Which Sportbike Style is BEST for Street Riders? (Squids Only)

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all right folks today we are doing some community service here on yammy new we hear you in the comment section we see you here saying yammy i want to go fast i want to do 186 miles per hour i want to do hood rat stuff with my friends so today we have all these street squid approved motorcycles here in the shop that we're gonna be looking at to help you determine what motorcycle is right for you for you to do wheelies jump on the highway with and have a ton of fun with your friends in a street squid manner we're gonna look at four cylinders three cylinders maybe even two cylinders as well we're gonna try to help you guys determine what motorcycle is gonna be best for you for all your street squidding duties today's video is proudly supported by eurocycle we're gonna tell you a little bit more about them later in the video let's get started righty folks today we are talking street squid motorcycles we were super pumped to bring this one to you spike let's wheel in our first street squid bike dude what what's this fun did you get the real no get the real street squid bike all right now we're talking this is what the people want to see there's your street squid motorcycle feeling better now absolutely all right guys today we're going to run through everything you need to know about how to street squid the right way let's get into it already folks we have five categories we are looking at today for your street squid motorcycle they are ergonomics power and power delivery price insurance and the ability to be a daily rider so for each of our motorcycles today we're gonna be looking at those five categories starting us off today is our smallest displacement bike the puny little zx6 compared to the big bad bikes we're looking at later so outgunned so outgunned but people truly do go to bat they go to the mat for the 600 class and there's a great reason for that if you are looking at this as a street squid motorcycle they actually make a pretty good case for themselves the ergonomics are quite borked like many other super sport motorcycles despite if you want to swing a leg over that thing really quick and let the people know yeah this thing is aggressive when i was doing my daily with it i could stand about two hours on this motorcycle before i had to get off and yeah take a little bit of a rest because you're in an aggressive stance on this bike um it's not as bad as i've seen but it's pretty borderline on this motorcycle gotta admit yeah this is a very track oriented motorcycle meaning that the bars are way down low the pegs are way up high however many of the comments will let us know that if you just go and do 300 crunches every day you can ride one of these for thousands of miles at a time um is that the best way to do motorcycling i don't know that's up to you you're the street squid not me right so next up we're talking power and power delivery on the zx6 over here this thing makes 127 horsepower and 52 foot pounds of torque yep which is actually pretty good for a 600 a lot of those numbers end up being like in the mid to low 110s and then in like mid 40s for torque so as far as daily ability and street ability of this power delivery it's it's very livable i think that this is if you're looking for a 600 if you are a 600 boy at heart you know in your heart of hearts that this is the bike you need this is the one that has the best street package just because it actually does have those extra few cubes it gives you more torque in the mid-range and it really does help i mean you're still going to scream it all the way up to the top end because this is 600 but you've got something going on between then and you know closed throttle yeah we need to remind you that those power figures 127 horsepower happens at 16 000 rpm so you're gonna have to really wring it out to get some juice out of it now next up is a one that uh not many people want to talk about is insurance now the zx6 if you're 18 to 21 years old and you're trying to get a 600 i'll tell you what there's probably so many data points that these have been bend up wadded up yard sailed and crashed all over the country so i guarantee you your insurance rates you're not going to like what you're going to see on this motorcycle right yeah this thing it's probably not as bad as some of the numbers out there that you're going to see however this is going to be pretty shell shocking when you get that number back yes uh definitely going to be in the four figures for sure for sure um the question is just is it a thousand bucks or is it like four thousand bucks yeah and guys don't just run liability insurance use your noggin not a good idea there now this motorcycle however price of entry for this is pretty good you can score zx6's for like six to eight grand all day i mean i think we picked this one up for eight grand just about this is a really nice example of one and brand new they're pretty cheap too you can get into the zx6 for 10 grand flat uh as an msrp without abs a little bit more for abs but you know if it's if it's your track day toy you might not want that no no no street squad street squid street squad nobody goes to the track on the youtube comments we are street squidding today so so maybe you just want to use your your rear brake to do some big skiddies i don't know now the final point of the zx6 we're talking today is the daily ability of this motorcycle you made a whole video talking about if you can daily the zx6 and um i think if if you don't know any better if you are a street squid i was a street squid for a long time i rode my daytona for like 25 000 miles for like two years i did it i've been there i got the got the t-shirt did the whole thing you can do it um it's not great but you can do it it's perfectly fine right yeah i mean it's it's an adequate way to spend a day it's probably a really thrilling way to get onto the highway because you get to bang your way through a couple of gears zing it off the red line it makes a whole bunch of noise lights go on the dash and then you look down and you're only doing just a little over 100 miles an hour yeah you know on some other bikes we're going to talk about today you can't really do that yeah so if you're looking for something that is going to just get your blood pumping on the way to the office this is pretty good i'm not gonna lie yeah let's move on to our next motorcycle moving on up from puny 600s we have this honda horn at 919 here this is your stand-in classic standard four-cylinder naked bike thing this is the only bike we had in the shop so we kind of figured we'd use it for it so what are the power delivery specs on this fight so this one is hotly contested because it's this bike in particular i have a lot of deep lore knowledge but getting the point 108 horsepower and 67 foot-pounds of torque i'm gonna tell you right now it is not making both of those at the wheel no no definitely not this bike is much more docile much more tame than something like the zx6 despite it having a much larger engine this thing comes with a plus size 900cc engine a 919cc to be exact and that's going to give you better around town torque you're not going to be zinging this thing to 16 000 rpm in fact i don't think you're going to get even close to 10 000 on this if i remember correctly opposite around 9 000 rpm yeah so you're 7 000 rpm short of where the zx6 was so it's much less exciting but much more tractable for the daily ride and the ergonomics much more comfortable right yeah so throwing a leg over this motorcycle you're going to see immediately how much more upright this motorcycle is this in particular is even more standard than standards of today yes uh this this is just like sit ramrod upright and look ahead and just be super duper comfortable seats wide bars are high and pegs are low yeah super amenable ergonomics for a daily ride yeah and in this category you've got stuff like the fz-6 the old bandits as well i mean japan printed out a lot of motorcycles in this kind of style of the standard naked bike thing and you can still get a lot of street splitting done on something like this motorcycle you don't need a super hopped up super sport for this thing and the best part about that is the insurance rate's gonna be a lot cheaper for this yes because this motorcycle doesn't have look a bunch of old guys own these bikes nowadays and old guys don't crash their motorcycles which drives down your insurance premiums so you're going to be able to get this motorcycle and ensure it for a lot less money than something that has fairings and it almost is down to the fact that it just doesn't have fairings yeah that's almost literally exactly what it is um insurance companies for whatever reason probably due to the data they have view fully fired motorcycles is much more higher risk they're going to be crashed they're going to be bin they're going to be wadded up and bikes like this just don't get that much happening to them now this spike makes a very strong case as a daily rider over the zx6 over the other bikes are going to look at today probably the nicest bike to daily ride power delivery's nice and smooth on it really nice and comfortable to ride nice comfy seat nice wide seat as well if it were me this would probably be my street squid bike but can you squid on it hard enough is the question and i think that you really can you can get a lot of wheelie action out of this motorcycle if you like it's got enough torque that'll lift the front end uh it can really boogie with some modern rubber on it you can get quite a nice lean angle and i mean it does have fully adjustable suspension but what but it can't do 186 miles per hour on the highway no it can't it's top speed is this is the only bike in here that won't do 186 miles an hour yeah every other bike in here 186 miles per hour actually on the nose which is weird i don't even didn't even know that but every single bike does 186 miles per hour except this one because it doesn't have pharynx yeah so very sad let's move on to the next bike all right folks if you truly want a street squid we personally think that you should accept no substitute and get yourself a mid-2000s liter bike the k-6 gixxer is in our opinion uh the finest example of how you can street squid right yeah i feel like this video is now finally getting started you finally have this now we got an appropriate motorcycle um you can stretch it you can chrome it you can put some nos on it this is this is your street squid build right here yeah we do want to impart on you guys that um if you're gonna go out and street squid this is a ridiculously fast motorcycle um this is probably a really bad idea as a first bike this has no traction control no abs these are really fast uh this is probably best reserved as a third motorcycle in our opinion but let's talk a little bit about the power and power delivery on this thing right big honking stonking 998 cc or 999 cc engine uh putting down what is that 178 horsepower yep it's fast 83 foot pounds of torque 82 or 84 something like that um and redlines at about 14 and a half thousand rpm uh the reason that people like these as street motorcycles over 600 is because they like the kind of mid-range punch that they have this bike any gear any time gonna pull like an animal right there's no wrong gear on a liter bike that's the beauty of having so much torque out of such a big engine yeah but uh the thing is is you really you do have to rev this thing out to get to that full 175 horsepower this can be you might get on it and you're like you know and still where's all my power i was like this leader bike's gonna change my mind and then you hold on to it and let it rev out and then you're like oh no stop i'm going into space yeah it's it's very very aggressive in the way it makes its power but are the ergonomics as aggressive would you say oh yeah so this thing it's probably not as bad as the 600 which is kind of a little odd but it is still pretty aggressive all in all yeah we still have low clip-ons we still have high pegs and you got to push your butt back in the seat so you can get all in the pocket and stuff although because we have this dark windscreen it's like jesus take the handlebars yeah you can't see a goddamn thing out of that thing um when you're looking at ergonomics between a 600 and 1000 in our opinion you're really splitting hairs they're all pretty similar you know only in very recent years stuff like the honda fireblade has just become so extreme that it's borderline unrideable for longer than 30 or 45 minutes at a time um insurance on these bikes is something we have to talk about we talked about all the other ones uh you are going to pay an exorbitant amount of money for insurance for this thing if you're properly covered right i mean it's like thousands of dollars per month possibly depending on how old you are and your driving record and those sorts of things i've seen quotes for these for other folks on our discord server six thousand dollars a year for this thing um because these are the bikes that people wad up in spectacular fashion um you know like usually fatality on a bike fashion which is not something we like to talk about here in the channel but this is a bike that can and will kill you if you're not careful with it right yeah i mean this the splatter factor is high on a 1000 um i think the big issue with these motorcycles is people override them and then they don't trust the brakes yeah because you're like oh it doesn't have abs i i can't just grab on you know i can't load up that front end and you you really can on this motorcycle but it's going to scare the crap out of you the first couple of times you really wind this motorcycle out yeah especially on a twisty corner to corner you're going to pick up so much speed in between those that you're probably not going to be prepared for it so very very very fast motorcycle looking also as well as the daily ability of this bike if you're going to be street squid and this is your daily bike i know a lot of people will put on big miles on the gixxer dow but for me it's still like a 600 i wouldn't recommend it but you could do it do you take cocaine with your cereal that's the question if you do yeah sure why not but for a normal person i would just recommend the 600 the zx6 a lot more fun because you can't actually wind out a couple of gears yeah this is an extreme extreme motorcycle but we are just approaching the crest of xtreme here on yammy noob our next couple bikes even more extreme all right folks this next motorcycle is actually pretty special because it was one of our previous giveaway bikes we actually just wrapped up the giveaway for this and we purchased it from euro cycle as we mentioned in the beginning of the video that the proud sponsor of today's video we've had a ton of fun and good times buying bikes from them and giving them away as well hit the link down below to ride eurocycle.com get yourself a motorcycle from there it's a really simple process anywhere you live in the nation they can ship the bike to you you simply enter in your information you'll get some emails back and forth fill out some paperwork and the bike shows up delivered to your doors how we've had a lot of our bikes delivered and shown up here and it's been a great time so hit the link down below get yourself a motorcycle from euro cycle we actually got this motorcycle and our next motorcycle from them as well but let's talk about this aprilia 200 if you're a european street squid you're probably on this motorcycle right but i think this is the euro street bike squid i think that if you're if you're looking for the italian flare there is nothing better i do believe that there is a very uh vocal contingent of super duke people though yes who would like to be recognized yes but this is our stand-in for crazy italian you know hyper bike yeah so hyper naked motorcycles like this as opposed to your classic gixxer thousands zx6's this is kind of like having your cake and eating it too this motorcycle is deadly fast killer fast in fact it dusted up on a turbo booster famously so in a video right i think zero to 130 140 this bike is basically untouchable um it's making 175 horsepower 92 foot-pounds of torque out of its 1077 cc v4 engine that just makes the most amazing sound and the best part is when you swing a leg over it it's comfortable yeah i mean compared to the super sports that we've been sitting on before oh my god this thing is is a lot more amenable it is worth pointing out that the peg height is the exact same as an rsv4 so your lower half is all super sport but your top half is like yeah i could do this for a while yeah so you know it's it's a weird mix on this motorcycle it's not quite the perfect street setup but it's pretty damn good yeah and this motorcycle makes all of its power basically in the bottom and mid-range it's tuned to be a street bike as opposed to its super sport variant the rsv4 so that means that from low down in the revs this thing falls like an absolute animal um this thing is aggressive and fast and crazy but i think from an insurance perspective still going to be pretty pricey this mic yes so these bikes they do see some accidents however a lot of these motorcycles are ridden by older guys who you know keep it in one two and three uh they're not going super duper fast not a ton of anything other than speeding tickets on them so in terms of this versus a gixxer thou i would wager that this is actually going to be just a hair cheaper which is ironic when you consider that on the street it's probably a lot faster than the gixxer yeah definitely now in terms of it being cheaper on the insurance one way you're not going to save unfortunately is the price of entry we talked about how the zx6 you get it for cheap the k6 and the hornet as well those are all of the people bikes you can get in for them for under 8 000 a motorcycle like this is gonna be upwards of fifteen thousand dollars even in its base trim uh brand new even lightly used you're looking at probably over twelve to thirteen thousand dollars to buy a motorcycle like this do you need something with electronic suspension 175 horsepower and every technology you can throw at it probably not but it is pretty nice it's a big old flex man bigger than you show up to a bike night with you know a bunch of wires sticking out of your down tubes i mean people are going to look at and be like you clearly make a lot of money yeah this is for me the it's the think and man squid bike you know it's it's a little bit more normal you can daily it a little bit better this is a motorcycle that if you put a little you know nelson rig bag in the back or something like that you could probably get away with riding this bike to and from work it has a touring mode it has a touring mode so clearly you can tour with it um that's obvious right but this is a very thinly veiled superbike but if you're looking at being a street squid don't skip the hyper naked category because it basically is everything you could want but what if you want something between a hyper naked and a super sport and you want even more displacement well we might have the next bike for you let's say you're a squid with a boatload of cash and you have high discerning tastes and you could not be caught dead on a k6 jigsaw thou well there's a brand new crop of kind of like neo retro naked bikes but not naked bikes super fancy sport bikes that you can buy the mv augusta super veloce and now this new triumph speed triple 1200 double r this thing is quite special yeah standing next to this thing it it just looking down at all the premium features i can see the carbon fiber fairing stays in there yeah i can see the tube steel frame that they didn't need to shape like tube steel because it's actually aluminum there's a lot of delicate touches on this motorcycle and it really does feel like a statement piece yeah so if you want a street squid but you want the ultimate and you also don't want really any compromises some of these new neo retro bikes could be your ticket as well this is a bike that's not going to get you you know in trouble with the law as much people aren't going to be looking at you thinking oh my god look at this crotch rocket this dummy look at this guy in fact i took this thing out for riding it caught a lot of attention because it's just so striking looking because it looks so different so as delicate and beautiful as it looks the engine on this thing is nothing like that it's an 1160 cc triple doing 177 horsepower and 92 foot pounds of torque you can absolutely do some squidding on this motorcycle oh yeah i mean that is some serious torque out of this thing yeah very powerful motor on this thing it's it it's nice that it has so much technology because that's like loop your bike amount of power yes yes uh but the ergonomics on it but if you'll swing a leg over for us yes so the ergonomics on this are actually strikingly similar to the tuono we have a little bit more forward lean because these are slightly raised clip-ons uh but one thing that is interesting is the tank shape is very different on this motorcycle uh doesn't feel like it's encouraging you to get in the pocket it's just encouraging you to ride kind of like a normal person whose brain hasn't fallen out of their head yeah like a gentleman a normal person you notice the windshield isn't super elevated the tank isn't super low so it's kind of telling you to maybe ride it like a normal human being um but still have some fun and goose it because it does say speed triple 1200 double r on it now in terms of price uh like i said you're gonna have to bring a boatload of cash to buy this thing it's about twenty one thousand dollars for one of these and all these really fancy cool neo retro bikes are just they're they're hella money you know what i mean they're hella money your envy augustas these things because i know the kind of people are going to buy it you know but that also informs your price to insure it as well insurance companies don't really have a lot of data points on these things yet i think they're just really going to look at the size of the engine and kind of give you like a thumb in the wind for it i don't think it's going to be as much as a k6 gixxer honestly so your insurance companies don't have a lot of data points on this for crashes and so forth so it might bring your price down but then because it's so speculative it might come up too so hard to say it is a very expensive motorcycle so you're probably gonna have a lien on it that doesn't help yeah so you're probably gonna be paying a little bit but if you're buying it you probably got the cash probably got the cash hopefully now as a daily motorcycle if i may just simp publicly here we go oh it's so good you can get along with this thing all day long man this is the sport bike for the thinking gentlemen what a great motorcycle great looking package you could absolutely ride this thing around every day i love it i love it yeah i could see this being a bike that you take to the office and you park next to your like boss's porsche or something like that and be like no you absolutely what a flex this would be to park anywhere especially a bike night or something like that man just park that back it up into a spot everyone would come and ogle it this would be quite a street squid motorcycle um but again i think less of a street squid more of a gentleman but still very squiddly however despite let's say you've lost all your marbles let's say you want to just go whole hog you want the ultimate street squid motorcycle i think we all know what that one is do you need me to wheel in the turbo booster we need to talk about the turbo booster all right folks we here at yummy noob field that if you want to be a street squid and money is no object your personal safety is no object and your own tacky tastes are no object there's only one bike it's a turbo hayabusa yeah now the reason we say that this is the ultimate street squid bike is because if you're doing massive highway pulls the street squid thing why wouldn't you have a turbocharged 1300 cc engine doing 270 wheel horsepower um this we feel is the ultimate zenith apex predator of street squid motorcycles right there is nothing like rolling on this thing on the highway and just watching cars turn into just long streaks of color as you go past um you you will pass a car going 100 miles an hour like it's standing still yeah yeah you can you can be next to a car that's doing 90 and you start accelerating it looks like they have like started hitting the brakes as you you accelerate so hard now price of entry on these very very variable right it depends on how you're doing it what you're doing ours here i've spent about twenty one thousand dollars setting this thing up from start to finish so uh it's as expensive as the speed triple which makes me cry a little bit to how expensive this bike has been um on craigslist they're like uh 13 000 bucks like 13 000 bucks you can get yourself a turbo high boost on craigslist or facebook marketplace now talking through this motorcycle a little bit we mentioned the power the power delivery to be honest without making this much of a meme i do think you can ride this bike around yes shockingly you can yeah as long as you keep it below 6000 rpm it's it's really docile yeah power delivery it's it's kind of shocking honestly um totally easy power to live with again below six thousand once you get above six thousand you better you best hold the on yeah you better be planning your breaking distances once you're at there but the cool thing about this too is the ergonomics right yeah okay so it's lowered so of all the bikes in here uh this rivals the hornet for being the most comfortable which is really sort of just borked uh the pegs are nice and low the seats wide and flat and comfy yep the bars are nice and high you could get with this motorcycle on the daily you could yeah it's getting what like 34 miles to gallon so it's basically an economy car oh god no it's getting like 10. with the size of the injectors around this thing no this thing i mean i have to fill this thing up every time i ride it basically um which isn't very often nowadays one big thing we need to talk about here is ensuring your turbo hayabuse if you're a street squid my mind tends to think that if you have a turbo hayabusa you're probably not running any insurance on it to be honest but if you do have insurance on it you may have to disclose to the fact that you've highly modified your motorcycle and turbocharged it have i done that well not the jury's out there we're not going to confirm nor deny if i've disclosed to my insurance company whether or not this motorcycle is turbocharged but um yeah this is a bike that i think you'd have a hard time ensuring yeah the the thing about this is you may not see them wadded up all the time because the people who do this run them at like midnight and stuff but uh god damn it's fast yeah yeah and if you hit something you're gonna turn into goo yeah you'll probably turn it into just dust you know there may not be much left of you to to collect um now as a daily motorcycle your daily street squid bike um it makes kind of a strong case honestly it's really high yeah honestly like you you could daily this motorcycle um there are many other factors you're gonna have to deal with right reliability being one of them uh constantly tinkering and fixing things as i have to do with this thing if you own a turbo hayabusa you have to understand that you are now taking care of an elderly citizen basically you now have an anchor attached to your leg you have something you need to go back to and and care for every day basically you are the keeper of a turbo high boost i walk into the shop and i just see him delicately polishing this motorcycle that's true yeah yeah just whispering sweet nothings into its dump pipe yep yeah we actually sometimes uh spidell get the hornet and i'll get the turbo boost so we put him nose to nose and make him kiss which is really cute we do that here at the shop uh but let's wrap this video up and come to a general conclusion about what makes a great street squid motorcycle all right folks wrapping the video up here we're gonna now try to pick our preferred street squid weapon spike out of these six bikes we looked at today you have to pick one street squid bike to rule them all man what would you pick so they're all so good dude they are good yeah each one is really good at what it does yeah but if it's me and i want one street squid motorcycle to roll them all turbo booster damn really it's it's dailyable uh-huh it's fast it's really fast it's abusa which is cool yeah and i mean no one can touch it you you literally cannot touch that motorcycle no no you can't um i get where you're coming from but i don't know i think for me if i had to pick just one bike just one street squid motorcycle i'm personally torn between the zx6 and the triumph i feel like they're two ends of the spectrum right like this is that really beautiful gentlemanly sport bike thing the zx6 is just like classic 600 energy and for me as well i love going to the track even though we have said that we are street squid only um i i mean i wrote a 600 for like two years and put tens of thousands of miles on them i like them you know yeah it is worth pointing out guys while i do love the turbo booster for what it is i would also probably choose if if i'm not going to go stupid i would probably choose the zx6 yeah even though my heart is drawn towards the 919 there are some times when you wring this thing out and you're like oh that's it so it's gentlemanly it's got this great quality about it but if you want to go out and like get your blood pumping yeah and you don't want to you know go to prison this is pretty good this is a really great option yeah i think the zx6 is usable it's fun it's a great motorcycle parts are plentiful it'd probably be the one i'd pick it's also cheap you could get like three of those for the price of one of these so so are we validating all those 600 boys out there who are like i daily my 600 every day no bad we will never validate you never and there you have it that's it hope you guys enjoyed the show catch you next time see you later keep watching emmy noob
Channel: Yammie Noob
Views: 506,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6WgzxEAMIDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 10sec (1750 seconds)
Published: Thu May 05 2022
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