Top 10 Live Streamers that got EXPOSED! #4

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welcome back to another episode of live stream fails today we take a look at live streamers who expose themselves on their live stream recently a lot of live streamers have been messing up and exposing themselves so we got to jump right into it this live streamer was playing virtual reality and basically when you set up your virtual reality you have to select what height you are so that the senses work correctly this live streamer accidentally brought up his information tab that says how tall he is let's have a look you can recalibrate oh my god wait this live Schumer's chat was out queueing about who is bigger Europeans or Americans while solving the debate he had to self exposed himself for something he didn't want clips let's have a look Europeans can wear short shorts because they have small peepees unlike Americans now that's not true at all dude the biggest I've ever seen we're in France wait don't don't clip that okay so this live Sherman was live streaming with his girlfriend and they have an Alexa device where basically you can talk to it and ask it questions and it holds information on you that you can have it repeats the chat donated money for a text-to-speech device to ask where they were so that the Alexa device would say their address and expose them on their live stream let's have a look okay stop we are I am the team okay okay Wow ego face got extra ego phase Malina holy geez okay Google where am I okay so this live streamers chat had actually noticed something a little bit different about her today their chat couldn't put their finger on it until she got this donation exposing her for stuffing her shirts let's have a look just popped over from hobby and sister stream to see his fan kappapride hey Jimbo have you shove them socks in your bra again 200 [Music] stop eating this this alien food gets some barbecue taters and some bacon livestreamer ninja has been getting a lot of toxicity in his games recently basically he moves to mixer and got paid out a lot of money for a mixer to do it and everyone is giving him grief over it he's at the point now where instead of just typing nothing back he literally just flexes and exposes his net worth on the low viewer streamers who were toxic towards him let's have a look at what he said literally every game I'm not even kidding every game that I like for man or five men with like relevant people it's just the first within the first two rounds an insult how about make sure to me something about for night your track or they plug there they're there to stream and then through and throughout the game is continual for night I can literally purchase the bank bet your houses is being loaned out to you and you can't because you won't have internet flex roll wait a minute what did I miss Wow train wreck Stevie had paid a single girl to come in play some video games with him parade number off hours a few hours into the livestream she comes clean that she is not a random single girl she's actually taken and has a boyfriend and that not only her but also her boyfriend is a huge fan of the livestreamer this made for a very funny exposed moment when train wrecks finds out who she is in the chat and looks up her previous chat logs let's have a look I mean I watched you before you've watched me before yeah we boyfriend's I see a huge bat what your boyfriend single oh you're strolling just like me is your boyfriend awake right now stalling just like how do you know I stole if your boyfriend watches me oh I do too okay okay here we go oh my god oh my God look at her loss chat she's squad one squad two sugar squad one squad two pjsugar oh my god one more strike boys squad you lost one Kayleigh this year if the South Park are you kidding me are you actually kidding me you're one of those kick w pains champ check w pains champ kick W pains champ oh my god squatter I got this squad are good games dude oh my god car 98 just give me the corner idiot dude oh my holy hell you're actually one of those frogs is oh you absolutely shameless a member of this live streamers chat was talking trash on all of the viewers because some of the viewers were saying nice things about girls the viewer in the shed then got his chat logs looked up and it turns out that he is a lot nicer to girls and they are because he doesn't just compliment them he also hands over all of his money let's have a look at this live streamers viewer getting exposed yeah I'm scared of another chat full of I'll take all you I hate people like steak like when they try to call someone I like when they're mad at them I can there an argument something they call nothing it's like soap and cringe look at his em red logs I love you your body is perfect I want it your self let me lick [Music] you're coming in my check on us bro haha offline TV we're doing a drinking game and just talking about random stuff when one of the members of the house comes clean that he actually hasn't paid rent in a year and and owes a member of the offline TV crew fifty two thousand dollars in unpaid rent and bills let's have a look talking about him watching BR this livestreamer accidentally exposes his true intent for if he had VR and that's because he likes the characters on the VR game a little bit too much let's have a look man I wish I had VR I want to be a lolly wait no I didn't mean that I I did not know the term of that and then I thought about no no okay so perky main had started her live stream and she had actually exposed herself for what she looks like when she doesn't wear makeup now that's not really a big deal right apparently to the twitch community it was because everyone went crazy over this clip and believe it or not a lot of people got really upset by this had people who were subscribers or donators were asking for refunds or accounting their subscriptions because they thought that the way that they saw pokeyman was just how she always naturally was this was actually a very controversial clip and people genuinely had no idea that she was wearing makeup in her live streams
Channel: LiveStreamFails
Views: 302,465
Rating: 4.7376413 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, twitch fails, stream, stream fails, livestream FAILS, top 5 twitch, Twitch Top Moments, Twitch Perfect Timing, Twitch Streamers Getting TROLLED, Twitch Text to Speech, TTS Twitch, top 10 twitch, livestreamfails, most viewed twitch
Id: 5rFVZvXlIiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2020
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