New S&W M&P 22 Magnum First Shots: Not What I Expected

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[Applause] foreign [Applause] what's up guys this is Chris here and today we've got a brand new handgun for you today we've got the new 22 magnum from Smith and Wesson now this is a pretty interesting pistol and it is kind of a amalgamation of a whole bunch of different ideas and Concepts and and Technology all put into one and I'm hopefully going to be able to really shoot the crap out of this today now we just got this gun from Smith and Wesson so I'm not familiar with it all and it is sponsored by Smith but that's not going to change my opinion whatever happens in the video today you're going to see and whatever my opinions are you're gonna hear I think this is an interesting gun because first off the 22 magnum is an interesting cartridge and if you're unfamiliar with that 22 magnum is essentially a 40 grain projectile moving about 2 000 feet per second about a little bit less than twice the power of a 22 long rifle at least to my uh my meager Iowa math now the cool thing about the 22 mag from Smith and Wesson right off the gate is that not only is it chambered in the relative affordable 22 uh 22 magnum cartridge but the 22 mag is long and skinny and because of that you can fit an awful lot of rounds in the magazine which we'll get to here in a second but there's a few other Pros to it I want to hit first so first it's really really easy to shoot not only is it still relatively powerful but it has a very low recall pulse allowing people that are small statured allowing people with weak wrists or arthritis or older people or whatever the case may be to shoot the gun with very little recoil add the new Tempo barrel system which is essentially a gas Port that they use from the Smith Wesson 5.7 onto this and I bet you're going to have a very low recoiling pistol the reason why I say that is because this is very similar in design to the very popular Smith and Wesson 5.7 it basically has a gas system in there as opposed to a standard Browning design which lowers The Recoil a good bit now add that with the 22 magnum and you're going to have a very low recoiling very flat shooting easy to shoot cartridge I assume high quality Iron Sights and then an Optics Mount right from the factory now this accepts The Shield RMS pattern but if this is a hollow sun EPS carry now the pistol weight on this is only 22 ounces so this is four ounces less weight than a Glock 19 and you get even a higher capacity as a matter of fact it's double so a Glock it's about 15 in the magazine on the Smith and Wesson's you're going to get 30 plus one I didn't stutter 30 plus one now on these of course for YouTube compliance we only have 25 round magazines but you will get 30. and I can tell you 30 rounds in a magazine for a handgun is pretty freaking awesome especially if you consider the fact that it doesn't stick below the grip very much like if you're trying to put 30 rounds into a Glock you're going to be all the way down there so I like the fact you get a crazy capacity I like the fact that gun's most likely going to be low recoil and I like the fact that you get the same features out of it that you get on the standard 5.7 pistol which again I was a big fan I've got like 10 videos on picatinny rail up top here pretty decent texture the grip is a little thin thinner than a standard m p and a little more squared off we also have good texture but it's not going to be m p 2.0 texture we also have the same takedown I believe as a CZ and then back here we have a manual safety if you choose to use that or not it's pretty easy to keep out of the way if you don't want to use it and if you want to use it it's relatively easy to swipe off very 1911-ish MSRP on these guys are about 649 with relatively affordable ammo seems like a good time awesome specs list on this comes from a pretty decent company but I gotta tell you a one thing that does concern me a little bit about this which is why we're going to shoot it today uh is the Rimfire ammunition so the difference between five seven and 22 magnum is the 22 magnum cheaper it's more available it's been around for like 60 years so it's definitely a proven round but it is in fact a Rimfire cartridge which makes it a little bit less reliable than a 5.7 in theory so today we'll see how the tempo barrel system works we'll see if we get any light primer strikes or anything like that we are running CCI Mini mag 22 wmr and that should work fine I hope that's the 22 magnum I ran in the Walther as well the other thing that's interesting is they managed to get that capacity by doing a staggered magazine as well as you can see that right there very similar to the p365 except done on a much larger scale we're going to go down and shoot it but before I do that I do want to mention my page supporters thank you guys very much it's because of you guys we get to shoot this gun today you guys paid for the ammo and we really appreciate that I also want to mention a local shelter named Iowa it's the yss those kids could really use your help now it's the first time we're going to be shooting this here at seven yards we're going to zero our DOT we get close at seven probably zero at 15 I would say and then we just try to recall and Paul so and be testing the trigger all this stuff getting used to the gun you know the to get her to get to know her phase we're not super low because brightest [ __ ] outside today what that's just that's the least amount of recoil on a full-size pistol I think I've ever experienced I knew it was going to be low but I know it was gonna be quite that low it's crazy low all right we got to move a little bit left and we'll be good foreign [Music] kind of a rough group down top two on the bullseye there and then one two three wide at 15. I'm sure I want it in though I'm not used to the trigger yet all right quick five shot grip I'll show you that that's at 10. well I think we're like eight that's a quick five shot group right there getting closer [Music] all right [Music] foreign problems at all so far that's good I mean the reality is is that this functions well this is going to be like a budget five because like 22 mags cheaper obviously and it's going to allow people access to a gun like this that don't need to worry about getting five seven which get more popular but I mean so far this is shooting incredible let's take a look at some of those groups now this is the one I just popped off it was like a 9 10 10 round group something like that we're getting there now the ammo I bought was 16 for 50 rounds yeah I don't know how that compares to five seven well it's I don't know either but it's cheaper I think five seven is about 50 cents around well there it is we did have a failure oh failure to uh failure to uh feed now that's the interesting part about 22 mags it's long and skinny and sometimes long cartridges they have a harder time with handguns um now CCI is a very quality uh 22 manufacturer that was one of the reasons why I went with this but the other reason is because that's basically all I shoot I have a lot of Remington golden bullet 22 but almost all the 22 I shoot now is CCI I think it's pretty much on you see you think we can hit from the hit from here that would be fun nope nothing but you're all day normal it's gonna be a fun day all right out at 50. yeah we'll try it at 50 yards I don't think it'll be too tough with a DOT and a good trigger [Music] well that's 50 yards go back a little bit that seems kind of easy yeah we should definitely go back [Applause] [Applause] well that almost seemed too easy too well that's 75 yards go back oh [ __ ] like look at that so when I dropped the slide oh let's drop the slide on a new mag it shoots like a demon but yeah nothing's perfect I guess all right even further back yeah why don't we try 100. it's kind of in the shade anyway and I'm redheaded so I'm allergic to the sun it is hot [Applause] oh [Applause] that's 100 yards I know I shank two or three of those but it's not the gun's fault it's trying to go so fast thank you [Applause] I can't even tell which ones are hitting from back here uh the last few did not hit did not hit I don't know what you're trying to I might be going too low like I always am oh yeah that happens at distance sometimes yeah there you go got it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I shoot a lot so I can call my shots and generally when the dot is still on the target after the trigger's pulled I just assume I hit it I can't really hear that much because I only actually have one ear for people that don't know yeah what's up little tree froggy frog oops see ya all right so we're 110 yeah oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] having that same problem [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well that's 110 yards with a handgun so I don't like the fact that we're having some failures to feed but I do like the fact that it has essentially no recoil and it's unbelievably accurate so hopefully this is a breaking issue we'll see this brand new gun like I said they just sent it to me this is the first shot you're seeing it I didn't dry fire didn't do anything so we'll see how it goes all right so we had a couple uh failures to feed and one of the things I think that might be due to is first off we have a staggered magazine designed that could be the issue but I'm not sure because it looks like it works on most guns but we have been using CCI 40 grain flat tip so this is like a square tipped ammunition so I decided to go inside and see what else I had so we also have hollow point ammunition which I'm not sure is going to do any better any worse but it might this is what I generally hunt with and then we also had some fio key performance now this is full metal jacket and generally that has the best chance of feeding so we're going to be using a few different rounds here and just see if it's the round so you know trying to uh trying to exclude variables I guess so I guess we'll take this flat nose we've been shooting since we've got a full mag through it we'll just run the VTEC barricade and see how that goes okay so we're going to run the vtac barricade here hopefully and that would be extremely challenging with a normal handgun but I've been shooting really good with this gun today so we'll see how that goes just shoot a little from cover foreign [Applause] problem same ammunition knowing all fairness so yeah why don't we just switch out now and we'll see if it works better we'll try this Skokie here this is why we do what we do guys so we can help you work I mean that doesn't even feed right away oh here we go try this got it got it got it now one of the things I can tell you about this right off the bat is 22 mag is super loud when you're on the ground that was loud as [ __ ] so let's try it out now we got a full mag of fioki uh full metal jacket and then I got a MAG somewhere around here of more CCI Mini mag so we'll see how this goes foreign at all okay weird well hopefully it's like a break-in thing I don't know but in all fairness we are at like 200 rounds now it's fast damn it is fast and accurate yeah [Music] all right so now we're going to load up more uh CCI hollow points well it actually fed the first time so maybe it's finally breaking in uh we're at 250 right now we're gonna try to go to 300 so I'm gonna shoot 25 more and then you shoot 25 and we'll be at 250. yep so oh you're gonna timer yeah I hit that guy let me just fall over [Applause] I missed the last one sucks let it rip [Music] a lot of wrist I am doing the lotteries [Music] I got hit by 20 of those in a row it felt really clunky coming back a couple of those times like it was catching yeah I know I noticed that you know a lot of times it's like limp person you have strong you have little rest but they're strong generally you shoot a lot and I was I was worried about that so first 300 rounds for the Smith and Wesson 22 magnum were certainly mixed that is not what I expected uh during the initial uh talks Beginning video I was obviously very excited so I hadn't shot the gun yet and I knew it was going to shoot really well because it was the same tempo system same trigger same overall base design is the five seven and the five seven is an absolutely excellent gun that being said 22 magnum is generally less reliable partly because of the Rimfire cartridges I was actually worried we were going to have a lot of failure to ignite because of the Rimfire cartridges with the uh primer or with the firing pin is generally what you see with 22s however we had a whole gang of failure to feed it had the same malfunction every time and then when you shot it at the end there it was exacerbated I would say because like one of the things I'm relatively known for at least is I'm I'm better than average recoil control yes you do and generally that makes some guns work maybe when they shouldn't because a lot of times if you even have a remote limp wrist on something the mass doesn't have enough resistance to come back and cycle the round you know basically your wrist fighting The Recoil spring mass of the slide coming back and forth I think a lot of that has to do with the length of the cartridge so let's talk about that here real quick the skinny long uh cartridge that is used in the gun it looked like it was going up the feeding ramp and just getting straight stuck every single time yep it did I initially thought that was due to the uh flat tip but we've also been using round nose hollow points here which generally are a little bit more reliable and then we also use just regular FMJ and on top of that CCI and fioki are excellent ammo in most of the guns that I've shot I've never had any real problems that were ammo related with this ammunition so I could be doing something wrong but just to make sure we did shoot well over double the normal amount that we shoot on a range day for the first shots we shot 300 rounds as opposed to 100 we usually shoot 150 we shot 300 Today part of that is because it's very very low recoil part of that is because the gun's very fun and very shootable when it works it's [ __ ] awesome and the fact that you can get these boxes for 20 for 17 for 50 rounds as opposed to like 25 or 40 in some cases is is very economic and very affordable that being said it being unreliable kind of defeats the purpose too you know because it is cheap it is super fun it is awesome to shoot but having like six or seven failures or whatever we had today in 300 rounds in my opinion at least sort of relegates it to a fun gun and not to a so I would not use this for self-defense the way it is currently oh no oh no no no and especially with you it seemed very very sluggish toward you know I don't know if that was it getting dirty because it does have a gas system and those guns usually do get dirty quicker uh that being said we we have a lot of slip 2000 on here we put a good bit of slip 2000 on it we lubed it up before we shot it we're shooting high quality ammunition and for the most part we're pretty competent Shooters so I don't think there was a whole lot of user air we're very familiar with semi-automatic pistols I don't know if anybody else has had problems with this because we're doing this video on the day all the videos are released and I haven't seen any of them I imagine Smith's done their testing I imagine this was sent to other YouTubers as well although I don't know that uh that being said uh hopefully they had better luck and hopefully mine works out in the future if not we're going to talk to Smith after this video and hopefully we can get it fixed they have great customer service so we'll see how it goes this is not the end of the Smith Wesson 22 magnum uh Adventure we are going to be doing a full thousand round review uh we'll hopefully get this problem fixed for you and if we do we'll tell you what it is and if we don't we'll tell you we didn't at the 12 000 review and the way this is going like three days no I'm kidding it's gonna be in a couple maybe a month a couple weeks if you want to see more of this uh subscribe obviously uh if you have an opinion on why the gun didn't work leave it in the comment section below if you want to see a comparison of this with the five seven or maybe with the 22 mag or maybe something else let me know in the comment section below as well if you like this video please like And subscribe please support your local homeless shelters and remember to recycle I'll check you later [Applause] thank you [Music]
Channel: Honest Outlaw
Views: 441,008
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: s&w, m&p, new gun, new gun 2023, new s&w 22 magnum, 22 magnum, 22 mag, best 22 magnum, 5.7, new s&w 5.7, smith & wesson, glock, glock 19, g19, full size pistol, walther 22 magnum, sig p365 22, honest outlaw, shooting range, precision sports, best gun, best pistol, best handgun, new pistol, new handgun, wmp, walther wmp, wmp 22, smith and wesson, .22 magnum, smith and wesson 5.7 pistol, m&p 22, smith and wesson shield plus, shield plus, m&p 22 mag, s&w 22 mag
Id: qvVUNm9xgHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 35sec (1235 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2023
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