MASSIVE Engine Failure on our M1000RR & BMW REFUSED Warranty...

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B blow up for top rack R Gat from third position there's a hole in the side of my motor what's up guys Manny from motor million and it's time that we sit down and have a serious conversation about our m1000 level l so just around 400 miles our m1000rr had a major engine malfunction I [Music] and I want to let you guys know this video is not made to bash a party or a person I just think that it is my duty to tell you guys as transparent and as factual as possible as to what happened to it and also the whole story behind how it start unraveling let's go back all the way to the beginning we got this bike around May of 2023 I think the bike was delivered to us we were actually I actually wasn't sure if I wanted it I'll be open and honest and it was kind of a weird situation that we never actually ordered the bike but we had the opportunity given to us to purchase the bike we received it you guys saw my first ride on it I believe it had 6 miles on it where we actually had a check engine L on the bike or a dashboard message saying there's some big trouble I forgot the exact words and to stop as soon as possible so guys can't make this stuff up the bike has 9 miles and I was supposed to be doing a first ride to get acquainted with the BMW and as you see I pulled over somewhere safe right now but look at this serious fault in engine control onward Journey possible half check by a fork shop this is uh what you get when you buy these bikes nowadays and uh I don't know I'm speechless if you could tell I'm kind of annoyed we'll see let's see what this is 9 miles 9 miles guys now we were rest assured that the bike's engine is okay and it's just a PDI that wasn't done so the PDI was never done on the bike apparently I said it from that on and I think some of you guys also commented on our first ride video saying that the bike's engine kind of doesn't sound right and it did sound very metallic I don't know we never had any other 2023 and 1,000 around to compare them to to me it never sounded right and uh we put around 400 more miles the bike went through the process that as you guys saw we did the first service we did the first service over here then at around 400 mil or just a little more than 400 MI we took the bike to the dyno actually rode the bike to the dyno we didn't trailer it there I think it was the first few times in his lifetime that bike went full throttle because I don't ride exactly like a maniac on the roads unfortunately we started hearing noises and we caught the engine before it actually grenaded kind of the fast track of the story but it doesn't really end over here because I think the real story unfolds as to what happens next obviously it has to go to a BMW dealer because I'm not about to take apart an engine that may have a major issue with it it's best that if the bike goes to the dealership let's try to be a little nice with this but unfortunately we don't want to take stuff to our local dealership so let's face it Guys these bikes are40 ,000 even if it wasn't $40,000 let's say it's $20,000 which I think you can't really get an s1,000 even for $20,000 it's a lot of money and I know we work hard over here if it was me or a person in here that purchases these motorcycles that it's a it's a lot of time and effort that has gone towards purchasing this motorcycle to a lot of us it's a dream right I would dream of owning the top-of-the line B W Superbike or Ducati Superbike or whatever brand that is that's a reputable Superbike that's out and unfortunately I think there's a problem in our industry that these things do not get the respect that they deserve when they're getting handled and this is the reason why this bike didn't go to our local dealership because we had a warranty issue that we had sent the motorcycle over to our local dealership I'll make it very nicely the bike didn't come back as nice as it went there it came back with a few more scratches and broken parts let alone it SED the dealership for a very simple shim install on the clutch for an extended period of time I think it was almost close to 2 months and this is why this bike didn't go to our local dealership I think it was a couple days after that we had this engine issue pop up that I decided that probably the best place that this bike can go is sales BMW which is in Cleveland Ohio it's a 19-hour drive from here in Miami and I called up Sals as some of you guys might know Zach the Master Mechanic works at sales and knowing that the engine might have to be replaced on this motorcycle even though I was hoping that it's not the case Zach is probably one of the only people I know at least that will show the respect to these bikes that it deserves but also Zach had already replaced another engine for us on Michael Knights as 1000r and it came back just as beautiful as it went to Cleveland so we loaded up the bike onto my truck and I drove 19 hours straight from Miami to Cleveland to drop it off well here we go I am in my truck and as you see the m1000 is right here unfortunately it has something like 440 mil I'm smiling because I don't know if I should be smiling or if I should be I don't know crying because there's something big time wrong with the head of the bike there's a lot of noise coming in I think the shift cam failed but we don't know yet until we open the engine up unlike the SP2 where it had a oil leak that we fixed it I don't dare to open the engine up myself right now because I'm capable of doing it we're capable of doing it but if there is something more catastrophic than just a cam change and a shift cam actuator change that it needs I'd rather have BMW to deal with it because it it can get pretty costly for a replacement engine so as you can see I have my GPS set to sales BMW 18 hours and 2 minutes left you're probably thinking why didn't I ship the bike and I'm probably thinking why didn't I ship the bike and I've been thinking about it for a day right now two days right now actually that what should we do but shipping was going to lose some precious time by the time the motorcycle got up to sales and by the time Zach got to take a look at it so I took the ultimate decision of just loading it up sucking it up driving 18 hours to drop this beauty off at Zack at sales BMW in Cleveland and right now I'm in Miami and uh hopefully we could get it fixed and you're probably wondering why am I taking it to Cleveland are there no BMW dealers in Miami I'll be open and honest I don't trust a lot of people working on these things and Zach is pretty much one of the only people that I trust touching our own BMWs and uh that's why it's going there let's see let me get on the way maybe I'll do some updates along the way for you guys which I don't think there's going to be any updates with the bike so there's not going to be anything worth me updating but next time I make a video hopefully I'll be safe and sound in Cleveland I'll show you guys Zach maybe e and uh let's see here goes nothing guys number one because obviously we wanted to find out what happened I was curious but also we wanted to see because if it was a top end issue like a rocker or something with the cams it probably could have been fixed pretty quickly because apparently the BMW dealers with certain failures they don't need to open a full-blown warranty claim 29 M mil to Cleveland we made it almost here is the infamous Sals Motor Sales and I think I'm going to go in from this side let's see here we are e this is for you you're going to see Zach's face what's up Zach's he was upset how it going you made it yeah how was that drive 19 hours 19 hours there's E's m1000 but I'll check back with you guys I took the bike there Zach was ready and he actually had the bench ready for me because he knew that I'm going to be tired with a 19-hour straight drive but I also I'm curious to see what happened so he had his bench ready we rolled the bike on there we took everything out that we had to we popped the valve cover off surprise surprise it looks good in there and that's where he turned around and told me Manny it probably is not going to be resolved right now so you know leave it with us let's open a claim with BMW and let's see what happens and this is where things get interesting I came back back to Miami because obviously I have commitments with work and I have to be here I have a family here I get a text message from Zach showing that he drained the oil and there's a lot of metallic particles and at this time he said that he's going to open a case with BMW just to see what they say I think BMW had asked him to drop the oil pan just to see what's in the oil pan and when the oil pan was dropped there was a lot of shavings in there a lot more than what it was supposed to be because this doesn't look like clutch shavings or other shavings that might come from the engine and right away BMW said we're not covering this under warranty imagine they just saw shavings in the engine they don't know what caused it they didn't even care to investigate what caused it all they said we're not going to cover it under warranty okay so this is when Pam which is sales BMW's owner got involved and she said that I should probably reach out to BMW customer service because as a customer which we are and I'm representing motor million in this case I should reach out to them and let them know that you know you probably want this looked further or you want to see why it's not covered under warranty I call BMW customer service and let me tell you this BMW customer service is not BMW I could make all that out because number one they lied to us saying that your dealership is not wanting to do the warranty work it's not BMW If the dealership says it we will do it and I knew this is not the case and I know this is not how warranty works it's manufacturer's warranty the manufacturer says it and be BMW actually has a backend system with the dealers that they message each other it's it's some sort of a interface that they have and it was it was through that interface that BMW's person or Personnel whoever it is had said that they're they're not going to cover this under warranty and on the phone the lady I think I spent about 40 minutes or an hour of my time trying to talk to them and I was trying to be as professional as possible which I think everyone should be but some people might lose are cool but I was trying to keep my cool and finally she decided to open a case and mind you while I'm talking to this lady I hear stuff about fridges and stuff in the background so I don't think BMW make fridges and also the lack of knowledge of the person behind the phone that was supposed to be BMW customer service I could tell that I don't think they are hired by BMW maybe it's a third party call center that handles other products than just BMW's products in this time frame the dealership also tried to open another case just to see if they get any further with BMW at this point I knew that the dealership also knew that number one they want to find out what happened right because you can't tell what happened by just shavings in the oil pan and number two if it was anything they don't want Injustice done to the customers because a dealership works in the best interest of the customers right obviously they're not going to come do things for you that they're not supposed to because there's a fine line between that but they don't want to do Injustice let's say somehow this got escalated to BMW claims and I finally got someone on the phone that actually works for BMW and it was the first thing I had asked them when I spoke to them do you work for BMW motorad North America and they said yes I'm like great you're not hired by some third party company so they kind of understood what was happening I tried to explain to the person who was on the phone what was going on again um I think it's no fault of their own but some people are not very familiar with engines and the technicality ities they're just there as customer service to kind of maybe help you out as a customer and we escalated the case finally BMW warranty department said okay let's take the engine apart don't forget they they had already said we're not covering this under warranty without even knowing what happened so Zach took the engine out they took the I think when they took the engine out the oil pound was out and they were looking at the Rod caps and the cylinder 2 Rod cap was loose wonder if he bought it with like 10 or 12,000 M on or something like that so loose in terms of I had play in it at this point we knew okay there's a problem with cylinder 2 and that's probably where all the shavings came from and uh you could probably imagine I was just curious right at this point I really don't know what's going to happen I I'm hoping that there's going to be an engine replacement coming soon either way there was going going to be an engine replacement coming soon be BMW covers the cost or we cover the cost and uh obviously Zach sent me the videos of the the cap play and also everything along with it and they have to record all the processes that they do so they take pictures when they receive the bike they take pictures and videos when they're taking stuff apart just for evidence and when that Rod cap came off the bearing wasn't spun so what does this mean it probably means that that usually spun bearings do not happen because of over revs but it might be a chance of an over rev that is spun bearing incident could happen the bearings weren't spun but the bearing didn't look in good shape so also there there wasn't a lot of heat scoring on the bearings which means that it probably is not an oiling issue it's just that the bearing had just started coming apart and to my knowledge of engines and I've been around engines and I've seen destroyed engines and I've built engines over time not motorcycle engines per se but engines for Race Cars and Cars so from my experience I knew at this point that the probability of us doing anything anything that would have caused this failure was slim to none but obviously I didn't go on a rant and and and get angry at anyone at that point I started reaching out to people that I respect that are in the industry that people people that have spent a Lifetime Building engines Engineers that are around these things around motorcycle engines and I wanted their opinion because obviously I'm not an expert just because I've been around and I've been doing things I'm humble enough to know that I'm not a know- at- all so let's try to get some help from people that I may know just to shed light on what really happened two people that I remember again one is an engineer and other one is a well-respected person in the motorcycle world that build some very very high-end engines and big horsepower motorcycle engines they both said this is this is probably not what you did and BMW also had made a comment that the bike had an over rev which was very unlikely because like I said this bike had only gone Full Throttle maybe a handful of times maybe three or four times in its lifetime but sure they were claiming that there's a 250 RPM over rev which is it's 250 RPM that's barely even an over rev so at this point I start asking BMW what's going on why you guys not warranting this engine their response was you removed the 600 mile rev limitter not the top endler rev limitter guys the the 9 or 10,000 RPM the break-in rev limiter Breakin rev limiter because I'm going to do quote unquote because I don't believe in that Breakin rev limitter I don't think it's for Breakin I think it's probably for legal reasons or also for liability reasons that's in place I don't see any other manufacturer having a hard rev limiter on their bikes and everything is fine if you rev them but that was their response that because you remove the rev limiter at 400 something or 300 something miles we're not going to cover this under warranty okay so let's backtrack when I did the first service on this motorcycle and I did the first service with BMW oil bought from my local dealership with oil filter bought from my local dealership because I don't want to take the bike to the local dealership there is no other option I'm not going to drive 19 hours to SS BMW because I know that they're going to respect this machine and respect a lot of people's hard work that works at M million that makes it possible for us to purchase these bikes to make content for you guys to get mistreated and we have the tools available to remove the rev limit and it was done after there what the booklet States so the user manual or the owner's manual of an m1000rr says first service 350 Mi to 700 Mi the procedures are in there it says remove the engine breaking rev limit after you do the first service and I had asked Zach at sales before I did that because it would take us a long time to do 600 miles as you guys know unfortunately we're busy making content and we don't get to ride these bikes often so it was going to take quite a bit of a time for us to reach that 600 miles we weren't looking to cut corners but we were just trying to see if it could just remove that Breakin rev limiter because we want to do the first service so this was BMW's reasoning why they did not cover that engine under warranty so let's go back to the engineers I would mention this to one of the engineers that actually works on some of the stuff that BMW has again I can't put out any names because I don't want to put people in this situation if they don't want to be maybe one day if I fly over to Europe I may get their comments and we may actually put them out for you guys to see and hear but he said that I hope they do good for you because you didn't do this and I hope they do good for you because to his knowledge this was probably either a bad bearing that was in place or bad assembly of the engine also the other person that I mentioned who builds engines and is very reputable and has spent a lifetime is a much older gentleman than I am he probably has kids at my age or older he also said the same thing he looked at the bearings the pictures of the bearings and he said there's no heat scoring they're disintegrated it looks really weird he's like to my best guess was the same thing bad bearings or bad assembly of the engine or some tolerances weren correct I tried to bring this up with BMW and let's not forget at this point we're not really threatening BMW it's not me and as as I'm representing motor million and speaking to them because the motorcycle is owned by motor million we're not making threats because there's no need to make threats that hey we'll make videos because it's not what we do and it's not what this video is this video is to give you guys the transparent knowledge or the factual basis of what happened to this motorcycle and how it all went but we let them know that listen we actually make content and we purchase the spike for Content we do not make any negative content and um I don't know if this means anything to you guys but we also mentioned that Cali Moto TV uh our good friend he actually had this similar engine failure on a racetrack on an m1000 single R his bike was at 500 mil his engine braking limiter was obviously removed before that 600 mile magic number that they claim and his bike actually had worse off case because his engine blew to the point that there was was a crack in the engine casing that there was oil all over the place and I think he may have actually uh suffered a crash from it or maybe not but his video is even public um there's a hole in the side of my motor can beond myself right now but what I will say is that I hope I don't get any Flack for for the modifications that I've done to the bike I that's that's the only thing that I'm more worried about than anything is them go oh well the brenon did it um which is no there's no possible way um the header didn't do it there's there's no way a motor will let loose like this from just a tune I mean this is clear internal internal destruction so what happened BMW changes the engine like this because because they don't want bad reputation or they don't want anything to go out I don't know what's changed since then till now when we said this to BMW they said that they look at stuff Case by casee basis obviously that's the political correct way to say it but they said that no we're not covering this engine we got the regional sales manager involved to see if they could do any kind of Goodwill to see if they want to cover the engine and to my knowledge I didn't want partial coverage because that's means that we're taking blame for this so if they're not going to cover it full I wasn't interested again they actually didn't even cover it partially or offer to cover it partially they said that they've exhausted all avenues and they're not voiding the warranty of the motorcycle they're just not changing the engine under warranty that's uh that was it at this point I reached out the BMW corporate to the person that I had the contact with now and asked him can I please get a letter from you guys stating that you guys are not covering this under warranty that letter is still not been sent to us this happened in October this is being filmed now in March October 2023 to March 2024 I've made requests they said that they don't have such a document to send us so there's no nothing in writing that they're not covering this they asked their dealership to make some sort of an invoice say engine not covered under warranty which again it's not a dealer warranty it's a manufacturers warranty so they still refuse to put it to us in writing but FASTT track to now uh as of today the bike has a brand new engine and thanks to Pam and Zach so Pam at sales BMW gave us a very small discount but even the gesture is great because she didn't have to and discounted Zach's labor hour for us to put that engine in so the bike got a brand new engine from BMW inside and the bike still has full warranty cuz I asked this when we get a new engine is it going to have warranty does the bike still have warranty they said yeah the there's no avoiding of warranties your bike has full warranty and has full engine it's just we forked up right around $115,000 to replace the engine on this motorcycle which again I think if it was our fault or if there was any evidence of our wrong doing in there we'd be very happy and we'd pay it and we probably wouldn't be sitting here talking about this right now maybe we would have told you guys hey we messed up we paid 15 grand we got a new engine let's go but uh unfortunately this is how it is and it's this is a very unfortunate case because imagine and I can imagine as myself imagine as an Enthusiast I bought this motorcycle for myself and this is what happened to me I'd be heartbroken I'd be angry um I'd probably lose faith in in the brand name that has made this motorcycle which I think to this point I have lost faith in them and uh it's not because of what happened with our motorcycle but it's what's happening with these motorcycles guys there's a video that's posted by carwow that's an m1000 R stock being raced against the BMW M4 guess what [Applause] happened oh dear sounds like that sounds like a big end you've killed it I was going to say is that the big end it sounds something it could be an exhaust manifold blow did you notice a lack of power yeah it didn't go like I thought it would oh bugger not only have you beaten me you've killed my bike start it up again [Music] I think that's broken and your machine is not tuned or anything in any way that's a stock one the engine let go so the engine has a malale function and if you listen to that video it sounds exactly the same sound our engine was making Cali Moto TV blew up his engine on track the extent of damage was far too much to even see what exactly happened I think they have a disassembly video I may go and watch it because it's been a while since this happened so his engine let go also if you watch the first race of World Super Bike series for 2024 what happened to the engine on the m1000rr oh it's to big blow up for top rack R gatle Ogo from third position he moves straight off to the side of the circuit and then off through the gravel trap all together let go so again you know maybe the world super bike is far fet because there's stuff down to that engine is based on the factory and 1000r engine which the homologation bike but maybe that's far-fetched but I think there are probably some engines that are not built well that BMW is not standing behind and let's go back a little bit I don't think they have a good track record right because ever since the S1000RR platform was released which is m1000rr is based on it's been played with problems uh faulty calipers uh oiling issues that people were having it had some oil cooler problems that they could probably go on nhtsa's website to see how many recalls were on it and unfortunately I think they do a really good job that they hide these things and they probably have preferential treatment to some people that would let you guys know if there is big issues or you guys should know about purchasing such Vehicles because there's a lot of reliability issues to me it seems like it right that these bikes have and uh to them it just seems like nothing because imagine if I was riding that motorcycle on the highway and you know some people ride them harder than I do and I believe so if I actually got on the throttle a couple more times while I was getting on the dyno that would have probably happened on the road I wouldn't have been able to hear it it probably would have blown the engine would have had a rod or pieces of the engine go through the block spill oil on the ground and you know oil and motorcycles don't mix spilling oil to that degree and I may have been even seriously hurt or caused an accident or injured somebody else on the road another motorist you know so I think these things to me matter a lot and I'm very very disappointed I want to say unfortunately I've had a bad experience with that motorcycle since day one as you guys know we showed it to you guys and we try to be transparent and as open as possible because we do this things out of the love and passion for motorcycles we don't sugarcoat things we try to show them to you how it's happened we don't get any professional treatment from anybody so we could try to be as unbiased as possible to you guys but it's just upsetting at the end of the day that this is the way that we get treated and uh I think we made a decision that that bike's not coming back over here because there's too much negativity around our m1000rr at least for us because when we see it we're going to remember all these issues we had and the bike is potentially sold there is a potential buyer that has agreed to buy the motorcycle because we all know that these bikes are still hard to get and if you're able to get your hands on a BMW m1000 now at 2024 which they jacked up the price they don't come with carbon wheels anymore apparently they have the forge Wheels actually a personal friend of mine ordered one he refused to take delivery because it didn't have the carbon wheels that he speced out that he wanted finally they fested up and gave him the carbon wheels because he was being very very stubborn which I think he should be because if you ordered it with carbon wheels you should get it with carbon wheels but a lot of new bikes that are sitting at the shroom floors are just with Forge Wheels nothing against Forge Wheels but I think some consumers are being duped by not getting the carbon wheels that they deserve and they did give my friend a run around too because he did go through the loops and the hoops of uh reaching out the BMW he had a negative experience with the customer service too but finally they did uh fess up and give him the carbon wheels and let let me tell you this he actually had a previous generation at 1000r that had the engine replaced and we all know those had some major issues with burning engine oil because the design of the engine or whatever it was that this new 2023 2024 m1000rr got a an extra ring on the Pistons so that it doesn't just blow by and burn oil but um I think I don't want to rant on guys this is what happened to our m1000rr we still own the broken engine luckily we are going to send the bearings to a bearing in an ISS company a professional company to analyze the bearings to give us a full-blown report of number one what could have caused a problem what the problem is the state of the bearings and maybe we'll still reach out the BMW again and show them the report and say hey you guys didn't take the extra mile to do this but we did it do you guys still want to make it right for us and somehow credit us for the engine but uh unfortunately I think we've broken up with BMWs it'll be very hard for us to at least for us to purchase our own BMW again after this experience I didn't want to let any of you guys down I was starting to enjoy the build because let's face it there's a lot of cool Parts but uh I I also want to hear what you guys think from everything that I told you guys have you had bad experiences with your motorcycle with your BMW put them in the comments below are we being drama queens because after everything I said don't come and tell us that oh yeah you should have removed the rimit because we all know it's not that and if you put the comment good for you it uh Works in our favor that you commented but I really really want a true response from some of you guys just to put yourself in our shoes or put yourself in the SHO shoes of a person who owns this motorcycle that this happened to and this is how you were treated after you gave up $40 something ,000 to have this beautiful machine that is the Halo of a brand name but uh yeah guys I think uh this is the true story behind our m1000rr as I mentioned unfortunately I don't think it's coming back over here on the flip side I'm smiling now because I'm thinking of other things and this is exactly why we don't want that motorcycle over here because the motorcycles brings us enjoyments this brings me a lot of enjoyment because this is a true passion of mine I think we made up our mind about getting another motorcycle to replace that project because we like to keep busy here and wrench on things and show you guys what's possible and it's very exciting I'm not going to Spill the Beans because it hasn't happened yet we have to um figure a few logistical issues out and also maybe see what we can do and what we can't do in terms of budgets yeah so that's it if you like the video please give it a thumbs up if you have any questions or comments leave me down below until next time guys have a good [Music] one oh
Channel: Motomillion
Views: 370,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bmw, s1000rr, m1000rr, 650ib, jaret campisi, jaret, campisi, girl, friend, girlfriend, moto, million, motomillion, motovation, vation, sc, project, scproject, sc project, akrapovic, arrow, carbon fiber, carbon, fiber, exhaust, titanium, wheels, brembo, brakes, ohlins, gorks, ttx, fgrt, flyby, sound, fullsix, ilmberger, noise, loud, winglet, wing, twm, twmsc, motorad, motorsport, m pack, race pack, msrp, price, speed, top speed, racing, wrs, moto gp, austin, proti, sub frame, subframe, build series, giveaway, mani motomillion
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 32sec (2132 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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