFO Sounds, Real Space Sounds, Space Signals, Real Space Signals, Weird sounds from Space, scary
Id: qXA4x_uve3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 43sec (403 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2017
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