Top 10 MOST POWERFUL 600CC Motorcycles! (Can Destroy a 1000)

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well you all seem to enjoy our video ranking of all those modern leader bikes so i figured if we learned anything from all those marvel movies it's that everyone loves a sequel that's right another top fastest bikes list but this time we're looking at the top seven fastest 600cc super sports but yeah me you cry there were 10 bikes on the last list why are there fewer bikes in this video the sequel is supposed to be bigger and better well there just aren't that many 600s out there it's almost like making superbikes is more profitable than making super specialized smaller displacement race bikes maybe if all you sport bike simps actually went to the track you'd realize the 600s are where it's at then maybe we'd get some super flashy middleweight sport bikes but no you gotta have your 200 horsepower to be a big boy yeah that's right it's all your fault there aren't that many 600s out there are you happy anyway let's talk about some of the rules for today's list first we'll only consider motorcycles between 599cc and 699ccs which means no ducatis no 750s and others next none of these bikes are electronically limited we can actually use top speed to rank the motorcycles empirically oh and don't forget to stick around until the end because we've got a few honorable mentions that are worth talking about now without further ado let's dive right into the slowest 600 class motorcycle the rs660 oh that's gonna bruise a handful of egos out there but don't worry aprilia simps i've got a whole sack full of excuses of what makes this super expensive and super fancy motorcycle so dang slow first let's talk numbers the rs660 is powered by a 659 cc 275 degree parallel twin making 100 horsepower and 49 foot pounds of torque goes excuse number one parallel twins just don't produce the crazy top end punch you get from inline fours and triples they're super torquey sure but they're mechanically limited in terms of the power they can output i mean when's the last time you saw a parallel twin superbike excuse over now how fast can the bike go well considering it's the lightest bike on the list at 404 pounds wet and ready to ride that 100 horsepower can be used to full effect reaching a respectable 143 miles per hour excuse number two the bike is slightly limited by its ergonomics package sure you can tuck in but stock form you're going to encounter some issues with wind resistance on the rider the seat height is lower the bars are higher and the windscreen is set up for highway miles not out now top speeds does that mean this is a bad track bike no not even remotely it's an absolute weapon of a motorcycle and any 600 boy would be proud to own it in fact it's got more under the hood than most 600 crazy levels of adjustment slide control wheel control power levels all the goodies can be tuned to your liking assuming of course you can navigate all those menus now if you're testing top speeds on a 600 my research indicates you're probably doing it on the highway late at night wearing a t-shirt you'll probably want to make sure you're packing some nice insurance just in case and guess what progressive has your back and they'll get your busted 600 back on the road with factory parts instead of whatever is lying around in your garage they'll also pay for three thousand dollars worth of gear and mods included in your policy which starts as low as 79 and even if you are just wearing a t-shirt that's good enough for a gucci shirt i mean you're gonna be modding and changing your setup trying to hit 186 miles per hour which you'll actually never hit but with a policy that cheap it means you can tinker to your heart's content we've all had the bikes in the shop insured through progressive since before we started working with them and oh if you're thinking they paid for our insurance and now we're saying good things about them they didn't they're actually not allowed to do that we pay for our own insurance click the link below and get a free quote and see how much money you can save on your policy with progressive number six today goes to a truly special motorcycle but perhaps not a fast one the envy augusta f3 675 the latest middleweight sport bike being made by a european brand and no the daytona 765 doesn't count remember our rules all you fancy boys just don't want to admit to yourself that you're riding around on a super uncomfortable street triple dressed up in fancy carbon fiber bodywork oh wait they bumped it up to 800 cc's dang it i guess no one cares about 600s anymore anyways the f3675 had a you guessed it 675cc triple putting down a whopping 128 horsepower and 52 foot pounds of torgos which makes it the second most powerful bike on the list second only to the greatest 600 class bike of all time but more on that later the f3 tips the scales at 411 pounds which is pretty dang light and it can reach a top speed of 150 miles per hour on the nose this is the bike you get if you're one of those people who needs to be just a little bit different from everyone else you offer drinks with your buddies and they all get beers or cocktails and you get yourself a 10 year old port your friends wear overpriced sneakers you wear broods you're the screaming kid in the why can't you just be normal meme that's right you're not happy with an italian super sport you need to do yourself a discontinued italian super sport may your wallet rest in peace though let's be honest you might take it to the track every once in a while but you mostly just park it out front of that one coffee shop in town that no one goes to number five is the most powerful motorcycle one so legendary that i have owned five of them the greatest bike in the world and the only motorcycle worthy of being turned into a race bike assuming that you have an incredible tolerance for personal suffering the triumph daytona 675 r i could sing this bike's praises all day but in the interest of not boring everyone i'll just do it for a minute or two it's packing the greatest engine ever built the 675cc triumph triple putting down 128 horsepower and 55 foot-pounds of torgos but the way it delivers its power is what makes it so juicy the torque curve is super linear and the howl of the intake as you spool it all the way to redline there's nothing better it also helps that it's only 406 pounds ready to ride which gives it a substantial bump in power over the rs-660 and makes the extra two pounds worth it who cares that it'll only do 155 miles per hour in stock trim it's all about the emozione the character it's not just any old 600 which let's face it they're all basically the same the daytona is or was a one-of-a-kind motorcycle i guess what i'm saying is triumph just remake the 675 or at least give us a 765 daytona worth owning also if i had a nickel for every time someone's told me that they ran out and bought a daytona because of my videos i'd probably have enough nickels to buy a sixth daytona so seriously triumph where is my check i know you've got my email we can figure this out don't worry number four is gonna go to the world's most basic 600 the suzuki gixxer 600. yeah that's right i said it the gixxer is basically what everyone thinks of when they think of the word crotch rocket why because there's basically an entire sub-genre on live league dedicated to gixxer bros doing dumb stuff on 600s suzuki's been printing these out like there's no tomorrow for over two decades unfortunately for the entire world they're actually really really good motorcycles but it's the slowest of the big four six hundred so i'm still going to validate my suzuki boys self-loathing and take a minute to mercilessly dunk on the gixxer it's powered by a 599cc inline-four that for all intents and purposes is immortal i have never heard of a suzuki 600 exploding but that's because they're putting down a wimpy 125 horsepower and 55 foot pounds of torques see not even enough to match the mighty daytona to all you commenters down there saying that 125 is 97.6 percent of the power of the daytona produces i say you've never accepted math before so why start now it weighs in at 412 pounds because it won't stop eating twinkies and while everyone on claims the bike can do 186 miles per hour in the real world it can only do about 157 miles per hour but yeah if you change the sprockets it'll go faster yeah maybe but you're still never going to hit 186 miles per hour on your 600. trust me your speedo is lying to you just like you lie to yourself when you say that you can pull off those flip flops and socks number three goes to the world's most dangerous 600 the honda cbr 600 double r you can't just touch one of these without instantly bursting into flames if you ride one you will be maimed hondas are just that dangerous seriously though i mean look at marky mark he can't stop high sighting the cbr600rr is so dangerous honda's gonna be discontinuing in the united states to stem the tide of carnage that it has brought but seriously the cbr is a pretty solid bike it's powered by a 599cc inline-four putting down 118 horsepower and 49 foot pounds of torque and it's got that super cool looking paint scheme from the fireblade but not as good because they ran out of all that special iridescent blue it's also the only 600 with the single undertail exhaust which doesn't do anything for the bike no but it does look cooler or maybe it does because the bike can get its 410 pound self up to 160 miles per hour which is exactly as fast as it needs to go to make all those gixxer squids out there regret their life choices just kidding they have no shame trust me i unironically own two suzukis in case you forgot it's the baby gixxer and the hayabusa i've lost control of my life the cbr might not be the most special 600 on the lot but it's quietly been kicking butt around racetracks for years now if only honda could sort out their electronic problems on the gp bike maybe they'd actually start winning races again next up we've got the r6 a bike that is selling so badly that yamaha decided to pull the street version from production and just sell track motorcycles to select few lunatics who have a spare 12 grand lying around to buy a brand new track toy have a serious question about that do you still have to do the break in miles on that are you honestly selling a non-street legal motorcycle and then tell all the track day boys to keep it under 10 grand for 600 miles not that the break-in thing really does anything but just a thought anyways the r6 is putting down 117 horsepower and 45 foot pounds of torques which is the second worst set of power figures on the list and it weighs 419 pounds which is also the second worst wet weight on the list somehow though yamaha managed to make this bike go 162 miles per hour i guess if you gear a motorcycle tall enough and you have enough aerodynamics you can go pretty fast on an objectively slow bike you hear that gixxer bros there's hope for you yet keep trying for that 186 i believe in you honestly i'm not sure why i've been so mean to the suzuki boys lately but back to the r6 it has the most prototypical power curve of any 600 out there take a look at this dyno graph and see how the lowdown power is basically beginner bike level that's why people seem to think you can ride one as a beginner bike but when you get over 10 000 rpm it's basically a massive surge of power oh but i'm responsible yeah me i can keep it under 10. sure you can my little squidlet sure you can don't start on 600's my dude and at long last we arrive at number one and if you know anything about anything you've probably guessed which bike it is it's the kawasaki zx6r yep the cheater 600 assuming you forgot how bad the euro bikes on the list cheated the zx6r is packing a 636 cc inline 4 putting down 127 horsepower and 52 foot-pounds of torque it's 430 pounds making it the heaviest 600 but it can still get up to a class leading 175 miles per hour if you're gonna go and try to get a 600 to hit 186 this is probably the bike to do it on a tune an exhaust a filter and probably a chain and sprocket setup might get you there but the only problem is that you'll have to sign up for life as a kyle which one is worse a kyle or a gixxer bro trick question they're the same one just likes green one thing that's nice about the zx6 is the cow we saw it fit to offer a non-abs version of the bike which makes it a lot easier to convert to a track bike or a race bike if you're looking for a new track toy it's also cheaper so you can save money for a pipe despite my pension for daytona's i'll probably end up on a zx6r one of these days they're just that good now honorable mention time these are three motorcycles that are based on older japanese 600s and aren't designed for super high-end performance but they're still 600 so i figured i'd include them also you can get them for stupid cheap and if you're looking for classic inline four exhaust note but slightly more comfortable ergos we'll start off with the yamaha yzf-600r otherwise known as the thundercat it was based on the old r6 and while it was fully faired it was a little bit more laid back and comfortable don't let that fool you though the thundercat had a 599cc inline four doing 100 horsepower and 49 foot pounds of torgos which is solid but it weighed in at 463 pounds that said the bike could get up to 149 miles per hour which means it would technically outrun a 2021 rs the crazy thing is you can get thundercats for under four grand the next bike i wanted to talk about is the honda cb600f yeah it's not a super sport but it's still fast and pretty fast honda stuck with this inline four naked bike for a lot longer than other manufacturers did in fact they still make a version of it though it's using a 650cc inline-four instead of the one from the cbr600rr anyway the cb600f put down 102 horsepower and 46 foot-pounds of torque and could reach 140 miles per hour it goes to show how much of a difference aerodynamic can make seeing as the bike weighs almost the same as the thundercat you can find newer model cb600s for around six thousand dollars but if you go with older models say around 2007 you're looking at three grand through all my honest opinion the older models are the way to go here yeah they're cheaper but the sound they make is way cooler and they're not as ugly wrapping up our honorable mentions list is another 600 cc naked bike and one that is legendarily talked about in the comment section is the suzuki bandit 600s the bandit is what you get when you want to to purchase a motorcycle it's got two wheels it's got an engine it goes and stops they only made them for a few years towards the end of the 90s and it was so cheap back in the day and it was still air cooled think about that a 599 cc inline four making 77 horsepower and 40 foot pounds of torque and it was air cooled it would seem that even back in the day suzuki really did not give one single it was half fair like the phaser 600 but it didn't help too much in the top speed department only managing a top speed of 129 miles per hour you can get these for under three thousand dollars all day but honestly if you're looking for an inline four half fared bike i check out the big brother bandit 1200 1250 those are really raucous motorcycles fact in 2007 the end of daylight savings time jumped from last sunday in october to the first sunday in november the decision was reportedly influenced by candy lobbyists pushing to get trick-or-treaters an extra hour of daylight crazy goodbye oh hey you're still here i can't believe you made it to the end of the video not many people do just for you i have a little treat hit this link over here check out the next video on the yami noob catalog what's going to happen in it i don't really know maybe there's a boost in it maybe there's some cool wheelies maybe there's some fun memes probably who can say
Channel: Yammie Noob
Views: 997,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beginner motorcycle, beginner, yammie noob, beginner rider, yammie noob list, motorcycles, newbie, motorcycles for beginners, yammie noob beginner bikes, yammie noob beginner, first motorcycle to buy, best liter motorcycles, motorcycle top speed, r6, RS660, MV Agusta F3 675, Daytona 675R, GSXR600, CBR600RR, ZX6R, CB600F, YZF600R, best 600cc sportbike, best 600cc sportbike for beginner, best 600cc sportbike 2021, best 600cc motorcycle, best 600cc motorcycle for beginners
Id: kETf2WweON4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 04 2021
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