Top 10 Superheroes With Powers No One Understands - Part 2

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not all superheroes have straightforward abilities sometimes what their powers inhaler complex complicated and even convoluted so today we are back at it again with a part 2 of our list of the top 10 superheroes with powers nobody understands this time around we're looking at characters who not only have a confusing ability set but ones whose personas make their actual abilities deceiving to readers and ones who have so many abilities that often it's difficult to differentiate between what they do and what they don't we also address a few numbers that you all suggested in the comments from part one so be sure to stick with us till the end with that in mind let's get to it in at number 10 the century a few of you noted in the comments of our part 1 that censures powers are a little confusing and fair enough he's often described as Marvel's Superman analogue who has the power of a million exploding Suns vague right he's also been described as a character whose full extent of his powers are still unknown and that's likely because there's so many of them that we've only seen some of them in action a handful of times so what exactly are those powers superhuman strength speed stamina regenerative healing factor light manipulation he's completely invulnerable he has psionic powers he can fly he has enhanced senses he can manipulate matter gravity and the weather he is capable of molecular manipulation he can absorb and project energy he can become invisible astral project he's immortal he's telepathic he can teleport bend time shape-shift and project thoughts that's our man scanners have detected no physical weaknesses in his body and Nick Fury has stated that shield has yet to find a way to kill him he has fought the Hulk to the point where the Hulk has reverted back to his human form because of how prolonged their battle was and he holds his power back spider-man at one point said he even recalled sentry fought and still made it Galactus once upon a time he can recreate his body after he's inflicted severe damage to it which includes on a molecular level what the hell he once tried committing suicide by flying into the Sun and was resurrected seconds later because of that nifty little trick and where exactly his powers have come from has been reckoned a handful of time so that's real fun but on top of all that it gets more confusing when the void enters the picture void is centuries of their high whose reason for existing has been altered a bunch of times in the comics Lloyd was once described as an entity century projects a dark side effect of having all those powers he can control darkness and has something called infinite tendrils which attack a person's mind pulling up traumatic visions of their past present and future and making them experience them so conclusion yes his powers can be very baffling especially if you're not privy to the full scope of what has been depicted in the comics I don't blame any of you for being really confused booth number nine Adam warlock Adam warlock is another character whose scope of abilities are so large that at times it's confusing as to what exactly he's capable of and what he isn't capable of now on paper he is capable of energy manipulation and absorption matter manipulation he's an expert when it comes to magic he can fly his superhuman strength speed agility and durability but he's had multiple different incarnations that sometimes vary in terms of abilities every time he was resurrected his powers increased in new ways he can use something called quantum magic to manipulate quantum energy and create force fields he can travel faster than light teleport detect and produce wormholes any regularities in space he can resurrect not only himself but other beings transmuting corpses he can resist soul manipulating powers perform exorcisms has cosmic and mystic awareness also known as acute ultra senses and is able to prevent other cosmic beings from fully understanding or perceiving his next actions or moves in addition to that in the past when he's had the soul gem in his possession warlock uses it in a way that others seemingly can't having the power to devolve the followers of man beast into the animals which they evolved from and even reverse brute into counter-earth Reed Richards then just like the void he has an evil alternate version of himself kicking around in the comics known as The Magus The Magus initially popped up as an alternate future version of the hero who ruled a religious Empire called the universal Church of truth later though he would come to be when warlock got his hands on the Infinity Gauntlet and he expelled good and evil from his soul with Megas being the corporal form of his evil warlock even became this version at one point when repairing damage to the space-time continuum so dude has a skill set that is like a ridiculous superhuman toolbox it's hard to follow sometimes an elaborate tag tag is one of those heroes on our list who after you get a proper explanation of how exactly his powers work he makes a whole lot more sense although the usefulness of his abilities are still pretty questionable tag aka Brian as a mutant who can force people to uncontrollable you've run away from whatever object or person he desires like playing tag accepts you have zero agency in the matter this is due to psionic signals that he emits which can be effective within a hundred feet radius of his person essentially he can use this to direct people how he chooses which yes is a little convoluted but still managed to appeal to Emma Frost enough to make Cruz a member of the Hellions the real kicker though is that he yells your--it's whenever he uses his abilities which I imagine would get real old real fast but he eventually was depowered during M day and actually died in a bus bombing so guess nobody's it anymore and at seven black Condor at first glance black Honduras powers look straight forward dude can fly Wow but here's where it gets messy there are three black condors in the comics all owned by DC the first showed up in the Golden Age in 1940 the second in 1992 and the last in 2006 the first one is a mutants who can fly who eventually after arriving on earth X is revealed to also be telekinetic although limited on that front having the ability to mind over matter which seems kind of like a cop-out really he also has a Raygun which has never been explained as to how it got into his possession and it shoots a black beam that can stun a man or just you know break a brick wall implying that a guess it has adjustable power settings he also is considered to be an Olympic level athlete but that has never actually been proven then came the second black Condor who is telekinetic can fly is an empath although that stated to be limited I'll be never being actually fully defined and last but not least we have black Condor numero twoth this fellow got gypped having only demonstrated the ability to fly and control air currents but is apparently an elemental of the sky and earth even though that has never been seen on the panels so at the end of the day really you could just argue we are ripping on poor black Condor but really the alias has a very confusing history that's why he earns a spot on this list at number 6 Rorschach controversial pic of this number but hear us out Rorschach is a vigilante from Watchmen who has no powers but often that is confused thanks to a specific detail pertaining to his costume his mask so let's backtrack for a hot second Rorschach is a character named Walter Kovacs who is an analogue of sorts of Charlton comics the question and mr. a he is a vigilante who operates out of moral absolutism there is no gray area when it comes to what is good and what is evil as far as he is concerned but because of this he believes he must punish evil at all costs without any mercy he may be brutal he may be an expert when it comes to hand-to-hand combat he is a great detective and knows his way around a plethora of weapons but he does not have any superhuman powers the only one who doesn't Watchmen is dr. Manhattan but Kovacs does is something neat he refers to his mask as his face an ink blots Rorschach design that shifts and moves this is actually due to a fabric that his mask is made of derived from a technology created by dr. Manhattan which contains viscous liquids one black and one white between two layers of latex the liquid shift in response to heat and pressure forming symmetrical patterns similar to a Rorschach inkblot test and they never mix the more you know long story short don't get confused he doesn't have powers but he sure does look cool number 5 mysterious fanboy in a similar vein to Scarlet Witch who appeared on her part one list let's talk about this ecstatics member mysterious fanboy AKA arthur k Lundberg who first appeared in X statics issue 1 from 2002 Artie was the self-proclaimed biggest fan of the team who in its previous iteration was created as a means for a reality TV series but the majority of their members previously known as the x-force dying when a publicity stunt mission went horribly wrong Artie was put on the team in order to control and monitor his powers and was even injected with the serum to aid his weak heart in an attempt to prevent him from having a personality meltdown that could potentially have catastrophic results he is capable of animation he wants summon an army of zombies energy manipulation genetic manipulation reality manipulation and he can teleport while that seems straightforward on paper in action and on the panels it sometimes gets a little confusing it was also believed although never seen that because of the extent of his reality bending abilities he could potentially manipulate any other power he desired he would only appear in 22 issues of the comic eventually dying of a heart attack after an incursion with razor head cuts number 4 Megan Megan is a curious character force appearing in uncanny x-men issue 345 in 1997 his powers can be defined as psychometric and a slug based digestive system let's tackle psychometric first it's a power that allows maggot to draw psychic imprints from his environment which then replays in his mind's eye basically these imprints show him that once took place or will soon take place in the general vicinity that he is in now on to that digestive system the mutant ability that maggot is most known for and named after his digestive system is not like regular humans instead it has been replaced by a hollow cavity that houses two meget like creatures a rather semi-sentient slugs that he is named eenie meenie eenie a meanie can burrow their way out of his torso and attack any solid object at a super fast speed using powerful enzymes to process and digest that object this transmits food energy back to maggot which super charged him allowing him to increase his physical size strength stamina and even sturdiness his eyes and skin also change color in the process but here's the kicker in order to successfully complete this process the slugs need to return to his body and release what they've consumed within the cavity as you can imagine many consider maggots to be one of the strangest x-men characters to this day we've begun to 3d dupe is arguably one of the most fascinating characters to ever grace an x-force comic while he's often been used as a vehicle for comic relief dupes capabilities into a much grander purpose now for starters doop is a green floating creature whose origins are unknown and he speaks his very own language which in the comics is represented by unique fonts first appearing in x-force vol 1 issue 1 1 6 he would go on to serve as the cameraman for the celebrity version of the x-force team later renamed to ecstatics so what exactly can dupe do well from what we've seen he can fly has an accelerated healing factor has superhuman strength and durability is physically malleable able to replicate physical objects and has an extra dimensional void within his body that he can store objects in and even people although from what we've seen it's implied that time practically comes to a halt for those put inside of him and they have no memory of it after they've been brought back into reality he would store his camera equipment in there too for example here's the thing though and all of his comic appearances the extent of his powers are super vague and it's implied that he can manipulate time and space time manipulating abilities of others don't affect him he can also expand his body stretch out its parts and do things like remove his eye from his head and then just pop it back in arguably doop is much more of a mystery than confusing but for those unfamiliar with the character what exactly he does is often a bewildering head-scratcher at best yoga cons never to halo from Young Justice Outsiders halo was another suggestion from Oliver pals in the comments of her Part 1 list a more recent addition to the Young Justice universe halo is loosely based off of a care from the outsiders of the same name but their powers slightly differ another point of contention when it comes to understanding exactly what it is that they can do halo is a character whose abilities are best described as aura generation ever since she was resurrected she is the ability to generate multicolored auras with each aura having a different power and manifesting in moments of extreme emotion she can now use them at will but can only use one aura at a time her violet aura is one that allows her to heal and resurrect others red is forcefields orange gives her flight yellow allows her to project energy blasts green gives her the ability to create Holograms blue allows her to create a bright flash of light that blinds those around her and her indigo aura is perhaps the most confusing of all it opens up a boom tube which is a transient interdimensional corridor use as a means of transportation by the new gods and here's the fun part normally it's generated by a mother box which for brevity's sake is a living computer halo is by no means a walking talking mother box for the record but all of those different abilities doing all those different things and it all being color-coordinated yeah given be a little bit confusing at times and last but not least Danny the streets well Danny the streets abilities may seem obvious he is literally a living stretch of road the character is a wee bit more complex than that and often gets written off as well simply a streets first appearing in Doom Patrol issue 35 in 1990 Danny is described as a living sentient piece of urban geography who can magically and also seamlessly relocate himself in any urban landscape at will this occurs without any disruption to the surrounding environment that he chooses to place himself in in addition to this he can freely interact with other beings throughout various forms of visual printing that he can generate within his proximity he's also been described as a living pocket dimension that can incorporate more and more space as he gains more residents and can create any conceivable thing whether living or inanimate if he has enough strength to do so and the best part his most important power is described as being a friend to those who need it most and he has the ability to let everyone feel comfortable being themselves which yes is wonderful and Noble but is utterly perplexing in terms of how's existence as possible let alone how based on skewed super human physics how we can even make all of those things happen perhaps much of the confusion surrounding the how and the why as far as Danny the street is concerned comes from a lack of the character being fleshed out better despite a lack of flesh and only you know having appeared in 74 issues of DC's comics so at the end of the day you could chalk all that up to advanced forms of teleportation and molecular reconstruction that we just simply don't understand that well but that still doesn't make Danny's abilities any less baffling all right there we have it friends what other characters in the comics have powers that are be funneling to you give us a shot in those comments below and share your thoughts if you dug this video spread that love hit that like button and be sure to subscribe to 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Channel: Top 10 Nerd
Views: 1,766,056
Rating: 4.852056 out of 5
Keywords: superheroes, super powers, super powers no one understands, superpowers, Superheroes With Powers No One Understands, weird superhero powers, dazzler powers, jubilee powers, jubilee powers explained, cable powers, squirrel girl powers, karma x men, karma powers, weird mutant powers, weird superpowers, top 10 weird superpowers, superpowers superhero, top 10, top 10 nerd, domino powers, matter eater lad, the tick, the tick powers, powers explained, super powers explained
Id: xnfDOwnaLXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 17 2019
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