Top 10 best very small towns in America. My favorite is #2

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Hey welcome back everyone it's time for another list today I thought we would go small really small we're gonna take a look at 10 of the best very small towns with a population of under a thousand you know the real America this is where you find the roots in the history of this great country on the back roads and the blue highways now there's no real way statistically or with reports to figure out which one goes where and which are the best a few I've been to a few I've read about and a few I know people that are from that town or at least from the area so here's my top 10 best really small towns in America number 10 Harpers Ferry West Virginia Thomas Jefferson visited Harpers Ferry in 1783 and said it to be perhaps one of the most stupendous scenes in nature other than the fact the word stupendous has always sounded made-up to me this West Virginia town is surrounded by the Blue Ridge Mountains and is where the Potomac and Shenandoah rivers meet it has such natural beauty that most of the town is now part of the National Park Service this place is breathtaking they only have about 300 residents all of which have seemed to have avoided the overuse of painkillers good job Harpers Ferry number 9 Wallace Idaho Wallace is a small town in the Panhandle section of ID oh they hold the distinction of being the only city in Idaho to vote for Hillary Clinton in the last election I'm totally kidding I looked up the voting stats and from what I gather it may actually be illegal to vote Democrat in this town which is fine Wallace was founded in 1884 and hasn't gotten much bigger since then and that's what makes this place beautiful they only have about 750 residents and from what I've experienced they all seem to be very kind and down-to-earth people what makes this place even more amazing is the scenery around Wallace so the type of landscape that makes you want to go sit up on a hillside and just watch the world for a bit if you do go to Wallace try the City Limits pub tell them Big Jim in the twin Sencha just kidding don't tell him that that's just something I told the bartender when I was drunk they're like two years ago number eight makanda Illinois makanda is a town in Jackson County Illinois this one is actually considered a village but we're gonna call him town the community of makanda began with the building of a boardinghouse and construction camp for the Illinois Central Railroad back in the day and we all know what happens when a small town has a train going through it that's right a hobo problem one time they had this hobo making his way through town the sheriff tried to usher him out of town well it turns out the hobo was a Vietnam vet and didn't take kindly to this so he beat up a bunch of the sheriff stole the motorcycle went into the woods and at some point got a hold of a rocket launcher wait forget that that never happened that was actually I think the plot of the first Rambo movie but anyway they did have big crowds during last summer's Eclipse which that was kind of cool and this place was like dead center for the Eclipse if you weren't in Oregon this was one of the places right along the line it started in Oregon in the United States and went down through Illinois and a bunch of it was really cool the town has a population of about 550 people and they have several weird festivals every year including one that celebrates turkey vultures turkey vultures but a it's a really nice town number seven Bell Buckle Tennessee Bell Buckle is a town in Bedford County Tennessee Bell Buckle downtown is listed in the National Register as a historic location the town was settled in the early 1800s and became incorporated in 1850 due in part to becoming a rail hub between Chattanooga and Nashville since this place has been around a while it has some historic things here there's actually even a Bandstand in the middle of town so you can go there and play music like some 1950s musical this place is an antique lovers heaven and everyone loves to watch the train roll by like they've got to have something else to do but this seems to be something that people like to sit and watch not into trains but I know there are some of you out there that love trains this may be the place for you oh and they have a moon pie and RC Cola festival I didn't even know RC Cola was around anymore that's cool don't bring your kids there's too many antiques they get in the way but it's definitely place to visit and I love kids just don't bring them they're gonna break some shit number six Union Connecticut Union is a town of just under seven hundred residents and a few ghostly ones too that's courting legend the town's graveyard is supposedly haunted by a number of spirits that draws a modest amount of ghost tourism Union is also home of traveler food and books a restaurant that gives patrons free books with their meals with over forty thousand acres of forestland in and around the town and a major interstate going through it Union is known for outdoor recreation things like hunting fishing hiking camping and apparently fornicating in the woods that last one is some information I got from a guy that grew up in the area he said that's what you did during the summer I'm going camping with my friends and then some girl would say I'm going camping with my friends and they all go camping as everyone does this around here then you end up having sex in the woods just outside of Union Connecticut good times moving on number five Cottonwood falls Kansas Cottonwood falls is the largest city in chase County Kansas as of the 2010 census the city's population was only 903 people now that's the largest city in chase County I guess not many people want to live in Chase County I wouldn't mind I like it mainly because Comcast isn't in chase County and that's a good thing now not a lot of people associate the Prairie or grassland with nature hikes or nature for that matter most of us see it as a place you farm oh you're right but you're also a little bit wrong the prairie and grasslands are naturally beautiful now check out chase state fishing Lake if you go there this place is beautiful creeks that are just trickling into the lake geese ducks whatever this town is what we thought this whole country was going to be after World War Two this place is straight out of The Andy Griffith Show this is the Google Streetview from the courthouse and down Broadway which is the main commercial street in Cottonwood falls now here's the other direction then that's the courthouse America number four Augusta Montana with under 400 year-round residents Augusta is almost like stepping back into the Old West known as the last original cow town in the West this is a tiny community full farmers ranchers nature types friendly people and a few city slickers that nobody likes well I don't really know if that's true but it sounds like it should be this is like an Old West town with cars if you like a town with that whole Western flavor try Augusta in Augusta you have access to a million acres of unspoiled rugged high country land there are ten lakes ranging from six to 25 miles away from town great fishing streams I did notice that the news of Augusta that they had a lot of hunting and fishing related crimes and a strange number of men named Clem for some reason Clem Clem it's a weird name Clem Clem hmm moving on number three Phoenicia new york Phoenicia is a town in Ulster County New York with only about 300 residents and when you go to Phoenicia which is spelt with a pH none f you will think that they have close to a thousand with the amount of tourists they get year round a creek runs through the south end of town and is thick with rainbow trout and during the summer it's thick with drunk college people tubing down the creek now this is what's really cool the library in fern Asia this isn't really cool but it ends up kind of cool the library Phoenicia burned down and suddenly there were books everywhere not from the fire or from boxes and boxes of donations to replace what was lost residents can now check out books again in their temporary library and they can also check out fishing poles from the library and use it in the creek think that's really neat that is like the best and small in America right there number two Cedar Key Florida Cedar Key is a city in Levy County Florida the population was 702 in the 2010 census not a lot of people there the Cedar Keys are a cluster of islands near the mainland it's north of Tampa like all the other keys in Florida which kind of makes it kind of a cool place this place is really underdeveloped for what it is despite its prime location on the Gulf of Mexico Cedar Key has escaped developers it doesn't really have enough Beach to attract any kind of resort type thing and I get the feeling that type of thing will never happen it feels like an old fishing village from some Humphrey Bogart movie back in the 50s people always say Cedar Key is like Key West was 30 years ago what I like here is the lack of commercial property in the keys it's mostly people just live in their life and it's a far stretch from US tourist location it's more like a unique place to live now I've been here I ended up there by mistake I was dating a girl from Bronson Florida which was down the road from there I drove down from Fort Benning to meet her family yes she was that hot I drove from Fort Benning to the middle of Florida to meet a girl's parents and when I got down there I turned right instead of left on the 24 and ended up in Cedar Creek instead of Ronson I called her she said that her parents were being dicks and told me I'm coming to you we spent the weekend there it was really nice I think it was nicer for me because we didn't talk much after that and quit returning my phone calls maybe I'm not as magical as I thought I was I don't know she was I scrolled though she was really hot a really good-looking girl and number one leapers fork tennessee leapers forcas rural town in Williamson County Tennessee and it has a population of about 650 people this place ain't big but it is big in history it's along the old Natchez Trace which is a trail used by Native Americans and settlers that traveled from Tennessee to Natchez Mississippi which is right near the border of Louisiana will nut right near but it's close to now leapers Fork sprung up as one of the trading posts along the trace it's also the trail that Meriwether Lewis of Lewis and Clark expedition died in 1809 leapers Fork was also big in the moonshining history as well and they still have a distillery located there today now I learned about this place from a high school friend that watches my videos she's lived just outside the leapers Fork for about twenty years now she says she will never leave she says the people are great it's wonderful she loves the place she also says that she has to keep the fact she's from Los Angeles secret or some of the older locals they treat her like she's some sort of sexual deviant drug user because of course if you're older than 60 and live in middle America you think all of California is a big coke-snorting orgy her words not mine if you like small towns and hate coke-snorting orgies this little Tennessee village may be the place for you if you do go there go to pucketts grocery so it's a restaurant as well as a grocery store and it has a roadside gas agent when I say roadside it is like a bus stop and most cities are the bus just kind of pulls off the road you get on the gas pumps look right here see you just kind of drift over a little bit if you're at the gas pump now this place pucketts is really nice has musicians a nice summer nights they actually go outdoors there and they play music and open mic stuff it's really neat this is a really really cool community that's why it's number one on this list the history the people it's amazing I'm going to visit there sometime soon roping next year if you're in the area give it a try take a look all right so that's my video hey I hope you guys enjoy it thanks for stopping by and taking a look at it tell me what you thought leave me a comment give me a thumbs up thumbs now whatever you think if you think I missed a small town let me know maybe we'll make another video if you ever want to learn about things like this there's the great book that I've talked about before called blue highways I'll leave a link for it below it's it's a really good read you should definitely check it out also there's links for my patreon site if you want to support the channel that would be great but if this is your first time here or tenth time here and you haven't subscribed yet please do something really trying to get to a hundred thousand I want to do it sometime in 2018 I got a long ways to go I'm only at just about twenty thousand right now I'd appreciate all the help you can give me and if you can share it on your social media that'd be great too you guys have a great day be nice to each other you
Channel: World According To Briggs
Views: 1,437,464
Rating: 4.796082 out of 5
Keywords: Travel, life hack, Top 10, Top Ten Lists, Relocate, Move to, small town life, small town, Makanda, Tennessee, country, small towns in america, small towns, top 10 worst, top 10 small town, America best, towns in America, best towns in america, top 10 best really small towns in america. my favorite is 2, world according to briggs, small town america, best small towns in america, 10 best small towns in america, Royalty Free Images Stock, best small towns
Id: JsnbeBLCOXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2017
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