Top 10 One Hit Wonder Games - with Tom, Zee, and ProZD

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[Music] hey everybody i'm tom vassell i'm z garcia hello and we would like to welcome to the channel sung1cho welcome hello thank you for having me um many of you may know him from his own channel prozyd but also recently you did some of the voice work for one of my favorite games from 2020. oh really which ones oh yeah yeah yeah that's right captain vance yes captain vance who is uh kind of an okay guy how much dialogue how much dialogue did you have to record for that uh i think that was a couple hours um he talks quite a bit um but it was fun it was a good it was a good session and uh they reached out to me uh and i had already been familiar with like you know plat hat right so uh i think they weren't expecting me to be a fan of board of the board games in general uh so for me it was i got a kick out of it i haven't played it yet they sent me a copy but i'm very glad to hear that it's uh doing well that'd be weird to play with yourself as your own captain yeah uh it's what's funny though is like since it's a pirate game i probably would have done a voice anyway while playing it if there weren't voice acting in it so it's more like i just have to listen to a pre-recorded uh version of myself uh and just have to stay silent you should you shouldn't tell people you should be like look i know you're tired of hearing me do this let me do the pre-recorded stuff all right change of pace yeah you can listen to a professional do it instead alrighty folks well today our top 10 list is our top 10 one-hit wonders we've done this before once so it's time to revisit this and this is a tricky list to do so what my guy that the designers we're talking about are a one-hit wonder they have one major hit game uh um how we define that we'll argue about it because we always do uh and i also said it had to be 2018 or or earlier because for example you could argue that elizabeth hargrave is a one-hit wonder she's not but you could say wingspan but that just came out you can't call someone one hit wonder with something that just came out sure right yeah for me i think what i did was i was a little more strict with the they can have other games as long as they're fairly unknown i think all these people have one game there's one person who has a second tiny collaboration but i was much more forgiving with the word hit okay we may not be forgiving on that z it's okay you guys bring my first top ten so i was telling tom i'll try to be nice you know try to be civil uh unless it's a real stinker but uh i actually when tom sent me the list of choices for what i could do for my top 10 i picked this one because it kind of forces you to choose games that are you know not what you would usually put on a top 10 maybe right like you kind of have to think outside the box and really look inside the category um so i thought this would be interesting selfishly just to hear what you guys pick for like a a top 10 one top 10 one hit wonders sort of deal i tried my best i think most of mine are pretty solid in terms of like following the rules i might have cheated a little bit near the top just because there are games i wanted to talk about but i think for the most part i did follow the rules and if i didn't i don't care that much it's fine yeah well it's it's internet video before before we start guys let me ask both of you this top one ten hit wonder what do you got for me it's gotta be ten exactly or ten games that you like you know somebody who's made at least ten hits i don't know for me it's bruno katala i like uvi rosenberg okay i refuse to answer just a stupid question no that's ridiculous i respect that question thank you you're a coward for not answering it word word play at its best let's move on okay well just to clarify for my list i actually pushed myself and i went back to 2016 was my although there's several from 2016 and i put mine in order of how much i like the games yeah so my number one 2016. like that's the oldest game no no what i meant was i said that game couldn't be it had to be 2018 or earlier i made it go back to 2016. just because oh when i was just when i was down the list no no no no i did it to myself a little bit of the impressing i also think i have one crossover with z gosh i gotta see my i think my newest game is not that new my newest game i think is from 2014 and the oldest is 2002. they're old mine is probably like on the cusp of like 2017 december or something i have no idea like uh maybe i'm more of the cult of the new i don't know but uh there's definitely newer games on here this was a really hard list for me to put widespread because there's so many games i just started going through my favorite games and i can eliminate okay kenitia did this rosenberg did this that's easy i don't know who designed this look at it oh they designed this game all right fine it was it was a tough a tough thing and what i liked about doing this list also is like you know i'm familiar with a lot of big name designers but um i don't have necessarily an encyclopedic knowledge of every single designer because i know you guys know a lot more about that than i do so this was kind of a fun way for me to go oh who actually designed this game or this game or this game and learn a lot of the names and go oh i didn't know this person actually uh designed only one game uh so it was it was actually fun in that way to sort of learn more about the designers yeah well let's find out z you're ready i'm ready you're twitching there let's get going [Music] number 10 all right my number 10 is uh actually right behind me it's the only one don't worry guys it's right here it's a game called gaius i think or geos or something like that from renee weirsma or something sort of like that i will apologize now for all of the names hey at least i'm saying it i probably won't say most of them correctly this is a tile laying game like i said it's got triangular tiles in it and you are building up continents you sort of play as a an omnipotent figure and you are building continents creating um populations on those continents breaking continents apart merging different clans or groups and they fight it out and only the the stronger one on the board wins all of that kind of really mechanically translates into a game that's kind of like stock manipulation you are seeding a color that's the group of people on the board so i might pick blue and i you know this continent seats blue i could take a blue cube at the beginning of every turn but if they ever get overtaken by another growing population i've lost my investment in that you know um it's super mean it's a very confrontational game i think that's partly why the game i don't think did that well when it first came out but it's clever it's uh i'm surprised what you're saying what's that you would call this game a hit this game is a hit baby um this is in your heart design this is a design hit i'm not going for you know box office hits i'm going for like artistic kids this is this is your indie darling like i think all these are gonna be disease indeed there's no singular part of that statement yeah yeah the biggest hit in zee's heart okay i get it yeah i designed a game called liar but that's in the twelve thousands uh he did uh i just again there's two two of these people who've done these tiny other little games no no i'm not disqualifying it because of that i would just qualify i wouldn't argue that this is a hit in any shape of the word but all right well if that's a problem for you i got a few more coming don't you worry save the hey group it up and release it later i feel like the title of that game did not do it a whole lot of favors what is the type gas geos what even yes or something yeah or something i believe it's six heroes six of them yeah after five heroes yeah yeah five heroes was great that's like that five heels was uh a card game when they finally made the board game it was six heels yeah which i thought was an ambitious uh direction to take it but it wore him out that's the last thing he did so no more heels after that zero i actually do enjoy that game so i i will give you props on that it sounds cool i'll have to check it out you won't oh i i think if i see it if i see it uh so now me now right so my number 10 is a game i have very mixed feelings about but i begrudgingly admire and that is kingdom death monster uh designed by adam poots uh this is a game this is a game that normally i would despise uh because it's so full of random dice rolls uh you roll a one and all your skin gets torn off or you know you roll a three and you no longer have eyeballs like that's i it sounds like i'm exaggerating but that's pretty much how the game kind of goes uh with that said uh some of the most like memorable experience because i don't own the game i'm not sounds memorable already yeah no yeah yeah like my friend owns the game and kind of got me to play it uh because i was like i don't i don't know about it but um with that said very memorable experiences with the game uh compare it to something like gloomhaven which i love i love the battle system and gloomhaven and all the mechanics but the story i am falling asleep at the table never lose your skin yeah you don't lose your skin right you keep your eyeballs you keep all your body intact like what's the point um so like i've played like you know 40 dungeons of gloomhaven i don't remember a whole lot about the plot but with uh kingdom death monster the battle mechanics are actually really satisfying i love the mechanics of like if you land hits on the monster the deck runs out and they run out of uh sort of attacks and maneuvers they can do uh that and the whole world building of the game is really satisfying because you have this civilization and as you go through the lantern year like different events can happen and you can like have kids and like different afflictions and horrible things happen and you're just trying to survive it has a very like you really feel like you're barely getting by by the skin of your teeth um like one example of a like a memorable story in in a is our first game i had a character named steven and uh listen he managed to survive but this is a family friendly channel so he fought a white lion and ripped off a body part of the white lion uh and as a result was uh paralyzed forever by the counter attack and so we decided to make him the mayor of our civilization and name the town stephentown in honor of him and his noble sacrifice of grabbing that lion's body part uh and so that i mean it's things like that right that will always be a part of our game and it's that like blue maven i don't know they're like knights in it or something i don't remember i played that game for 50 hours and i don't remember anything that happened in it but i will always remember the really goofy times in kingdom death monster i always tell my friend i there's so much i hate about this game and yet so much i love about this game so that's why it's at number 10 because i also sorted it by games like how much i like the games but i have to say overall i do respect the game uh it is very memorable and definitely a one a one hit wonder i wonder if that that's his magnus opus right he's just going to work on this the rest of his life probably is set right that community is going to buy every single thing that comes out like yes you know i can respect that for sure my number 10 is a much smaller game uh but just as hot and that would be scoville um this one here from tasty minstrel games designed by ed marriott who the only other thing he's done is an unpublished game came out 2014 so six years later i like hot peppers i like the idea i mean this game is not really about hot peppers it's about combining colors to make different hot peppers and turn them in for chili recipes and such but this one what had certainly was a bit of a buzz um it's ranked 638 on board game geek which is three times better than say uh gaos which is ranked two one five two um so very popular compared to other just random games what's up that's right which vicious fish is that tom [Laughter] that's not on the list uh scoville was on my short list i i do like that game uh it has a fun kind of video gaming feel of like oh if you combine these two peppers you get the the rainbow i remember the exact colors but like oh the golden pepper rainbow pepper uh i didn't enjoy it the rainbow peppers the uh when i lived in korea we used to have these uh we grew these green peppers i always call them roulette peppers because sometimes they would be it tastes like a green pepper and sometimes it's hotter than a jalapeno you weren't you weren't quite sure but so you just bite into it and hope for the best that's a product right there russian roulette peppers yeah yeah alrighty my number 10 scoville number nine all right here we go my number nine i hit a well-known established hit at eight thousand i'm sure both of you fellas own it uh tom's ready to look up what the ranking is so i'm gonna preempt him you don't know that of course you are this is ranked it's in the 2000s all right it's fine it's a game called triads as in triassic as in dinosaurs or triads or i don't know it's a from a designer uh i assume a german designer whose name is ralph uh lemkul and the game is really cool this is actually this is the one on this list that's out of print and i'm surprised it's out of print i really am because this is a pretty solid distinct little design you start with a continent made of hexagonal tiles different land types you have your little group of dinosaurs there were cubes in the original one then they put little actual wooden meeple dinosaurs in it and uh you're spreading out you're sort of taking over you are controlling area but the continent breaks up as you are playing so you are removing towels moving them to the outside doing sort of continental drift and all this stuff and mechanically it's really cool it's outside the box this game uh and a small package it manages to sort of pack a lot of fun and interest and um clever movement into a fairly small package smaller than this that box is smaller than this one so i really enjoy it um try us or triggers or whatever is a neat game i am surprised it's out of print and i would recommend if you this one's a little bit less this is a bit more of an acquired taste i think you have to not everybody's gonna like that i could see anybody who likes middleweight euro games liking this one so i do recommend if you see it pick it up so there you go it's my number nine pick try us was the first game i remember that had a wooden pieces that weren't cubes they had those little wooden dinosaurs and this was back before people idiotically called everything something equal you know they weren't calling them dino meeples or whatever what did they call cubes back then oh they were they were just wooden pieces but i remember what just came out people like it it doesn't have cubes it has little dinosaurs it was like this big exciting thing like dipoles or something different i'm wearing a dipole right now all right tmi uh let's see after your story that was tmi listen we're going to talk about lions body parts we're going to talk about dipoles it's all it's all upward from here uh my number nine is quadropolis uh by a friend sua gandon um this is a fun light sort of city building tile lane game where uh you're you're trying to score points depending on like different categories like some sometimes they score based on level and some of them score based on adjacency uh are you know you're trying to fill them with energy and put your little people in there uh so it's very light very fun uh i love the look of it i think it has a very nice charming look to its art and uh yeah just simple enough i think that game even had like a basic mode and then like an advanced mode from what i remember and i was like we don't need to play the we can play the advanced mode i think but i mean i'm glad that it includes a basic mode for you know kids and you know for beginners right um yeah i'm not implying that all people who play people who play basic are children but it's good for children so i i can appreciate that uh yeah just a fun simple sort of i'll try to score as many points as you can and that kind of thing i i enjoy it quite dramatically this was definitely on my short list that's a good one quadruple this is a good one i don't think i'm not sure if i thought of it but it's uh it's a great pick all right my number nine was just announced that it's going to be reprinted uh this is from doug eckhart and that's tammany hall originally came out in 2007 he's done a few really tiny little games uh other than this one but tammany hall a lot of people were excited about this game of corruption in new york something that's a thing of the past we don't have corruption nowadays back in the day there was corruption in politics i know it sounds like a fairy tale uh but tammany hall is all about that am i getting too close to the line nearly all right i'll back stop it stop it keep going tom push it tiffany tammany hall uh it's a pretty mean game and i really look forward to seeing the reprint from pandasaurus so any white lions we're hitting all the third body parts off of uh corrupt politicians you cut their ears off i guess okay number eight my number eight is the o.g dead bag building or i guess it's bag deconstruction game this was way ahead of the curve thebes in which you go digging in the sands for stuff in a bag and you put your hand in there and pull tokens out this is from peter prinz it's the only game that's come out for peter prince they did they did thieves the card game it's the same game basically um i miss this one yeah it's uh this was a looker this is a very pretty game came out from queen a long time ago actually i think he's self-published originally and then queen picked it up and put it out in a really lavish production it is a family weight game yes it's gonna have some luck you are as you are you know excavating in the desert in various places you do put your hand in a bag shake it up pull out tokens this is a cool mechanism in which you are deciding how many days you spend digging and there is a time track if you spend an entire week say seven days digging you will pull out more tokens but then you might sit around for a while while other players spend the weeks that you just jumped ahead on until they finally pass your piece and then you're back in so it plays with time in a really interesting way i know there's other games that do this kind of thing this is the one that jumps to the forefront of my mind when it comes to that time management deal you're always whoever's in the last place always goes next and i like it i no longer own this one it just wasn't coming to the table but uh i would have no issue recommending it to someone looking for an easy game to get into and they enjoy this theme the archaeological you know world trekking old world kind of 1900s trekking kind of vibe so there we go thebes my number eight pick that's good choice i that should have been on my list good job z thank you something satisfying also about bag pulling stuff out of a bag um like quacks or something i i think you've i've heard you mentioned this game it does it does sound fun um yeah it can definitely be also kind of punishing if you spend more time than somebody else and just get hosed but it's it's that kind of game yeah it's it's kind of lucky yeah my number eight is uh tobago by bruce allen uh it's a deduction game where you're going around this island and as cards are played to the to the board uh the locations for different treasures are narrowed down and narrowed down and narrowed down based on little cubes that tell you where the treasures might be and you're basically just trying to race to those spots and trying to dig them up it has a fun sort of like take that thing where you can be like oh if i play this car then it's nowhere near you anymore it's only near me or uh and it'll leave like a solitary cube or whatever and there's fun little mechanics like these idols that turn around and um other like you have like special powers and stuff uh and then uh in these quarantine times actually there's actually a pretty solid version on board game arena you can play ah okay and it actually will now it's kind of nice because if you play a card it automatically takes off all the cubes for you that's good like i almost like this is kind of kind of better but uh yeah sometimes what's nice about board game arena i'm not promoted by them or anything i'm just [Laughter] by the way sponsored by um sometimes when they can like do the bookkeeping for you that's really nice uh especially if like you're trying to teach the game new people or whatever and it just uh takes away some of that busy work um i think that's a nice plus to some online versions of games but i like deduction games a lot and i think this one has a fun theme and uh not too crazy to learn uh so that's my number eight tobago yes i yes i figured we'd hear about tobago today i'm sure it could come up again very good game my number eight came out 2016. uh a very yeah i know but i have some 2016 games and this was an abstract strategy game santorini this is done by the designer who goes by the name gord with the exclamation point his actual name is gordon hamilton he's done a few small card games i do like his little game called 12 days of christmas but he's not known for them at all he's just known for santorini um it's a great abstract strategy game with over-the-top production and somehow managed to find its way into big box stores really is a wide reach this game but uh um yeah i considered this i looked it up because i knew it was one of it i thought it was his only game i would disagree with this well two things first of all santorini came out in 2004 so it's a much older game than you're saying uh two years but okay fine no no 2004 they reprinted in 16. the original one is much older that makes it even better then it does but giving him cred man i am but but he's got other games i discounted him because he does have other games he's got kings killed 12 days of christmas that was already two and i i wasn't those are like but they're in the eight thousands oh that's that's where your number ones are but for for me right right you were less you were less strict you were less strict about them having a single design and more about them being having one hit well i mean i he's the he's one of two designers who i was a little uncertain because it is these other two games but they're barely i mean no one's heard of either one of them really yes if we're allowed to straight up cheat then i feel a little better about some of my choices later on i'm gonna change my number one yeah epidemic we didn't actually make a set of strict rules did we cool yeah no it's fine yeah do whatever you want yeah it's your channel sure i feel like it was my channel all right my number eight santorini number seven all right my number seven is going to be whatever i want citadels there citadels i'd like to he's got a couple of lesser known games but there um now my number seven is one of the estari games that came out a long time ago and the star used to be making a lot of games and this is what's called uh uh mr rhinos i think is how it's supposed to be pronounced i looked it up once and then forgot i think it's maker rhinos from nicholas o'ree and that's his only game well actually this is the one person who had another game recently you've seen it tom called super cats it's like a tiny little game yeah i like super cats yeah it's this person it's nicholas reed here and like six other designers it's a bunch of people who sort of you know know each other a group of french designers and they made super cats this is his only other design by himself and i like it a lot i think it's a solid game of area control of divvying up areas i was very surprised that i still am but this guy never came up with anything else you know never did something even based on this because it's such a clean design it doesn't feel like somebody's only stab at designing it it feels finished and polished so i'm surprised that nothing else ever floated to the top and actually made it out and got published as it is i still recommend this one i think it's aged a little bit it's a little dry by today's standards i this one actually did let go not too long ago actually because of that very thing garbage what's that one hit wonders that are garbage it's a sub list it's a sub list no it's it's good stuff but it is a little dry it's it's not new this is from 2006 i think uh so there you go that's my number seven mick rhinos okay my number seven uh it's okay if he's designed like 20 other games right yes okay gotcha cool now this one is uh snake oil uh it's a party game very uh uh fun sort of improv party game where you have uh somebody has a role like each turn like oh i'm a babysitter i'm a senior citizen and then in your hand of cards uh you have like words and you can combine two words together and try to pitch a product like monkey basket or space pipe or something like that and you just uh try to pitch it as best as you can and whoever they think is the best has the best pitch wins or whatever it's definitely a game that not for everybody especially if you're kind of like shy or you know not so much into improving or whatever but uh if you can get like a good you know selection of people who are all game for it and all it's like a welcoming you know hey you know we just want everybody to like uh shine right it's not a game at least i hope that you're just gonna be like i gotta win this like i gotta crush the competition it's about you know i would never wanna play with you playing with no no i don't play with those types of people i you know when i uh someone brought this to new year's and i had not played it i'd heard of it and i we had a great time like everyone was on fire like even people who i thought like might not be as much into it i think we had a nice welcoming atmosphere where it's like you know you we just want everyone to be fun you know funny and encouraging and so i think if you have an environment like that and people who are willing to to sort of play that sort of game uh it's a really funny game uh i had a great time i might pick it up myself although my friend owns it so i don't know if i need to but regardless i i deeply enjoyed at that experience so snake oil i i don't know if i said the name jeff ox my number seven is a true blue one hit wonder because it's his only design henry stern and the game of 2005 is vegas showdown this is just straight up it was very popular still very popular it's been reprinted it's consistently in and out of print um someday someone who makes good quality components will reprint it to all of our joy um but until hasbro gives up the rights to it you know we're stuck with what we got but it's a solid game i really like this idea of building your own casino the bidding against other people it still feels fairly modern even considering it's 15 years old now i really like this one this was this was an easy one to put on the list vegas showdown um yeah yeah good stuff number six all right my number six is going to be i think guys the last one that you're allowed to give me grief for because it's not we've heard of it maybe or not not heard of it right this is it after this you've heard of them uh i believe this is pronounced trieste and it is from a designer that goes by the name of matthew ma in this one this is a three player only game it's a card game and in it each player is going to be playing a different aspect of the city so one player is the city watch represents a city watch another player is a merchant and another player is a thief or represents a group of thieves and it's a card game it's a simultaneous election card game in which each each of those three prongs affects the other two in different ways everybody has their own winning conditions everybody is affecting the other two players in different ways so the city watch is going to be stopping the thief from acquiring things from the merchant but if they don't then the thief can steal from the merchant the merchant can mess with the city watch it's it's neat it's got these sort of cool ideas in play and i loved that this designer his only design is very thematic it's very outside of the box the way it deals with that there's not that many games until honestly until root came out and put the idea of you are doing very different things from everybody else at the table there were not that many games that did this this one does it and i would have loved to have seen matthew ma go back to the to the drawing board and come up with another game that did a similar thing or maybe even an expansion where you pulled one of the three parts of the city out and added in a new part of the city you know but alas there was never anything else for it uh this one also would be nice if it got an uh reprint or a nicer edition as it is i like it i think it's me sell a three-player game though man it is just three though they sell two player only games you know um how's the complexity on it like oh no it's light it's a like it's like gotcha um but yeah i like it you've played this tom right i know i like it too it's just that i know you said they sell two player only but there's a lot of times where you have two players three doesn't work with two i don't know it's just a weird thing i know it's unfair but uh but i get what you're saying uh question for both of you what is sort of your ideal number i mean obviously there are different four games four is yours i actually don't mind three would you say three three yeah three yeah i think three is actually a pretty good number usually i mean i'll do three or four of course uh but if it's three it usually makes the game go faster um true i can get a lot of those bigger euro games played with three oh especially with a bigger euro game three and they work really well with three right it's a little bit less down time i like just about everything in a three-player game i like any any aspect that can develop like be mean to someone you better watch yourself or you you'll ignore the third person they'll just lap you right i like politics i like the push and pull of managing two opponents yeah i like the like you said going around the table quickly i don't know yeah three just sings for me most games that play three well that's my way that's the way to go yeah i think that's my sweet spot as well uh number six for me is a game called unfair by joel finch this is an amusement park themed sort of card game where you're uh building like attractions with blueprints and stuff and then it's called unfair because you can do like little mean things like uh send like a like a safety inspector over to somebody's park or like close their i forget the exact names of the cards but it's that sort of the idea it's very cheeky uh but uh basically at its core it's just a very you know straightforward like you know you you build attractions and you got different themes like pirate theme or gangster theme and you're trying to like get income and build more things uh i i think this also holds like a soft spot for me because this was a gift uh that my wife got uh from her i believe her brother and it's one of those games like i mean my my wife is usually down to play most games but that's one of the games where she gets excited to play i think because it has like that sort of attachment to her um i'm not saying it's like an amazing game but i do enjoy the game like when i play it like it it's it's pretty fun and i do get a lot of satisfaction out of building up your different rides and hiring different people for powers and stuff um so number six for me is unfair and i think the cheekiness it's not too mean because my wife doesn't like really aggressive like you know take that or haha ruin your thing but it's enough where it there is player interaction and it's it's interesting um so that's uh number six for me it's not one i've ever played i've seen it i know what you're talking about i've just never played that one yeah um and i wouldn't say rush out but like it's fun i i i don't think you'll have a bad time with it or anything it has really good artwork it does have really good artwork too that helps quite a bit that was a compliment oh i see what it is oh that was available was nothing i guess no that was a backhanded compliment as in like the art is the only thing i can compliment that's that's what i was getting at yeah yeah you all are being you're reading too much into things like all of us have played 90 of the 500 000 on board i am but a simple peasant who has played i don't know five games in my life and unfair was one of them so you know please please sir tell me 20 games that are in the same category that are the better game i i really wanted to like unfair i loved the theme park feel that the take that was a little too much for me in it oh really okay yeah maybe we were just too nice to each other in that in that uh and whenever we play but well i think you could play that way it only takes one person to throw the wrench in so you mean people or army person if you met my game group anyhow um my number six is uh from chris to and he's he just designed a game that just came out now called alice in word land which i don't think is ever going to be that popular unfortunately but the game i'm talking about is when i dream when i dream a parody game which i think is extremely well done and in fact it reminded me they had one of the most brilliant marketing sequences ever at essen a few years ago they were promoting this game when i dream one person's sleeping and everyone else gets clues but some people are lying to you to figure out who but they had brought a bed to essen and were wheeling it around with a sleeping person in it and then that person would also wander the floors and just lay down in the middle of essen on the floor and go to sleep with a pillow and everything and then people would stop and take pictures it's kind of bordered on creepy um but it was a good gig just i'm gonna pay you to just sleep in the middle of this convention hall nice gig i think sleeping in public though is a very different thing you know people come up and stick their fingers in your ear or something you know have you been sleeping huh yeah what kind of people are you sleeping around tom just sticking fingers in your ears people respect my ears when i sleep well y'all don't when you have kids you can get woken up in some very very unusual ways i got it that's totally fair uh that game was actually it's on my to playlist right before uh all this happened all the uh pandemic because uh i'm literally staring it over there's a stack of games i was like all right can't wait to get some people over i have not played this game yet but i've heard great things and i'm really trying it's good it's good number five it is crossover time i am crossing over with mr vassell wait what i thought you were i was not expecting oh vegas showed up vegas showdown from henry stern was your number seven is my number five i agree with everything you said this is one of the worst produced games on this list because the game i actually think is one of the best games on the list and i agree with you wholeheartedly will somebody please pick this game up and reprint it with good quality and and maybe throw in a little pizzazz you know henry stern's got to come up with something by now uh yeah i agree it's a good game good bidding good uh tile laying kind of you know city building if you would you're building a single casino but same vibe uh i've played this one quite a bit actually i used to play with my parents a lot and they got into it too it's not mean it has that confrontation of outbidding someone sort of you know i pay i'll pay more so you gotta get out of here and go bid on something else but that's basically it you're then focusing on doing your own thing uh yeah yeah i'm ready for it to have a little more content like i said but other than that it's a sweet family game my number five vegas showdown um yeah uh it's not on mine but uh would have been in like my short list uh i don't think i'm as enamored with it as you guys are but i do think it's very good uh just unfortunately not enough white lions in it for me uh to attack so well you may run into some body part issues that's true it's true what okay okay i'll i'll leave it at that you know what i'm gonna reel that one back just move on man just move on i don't think tom realizes what body part we've been uh uh well that's uh okay let's not let's not talk about it any further let's move on number five is uh a a little tiny game uh called alchemists by uh mattis court cotrie and i say tiny it is not tiny at all it is pretty pretty heavy uh it is a another deduction game where um you are combining potion ingredients and you have an app it's like an app based game where you're using the ipad to combine ingredients and you're trying to deduce what uh different potion or potions these ingredients make depending on the qua the chemical properties of ingredients uh that's actually the part of it i like the most on top of that there is this very big competitive sort of like action based game where like you're competing for who goes first and then you're like doing different actions like you can test your potion on a student or uh for but you have to pay money or you can drink it yourself but then you might have to suffer penalties and you're also like uh like trying to like the the key mechanic of the game is you're trying to get i think it's a reputation or something and you're trying to get theories published first before other people and go like okay i think this potion is has uh this i forget the exact terminology but these ingredients or whatever and some and some of your uh tokens are like almost like false tokens where they don't penalize you if you're wrong at the end of the game but some of them like the gold star theories which are hidden uh are go okay i'm pretty sure that this is correct for this and if you're right at the end you'll get more points at the end and there's this whole like exhibition at the end of okay let's reveal all the answers and see and that in itself is pretty fun to see like oh i was so close on that or oh i was completely off on that or oh i put that theory there just to mess with you guys i don't know what that was like i just wanted to panic you guys um it's fun it's a little i feel like it could be i mean my personal taste i mean i'll play any type of game despite how heavy it is uh but for the game for what i like about it which is the deduction aspect i could take or leave some of the heavier elements of it because it is a long game and there's a lot to learn with the actions um but overall i had a good time it was actually a game that i looked at i looked at the board gaming complexity i was like i don't know but i tried it and i actually really enjoyed it a lot and i think the uh having the app helps a lot too it it's really fun to have put input the little things that go ding or you know see and you have this screen where you keep track of uh oh okay uh because of that result this potion can't be these or this ingredient can't be these elements and it's just kind of like narrowing down each l each ingredient by that sort of uh deduction system uh it's fun i i enjoy the game quite a bit yeah this is one that's been recommended to me in the past several times by by several people and i've just never gotten around to it but that's the main thing that's kept me from it is that i heard it is kind of long it is long i will say that uh but it depends on how much you like that kind of deduction you like that a lot i think the game will be worth playing for you if you're not so hot on it then maybe uh i don't know maybe you're gonna like it yeah all right my number five is a big giant space game from cody miller in 2014 and that's ziya now he did make a little game tabaru about surfing but no one's ever heard of that one he's basically the zaya guy that's right xayah is just a solid game there's i i keep needing to play the expansion for it and roy keeps telling me i need to play the expansion for it but i love the idea of exploring i love the idea of a sandbox space game this game feels unique and different than almost every other game on the market it just has that hey this is an independent guy made his own game and it turned out to be a lot of fun so unless you fly into the sun and it's got good production values too like he knocked it out of the park that's his first thing but like he's got the little miniature spaceships and the whole thing spaceships the game comes with painted spaceships yeah it's it's one of the few things that says how heavy is the game uh because i i've been interested about it yet three or four kilos maybe no it's not it there's a lot going on and i i will say the rules i thought were fairly dense uh okay they they are getting better and explanations but i like mid heavy like around that range i would i would go even maybe a little higher than that i would definitely watch it it's pretty heavy it's got yeah i would say so i think that once you play it it's not so complex it's just there's a lot of rules a big rules dump watch out for the sun like tom said because you can fly right into the sun which kills you oh you could fly right into the sun the first round well you could also be warned to always look before you you leap i don't want to be told what to do if i want to do that i'll just not play board games that's you know i admire that spirit that z no yeah that's how he gets out of playing any game i'll say this is the rule he's like well you can't tell me what to do it kind of ruins half the game if i wanted rules i'd go do something else yeah all right my number five ziya number four number four for me is a deduction game kind of a social deduction game called deception murder in hong kong from toby ho and uh it is a supremely interesting and engaging social deduction game probably my favorite one because you are trying to figure out who who done did it and with what in front of them and in front of them everybody has a selection of possibilities so a gun glue a horseshoe and several arranged crabs that have been lacquered to form some sort of strange lamp um and then and then the murder was committed with one of those things and somebody is giving clues to the entire group of course the murderer is hitting them among them and you know trying to push the discussion away from what they know it is the neat thing about the game and this is i always say this but it's true and there's no other social deduction game that's managed to to hit this nail on the head most social deduction games have a slow build at the beginning everyone is very tentative at the beginning you're all going like well so-and-so's being quiet you know and then like you contrast that to near the end of the game and everybody's going like no i'll kill you with my lacquered crabs in this game you start there there are immediately you can you can immediately give clues or like what you think it is so you're like ah oh it's got to be that thing oh it's got to be this over here uh i'm going to make a guess on these two things over there so i like that it's immediately energetic and and you can get to the the juicing part right away so deception murder in hong kong it's got a bunch of expansions and little promos and stuff but it's his only game so my number four um is that yeah good pick um wow guys thank you i've heard of it uh good pick um at least i've heard of it i'll give you that right um i uh no the game the game is a great game uh we have a like rule where uh if you are the murderer at the end you have to tell the story of how you did it like with like what was your motivation behind that clue and that murder weapon and that's a good rule oh you gotta do that you should try it if you if you have people who like that sort of like oh let me tell you a story about why this went down uh that's a pretty fun little house like rule that we have then i totally agree with you um in terms of like being the murderer in that uh right from the get-go you can just because you just play the game as if you're one of the detectives uh i would say on a scale of like nervous because i don't get nervous playing traders or whatever but for a lot of people do but on a scale of like spyfall is like the worst right that is like the most difficult traitor game to be the traitor but i'd say deception is one of those games that you can just anyone who's even playing it for the first time knows what to do um so it's a great great game nice um my number four is a game i recently played for the first time and i loved it and it's a target uh it's uh by andrea steiger it's a two player game where uh you have this uh board of tiles and you're putting your little your little people or meeple around the edges and uh it's this fun sort of like hey if i put my meeple here and you can't put your meatball facing my meeple and wherever the meeples intersect not only do you get to do the actions where you place the meeples on the tiles on the outer edge but you also get to do whatever they intersect and you're trying to like get resources so you can build these sort of like uh where they like tribe cards or whatever in your sort of uh little tableau or whatever uh although i do like the theme like you know i i think a lot of themes are very boring but i actually think this one is an interesting uh theme um so yeah i when i played the game for the first time you know how you play a game and you have that feel of oh this game's great like even when you're like two turns or three turns in yeah that's exactly that's exactly i was like oh i love this game just very early on and it just kept getting better and better um because it's a it's that great thing of like okay like i gotta do what's best for me but i don't want you know the other player to like get all this good stuff that they need it's a great balancing act of being mean because you're so mean in that game but you also want to make sure that you're getting what you need that and all the mechanics in the game are just fun it's it's a such a well-designed game uh and uh also uh on board game arena that's there's a pretty solid version on there as well uh i think because a lot of people ask me like i want to play board games but i can't right now so i just go you know uh i know a lot of people like like tabletop simulator and like table topia but board game arena for me has kind of automates a lot of stuff so it's it's a god it sounds like i'm being sponsored because it holds you to the rules right yes yes it's not pretty but it's functional i i've had great success teaching just because a wide variety of different experience levels with board games board gaming people um with that site but anyway target fantastic two-player game yep that's the good one that's a good pick all right tom what's uh what game are you talking about from is by charlie catino and this is the last iffy one he because he's had his hands in a few ccgs over the years but this is the only board game on his list also why i did not pick him uh and this nexus ops 2005. nah this is this is you say what board games has he designed nexus ops no one says dual master ccg so um well maybe those people would but it doesn't matter next stops the great masters fans are going to go after you man you just lost 0.1 of your fan base um i love nexus ops i really am mind-boggled why more people can't make these light dice chucking monster fighting games you know troops on a map type thing it seems like there would be an audience for that sort of thing and there's so few of them they're either here's a game with 700 million rules or it's a euro game uh so i like nexus ops a lot 15 years later still going strong that's a good one i mean i i think it's a great pick i didn't pick it and i'm i'm being a little fussy i don't care if you pick it but i thought about it because i knew it was it was one of it i thought it was his only design i looked it up much like i looked up henry stern they were in the same line of games both from like you know a new fantasy avalon hill uh but i saw the ccg stuff and i was like no no i've actually played that dual masters game yeah but the dual masters is ranked 8330 which is pretty far down like i have i have standards i i take this seriously for me yeah no it's got to be 14 000 and below i consider no longer a hit it's got to be vicious vicious and below basically that's right 13 what is it 13 000 something something no it's in uh 14 000 i think it's oh no i'm going to look it up 14 it's time to have you talked to about bringing that back you know that would be a hit on that site by the way have you tried board gamer call me i'll give you exclusive rights i'm sure they're tripping over themselves to call you white guy i gotta take a photo i'll be right back it's breaking now number number three once again it's crossover time this time it is not with tom it's with uh san juan i know it has droplets all right what is it what droplets it is not quadruple it's actually the target you put it on the list i i think it's a great pick i just didn't put it on the list what did you say is that is it targy it is not targi tobago is it ah i thought you put that on okay yeah baby tobago is a great pick everything you said was right on point it's uh it's a looker it's fun it's kind of like this you know it's not really the deduction it's sort of like elimination of possibilities but uh it feels like deduction anyway like the fun part of figuring out where something is buried even though you're the one really deciding where it is right it doesn't matter it's still fun you're you know driving your little jeep around the jungle and the desert and all the stuff driving over there picking up the treasure digging for gold coins and it's just a beautiful game actually played that game this year so it's you know within the last few months i've played it and it holds up man it's a neat game it works well it's fun still one of the best looking games i think in my collection and this is it's fairly old so yeah i love it i'm surprised that this one's out of print this should do well all they got to do is reprint the exact same way it looked and it should do well so like yeah it's a great great design oh yeah i'll call out in the next two years somebody's gonna kickstart a reprint of this it's probably a rights issue you think so yeah probably i'm even going to say what company how about that and if i'm right please folks i did not know this i'm going to say the same company that reprinted cleopatra in the society of architects i think they're called mojito games oh they seemed like the kind of company who would pick this up and reprint it that's really specific if you're right nostradamus either that or inside i really don't i have no idea but that would be cool uh tobago number three all right i promise the next three are not on board game arena well you should check out uh anyway this could be on board game marina this is however getting into slightly cheating territory we can argue about it if you'd like uh but i just love this game and so i was like i'm gonna put it on anyway my number three is a game called subterra by tim pinder and it's cheating territory because i know there's a sequel but does that no i don't count a sequel it's the same game done again i think okay and i think terra 2 is a different game but it's also not out right is it not out i don't know i don't remember it it's not out there it's in kickstarter sort of limbo right now okay that makes it sound bad it's not done yet um how did i miss this this would have totally been on my list man i love subterra oh man sub tara for those who haven't played it is a game where you you have like a stack of tiles and you're basically yeah yeah you put you put geos on there you didn't put sub tara come on seven hails is out just throw geos in the trash uh like subterra is a game where you're you're it's a kind of like that game uh what's that game saboteur where you're like almost like making like paths through a cavern and you're trying to get to the the way out and that's in the bottom of the stack but it's full of like gas traps and like oh like if you go this way you can't go back without like a rope or you know oh there's like a tight tight leg uh tunnels or lots of ways you can die extremely tense uh and it plays well with actually a large group of people like i played this um i forget exactly how many i want to say like uh four or five people or something like that but it feels deeply thematic like you're really in this subterranean just dark way and you're like no no don't go that way like if you go that way like we can't we got to reconnect them and we can't get back to you um and then it has uh this and you all have different powers and abilities but it has this great mechanic near the end where uh if you're if you're not out uh you gotta roll a dice for each time you like go and if you roll i it like a one you're dead like you're it's like your flashlight flickers you would draw after your flashlight dies right every time you win you still have time but you're risking out on the dire roll yeah it's so tense uh same exact way man yeah i i love this game like and everyone had a great time with it and it was one of those games where it got like uh not heated and like uh actually like um angry way but more in like no like one friend was like i'm gonna go this way and we're like if you go that way we're leaving you behind like there's no like that's a foolish mistake my friend we gotta work together and that's selfish we gotta get everybody out that feels awfully familiar i just got yelled at in the cooperative game for making a quote-unquote foolish decision which ended up being foolish um well i thought about a tracks then i guess uh but and then it has always like a very climactic advantage of like oh man we gotta i gotta like it's like oh i could escape but let's get let's go save that person because we i gotta go get them uh it's a fantastic fantastic game i agree yeah good stuff better than geos probably not just not the uh i'll i'll say it's better than that the the tiles have four sides geos only managed three sides you know well there's that alone yeah my number three is not behind me but behind z oh you sneaky man turn about and it's he's not going to grab it because it's not small and that is the mex verse minions giant game at the very top team at riot games who i would assume they're designing more stuff they've let hints drop that they are designing more games but this is the only game they did and what a game out the gate it's came out in 2016 so it's four years old at this point but it's a solid game a lot of fun based on the whole league of legends but a cooperative game uh a programming game some of the best components i think even though that game you know had a bit of a cheat going you know when you have a billion dollar company making a game that's you know you got some benefits going there they pushed i think a lot of normal board companies to up their productions to using those same game trays and things like that right um what's the name of the designer on on this game uh well it's a whole team i know that the team is led by chris cantrell um but i believe on board game geek i checked all of them uh because when i when i first asked them about the game they wouldn't even i don't think their names are necessarily in the box oh okay chris cantrell rick ernst stone lebron day prashant saraswat and nathan tires chris is the one i dealt with he was definitely the lead but he made it clear it was a team effort kind of like prospero hall this actually would have been on my list i am a lazy person so if the game had more than one designer i was like that's fine i'll just find a different game like i don't know like you know that's right it is top 10 one-hit wonders from one designer that is not what we call belief that's what the list is i'm sorry you worked with other people you don't qualify for the whole hit you're sharing a hit uh if this game qualified uh whether or not it does oh that's that's debatable i i don't think i don't think he necessarily broke a rule this would have absolutely been on my list let's like kingdom death monster would have been kicked off for this i i do enjoy this game quite a bit we're going to end with very different lists than we still keep going oh that's a great game oh oh i'm just gonna erase my bottom half i think um but uh we'll say it's one of the most gorgeous like uh when you open that box oh my god like it's amazing like wants some of the best inserts too on top of a really really solid game number two well san juan is on fire because i'm uh also crossing over with you for my number two and this is target that's what i figured target baby number two uh the expansion just came out by the way it was coming out soon i just reviewed it expansion is solid very very good i would recommend if you if you like playing that one you should get you should get the expansion but yeah everything you said was right it's tense it's interesting there's a little meanness i think all the pretty much all the meanness i notice you know when i play it these days is sort of consequence it's coincidental it's consequential i don't normally target my other my opponent's spots but you will get in each other's way you could there's a lot of turn angst in this game where it's like before kind of funny right yeah like you accidentally like get in their way yeah right right there's a lot of like you know sitting waiting for the other player to put out their worker and you're just fighting you know biting your your tongue waiting and finally they pick a spot and you go okay good that doesn't mess with me i'll go here but i really want this one card in the middle so i need i need two spots where they can cross those two things so my first place is good but if they block me on the second one and then you sit there again and kind of gnash your teeth and wait for them to put it out i love that turn tension turn angst so yeah this is a fantastic two player game one of the absolute best ones i think uh it blows my mind that this guy's not done anything besides this and the expansion it's uh insane so much design there that just seems like he would be able to come up with something else that's really cool i don't know maybe he just designed slowly he just did come out the expansion quite a bit after the original game it has been out for a while in german only uh but you're right it is it is not a lot of content that's sort of slow content i was gonna make a joke huh oh god go ahead make your joke no i said i was going to make a joke on my number two and say that we have a three-way crossover because i assume target would be z's number one but it's also my number two target there it is this was an easy pick right you go through and go an amazing game it's his only game i mean it's he this is the very definition of this list right no one's arguing over him on this list but it's such a great game i'm so irritated because i have the z let let me the expansion and i was in a position with two people and i was like all right i got the game ready to go and the third person popped in and i was like all right i can play target later just what we said three player games three player games as it's at all right so both our number twos are targeted all right i realize i could just watch the video since i have you here what is the expansion add just like new tiles or you were like what like the just give me the very brief oh it is lazy man come on i need that click i'll watch it later oh no it's fine uh no the expansion is kind of i mean it's kind of like turkey 2.0 more than an expansion it's really how it feels it it completely switches out the uh the clan's deck or whatever you remove the entire deck and you put in a whole new deck with new effects new abilities and you switch out some of the cards on the outside okay not all of it some of them and so it's going to play somewhat differently it also adds like this new side activity you can choose to do instead of going to one of the outside cards with your with your little target guy you can just take one of these special super strong cards yeah it's cool it's great stuff if you've played target i would recommend it to someone that someone get it out of the gate like i wouldn't say like oh buy the game and the expansion at the same time that's crazy because they're kind of playing a lot what's that because they're kind of two different games right because it kind of replaces the game it's almost like yeah yeah yeah you know i i doubt i'll go back that's what i mean it's sort of oh okay that's the original game and says this is the new target you've played it a lot i would get it yeah all right well i drove roy crazy by jumping the gun there sorry to get my number two and for jumping you but we'll go back what's your number two oh i guess i'll forgive it uh for a three-way crossover but uh my number two uh and so i guess if sequels are not cheating then we're good uh my number two is one of my favorite games and it's a game called aeon's end by kevin reilly uh i love cooperative games and i love deck building games and to me this is one of the most fun like kind of like eye-opening deck building games i had played in a long time i know he's co-developing a game that's not out yet so i'm good on this list uh but uh it's one of the most i i prefer a two-player i think that plays the best but it's very satisfying you have to work together like because the bosses are very difficult in this game i love the mechanic uh you don't you don't shuffle your deck right so you can kind of like almost manipulate and manage your deck in a way and kind of make it like okay if i put this card first then i'll make sure to get it later i'll get these cards together uh that's great the cards themselves offer really fun powers uh the monsters are just absolutely excruciating to fight and just constantly coming at you you never feel there's only one boss in this game i felt like we're like that was like pretty like an easy experience i think every single time it's like barely by the skin of our teeth and it's always deeply deeply satisfying uh i was very impressed uh and i've played like i that's one of those games where um like marvel legendary i buy everything and i play everything so everybody there's a lot i played uh i forget what it's called new or the the second set and i played the role of legacy and then i have the newest one which lets you put like the treasures in from legacy or like that mechanic anyway i forget the names of them but uh like new age or something like that um but there are a couple games like that i'll always just to have more content more content because it's also one of those games that's great because you can just swap in uh cards right like i'll play with these weapons or spells and these items this time uh and and this buzz i i love expansions where you can just oh and i have a randomizer as well of course where you can just every game is going to be completely different so that's uh my number two aeons and highly recommend it if you like deck building games and finally number one number one we have reached number one i really thought you would be your number one not uh you're missing a fairly obvious one that you might not realize is from is this person's only design it is i went through all the good games you did this is a game originally from gosh i don't know 2012 i want to say and then this was reprinted recently just last year and uh oh wow there you go atlantis rising is my number one from galen sissel it's uh his only design again came out some time ago got reworked got reprinted i think this is this is the most uh legit hit pick especially if you count the new printing of it right i mean the kickstarter did well seems to be selling out people are getting into it the first time around not so much nobody really you know remembers it i think but uh i enjoyed the original time around i thought it was a good design the new one is definitely better there's no question he you know the production of it is superb there's more development that went into it of course he's grown as a designer though this is still his only design and i'm surprised by that especially seeing as to how he he's back in it you know what i mean he's brought the game back reworked it put it out again so what else is coming now he might be working on something i don't know but this is his only design so far atlantis rising is a co-op game in which you are trying not necessarily to keep appliances from sinking that's going to happen anyway you're trying to build a machine a portal to carry you and your people to safety before that happens that's kind of the idea and it's a very cooperative that's the thing about it is that you are very much working with each other there is discussions in this game of what i'll do this then you'll do that and then you kind of once you figure it all out you'll resolve the rounds so i like that cadence of it that you know once we get to this phase we sit and go all right guys what do you think should i do this okay i'll go there with you and you send your guy over here with me i like that phase of it quite a bit so yeah atlantis rising my number one pick for this list and one of my favorite games in general um i've heard you talk about it it sounds really cool it's good um my number one is a crossover uh uh mr garcia and that is deception murder in hong kong oh i uh i mean if it didn't show earlier i love the game all the reasons you said uh it's one of the best i think just trader sort of games because like you know it's very easy to be the trader and it's always fun like it's so many different parts of it upon not just the trader element the deducting the discussion you know all that stuff um i will say whenever um people like like bring up mysterium or whatever i go you should try deception like i i think for me i would i'm not so much into my stream uh but i love deception i think it kind of hits some of the same sort of beats for me that that game does um and it's almost it feels more like a party game too like it's a and i like party games so right it's a great great pick uh it's great because i picked it as well i love it that's what i'm here it's a great pick yeah yeah i was going off more of these but it's also great because i picked it of course but it's a fanta one of my favorite games as well uh deception all right my number one pushes the limits slightly because this designer has had some very much not hits at all pushing the limits over with someone it is not at all uh this designer has also designed space station and after the virus both of which are very very much no one knows what they are but everyone knows main game you'll know his name when i say the designer no i know jacob and that's terraforming mars terraforming mars again he's the very definition of a one-hit wonder because his other games no one is playing them i did listen listen i didn't put this on because i saw he had other games oh right right so you fall i love this game now listen the definition of a one-hit wonder of someone who makes music doesn't mean they never wrote another song it means they only have one hit that's what this guy has how do we qualify a hit yeah i probably assume myself that question that's how i qualify whatever you got my list is valid then yeah it's good list no no that's a fantastic game uh if if um we just could do whatever we wanted then sure it would be it would be quadropolis would be kicked out along with again my list is transforming before my eyes once i realized once i realized the rules didn't matter speaking of doing whatever you want let's take a look at what the people said so i put a pull up on facebook and i said it had to be 2018 or before and they had to have one major game that people know him for nothing else so this is what the people chose number ten spirit island this is from our he's in a eric called fealty but no one really knows about that game so that's legit okay welcome to that's 2018. that's new ish clans of caledonia uh from huma'au i don't know how i pronounce his name jiaozhou he also did a game called green deal which should be well known but it's just not camel up from stephen bogan number seven and then for some reason the people for number six picked wingspan even though that's clearly a 2019 game and she also has tussy mussy and this mariposa game coming out in any month but i'm surprised i was only on there once wingspan needs to win everything all right number five people put love letter from sejji can i but i don't know the man has done like 40 games what are they talking about legacy um hey just right now people said he came out with a new game since we started this list yeah number four they put target so they agree with us there good number three ziya number two clank uh which paul dennin is the designer of he also did clank second you know clank in space and then he did that new game eternal which uh you weren't a huge fan of z but i don't remember okay yeah it was kind of like um space anyway you didn't like me then right well yeah well crank in space is essentially a variant of clank i'm not going to fault him for that did that i consider putting him on a designer then i'm trying to think why this isn't on my list because i love like yeah is this too because i'm lazy or is it because he designed another game i'm less lazy so let me look it up um that's rude to your guest tom no because you probably popped it up and saw that he had 24 things although they're almost all clank expansions but he also had clank in space and eternal chronicles of the throne it might have been eternal okay give me some credit tom i i can't give you credit even if it said 24 i clicked it uh expansions i know don't count uh clank would have been on mine but yeah all right and then the people's choice number one was terraforming mars which i feel like validates me even if they did pick love letter in wingspan but that's not the point yeah no no did they not pick gaius how did that happen i'm actually okay well i'm actually going to go look it up to see if anybody picked gays because i could tell you how many people picked each thing that's right now all right overall that's a good list though i've again if i were less lazy and didn't care about the rules then my my list would probably look pretty different i'd probably but uh you know well i'm glad this is out of date as soon as it's up i'm happy for that well that's true right because i i went and looked at the list that we did last time and several of those designers that we talked about have done another game since then the list took some time to be wrong this one's wrong as soon as we're done streaming that's what i'm saying as soon as we heard the names they were there there were some examples of ones of designers that uh came out with good or stuff since then oh that's a good point let me uh pour what was the last the last uh one-hit wonders video in years man right tom well yeah i usually don't do them it was uh it was in let's see we put gangnam style as our as our thing here oh you mean the thumbnail yeah yeah gangnam style was the thumbnail it's 2016. all right so we put we put uh time stories um i put 12 pages but you keep making fun of me so i didn't do it this time stockpile the guys made stockpile also made two more games the superhero one and a couple other games deception murder hong kong uh nexus ops vegas showdown manhattan project but he came out with a couple other things twilight struggle i put in the list but they just came out with imperial struggle and jason matthews has also done a pile of other stuff um yeah you have atlantis rising on your back then see yeah your list is almost the same now now he pulled that one out of the depths of somewhere let me tell you about this lion i thought [Laughter] listen if it's not a line you fought and then i'll play it that's the only criteria someone thank you so much for coming on the show uh really good choices a lot of fun if people want to see more of you what should where would they go uh sure if you uh pro zd pro zd is my channel uh you can just google that and you'll find me on twitter youtube all that fun stuff uh otherwise uh i i do a lot of voice work so in animation games like uh borderlands 3 or other things you you or your kids might know i don't know depends on how interested you are in video games and animation but otherwise yeah just pro zd is where i'm at folks thanks so much for watching we'll see you all next time until then i'm tom vassell i'm z garcia and i'm sung won joe have fun games [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: The Dice Tower
Views: 78,366
Rating: 4.9160638 out of 5
Id: iRXJWBewH2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 54sec (5034 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 23 2020
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