Top 10 Most CRINGEWORTHY Singers That Left Simon Cowell Speechless!

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[Music] subscribe ring the notification bell and leave a comment down below [Music] many of the people auditioning have a favorite judge and denver's first contestant jocelyn marquez is a big fan of paulina's my name is jocelyn marquez i am 21 years old i'm excited to see paulina rubio i grew up listening to her songs and watching her videos and the judges are ready for you my big dream is become super famous you know with my music i compare myself to paulina rubio but i'll be better [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello hello what's your name jacelyn en espanol jocelyn hola your celine goes das paulina miamor okay and and how are you i'm 21 years old and do you work yes i'm a model in denver exactly but you want to be a pop star oh yes i want to be a pop star okay and do you think you can win this show um what's your name simon that's not a good starter jocelyn well you know i make mistakes i got a nap so mama uh let's sing all right i do my best good luck just absolutely nutty as a fruit [Music] like i'm a hot guy [Applause] [Music] you're thinking of me doing what you like so boy forget about the world i want you to make me feel like i'm the only girl like i'm the only one that you ever loved [Applause] uh why were you what were you doing with the telephone i was seeing the lyrics of the sun could you actually read them yes okay so um let's go straight to a boat or do we need to do we have to okay cool denver wants me right we don't feel you have the x factor i do i do have the x you don't have the x factor and denver hates you it's a no [Music] yes i i meant i've only seen maybe one or two episodes at the most i'll admit i'm not a big fan of the show why are you then uh the next american idol because i can hit the high pitch notes i think i am what they're looking for it's not that many redheads you see on tv this day and age it's true then the fact that i look like carrot top sort of but you know something everyone says i'm way cooler than him steven what's up man how you doing sir okay so you're known as red yes sir i am and your real name is stephen yes sir okay stephen why um did you enter this competition i like competition i figured what what the heck take a chance yup have you seen the show i honestly i've only seen it a couple of times i try to keep busy as much as possible i don't really watch that much but you know what it's all about yes sir okay who are you as good as in your opinion the lead singer from uh queen freddie mercury yes yes sir really okay all right what are you gonna sing today bohemian rhapsody by queen all right all right is this still real life oh this is just fun to see [Music] open your eyes look up to the skies [Laughter] [Music] doesn't really matter to me [Laughter] i can also do country as well oh you know oh yeah that's probably your best genre of music right stephen i mean i i've heard some some weird auditions in my life but i've got to tell you that is possibly the weirdest i've ever heard in my life i mean it was it was like a one-year-old singing that song oh no but no i'm not being harsh stephen that's what it was like i mean it was weird oh i'm also a little off practice as well too i mean the last time i took formal lessons was back in high school all right what did the instructor say back then i was getting all a's in uh and concert choir you think that would win you this competition actually with some practice and with uh with some some coaching i can actually win it i think so it's just lack of practice and coaching which is the problem yes sir right who should be your coach well if co if simon uh thinks that he knows it all and knows what the hell he's talking about bring it on will i do bring it on well then come on you think you're so damn hot step up and coach me i couldn't it would be like coaching a one-legged man to win the 100 meter sprint you know i may be a great coach but if you haven't got it you haven't got it hey the way i see it don't don't be about it or don't hey don't think about be about it all right don't sing it just bring it all right this is just ridiculous if you don't mind me saying and i'm not being rude oh my god so yes or no simon no paul all right thank you very much thank you stephen [Music] so the contestants are raring to go and with danny running late it's up to the three remaining judges to find a star and that shouldn't be too difficult in a country that's produced the likes of shirley bassey tom jones and charlotte church and hoping to follow in those illustrious footsteps her brothers and and said a band has never won the x factor and and a welsh person has never won it an x factor has never had anything like this on it before i'm confident enough to say we can we can win it get in there good luck [Music] hello hi boys all right and who we got here anton and sir and what makes you different from everyone else in the charts today um well we've got a wrong style but if it was if we had to say one it'd probably be like p diddy and and usher okay but he sounds on his when he sings on his own he sounds like a bit like a ghastly as well right so p diddy oh sure and rick astley i did yeah okay it's a good mix and guys presume you think you can win what happens when you win what's the next stage well we want to be worldwide selling artists okay off you go okay mysterious girl move your body close to mine come on move your body i stop and stare at you walking on the shore i try to concentrate my mind wants to explode to explore the trouble consider when i look at you oh i fall in love no doubt you look so fine whoa girl i wanna make you mine yeah come on just let me be with the woman that i love the woman not the love no i doubt you're the only man walking like a kid just let me be where do i start i mean it's more like ant and death it's just come on out guys come on come on we know we know we're good enough time no no no no disrespect but we viewed we're pretty good a lot and sunset i mean it was just crazy bad with this chance we will prove to you we will run we can get better we're different you are different we never had anything like this on a show before absolutely we've heard nothing like this all right louie yes or no no cheryl yeah no i don't think you're right for this please please give us a chance guys come on guys guys guys guys it's a no send it to your mind yeah the other reason i go on in life yeah better two waveless okay okay okay okay you can't sing one another sing if you were mine oh for god's sake it's i'm sorry but he's a good singer no i don't think no for answer guys you've got an okay hero or if you mine just choose which which song you've got to leave [Music] tony you're kidding me come on look at the size of it you know what you might as well cancel the day this is going to be a short day and as simon takes time out he's confronted by two brothers who just won't give up on their dream you're not still arguing yes i'm done with my brothers you know the rules [Music] [Applause] and hurt you and that's what they're missing [Music] hi keith hi simon how you doing hi keith just come over there for the time so keith why are you here i'm here because i think i'm the next american idol very entertaining and unique okay best undiscovered talent in america yeah yeah yeah sure okay and what are you gonna sing i'm gonna sing like a virgin from madonna okay cool okay i made it through the wilderness somehow i made it through didn't know how lost i was until i found you i was bent and complained [Music] shiny new like a badging touch for the bad first time like a bad agent with your heartbeat connection do you do another song okay i'm gonna do i want to dance with somebody okay the clock strikes upon the owl and the sun begins to fade still enough time to figure out how to chase my blues away i've done all right up to now it's the light of day that shows me how and when the night falls loneliness goes i wanna dance with somebody i wanna feel that here with somebody yeah i wanna dance with somebody with somebody who loves me keith yeah um last year i described someone as being the worst singer in america i think you're possibly the worst singer in the world based on that performance and i'm absolutely serious i've never ever heard anything like that in my life keith ever was horrific man well it was you when you said interesting and unique you said a mouthful oh my god no but keith you've got to hear yourself to believe it there is nobody on this planet who sings like you really you got to be kidding me i've been absolutely sick i mean are you serious i don't think i'm the best singer in the world but hey i think i'm a good singer i don't think i know for sure there is no one in this country who sings like you i guarantee there is no one on this planet who sounds like you do people tell you you sound good yeah like who everybody around here has been saying that i'm good okay what about what about your family well my mom wasn't very supportive of it first but she did she hasn't heard me sing like this whereabouts do you live i live outside of atlanta what songs did you sing for your mom i haven't sang very much in front of her i've always sang in front of my friends because your mom does what do your friends say they say i'm good keith trust me on this you should never ever ever plan on a career in singing what else do you love to do well i like to dance just you know maybe get into dancing yes or no no no no fine okay otherwise thank you keith all right the other way dude you have found your star you have found your star no go no you okay a little bit yeah simon is the biggest jerk i have ever met yeah yeah and he told me you remember when i heard about the worst singer in america he told me i'm the worst singer in the world so he can go kiss my ass [Music] my name is neil mccumber i am 45 and i'm a general contractor i just try and take my positivity and make it contagious or infectious to others some people say hey neil what gives you the idea that you can actually start now in life channel the wool and i really feel like the day is the day spawner right now is going to change my life i am here to show my magic and hopefully inspire other people to shine with their magic too right hello what's your name my name is neil mccumber why have you chosen now to chase your dream i've been chasing my dream all my life everybody here in the audience you know you can be here you can do this they are here are you married i am single have you ever been married no i haven't why i just haven't found the right girl yet okay i know how you feel hear that ladies [Applause] this performance was previously recorded we are pleased to report that mr cal indeed found the right girl best of luck simon okay good luck [Music] hey baby won't you look my way i can be your new addiction hey baby what you gotta say all you're giving me is fiction but i found out everybody talks everybody talks everybody talks it started with the whisper [Music] oh yeah take me to your love shack mommy's always [Music] [Applause] hey baby what you gotta say it started with a whisper that matters when i kissed her and i can hear the [ __ ] oh yeah [Music] [Music] everybody talks everybody talks everybody talks everybody [Music] she's like a cute little poodle i just love her okay so simon look i'm being honest with you it was like something out of a lunatic asylum that's called higher energy no it's worse than that uh it's your eyes and that smile if this was a movie this would be like nightmare on elm street or something and you're the slasher who sings while they slash and if they don't if they don't go like this to you they pet your head yeah so let's vote okay let's start with jimmy because i think this could be a yes it's gonna have to be a no paulina i like you what does that mean oh it's no for now i'm sorry [Music] thank you [Music] my name is darwin reedy but people call me misha i'm from houston texas and i'm 27 years old well the reason i tried out for american idol is i feel that it's a good way to show off your talent my mom is here today she's been very supportive misha how you feeling about the audition i'm excited yeah yeah i think it's gonna go i think it's gonna go well well you know part of it's singing part of its uh image tell me about your your style here your look it's sexy it's sexy yes to me the reason i'm sexy is this more of an attitude in my opinion it's not just your look that makes you sexy it's confidence it's an attitude it's just something that you project to people does she get her any of her talents or her sense of style from you oh maybe i studied music i played in high school band and i used to sing myself you know so you brought sexy once and she's bringing it back thank you sorry hello misha hi how are you so your whole name is uh darwin misha reedy and what do you do misha i'm a student and a writer what kind of stuff do you write i've written a novella actually about a singing competition um actually there's a character inspired by you simon well no wonder oh they broke the mold after this one oh who inspired you to enter this well i've been watching this show from season one and uh actually my mom kind of encouraged me all right so what you're singing today i'm singing don'tcha by the pussycat dolls of course it's seattle okay is your mom here yes she came along with you huh yeah she did you want to bring your mom in does that help you yeah that would be fine with me yeah okay okay if you were one of the judges and she's saying hi there this is my mother how are you fine nice to see you welcome to american idol season six thank you you just need to swap hair you two don't you [Laughter] so she's going to perform this song don't you have you heard her do that i've heard her sing it i do believe in her talent yes very much as a matter of fact we incidentally both together wrote a novel i mentioned that actually actually she used to dance when she was you know to your music yes i love your music everything in her home was straight up was straight up that's right you're kidding me all right go for it don't you buy the pussycat don't you want me to leave i'm not white stay right there oh okay just point one is that okay it's fine right there great i know you like me i know you do that's why whenever i come around she's all over you and i know you want it it's easy to see and in the back of your mind i know you should be on with me don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me don't you wish your girlfriend was a freak like me don't you huh no well okay i mean could i try something else could i just do a little bit of sweet home alabama and stuff don't sweet home alabama don't okay i wouldn't um okay i'm not being rude but no no that was i understand yeah that was for me sitting here mom you can come over appalling okay all right now as a mother can you stand listening that i think you know she's you know very nervous i am i am yeah i'm nervous she would have sung you know sweet home alabama because she's you know that's warm up right right i should have done that yeah girls nice to meet you thank you pleasure meeting both of you please for me thank you mom and daughter thank you very good thank you thank you okay we still love american idol yes we do we do thank you we will continue to watch american idol girls okay let's tell everybody to come back and watch more okay after the break right right here right here from seattle okay the land of confusion hi hi how are you i'm good how are you i'm good what's your name my name is joseph joseph do you need some water ah okay [Applause] is that better that is better thank you what are you gonna sing for us today i'm gonna sing a skyscraper by you thank you okay good luck okay thank you skies are crying i am watching catching tear drops in my hands only silence as it's ending like we never had a chance do you have to make me feel like there's nothing you know i think that in this competition we do look for people that are unique and have unique voices but i'm not sure that this is exactly the right kind of unique that we're looking for okay i have an idea i think that you would be great like on like a sesame street type show i agree you know what i mean because you do have such a distinct talking voice you should do something with it or even like voiceovers you know you know how much daughter the explorer make please i think that this competition isn't for you joseph i promise you this you're going to get calls after this audition yep here you are thank you good things are going to happen thank you joseph i would probably voice over and if it was an animal probably an anteater hello i'm the anteater i have always dreamed of being a singer i actually feel rather excited to pursue dreams as an ant eater [Music] oh yeah hi sarah goldberg how are you i'm good you're 20 yes i am 20 years old so what do you think selena dreaming of you whenever you're ready i no longer need this um late at night when all the world is sleeping i stay up and think of you and i wish on a star that somewhere you are thinking of me too cause i'm dreaming of you tonight till tomorrow i'll be holding you tight and there's nowhere in the world i'd rather be than here in my room dreaming about you and me can i ask you a question do you in your heart really think you can sing nah okay that's honest good so why are you here listen to me i'm not a singer oh oh wow will you you're standing there shaking your head you are paula you're looking at him and you're laughing at me no i'm looking at him i'm laughing so you came because you wanted to be on tv you were laughing no why are you here why are you here i am now getting all emotional um i'm not a singer no we got that you know i really love to sing i really do and my friends make fun of me all the time because i'm tone deaf but it's just yeah well shut up it's true i don't need to hear you saying i know okay fair even if i don't sing i can be the next american idol why and you want to know why yeah i love you to know why you want to know why yeah because i've never sung before and so you can teach me how to sing huh yes i think i practice i practice with like music i've read i can't believe i've cried as much i think you don't have to sing to be an american idol i really don't i think paris hilton can't really sing i think he's not an american idol i'm actually aware of that i know that you don't realize it but i am a little bit smart here look at these people behind you just turn around see these five winners they had one thing in common they were all great singers this is a singing competition it's not a competition of like trying to find the best person that can't sing but really wants to you know what randy yes these people can sing yeah yes they can but i could be the only american idol who has never sang before hey i can't sing anything whoa sarah i don't think there's anything left to say i think you actually said it all you entered a singing competition and you don't sing so what do you think we're gonna say we have to we have to move on carol yes or no well no paula yes or no i'm sorry for that it's a no sorry and i'm sorry that you're upset and you guys are gonna forget this so you got what you wanted you got some fame out of it that's not what i wanted are you kidding i wanted to be the next american item thanks sarah oh wow mama it's not the end it's just the beginning no it's not the beginning that's pretty obvious well at least she's not harboring any resentment towards the judges it's absolutely rude like you are people we are people too just because we don't have a million dollars if we don't have singing deals doesn't mean that we don't have lives and doesn't mean that we don't have important things in our lives new york is weird today man it's a weird day today i have become friends with these guys i've become friends with rey and jen and build a security guy because i have been here forever and you know what they told me that these people went out last night drinking in new york city until three o'clock in the morning and that is rude [Music] why melanie now have you decided to enter a show like this well because i've been waiting for that opportunity i've been preparing for years since i was about three or four years old so 46 years effectively yes for a moment like this you shout it loud but i can't hear a word you say i'm talking [Music] nothing to lose [Music] i am [Music] i am [Applause] speechless simon [Applause] melody why did you choose that song i like it do you know what it was like finding out cinderella works at the playboy mansion [Laughter] right that you you're not what you see you understand what i'm trying to say not exactly because you're all sweet and southern and nice and then you sang that weird version of titanium it just it just didn't go it didn't work it didn't work what the bloody hell was that that was the weirdest i should try it [Music] my name is nick zitsman and i am a 27 year old software engineer from midvale utah and that is near the salt lake city area i'm sorry let me try that again because it's not near the salt lake city area it's in the salt lake area okay i'm a self-taught musician mostly i have i've had a few private lessons in guitar but that's about it i think that unchained melody is an interesting song for this audition because it has very wide range it goes from here down to here and a bunch of notes in between and i can hit all those notes i'm just going to get up on the floor i'm going to take a deep breath clear my throat and just do the best that i can do well now when you found out american idol was coming to seattle you said i've got to go to that show why because i was actually encouraged to come out here by my co-workers and and they've heard you sing no they haven't actually but they heard a few instrumental demos i had recorded and instrumental yeah right but you know it's a singing competition i know it's a singing competition but i can sing pretty good too okay i am going to get a golden ticket today hello hey what's up hi p simon how are you all you really good how are you doing i'm anxious but i'm doing well so you're ready for this yeah what is it about yourself that makes you the next american idol i am a leader your leader yes i can project myself real well i can keep on key in choir situations that i've been in before i've been kind of the leader voice of and how old are you 27 27 what makes you unique apart from being a good leader what makes me unique i don't really have a good answer for that but i i just think like to think i'm a lot different than a lot of other people would you say your voice sets you apart from everyone else i would say so yes that's a yeah why don't you show us what you're talking about what do you sing okay i am going to sing unchained melody by the righteous brothers that's simon's favorite song that's what i've been told my love oh my darlin i hunger for your touch and all and lonely time and time goes by so slowly and time can do so much are you still i need your love i need your love i need your love god speed your love to me to me lonely rivers run to the sea to the sea to the open hearts of the sea lonely riverside wait for me wait for me i'll be coming home wait for me oh oh my love oh my darling i hunger [Music] for your touch alone [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] you're good you know you're just very over the top is that not good enough are you kidding me one million percent yes i like you i like you too but i think you got a nice voice i think you still got to find out who you are and where it should fit but i think you got a good voice though i like it yes yes yes for simon paula absolutely yes dude say yes to me i thought you the ball baby yeah all right all right work it out baby work it out i kind of like that and thank you so much for watching 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ridiculous
Channel: Talent Recap
Views: 2,484,333
Rating: 4.8748536 out of 5
Keywords: american idol, the x factor, idol, american idol auditions, x factor usa, x factor auditions, worst auditions, worst singers, cringey american idol auditions, cringe compilation, cringey singers, sarah goldberg, nicholas zitzmann, yosselin marquez, ant and seb, simon cowell, paula abdul, randy jackson, demi lovato, melanie wright, Keith Beukelaer, steven thoen american idol, agt, america's got talent, talent shows, top 10, india, philippines, daneliya tuleshova
Id: u1Wr75zTAA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 49sec (2749 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2020
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