Top 10 most corrupt cities in the United States.

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What is going on everyone? Have you ever done some shady stuff? If you're a politician and your name's not Jimmy Carter the answer is probably yes. Politics and corruption always have seemed to go together like peas and carrots, like movies and popcorn, like poor decision-making and Jagermeister like you get the idea political corruption isn't just in Washington DC with the president members of Congress and senator type thing no we've seen police officers indicted elected city officials hauled off in handcuffs influence-peddling operations with politicians reaching all new lows that's just in the last few years if you're looking for signs of corruption you need to start with budget shortfalls rumors of nepotism corrupt police departments and city officials going on vacations with real estate developers because we all know millionaires like to hang out with dudes that make $30,000 a year working at the city's planning office anyway those are just a couple of the warning signs with all the nonsense going on in the world of politics I thought this would be a fitting subject this week before we get rolling there's something you should all understand I mean we should all just understand it both sides of the aisle are guilty of nonsense it's just the way it is it's just the way it's always been the only difference is what side of that nonsense are you on so what was the methodology for this list that's an easy question I look to the city that has a lot of experience in shady politicians Chicago University of Chicago Illinois did a study in early 2019 with data from 2016 17 18 and came up with stats charts and opinions on what cities in the United States are the most corrupt here's that list of shame number 10 Las Vegas if you didn't know about Las Vegas and corruption you probably don't pay much attention to the news especially and for that I'm kind of jealous I wish I didn't pay as much attention to the news it's kind of depressing anyway after a three-year FBI investigation Las Vegas councilman Ricky Barlow pleaded guilty to fraud charges and resigned his seat in January of 2018 the Barlow investigation is as you can imagine the tip of a very large iceberg in Las Vegas after the mass shooting by some coward in Vegas a couple years back the FBI also uncovered some shady ways of doing things by the local law enforcement agency in Vegas including Las Vegas cops actually arresting someone who called to report police brutality he witnessed on the streets in 2017 I got a sucks it's not the guy you're supposed to be arresting number nine Newark New Jersey now this one might seem like something out of a fictional cop drama movie type thing but I assure you it is not the City of Newark had 442 corruption convictions between the years 2000 and 2014 that's convictions not just accused they were convicted how does a city with a population of around 280,000 hit so many corruption convictions do they do like a two-day class on how to do shady stuff and rip off your constituents and nobody showed up for day two which teaches you about how not to get caught the watershed scandal exposed in 2016 actually blew local observers away with the brazenness of this illegal operation this whole thing was just a bunch of people in charge of various things apparently trying to outdo each other to see who's the biggest scumbag speaking of scumbags in New Jersey two of Governor Chris Christie's aides got federal prison time in 2017 for their role in the Bridgegate corruption scandal and then in 2018 the US Attorney's Office took another guilty plea when a political fundraiser Neuer admitted to wire fraud and tax evasion Newark is as corrupt as ever in 2019 I am sure number eight Los Angeles California since the turn of the century Los Angeles has posted five hundred and seven corruption convictions and that alone gets them on this list they would have been higher but they have like ten times as many people ten times as many politicians and ten times as many departments than say Newark New Jersey in number nine so the per capita saves them from being much higher on this list if you go all the way back to the 1920s you probably be shell-shocked reading all the crap people running the City of Angels have tried to pull off and fail that I grew up in Los Angeles in the 80s and 90s and I always remember some sort of corruption scandal going on then you have the LAPD which has made great strides in the right direction in the last 20 years or so still got a long way to go by most people's accounts the days of letting in the cops who beat Rodney King go free are a distant memory but clearly there are problems city officials need to get a handle on everyone in LA hates the DMV even more so when they found out the DMV officials were taking bribes most of the people were pissed off they didn't know there was a bribe system in place that could have got them to the head of the line to renew their license ask anyone who grew up in Los Angeles and they will tell you the DMV is an all-day affair of suckage for the most minor things oh and Compton's Mayer was found guilty of corruption and sent to jail la has a long way to go number seven New Orleans the corruption and the Big Easy is legendary they've made movies and written books about it several of each really the whole state Louisiana is pretty much bad when the New Orleans FBI director left his post in late 2017 he summed up corruption in the Big Easy like this it can't get much worse he cited that the lack of term limits for sheriffs and District Attorney's as hallmarks for bad government the 334 convictions for various types of corruption since 2000 sort of proves the FBI director was right to New Orleans cops went to jail in November of 2018 for bribery and conspiracy convictions and they won't be the last they're kind of going through a housecleaning type thing so to speak we'll see how that all works out here in the next couple years number six New York City corruption convictions go back to the early 1800s in New York City like New Orleans so many movies have been filmed and books have been written about the corruption in New York City they almost take pride in it for some reason how sad is that the New York City Police Department corruption scandals over the years have always kept a city in the top ten of most corrupt cities in 2017 the city watch has two cops and a former prosecutor got arrested for bribery scheme involving gun permits in 2018 a Brooklyn Assemblymember got hit with an 11 count indictment from the FBI New York has gotten better in recent years but it's gonna take generations for them to change such a corrupt system even New York City street parking is preposterous ly corrupt that's what one post said that could be a great scary movie you know if you think about it I want to do the voice-over for the trailer know when meter maids go bad you'll see what happens when you go one minute over at the wrong parking meter this parking enforcement doesn't play nice they'll even check your car insurance bite the head off your Geico gecko bobblehead doll and spit it back at you yeah it's that bad in New York City they're going after the Geico gecko number five Houston Texas while places like Los Angeles in New York had slowed their pace on corruption cases by 2013 Houston I guess didn't want to look like quitters and they went full steam ahead in a single year Texas Southern District posted 83 convictions most of any city in the United States one year they don't seem to be slowing down either Steve Stockman who is a former Republican House member from Texas he was indicted on 28 criminal charges in 2017 Stockman faced charges from stealing hundreds thousands dollars from charities money laundering wire fraud and conspiracy when he was arrested by FBI agents Stockman tried to board a plane to the arab emirate he was sentenced to ten years in the big house number 4 Baltimore Maryland Baltimore is a city on the mend a lot of people see it as turning around within the next five to ten years and if you know where they've been in the last three or four decades you know that's saying something if you go simply by the number of corruption convictions in the recent decades Baltimore isn't that bad however the magnitude of the corruption events is like when the FBI exposed the police department corruption in 2018 a sergeant pled guilty to racketeering and other federal crimes while a local businessman involved in the same case got 11 indictments for money laundering there's also planning of evidence all kinds of nasty stuff in there meanwhile while this is going on the entire police department is still reeling from the guns trace task force a scandal that could have been on an episode of any gritty cop show in a 2016 investigation the US Department of Justice found that the Baltimore Police Department was abusive and corrupt on multiple levels they had widespread racism at every stage of its enforcement and a constant source of constitutional right violations the Justice Department explained that these practices have eroded the community's trust that is critical to the effectiveness of policing the US attorney on the case described the group as both cops and robbers at the same time they were basically preying on the citizens and the more you read about that case it just gets worse I read about 30 minutes on the gun trace task force that part alone and it was bad it was bad but in January of last year 2018 the mayor of Baltimore announced that she was firing the City Police Commissioner Kevin Davis Davis's successor Darryl deed de Sousa sailed through the confirmation process and he was put in as the police commissioner for about a month and then he had resigned because they've realized he had been paying as taxes number three Detroit no one is considered Detroit a pillar of good honest government in a very long time if ever but Detroit didn't make the University of Illinois Chicago's top ten most corrupt cities in 2015 that's good 2015 they weren't on the list they were on the straight and narrow they had pulled it together and they became a shiny beacon of hope and prosperity for one year it was nice while it lasted but in 2016 they went back on the list since then things have taken a serious turn for the worst the FBI's massive citywide corruption probe netted 12 convictions and charges against 19 different people as of December of 2018 and apparently they're still working on others the FBI agents spent years listening to phone calls from more than a dozen people including some politicians businessmen as part of this widening investigation into public corruption in the Metro Detroit area those are all according to sealed federal documents now if they're sealed how do we know about it how did I get this information I didn't break any laws it was on a website really strange I thought sealed means we're not supposed to know about it anyway six Detroit cops were indicted on extortion charges that same month that they arrest all these people I guess they're trying to get attention away from how many vacant lots they have in Detroit google map Detroit it's scary how many vacant lots they have so many people just up and bailed on this city and abandoned their homes the city had to start knocking down the homes because people were squatting in them and just setting them on fire sometimes as if Detroit hasn't had enough hurdles over the years they get a bunch of a-holes that are supposed to be working on a fix instead they're doing a bunch of shady stuff sad number two Chicago at number two we have the city of Chicago that carries the nickname the Windy City the origins of Chicago's famous nickname aren't entirely clear the most obvious explanation is that it comes from the frigid breeze that blows off Lake Michigan and sweeps through the city streets however another popular theory is that it was coined in reference to Chicago politicians who were said to be full of hot air to everyone you prefer I like the politician one if you want to go back and look at the history of political corruption you would be wise to start with Chicago it goes on way before Al Capone but this would be the most famous era of Chicago corruption the FBI actually had to bring in an outsider named Eliot Ness the story's been told million times so in case you never heard it or if you've heard it the FBI brought in an outsider named Eliot Ness to go after the Chicago Outfit led by Al Capone with the corruption of the Chicago law enforcement agents at an epidemic status Ness went through the records of all probation agents to create a reliable team initially of six and eventually grown to about ten or twelve people they they were called the untouchables they did a really good movie with Kevin Costner a great movie watch it if you want to complete a count of one year in big city corruption take a look at 2016 University of Illinois Chicago's report on Chicago you'll find false medical billing planted evidence prison bribes aldermen heading to jail and every other crime you'd expect in infamously corrupt town not much has changed in the past few years far too many elected officials have seen life inside a prison as I write this one of Illinois Governor sits in jail for corruption he was trying to sell Barack Obama's seat I talked about this in a video just recently but hey they ain't the worst and number one Washington DC the District of Columbia got the nickname the swamp for a reason and has nothing to do with the fact my cousin calls his ex-wife the swamp witch now the study that I got most of this information from put Washington DC at number one because of various events and convictions in the Washington DC metro area but they really focused on what has been going on in big boy politics called the federal government the study was about what's happening now last three years or so that's how they do it every year it's what's going on the last three years so it was pointing a lot of fingers to the current administration sure they've had a bad run of things people are going to jail and things like that but really it's nothing new this has been going on forever they just happen to be the ones sitting in the seat this year all administration's all political parties do the same shady stuff it's just a different angle this time that's all it is in a couple years maybe one maybe five years from now DC will be on the list with a new cast of characters I guarantee but yeah Washington DC is currently considered the most corrupt city in the United States for 2019 good go in DC alright so that is my top 10 most corrupt cities in the United States hope you guys enjoy the list hope you got some information out of it uh it's a weird world we live in corruptions been going on since before the Roman days I'm sure I'm not a historian but I'm sure it was around back then I'm sure it was around when people were living in freaking caves anyway don't forget all the links below leave me a comment tell me we thought don't forget to give the video big thumbs up subscribe if you haven't buy a t-shirt be my friend everybody have a great day be nice to each other
Channel: World According To Briggs
Views: 968,730
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Keywords: Royalty Free Images Stock, Travel, where to live in America, Top 10, Top Ten Lists, Move to, Top 10 reasons not to, best cities to live in, worst cities to live in, auto insurance, car insurance, geico commercial, corruption, corrupted, Chicago, los angeles, detroit, new orleans, police, new york city, al capone, southfield, car insurance quotes, worst cities, cheap auto insurance, california, illinois, texas, newark, houston, worst places to live, relocate
Id: NtYwkxe0PeU
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Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 06 2019
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