10 Shocking Facts You Didn't Know About The Minions

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[Music] everyone knows the minions these days even if one hasn't ever seen a film with the minute they've become integrated into our modern pop culture but despite how recognizable they are there are some facts about them that you may not be privy to from their mysterious and perhaps shocking origins to how they were designed there are definitely some surprises here [Music] be sure to subscribe to Screen Rant to get more awesome videos like this on the daily but before we get started can you guess the film based off of these emojis one minion to rule them all there are countless numbers of wacky yellow minions in the Despicable film franchise and extended media properties seriously try counting them all you'd think that with that many little critters running around they'd have a fair amount of voice actors handy to supply some unique voices after all the minions film has three of them running about on their own special mission but therein lies your mistake no matter who your favorite yellow troublemaker is whether it's Kevin Bob's do or the rest of the minions squad they're all actually voiced by one man no matter if it's for any of the despicable Me films or the standalone minion movie all the little critters are voiced by Pierre coffin coffin is the co-director in all the movies that have minions in them including the latest installment Despicable Me 3 which hit theaters in 2017 when we say he voices all the minions we mean all the minions you may be thinking that he only had to do a few dozen voices for the films but you'd be sorely mistaken when it came time to multiply his voice for the highly anticipated minions movie coffin actually had to voice 899 different minions talked about committing to the role the minions lots of minions on the topic of 899 different minions let's get into that when you think of a minion there are probably a few classic characters that stick out to you and when you think of those ones you end up picking well every minion in your head it's not like they're really different from one another well despite how similar these yellow critters are there's actually a whole bunch of them in existence the animators could have done it the easy way and just replicated some of the minions in the background none would be any wiser except for the most eagle-eyed fans out there but the team wasn't going to take the easy way out when it came to their despicable films on the poster for Despicable Me 2 there are in fact quite a fair many minions to count want to venture a guess the numbers showcase on the poster is actually four hundred different minions whoa when designing the minions the animators actually had a predetermined amount of templates to choose from everything from eyes hair height and body could be chosen to create a unique minion based on the available combinations so while minis may look similar they're actually pretty unique tall one-eyed minions are apparently a rarity so good luck if you want to try and find one not all minions are good okay good as a point of view when it comes to the minions sure they're known for hanging around villains and like-minded people over the centuries but at the end of the day minions just want to be loved and have fun is that too much to ask for well that's all fun and games but there are some other minions that would have things a little different than our favorite yellow critters yes we are of course referring to the nefarious purple minions unlike the tight Euler minions who serve grew in the despicable Me films and evolved over time from a single-celled organism the purple minions actually came into existence from a serum the px-41 serum to be exact which was designed solely for engineering completely evil minions with the use of the serum a regular and mischievous yellow minion will transform into a purple variation they were designed to be indestructible so you know there's bound to be some mayhem with a pack of evil minions who can't get hurt in the process everything from fire weapons and explosives can't hurt these guys they also like to eat anything that can get their hands on and like the original minions they have a weird thing for bananas minions speak is actually a language trying to understand the minions is a bit of a challenge in itself it honestly sounds like gibberish complete nonsense made up of a few recognizable words can these yellow critters actually be communicating with one another or are they just saying the first thing that comes into their tiny little heads as it turns out the minions are communicating with each other with a language called minionese what's even better for all you diehard minion fans out there well you could probably learn it in an afternoon should you desire minionese is made up of words from other languages from around the world and then scrambled together and altered to make something new that's why much of what they're saying sounds kind of familiar that's why bapple is Apple y para tu is actually Spanish which roughly translates to for you then there's gelato which shouldn't need any translation for those who appreciate the Italian version of ice cream tossing some modified Korean in Russian and voila you have the minion language while the minions language may not be very elegant or sophisticated each word that they speak actually can be translated so if you really want to know every bit of dialogue they're saying you now have a new project do the evolution ever stop to wonder where the minions came from even if you've never seen a film with these yellow critters the thought likely crossed your mind were they engineered by some evil genius way back when are they aliens what are they well as it turns out the answer was right there for us to uncover despite the fact that they love serving evil masterminds or at least try to the minions were not engineered by some sort of super villain in fact they're a natural creature that evolved from a single-celled organism much like group and yourself which is interesting when you consider that the way the minions behaved seemed tailor-fit for someone like GRU and we wouldn't put it past him in his earlier days to create the minions instead the minions have been around for thousands of years which means they've seen just about every great moment there is but despite their evolution their intelligence seems to be a few centuries behind like Stone Age behind in the short film titled orientation day we actually get to witness the early days of the minions when we saw them come into existence thanks to the mutated strand of DNA from there it evolved in well here we are from ork to minion when it came time to design the minions you can imagine that the animators and directors were adamant about making a symbol that would resonate with youngsters in the end that's the strategy that came through but did you know that the minions actually had a much more hideous design in mind while the yellow critters may sell a lot of merchandise and movie tickets based on their charming personality and cute little looks things may have been different if they went ahead with the original plan the early concept was to have the minions appear as orcs not unlike those from Warcraft or the Lord of the Rings films yikes not sure how well that would go over with the young ones because the studio directors and animators wanted the audience to care for GRU in the first despicable meet the minions were changed in order to make him a more sympathetic character in order to do that Pierre coffin decided to surround him with cute incompetence which sounds way more appealing than a bunch of ugly orcs now that's evil villain territory but what do you think should the minions have remained in their original orcish designs or are the yellow critters we know today the right move for the franchise let us know down in the comments minions designs were inspired by diehard fans and even those who have never seen a despicable me film know what a minion is their image has been plastered all over billboards toys commercials and other marketing material seriously hurt everywhere now but how did the minions come to be design wise well there's an answer for that too as the minions have their own routes in some pretty impressive pieces of pop culture when designing the minions the animators and directors wanted something memorable and lovable so they look to other films and properties to find inspiration one of the lead pieces of inspiration for the minion design was actually the Jawas from Star Wars it's not too hard to imagine that to be honest the similar features the childlike personality and the unusual language but the comparisons don't end on the sands of Tatooine the minions were also inspired by the Oompa Loompas from the original Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory film much like the minions the Oompa Loompas have an unusual fascination and dedication to their fearless leader they also love eating and singing sounds familiar one has to wonder what would happen if the minions ever walked into a bar and met some Jawas an oompa loompas though the color of evil we established that evil minions are purple but why is that surely black green or red would have been far more evil than purple they may be doing evil things but purple is hardly evocative of evil beings well turns out there's a reason behind the madness while purple might seem like a random choice the animators chose it specifically for their appearance and Despicable Me 2 the reason will definitely surprise you we the audience are supposed to root for the yellow minions while their opposite both in terms of the narrative and the opposite end of the color spectrum are the purple variations so in this case yellow equals good while purple is bad it's a simple color coding technique to allow young children to associate opposites and their respective colors as if they really needed any help knowing the purple minions were on the other side though so where did the inspiration for the purple minions come from well turns out that the Looney Tunes had a part in that whenever Tweety Bird would drink a potion she'd turn into a terrifying monster behind Sylvester's back bearing this in mind the animators and directors created a new minion that would be far more terror buying them small and cute originals one small step we mentioned before that the purple minions are basically indestructible chaos monsters no weapon can harm them but what about the yellow minions who evolved as opposed to being engineered well turns out the minions are just as stubborn and don't know how to get hurt in fact they have some pretty unique abilities thanks to their mutation the minions for whatever reason ended up evolving a defense mechanism for surviving in space we're not sure why but there's a good chance of the cells new the minions would be up to no good and want it to cover as many bases as possible for the future so that means their mutation covers both space breathing and surviving the harsh climates of the great nothing calm man I wish my cells a mutate like that since they have such impervious resistance to frost and lack of oxygen the minions could actually go swimming in the Arctic and then dive underwater without any gear or assistance we'd like to think that they served a master who had a sweet evil lair in the Arctic prequel story anyone watching the minions interact with a couple of penguins would also be a great viewing experience but the lack of bananas would mean that any Arctic trip whether it was for an old master or a future mission would be short-lived minions were created by Nazis okay this is a wild one but it's definitely intriguing we all know the minions are downright playful and equally mischievous nothing exactly sinister going on there which is odd considering they worship villains but what if the minions had a connection to the greatest villain of all time this is an idea going about that the minions are actually inspired in part at least by the Jewish children who were taken by the Nazi forces during the Second World War why were these kids taken well the German scientists needed human samples to conduct their tests and saw no problem in using these prisoners one such test had to deal with the children being subjected to various gases and had to wear a specialized helmet to protect them from hard or rather to test the efficiency of the experiment the masks in question bear a striking similarity to the general design of the minions one giant glass panel is evocative of some of the minions singular I and the shorter stature of the kids would coincide with both the height of the minions as well as their general immature behavior whether or not the creators of the minions had this in mind when making the concepts for the minions remains to be seen as they haven't confirmed this connection that's it for now everyone which minion fact blew you away the most was there one that we missed or one that you totally had no idea about are you hoping for a minions - or a despicable me for let us know in the comments below and be sure to like this video and subscribe to the channel to get more videos like this one added to your playlist and thanks for watching oh and of course the answer to our emoji question is have a good one
Channel: Screen Rant
Views: 12,631,724
Rating: 4.7052312 out of 5
Keywords: Minions, Despicable Me, Animation, franchise, Star Wars, Jawas, Willy Wonka, Shocking, Facts, Conspiracy, Fun, Funny, Family, Kids, Friends, Video, Movies, Popular, Entertaining, Entertainment
Id: cnBrkS323Po
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 26 2017
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