TOP 10: Instant Win Yugioh Cards!

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how does one win at yu-gi-oh well typically we both have monsters and we both have life points we smash those monsters together until one of our life points hits zero last man standing wins that's not the only way of course there are monsters spells and traps who have effects that can deal damage basically burning your opponent's life points that's another way to win i guess you could win as well by decking out your opponent but i mean everybody plays the life point game isn't there any cooler ways of winning at yu-gi-oh without having to get rid of all your opponents life points or just making them lose all the cards in their deck both of those they're just too boring finally there was some kind of game instant winning mechanic out there but if you're watching this video obviously there are these are my top 10 instant win conditions in yu-gi-oh number 88 gimmick puppet of leo and number c88 gimmick puppet disaster leo apologies straight off the bat i've already combined two monsters into a single category sorry but in my defense these two monsters are technically the same card just one is like an upgraded version of the other one so i thought it'd be okay so just go along with it on this one this is the only time i'm gonna do it i swear number 88 gimme a puppy of leo a number c88 gimmick puppet disaster leo are monsters used by a man named cuatro as part of his gimmick archetype deck in the yu-gi-oh zexl series the first number 88 gimmick puppet of leo is a rank 8xe's monster who requires three level 8 monsters to be summoned his effect is once per turn if you have no card in your spell and trap card zone you can detach one excee's material from this card and if you do place one destiny counter on this card you cannot conduct your battle phase the turn you activate this effect when three destiny counters are on this card you win the duel so the way that you win with this card is actually pretty simple you have three turns to detach free cards once you've done that you win the duel pretty simple so then why is this card so low on the list well it's because the card itself makes it incredibly difficult to protect it in order to gain its free destiny counters it's basically guaranteed to get murked within those three turns before you can win and here's why in order for you to activate this monster's detach effect you have to have no spell or trap cards on the field so what has to happen is you use this monster's ability with nothing set on the field and hope your opponent can't negate the effect because you've got technically no way of stopping it now that's three times you basically have to roll the dice every time you activate this monster's effect you either need something in your hand like a hand trap or that's it really there's no other way of stopping it there is a positive to this though you are allowed to set spells and traps after you've activated the ability of the monster however you have to make sure you get rid of them by the time your turn comes around or else you can't use this monster's ability so what could happen is you activate sponsors ability you set a compulsory evacuation device just in case your opponent gets a stronger monster out so that you can stop it from being attacked into and then your opponent decides you know what no i'm not going to do that he plays some face downs and then your turn comes and you can't activate compulse so you can't use your monster's ability that's another turn added on now while all this is going on let's just hope that your opponent isn't building up a strong field because this card's effect also states that none of your monsters in your side of the field are allowed to attack if you want to go for the instant win condition so this is your opponent now my turn you can't destroy my monsters let's summon some out let's summon a big monster you've got three turns to this and in those three turns i'm pretty sure he's going to get a decent monster out i mean he doesn't even have to be a decent monster it could just have more attack than it or just an ability that can destroy a monster on the field and that's it you're screwed and of course the most cardinal sin of all for any boss monster in any deck it has no self-protection if you want to be sustainable in today's meta you need to protect yourself with some kind of ability well how about its upgraded phone then number c88 gimmick puppet disaster leo this guy is a rank nine exceeds monster who requires four level nine monsters he must be special summoned with a rank up magic spell card targeting number 88 gimmick puppet of leo cannot be special summon by other ways this card cannot be targeted by card effects once per turn you can detach one exceeds material from this card inflict 1 000 damage to your opponent during your end phase if your opponent's life points are 2 000 or less and this card has no exceed materials you win the duel now let's not kid ourselves disaster leo is a step up from its base form leo however every single thing that's good about it there's also a little butt that goes along with it for example now he has an effect that protects himself that's that's good that's something that leo didn't have however this protection ability only states that cards can't target it though that will stop some things it won't stop everything anything that doesn't target basically can still be destroyed quite easily however it's still better than nothing but a big upgrade about this monster is the fact that it has no restrictions whatsoever in its card effect you want to summon some monsters in attack you do that my friend you want to play some speller traps go nuts best of all as well yes 3500 attack which is pretty sweet as an added bonus as well it's other effects the fact it can deal 4 000 damage over the space of four turns that's not so bad it's okay however once we take into account its instant win ability the card becomes a little less awesome now if this is the way that you're gonna go for your instant win first things first it's a bit of a hassle to get out you have to get three level eight monsters in order to summon bass leo first and then you need to make sure you get a rank up magic card into your hand and then that you can activate that rank up magic card so that you can summon disaster leo to the field you need to make sure all of that doesn't get negated at the moment you've used at a minimum five cards so far that's not including any other cards that you've used to get the level eight monsters out which i'm sure you will have to so it's a lot of resources you're pulling into this and the fact that you need to make sure that none of this gets negated because this is kind of like a late game thing going on right now and why is it so beneficial that it's a late game thing well the instant win condition states that you need to have your opponent have 2 000 live points or less so if you get this out at the start and you're just trying to do burn effect damage then you can only do four thousand so you're going to have to attack with this monster anyway which is risking your monster even more you kind of want to get it out towards the end of the game though if you get this monster out while your opponent has 2 000 life points that's pretty cool but most likely the way you're gonna be playing with this deck the way you're gonna go for the instant win condition if you've managed to burn your opponent down to two thousand life points you're most likely already winning plus the fact that they've only got two thousand life points as well you might as well just go for a regular victory i will give this monster some credit though if you're a fan of the gimmick deck and you like this as your boss monster just look at it as a boss monster it's the strong monster you want to get out with a decent effect and if the criteria happens to be met where your opponent's got 2000 or less life points and you happen to win it's just a nice little surprise look at it that way and this monster's not so bad pretty good even the nominaga the deity of poisonous snakes she's a level 10 monster with zero attack and zero defense cannot be normal summoned or set must first be special summoned with rise of the snake deity and cannot be special summoned by other ways except by its own effect this card gains 500 attack for each reptile monster in your graveyard this card cannot be targeted by and is unaffected by spell trap effects and other effect monsters effects when this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the graveyard you can banish one other reptile type monster from your graveyard special summon this card when this card inflicts battle damage to your opponent place one hypervenom counter on it when three hypervenom counters are on this card you win the duel this monster was the ace card of professor felonious viper in the yugioh gx anime now to summarize this monster's insta win ability pretty simple you get her out and then you just deal damage with her three times and then you win easy right let's get the positives out the way first did you know this monster is over 10 years old by that logic as well then you would think oh well it must have a very outdated ability though well no actually it was actually very modern considering how things are nowadays because it actually has protection it even has an anti-battle destruction so if it's destroyed by a battle as long as you've got a reptile in the grave banish one of those bad boys special summon it right back pretty good i would have to say that that immunity is one of its biggest reasons for being on this list it's really awesome the fact that this card has had it if you can get this monster out on the field and you have enough reptile monsters in your graveyard to give it decent attack your opponent's gonna have a tough time and that's something you really do want with a an instant win kind of monster with this it gives it some viability to stay on the field to attack and succeed the problems become apparent everywhere before this monster hits the field though this monster has to exist in a reptile deck and i know some people out there are going to say well i have a decent reptile deck good for you there isn't that much support for the reptiles there's not really any amazing cards i can think of that would go in a reptile deck nor are there any really special reptile monsters you guys might know more than this but to me i can't think of a single one so the fact that this monster has to be in a reptile deck it's a hinderance already what's worse is you can only summon this monster with the card rise of the snake deity which can only be activated if you have phenomenon the king of poisonous snakes on the field which needs to be tribute summoned to get out and then that monster has to be destroyed by a card effect to trigger the rise of the snake deity and after all of that hoping nothing gets negated or interrupted i hope that you have about six or more reptile monsters in the grave or else phenomena is gonna have some pretty weak source attack and of course with this monster you're going to have to deal some damage if you want to win so to summarize phenomena is a good card with a decent effect that could win you the game with its instant win but it's far too much hassle to get it out to be worth it viper had to find that out the hard way don't you do the same last turn this card can only be activated during your opponent's turn when your life points are 1000 or less select one monster on your side of the field and send all of the cards on the field and in their respective owner's hands to the graveyard after that your opponent selects and special summons one monster from their deck in face up attack position and attacks your selected monster any battle damage from this battle is treated as zero the player whose monster remains alone on the field at the end phase of this turn wins the duel any other case results in a draw the first trap instant win card on this list this card was used by seto kaiba in the anime now i've decided to put it in the number eight position because i find it a really fun card to use yes technically it is banned because it's a little bit broken but it doesn't matter does it really i still think it's pretty cool the idea of a card that once your life points have been whittled down all the way to a thousand let's just say you're playing against some op player he's so strong and powerful he's been wrecking you the entire duel but unbeknownst then you have your awesomely named last turn which is a great name for a card or last battle as it's known as in the japanese you play this card assuming you've got a decent enough monster on the field your opponent selects one from his deck and you have this final battle to decide who wins the door i think it's quite poetic i like it it's cool the biggest positive of this card nowadays is the heavy reliance on extra deck cards because so many people rely on them people don't tend to put strong monsters in their normal deck nowadays if you just happen to have a decent one not so bad i mean it's not even that hard to get your life points down to a thousand if you really wanted to let's just say you summoned the winged dragon of ra and you used its ability to dump all your life points into this monster's attack you've got like 100 life points left you can play last resort and you also have a winged dragon of ra with i'm assuming quite a lot of attack points or if you want to be a little bit cheeky you can summon the monster that i always butcher its name fossil dina pacquiao patchy subflow i i can't say it's name i'm sorry because if you have that monster on the field your opponent can't special summon a monster so that means instant win ghost trick angel of mischief she's a rank four exceeds monster that requires two level four monsters in order to be summoned her effect is you can also exceed summon this card by using ghost trick xc's monsters you control as the exceeds material except ghostrick angel of mischief exceeds materials attached to that monster also become exceeds materials on this card when the number of exceeds materials on this card becomes 10 you win the duel once per turn you can detach one excess material from this card add one ghost trick spell trap card from your deck to your hand once per turn you can attach one ghost trick card from your hand to this card as an exceeds material probably the second most storly instant win card on this list the way that you win a ghost strict angel of mischief is basically you similar to the field every turn you're allowed to attach one of your ghost trick cards in your hand onto this card once you've hit 10 of them all together you win best case scenario you use another ghost trick xc's for this monster's summon that gives you three materials right off the bat and then you can use its effects straight away to add one more unit that gives you four at a minimum six more turns need to go by before you can reach 10 an instant win that means though that in those six turns you have to keep this monster on the field and alive and this monster it just really doesn't want to survive does it it's got no monster protection it's got no spell protection it's got no trap protection what's this attack of defense at the very least uh it's got 2000 attack and 2500 defense so not very good really and unfortunately that's not even the worst part the worst part is you have to have the ghost trick cards in your hand in order to use this card's ability because if you don't have them you can't equip it to them and you're gonna need to use some of them to keep your monster alive so this is the problem how are you gonna get enough cards the other problem with this card as well is the archetype that it's in don't get me wrong i really like the ghost trick cards they're really cool they have a really cool mechanic they're really fun but unfortunately due to the introduction of links summoning into the game link monsters are a big hindrance to this deck a ghost streak deck relies on making your opponent's monsters going face down defense position and what kind of link monster be in face down defense position overall though i do like this monster she's easy to summon she has a cool artwork and her abilities outside of the instant win they're pretty good it's just the fact that if you're trying to go for that instant win then it's just not gonna happen really and if it is it's a big big time and resource consumer so it's not really worth it but it's still fun number seven horikathi the creator god of lights a divine level 12 monster with mystery attack and mystery defense cannot be normal summoned or set must be special summon from your hand by attributing three monsters whose original names are slifer the skydragon obelisk the tormentor and the winged dragon of ra this card's special summon cannot be negated the player that special summons this card wins the duel referred to as the most powerful guard in the yu-gi-oh anime and manga she is a culmination of the free egyptian god cards slifer ra and obelisk she was used only once in the series by pharaoh attempt to defeat the ultimate evil zork necrophades this monster's win condition is oh so simple if you can summon this monster to the field you win but that if it's a big if in my opinion this card is just as much hassle to get out as say perfectly ultimate great moth yeah it's a it's a long resource consumption to get this card out let's run through shall we you need to have all three egyptian gods on the field each one requires three tributes if someone normally that's nine tributes keep that in mind you can get a bit clever though and use something like soul charge to special summon obelisk and slifer from the grave but then the wing dragon of ra likes to be a bit awkward so you're not actually allowed to special summon that one so you're gonna have to get him out legitimately as well also don't forget you need to have this card in your hand to summon it to the field though i must admit that once you have the criteria met on the field and you go to some of this card it can't be stopped that that's pretty cool honestly if you've had the time to get out all three of the egyptian gods over however long it's taken you must already be in a really dominant position in that door so the fact that you're going for an instant win it's regardless really you're just doing it just for fun there really to me though this is the most fitting instant win the fact that you're something the ultimate god it definitely deserves something as overpowered as you just win the duel just like that it's not the easiest to pull off no but it is the coolest it's probably worth mentioning as well this card isn't technically available internationally uh it's only available in japan hurry destiny board when this card and all four spirit message cards with different names are placed on your field you win the duel once per turn during your opponent's end phase place one spirit message card from your hand or deck in your spelling trap zone face up in the proper order of i n a l when any spirit message card or destiny board you control leaves the field send all spirit message cards and destiny boards you control to the graveyard used by yummy bukora against yukimoto in the anime destiny board is one of my personal favorite sets of cards i remember back in the day when i was a when i was a wee lad one of the first cards i ever bought off the internet was the destiny board series i actually can't remember how much it cost me back then it was probably extortionate because i didn't know any better but i bought the destiny board cards because i thought they were so awesome and the fact that you could win with them just seeing them in the anime as well they seem so broken and then you play them in real life and you realize that they're absolutely not broken they're pretty much terrible so to talk about how hard it is to win with these cards we need to talk about how you win first all you need to do get that trap card destiny board on the field set it face down activate it and then every single one of your opponent's end phases you can add a destiny card from your deck put it on the field put five of them down you win what's the problem with this well destiny board occupies your span and trap card zone so you're going to need all those zones free if you want to play destiny board so you can't play any continuous trap cards because that's going to it's going to ruin your day destiny board needs to activate and it has to be activated in the right order this is a common misconception about the card it doesn't have to actually spell final on the board it doesn't have to be f i n a l it could be f i n a l like that just as long as they hit the board in the correct word order that's fine and the last destiny board has no protection for itself so a very very simple mystical space typhoon twin twister i know it's banned but heavy storm any of that it's ruined your strategy and they don't even have to destroy all of them they don't have to destroy one once one's left the field they all get thrown in the graveyard however hold on there are some positives to this card first things first the fact that when you win with this card it spells final or even better in the japanese it spells death what an amazing way to win that all love it the fact that you don't have to technically have these cards in your hand to play them on the field and they can be just summoned from your deck big big plus really like that and the big benefit nowadays the problem with the clogging of the field we have a card also used by yamibacora dark sanctuary allows you to play the destiny cards onto the monster card zones instead basically freeing up you're spending trap card zones so you can actually protect yourself now thank god that's a really good card keep in mind if you're only playing the five cards in your deck the f the i the n a and l if you draw any of the spell cards it's a dead draw so yeah you could have a potentially awful hand whenever you draw them and even still with dark sanctuary on the field your cards are still susceptible to spell and trap destruction so it's a problem overall destiny board is so high on this list because it is one of my personal favorite cards of all time yeah number five jackpot 7. when this card is activated shuffle this card from the field into the deck when this card in your possession is sent to the graveyard by an opponent's card effect banish this card if three of your jackpot 7s are currently banished and we're all banished by this effect you win the duel now of course the win with jackpot 7 it has to come in a set of three and this is actually the first time i heard about this card whilst i was making this list and at first glance when i saw it i thought it was awful and in a way it is awful because this card relies on your opponent making all the moves basically the balls in their chords if you're trying to go for this victory win condition so why would they ever go along with it wouldn't they just avoid doing it for example let's just say i have one of my jackpot sevens set on the field my opponent destroys this card thinking it's just a regular uh back row card they realize what it is i'm not gonna destroy back row anymore because i'm not gonna let him win like that you're screwed you could take this as a positive spin though because now that your opponent has seen the jackpot seven card they won't want to destroy any of your other back row so it'd be a very good deterrent for keeping your back row safe but that does mean you now have two cards floating around in your deck that are worthless so how can we circumvent this problem well you take the control away from your opponent to do this you need a little card called creature swap give your opponent a monster like dark scorpion burglars and all you have to do is attack into it with a weaker monster burglar's ability will kick in forcing you to send one spell card from your deck to the graveyard you just send the jackpot 7 and then attack again and there you go victory you could also creature swap needleworm or absorbing jar or even play cards like dark deal fabled dianera artifact durandal and cerulli guru of dark world all these cards pretty much get the job done with the added bonus as well of this card being able to be put back into the deck if you would prefer it in the deck rather than in your hand it's pretty good the consistency of it though is another story the fact that if you're relying on dumping cards from the deck at random it's random there's a very strong chance it could be at the very bottom of your deck and you may have to go through your entire deck to get to that and if your opponent negates any of the monsters abilities on the field it's a problem because now you're gonna be playing with cards in your deck that are useless because you won't be able to meet the the wing criteria overall though i like them i think they're really interesting and they could slip into nearly any deck really i've honestly been thinking about just throwing them in a random deck to see how they do yes there'd be dead drawers but be interesting exodius the ultimate forbidden lord he is a level 10 monster whose effect is he cannot be normal summoned or set must be special summon from your hand by shipping all monsters in your graveyard into the deck and cannot be special summoned by other ways when this card declares an attack sent one monster from your hand or deck to the graveyard this card gains 1 000 attack for each normal monster in your graveyard if this face-up card would leave the field banish it instead if there were five different forbidden one cards in your graveyard that was sent there by this card's effect you win the duel another instant win card this time used by adrian gekko in the yu-gi-oh gx anime it has to be good if it costs the life of the one you love most in order to be summoned or at least that's what it cost in the anime anyway wait what's that adrian lost with uh exodus awkward so exodus the ultimate lord's win condition is all you have to do summon this monster to the field attack every time you attack you can throw one of your exodia pieces in your deck which by the way you have to play exodus for this card to win throw a piece away just do that five times if you've sent all the pieces to exodus to the grave you win as a bonus as well every time you send one of these monsters to the graveyard you get an additional 1000 attacked this monster so then the question becomes how hard is this monster to summon to the field well it's actually super easy barely an inconvenience all you do is shuffle your graveyard into your deck and that's it that's meant to be a cost beautiful that is a level 10 monster you have just summoned the field for basically free the logic behind shuffling all the graveyard monsters into the deck is one in case you've got any exodia pieces in there then you can put them back in and that's a good thing but the negative to it as well is the fact that if you do have loads of normal monsters in the graveyard it stops you from summoning this monster out with like a really powerful attacking defense uh instead it makes you always have zero so now that question becomes because this monster is so easy to get out how hard is it actually to get this monster's win condition well it's it's vulnerability that it's problem has no protection for itself even worse it has terrible attack to start with you have to summon this monster with zero attack because it shoves all of the graveyard back into the deck the first attack you do you have zero attack however you get to send one of your cards to the graveyard and that's a thousand attack yeah a thousand attack isn't gonna get over a lot of monsters so you're gonna have to play some additional cards to throw some more cards in the graveyard if you want to boost this monster's attack and then the other problem arises if you want this monster to have decent attack you have to play normal monsters and normal monsters are normal they don't do anything that's bad i honestly think the biggest problem with this card is if exodia the forbidden one goes in the graveyard which it most likely will if your opponent activates a card that banishes a card from the graveyard and they banish exodia the forbidden one the main one it's limited to one so you're screwed really aren't you so if you want to be clever make sure to send that one to the graveyard last to be fair though doing an instant win never meant to be easy was it regardless i like this car it's some weird distant cousin of exodia or something so that makes it pretty awesome and the fact that it's an easy level 10 monster to be summoned uh you can play it in other decks that aren't focused around its ability you can literally just put this card in any deck if you want to get a rank 10 out if you play a train deck bosh sorted final countdown it's a spell card that effect is pay 2 000 life points after 20 turns have passed counting the turn you activate this card as the first turn you win the duel finally it's an excuse to break out that 20-sided die you bought remember when i said angel and mischief was the second most stally card in this list well this one is the first if angel of mischief technically needed about six seven turns this monster needs 20. nearly triple that final countdown is so high on this list because it is a way to win a duel without having to deal even a lick of damage it also which i think is the biggest selling point to this has an amazing name final countdown or again even better in the japanese countdown to the end oh so cool really reminds me of majora's mask you know majora's mask moves coming down to earth and you've got that sort of countdown going down to the end of the world reminds me of that so i'd like to imagine if you play this card the music kicks in and it keeps ramping up every few turns that'd be awesome it makes me question it really like a couple of the cards on this list so far yukio bad guys have used them why hasn't any of the bad guys use this card yet that'd be awesome do it konami wait what what did you say what's my personal opinion of uh final countdown as a win mechanic uh oh i hate it yeah this card can be so high on the list if i hate the card personally i have very bad memories of this card one of the tournaments i went to hold on yes 2012 the last yu-gi-oh tournament that i went to i was in a win a giant card tournament and i played against a final countdown player and obviously i hate final countdown decks because they have to take 20 turns and they play all the cards that really piss me off and some of the cards i hate the most but specifically about this person if you're watching today i'm sure you don't remember me but still this guy was an absolute scumbag like in real life as well he was like making up like little rules and stuff he's like i activated this card and if you said that you didn't go into your battle phase or something then that doesn't actually technically counter the turn and blah blah blah so uh yeah it's a bit of a dick and that kind of made me hate final countdown decks anything that plays level limits area b or messenger of peace oh i hate those cards hate him with a burning passion but i've got to give it to this card that if he's put in the right deck it's a fantastic win condition all they have to do is get this card into their hand activate it pay the 2000 life points and then the countdown is on your opponent has to defeat you within 20 turns that pressure that stress they need to do it i imagine they'll do some silly moves in this time because they really want to get things over with the negative though is 20 turns is a long time if you're not getting the cards you need a lot of things can go wrong in those 20 turns and most of the time they probably will not the most consistent deck but it has seen some tournament plays so it is consistent enough to be good so with the right builds you should be able to make those 20 turns fair play final countdown number two exodia the forbidden one and all his pieces cliche i'm sorry but do let me explain in terms of reliability this card probably has no right in being in the number one position but in terms of the most satisfying way to win a door this guy in my opinion is the absolute best way i mean it was the first instant win we had ever seen in the anime used by yugi motel when there was no chance of winning in the conventional way it was an amazing and iconic moment in the series and although that scumbag weevil underwood threw them into the sea its legend will live on forever exody's effect is if you have the right leg the left leg the right arm and the left arm of the forbidden one in addition to this card in your hand you win the duel the win condition is so simple you get all the cards into your hand and you win i just like the idea if you draw that final piecing like this and you're like i win yugi moto getting all these cards in the space of like six or seven turns uh that doesn't really happen in real life keep that in mind i will throw something out there though that exodia has over all the other cars that we've mentioned in the list today if you're an exodia player and you're playing five pieces of an exodia deck in a 40 card deck every time you start a duel you have a one in 658 8 chance of getting a zero turn kill because you've drew all the cards in your starting hand and you've won straight away you've always guaranteed that eventually you'll get a guaranteed win for this deck to work you need to throw in as many bamboo swords magical libraries allures of darkness one days of pieces so on so forth and just hope you get the cards before you get demolished in the door sometimes you can get the perfect hand you just start really well you do all your plays and sometimes you can win on the first turn just by getting all the plays going zodia decks are designed to thin your deck out as quickly as possible however the fact that nowadays we've got so many hand traps and negation abilities if your opponent is given any opportunity they will most likely stop you nowadays but in terms of coolness i do think exhorting the forbidden one is one of the ultimate ways to win an instant win in yu-gi-oh
Channel: TGS Anime
Views: 2,555,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yugioh, reviews, yu, gi, oh, duel, online, dueling, Cards, Deck, Opening, update, tips, network, rulings, rules, vs, HD, Saitama, Yugi, Muto, Yusei, Fudo, Jaden, Yuki, Judai, Yuma, Tsukumo, Yuya, Sakaki, Yuri, selena, yuzu, yuto, yugo, dark, magician, blue, eyes, seto, kaiba, abridged
Id: WEkrBuFfeQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 28sec (1888 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 28 2018
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