Top 10 Oddly Satisfying Disney Moments

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[Music] these still send a shiver down our spines [Music] welcome to Ms mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top ten weirdly satisfying Disney moments for this list we'll be looking at the most strangely comforting moments from Disney's animated films rather than moments that are traditionally gratifying to watch like when a villain gets what's coming to him that is what's left of it [Music] number 10 1/2 a cup of tea Alice in Wonderland nearly everything that takes place in Alice in Wonderland is a little bit off-kilter and in the scene where Alice finds herself at a Mad Tea Party there are a lot of odd things taking place [Music] [Applause] first of all the Mad Hatter and the March Hare are celebrating their unbirth days but when they offer her some tea they serve it in quite an unconventional manner among other things a regular tea cup gets cut in half the fact that the liquid stays in the cup obviously defies all logic but that's why it's such a delightful sight however Alice plucking pieces from the giant mushroom comes in at a close second as the most satisfying moment in this movie one side will make me Pro wage number nine bells ladder slide Beauty and the Beast Belle from Beauty and the Beast is a famed bibliophile and will never forget the scene where she first sees the jaw-dropping library in the beasts castle [Music] [Applause] believe I've never seen so many books and online life but near the beginning of the film during our introduction to the character we see Belle visit the bookshop in her small town while she sings about wanting a more exciting life [Music] good morning I come to return the book I borrowed finished already oh I couldn't put it down have you got anything new not since yesterday during this scene she epically slides along the shelves of books using a ladder that made all of us wish we had a similar design in our own houses number 8 Pocahontas is braid Pocahontas Miko is one of the best Disney sidekicks of all time and his antics throughout Pocahontas made us laugh even in tense moments especially when he interact with Percy [Music] the film's titular character usually lets her glossy black hair blow with the colors of the wind but in one scene we see her raccoon buddy give her some quick hairstyling Miko's little paws work quickly to create a flawless braid and to be honest we probably couldn't do such a good job even after watching hours of YouTube tutorials what am i doing I shouldn't be seeing him again I mean I want to see him again wouldn't I want to see him again but still something inside is telling me it's the right thing number 7 magically making the dress and cake Sleeping Beauty when the fairies flora fauna and Merryweather decide to make both a cake and dress for Aurora without using magic they're discouraged by the results what do you think but when they finally use their wants to accomplish their tasks things take a turn for the better the way the cake forms all on its own and the dress comes together makes us wish we can use spells for our everyday tasks [Music] magic is also used to create a supremely gratifying moment in the sword in the stone when the dishes stack up perfectly on their own number six rafiki's painting The Lion King for many people the Lion King tops their list of favorite Disney movies and for good reason perhaps something contributing to that is the sheer number of satisfying moments in this film if satisfied first there's the moment when Rafiki cracks opened the gourd at the beginning of the story to mark Simba's head then he does it again later when he realizes Simba's still alive [Music] soon but the moment we're Rafiki paints a mane on the drying of Simba just a few seconds later signifying how much he's grown has to top them all no matter how hard we've tried we've never found a vegetable that this works with this is time number 5 Snow White's pie crust Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs we have to admit after watching this scene as kids we definitely had unrealistic ideas about how easy it was to make a pie it Snow White sing someday my prince will come while rolling out pie crust and then deftly trims the edges to perfection with the help of her woodland friends of course [Music] [Applause] [Music] we doubt that any sanitation board would approve of letting birds use their feet to crimp the pie crust but we're not complaining the ps/2 resi Stas is when they add grumpies name onto the top and it falls into place flawlessly number four making ratatouille ratatouille speaking of health code violations who could have ever imagined that watching a rat cook would be so soothing throughout ratatouille nearly everything Remy creates is a delight to bear witness to [Music] from the soup that he fixes to the ratatouille dish that earns him praise as nothing less than the finest chef in France this rodent is one hell of a chef the perfect layers of vegetables look great in the baking dish they're even better when they end up arranged artfully on a plate why doesn't it look like that when we try it out it is difficult to imagine more humble origins than those of the genius now cooking at Bustos who is in this critics opinion nothing less than the finest chef in France number 3 applying and removing makeup Milan Milan may not like getting all made up but damn is it satisfying when she does it the expertly applied lipstick and eyeliner which go on in one effortless swipe each strike Envy in us all [Music] reflection is one of the best Disney songs of all time and the moment where Mulan removes her makeup using her sleeve leaving half of a perfectly done up face definitely contributes to the scenes impact [Music] and when Millan makes the decision to cut off her hair and begin her transformation there's nothing more satisfying than the way her sword easily slices it in one fell swoop number two what he's cleaning Toy Story 2 in Toy Story 2 when woody needs to have his arm reattached a specialized toy cleaner shows up to do the job is this Bishamon ready for cleaning [Music] he has a dizzying array of tools in his kit to refresh the color on Woody's cheeks fix his fading hair and even clean his eyeballs not to mention sewing his arm back on so that it's as good as new [Music] the entire sequence is a pleasure to witness but the best part is undoubtedly when he masterfully paints the bottom of Woody's boot it's bittersweet however because in one swipe of a paintbrush andis name is erased I feel the most conflicted watching the Toy Story 2 scene no matter if it's hand run or computer animation though I'm in awe before we unveil our top pick here are a few honorable mentions perfectly shaped cake lilo and stitch [Music] Merida's perfect shot brave [Music] [Music] fake eyelash removal the rescuers [Music] mustn't be flawlessly cut ice blocks frozen earth love putting on lipstick The Little Mermaid well angelfish the solution to your problem is simple before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one the shoe fits Cinderella the number one pick on our list has to go down as one of the most iconic Disney moments of all time but you see I have the other slipper [Music] when Cinderella proves that the glass slipper belongs to her by fitting her foot not only is it a moment of triumph but it's also gratifying to see how flawless the fit is [Music] high heels made of glass probably aren't very comfortable but she makes it seem effortless of course nothing can top this moment but we also love when the mice are working together too so Cinderella's dress and one of them threads a needle in a way that absolutely never works when we try it ourselves do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip for MS mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring 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Channel: MsMojo
Views: 357,667
Rating: 4.9148936 out of 5
Keywords: Oddly Satisfying Disney Moments, Weirdly Satisfying Disney Moments, Most Satisfying Disney Moments, Satisfying Movie Moments, Oddly Satisfying Movie Moments, Satisfying Animated Moments, Disney Food Moments, Alice in Wonderland, Beauty and the Beast, Sleeping Beauty, The Lion King, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Mulan, Toy Story 2, Cinderella, Disney, Animated, Cartoon, Movies, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo, MsMojo
Id: abLfHJ79LGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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