Was Atem About To Defeat Yugi? [Yugioh Duel Monsters Finale]

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it's the yugioh dual monsters finale pharaoh attempt versus yugi moto the pharaoh must be defeated in order to return his soul to the afterlife and the only one capable of doing this is yugi both duelists decide to split the deck that they have accumulated throughout the entire series in half and with the spaces left in their deck they will add their own cards to it unique to them after a fierce and dramatic duel ultimately yugi takes the victory with tears in his eyes the pharaoh's soul is set free and yugi is now the new and true king of games today we're gonna be analyzing the entire 26 turn duel and what we're gonna figure out is if yugi really did earn this win was he playing the best possible duel he could we also want to find out if etem held back in any way and finally let's see if there's any shenanigans in this duel any i don't think you're allowed to do that moments without further ado let's jump into the door the duel begins and attem goes first he draws and his opening hand consists of the tricky guy of the fierce knight obelisk the tormentor bounce spell summoning clock and card of sanctity attempt activates the effect of the tricky by discarding one card he can special something straight to the field he discards swift gaia and then sets his quick play bounce spell face down on the field and then ends his turn right off the bat i have to say this would it have her attempt to set summoning clock face down as well just in case he needed it also if he would have done that that meant he would have had two cards in his hand and one of these cards is card of sanctity so if you would have activated that he would have drew five new cards he would now have obliged the tormentor in his hand rebellion tricky spell four mirror force queens knight and king's knight he could now set his mirror force he could use his tricky spell to get four tricky tokens straight to the field next turn he could summon his obvious the tormentor attem you've misplayed here it's yugi's turn and he draws his opening hand consists of swords of revealing light green gadget stronghold the moving fortress turn jump amber shield and ground erosion yugi realizes nothing in his hand can get over the tricky just yet so he decides to activate swords of revealing light attempt is now unable to attack for three turns yuki summons green gadget to the field which when summoned triggers its effect to add red gadget straight from his deck to his hand he ends his turn by setting stronghold the moving fortress face down it attempts turn and he draws rebellion attempt enters his battle phase and activates his spell rebellion this card allows him to choose one monster on the opponent's side of the field and force it to attack from the opponent's side of the field however as green gadget turns to attack yugi directly he counters with his trap stronghold the moving fortress for its effect it special summons itself to the field as a trap monster into defense now since there is a monster on the field green gadget can't attack directly so instead it attacks stronghold since green gadget attacked from yugi's side of the field yugi takes the damage atem ends his turn it's yugi's turn and he draws ties of the brethren yugi plays it straight away at the cost of 1000 life points he can target one level 4 monster and special summon two monsters with the same level and type as that chosen monster he summons his red gadget from his hand along with his yellow gadget from his deck neither one of these monsters are allowed to be tributed or can declare an attack while they remain on the field however that's okay because with all three gadgets on the field the effect of stronghold kicks in stronghold's attack increases to three thousand yugi now on the offensive switches it to attack and enters his battle phase as he attempts to attack the tricky attempt activates his bounce spell which lets him take one face of spell on yugi's side of the field steal it and then activate it straight away he chooses swords of revealing light so now yuki is the one who can't attack for three more turns yugi now on the defensive switches his green gadget into defense and ends his turn it's back to attempt and he draws tricky spell 4. he activates it by sending the tricky to the grave by doing this attem is allowed to special summon a tricky token for each monster on the opponent's field however these tokens cannot attack since yugi controls four monsters attempt summons four tricky tokens he tributes three of them to summon obelisk for tormentor he moves straight into his battle phase and attacks and destroys stronghold the moving fortress attempt ends by setting summoning clock face down it's yugi's turn and he draws silent swordsman level zero yuki sets his turn jump ambush shield and ground erosion traps face down then he summons his silent swordsman into attack with no cards left in his hand yugi ends his turn it's back to atem and he draws mirror force he sets it face down to empty his hand so that when he activates his card of sanctity he can get the full benefit from it now both players draw until their hand is six since both players hands are empty both players draw six cards atem gets queens knight king's knight sleight of the skydragon the wing dragon of raw pot of greed and book of secret arts while yugi gets alpha the magnet warrior beta the magnet warrior gamma the magnet warrior valkyrie on the magna warrior mirage spell and mirage ruler attempt enters his battle phase and orders obelisk to attack silent swordsmen attempting to go for gain as he does yugi activates his trap ground erosion and it is here that the first possible shenanigan reveals itself you see attempt reminds yugi that spells and traps don't work on gods however yugi says that this trap doesn't affect obelisk but it is instead targeting the ground beneath it which i mean technically he is right if we look at the card's effect it says select one monster card zone on the field you can send this face-up card to the graveyard to negate the effects of a monster in the selected monster zone and decrease its attack for every one of your standby phases this card has been faced upon the field the fact this thing isn't targeting obelisk you can just assume that all egyptian gods can't be targeted right since the show made an effort to explain this we're gonna say it's not a plot hole we're gonna say it's fine it's all good getting back to it though yuki's not done yet he chains another face down turn jump due to its effect three turns pass by in an instant however unbeknownst to yugi atem has played a trap card of his own summoning clock a lot of stuff happens here so in order of resolution summoning clock gains three turn counters obelisk's attack decreases by 1500 due to ground erosion and also completely negates its effects meaning and this is really important it can't use its sacrifice ability it can't sacrifice two monsters to inflict four thousand damage to the opponent and wipe the opponent's field silent swordsman's attack increases by fifteen 1500. finally sword's revealing light dissipates since three turns have instantly gone by with obelisk weakened attempt chooses not to attack with him however while still in the battle phase he activates the effect of summoning clock by sending it and one other monster on the field to the graveyard a temp can special summon monsters from his hand equal to the number of turns that have passed the monsters summoned don't need cards to be tributed for their summon i've highlighted that for an important reason we'll talk about that in a sec attempt tributes his last tricky token and then special summons his king's knight and queen's knights from his hand the effect of king's knight activates which also special summons his jack's knight from his deck finally with one more summon remaining attempt special summons slifer the skydragon to the field and with three cards left in his hand slifer's attack equals three thousand yugi very oddly activates his last face down trap ambush shield which lets him tribute one monster to increase his silent swordsman's attack by the tributed monsters defense but hang on just the second why not wait for attempt to attack with slifer that's like obviously what he was going to do you would have destroyed slifer and slifer would have gone to the grave and you'd have dealt a thousand damage to schleifer what's the deal here is this a misplay from yugi no actually you see yugi has a plan he knows exactly how to defeat all three egyptian god cards and even better he knows it to do it in a single move what he's trying to do is bring all the pieces together and the thing to instigate all of this is sly for the skydragon he needs that monster to stay on the field so that is why he didn't destroy it though schleifer can't get over silent swordsman attempt still attacks and destroys the two remaining gadgets with his knights he then moves to his main phase too he tributes the three knights and summons the winged dragon of ra brah's attack of defense become equal to the sum of the three monsters used for its summon this totals 5000 attack and 4000 defense before atem ends his turn he activates pot of greed to draw two new cards which are berthamette and gazelle wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait did he just use pot of greed he's had pot of greed this entire turn why didn't he activate it it wouldn't be a big deal except for the fact he has a monster on the field whose attack is determined by the number of cards in his hand could have activated this his would have had four thousand attack and that wouldn't be a big deal except he would be able to destroy a monster if his attack was four thousand he could have attacked into silent magician not knowing that yugi has a face down trap that's going to boost the monster 4000 but it doesn't matter because silent swordsman would have been destroyed that meant that queen's knight and kings might could have attacked the last two magnets and now yugi's field is completely empty and obelisk the tormentor and jax knight can attack directly for game yugi only has 1400 life points left you can make the argument that obelisk doesn't have an attack available attempt attempted attack with obelisk and had to cancel his attack however turn jump specifically states you go forward three turns and restart on the third turn in that battle phase so this is technically a new battle phase so obelisk should have an attack still however it's a bit weird perhaps they just moved from that point and went back to that one so we are going to say that obelisk can't attack it doesn't really matter because he's still got a jack's knight and jack's knight would have been in the door by itself so that means attempt could have won this turn if he had played potter greed at the start of his turn why didn't he what a fool anyway getting back to the duel atem ends his turn and as he does the effect of ambush shield ends and wait a minute aren't we all forgetting something egyptian got cards that are special summoned must go to the graveyard during the end phase of the turn they were summoned this way so oh slifer what are you doing yes slifer was supposed to go to the graveyard here since it was special summoned so why didn't it this is gonna be a tough plot hole to patch up but i think i can do it remember summoning clock the card that special summon slifer well in its effect it's specifically states that there is no need to tribute for monsters summoned by this effect so here we go perhaps the reason god cards go to the graveyard is not because they were specifically special summoned but because they were summoned without any sacrifices remember they are gods so it makes sense that they require blood sacrifices to enter the mortal realm if you don't feed them their blood sacrifice they're never gonna get angry or they're just gonna leave so with that in mind since this card states the monster summoned needs no sacrifice it would be safe to say that this card is acting as a kind of synthetic sacrifice in the place of actual monsters this is why slifer didn't go to the grave its blood sacrifice cost had been paid synthetically it didn't know the difference okay okay anyway it's yugi's turn and he is facing three egyptian god cards he draws and he receives magnet force yugi's standby phase occurs and silent swordsman's level and attack increases yuki sends his alpha beta and gamma in his hand to the graveyard in order to special summon his valkyrion the effect of slyther activates which reduces the attack or defense of the monster summoned by 2000 yugi activates his quick play spell mirage spell its effect is that it can only be activated when the attack or defense of a monster you control would change by an opponent's effect gain life points equal to the amount that would have changed instead is this possible shenanigans number three no i don't think it is you see this card is not altering slifer it is altering the results of slifer's effect this is slider's effect this is slifer it's coming in no one's no one's touching it no one's messing with it it's done what it's supposed to do and then on this side of the uh the legality wall that gets converted into life points instead of damage now instead of valkyrian's attack being reduced yugi's life points increase yugi ends by setting mirage ruler and magnet force face down eagle eye viewers might notice here that yugi could absolutely attack over obelisk or schleifer however we know why he doesn't attack him to slifer because he has a plan but could he have attacked into obelisk yes he absolutely could have he would have done some damage and it wouldn't really have stopped his ultimate plan it's a very good job that he didn't because remember atem has mirror force face down good play yugi we'll let that one go it's back to atem and he draws dark illusion slifer's attack increases to four thousand now with enough attack attem goes into his battle phase and uses slifer to destroy silent swordsman the attack is successful and yuki takes damage attempt then attacks with ra targeting valkyrie on valkyrian is also destroyed obelisk attempts to go for gain however yugi reveals his face down mirage ruler which makes it so all monsters destroyed this turn returned back to the field and all damage taken is returned back to how it was although yugi must pay 1 000 life points obelisk unable to get over valkyrian and silent swordsman is forced to end its battle atem ends his turn i feel like i'm jumping in a lot with this tool technically in the real world if son swordsman came back its attack would go all the way back down to 1000 but it is the anime so perhaps it comes back how it was when it left the field it's yugi's turn and he's ready to do the impossible he draws magnet reverse the standby phase occurs and silent swordsman moves up to level 5. yugi activates the effect of his valkyrion by treating itself it summons all three magna warriors from the grave to the field upon each of their summons slifer's effect kicks in attempting to reduce the defense of all three by 2000. this is where yugi reveals his magnet force now until the end phase any rock type monster targeted by an effect can now be redirected to any other monster of the owner's choice all three effects are redirected back at the gods reducing their attack instead of the magna warriors could this be another shenanigan yes this one is literally moving the effect to something else now but i guess it's not targeting and maybe the egyptian gods just specifically can't be targeted so it's fine now with all the monsters weakened silent swordsman attacks obelisk atem activates his face down mirror force to destroy all of yugi's monsters however this is exactly what yugi wanted yugi plays magnet reverse this allows him to special summon valkyrie on the magna warrior back to the field in face of defense the effect of attempts slide for the skydragon activates again however yet again the effect is returned and now since obelisk's attack is zero it is destroyed yugi moves into his main phase two he uses the effect of valkyrion to summon alpha beta and gamma back to the fields slifer's effect triggers once again and yet again the effects bounce back both slifer and ra's attack go down to zero and as a result both are destroyed yugi ends his turn it attends turn and he draws polymerization he activates it and fuses his gazelle and berthamet together to make chimera the flying mythical beast since this isn't battle city rules atem is able to attack the same turn he fusion summoned he destroys yugi's alpha and ends his turn it's back to yugi and he draws buster blader he sacrifices beta and gamma to summon it with this being the only card in his possession his only option is to attack a destroyed chimera the attack succeeds and yugi inflicts damage to attempt for the first time in the duel chimera's effect then activates special summoning birth met from the grave yugienz's turn it attempts turn and he draws beast of guilford he sacrifices his berthamette and summons beast of guildford into face of defense he sets book of secret arts face down and ends his turn could he have summoned guilford into face down defense yes would that have been the better play yes did he do it no it's yugi's turn and he draws soul rope he sets it face down and then moves into his battle phase he attacks beast of guilford it is destroyed however its effect reduces the attack of buster blader yugi ends his turn it attempts move and he draws awakening from beyond he activates it which allows him to add one monster from his grave by letting yugi draw two cards yuki draws spell textbook and gandora the dragon of destruction while atem adds swift gaia the fierce knights a card that he discarded on the first turn it turns out that attempt had always planned for yugi to defeat the egyptian god cards so on his very first move he planned for that eventuality by discarding a very powerful card now with an empty field attempt summons gaia without a sacrifice he uses it to attack and destroy buster blader however as this happens yugi activates his soul rope since one of his monsters was destroyed by paying 1000 life points he can special summon any level 4 or lower monster from his deck he chooses which are the black forest atem ends his turn it's yugi's turn and he draws summon skull he sacrifices which the black forest in order to summon it and then due to the witch of the black forest's effect he adds a monster with less than 1500 defense from his deck straight to his hand summons skull then attacks and destroys swift gaia yugi ends his turn it attends turn and now attempts back is against the wall if he doesn't get the card he needs he will lose next turn from this point onward atem has the power to will whatever card he needs to keep him in the duel to the top of his death remember that the millennium puzzle's unique ability was that it granted a look boost in dire situations so with attempt wielding this power he draws big shield gardener which is just the card he needed to keep him in this door for another turn are there better cars that he could have willed to the top of the deck to perhaps put him in an advantageous position yes so why didn't he get those well that's because that's not how this ability works imagine every your entire deck you know that there's six cards that can keep you in the duel this turn you don't get to pick one of them specifically it's kind of you get one of those cards at random however the more desperate the situation becomes the more that power sort of focuses in he's not super desperate right now so that's why i got big shield ghana it's yugi's turn and he draws pot of greed he activates it straight away and draws two new cards what a pun and curse of dragon due to watapun's effect since it was added to his hand it special summons itself yugi then sacrifices it to summon curse of dragon knowing big shield gardener's effect well yuki attacks into it with summoned skull he takes 100 damage however big shield garner switches to attack due to its own effect curse of dragon then attacks and deals a huge chunk of damage to attempt putting him in an even more desperate situation yugi ends his turn it attempts turn and through his will dark magic curtain moves to the top of his deck a pays half of his life points to activate it he's able to special summon dart magician from his deck straight to the field attem then activates his face down a buck of secret odds atem attacks and destroys summons skull he ends his turn it's yugi's turn and he draws block man seeing attempts life points are below 1000 he sets his marshmallow on face down now if attempt attacks into it he will take 1 000 damage and lose the door yugi switches his curse of dragon into defense and ends his turn attempt knowing exactly what that face down monster was since yuki showed him when he added it to his hand he knows if nothing changes he will lose the duel this turn so atem wills thousand knives to the top of his deck he uses it to destroy yugi's face down marshmallow to avoid its effect damage he then attacks and destroys yugi's curse of dragon atem ends his turn it's back to yugi and he draws soul shield he normally summons black man into defense and then sets soul shield face down and ends his turn seeing yuki go pure defense attend wills dark spear to the top of his deck he equips it to dark magician so that he can now deal piercing battle damage but yuki plays his trap soul shield by paying half his life points he can instantly end the battle phase this works and attempt is forced to end his turn also it's yugi's turn and he draws gold sarcophagus first he activates it by banishing one card from his deck face down if attempt ever activates or summons the same card as the one chosen that summoned monster or activated card is negated yugi chooses monster reborn yuki follows this play by activating the effect of his block man by attributing it he can summon one block token for each turn it was on the field now with enough materials he sacrifices both his tokens to summon gondora the dragon of destruction he activates its effect at the cost of half his life points all monsters on the field and now banished however before this effect can wipe out dark magician attempt plays his dark illusion which makes dark magician unaffected by monster effects and incapable of being destroyed by battle this turn however yugi is allowed to draw one card as a result yugi draws a magician's circle he sets it and spell textbook face down and ends his turn it attempts turn and now since it appears he is in a winning position his luck boost seems to subside as such the cardi draws is never actually revealed so assumingly it was nothing that could have helped him out this turn and possibly it was an unplayable card so maybe like a the ritual spell but without the ritual monster something along the lines with the match within his reach atem enters his battle phase and attacks directly however yugi activates his magician's circle which lets both players special summon a spellcaster type monster with less than 2000 attack from their decks yuki summons silent magician level 0 while attempt summons dark magician girl atem attempts to attack the game again however yugi activates spell textbook by discarding all of the cards in his hand he's allowed to draw one card and if that card drawn is a spell he can activate it immediately since yugi has no cards in his hand he doesn't discard anything which would have been an illegal play but luckily the card states if any yugi draws and miraculously gets the spell card of sanctity yugi draws six new cards these six cards are never revealed nor are they used nor do they really matter to the story as he doesn't need them attempt sensing the potential for yuki to make a comeback draws his five cards and manages to will monster reborn to the top of his deck alongside this he also gets magicians unite and three other cards that are never actually revealed to us or even played assumingly again they were dead draws but to be fair with the two cards that we know what they are he thinks he has game with them so why would he need more cards in his mind right the effect of silent magician triggers for every card that attempt drew silent magician moves up a level and attack increases by 500. now the tables have turned if attem's attack is successful he will be the one to now lose the duel attempt activates his quick play magicians unite which merges dark magician and dark magician girl together into a single monster with 3 000 attack the boost isn't enough to get over silent magician but it is enough for attempt to stay in the door and it is here where we get the final shenanigan of the entire duel atem activates monster reborn to bring back slifer the sky dragon since the temp has four cards in his hand sliper's attack equals four thousand attempts plan is to attack with schleifer for game however my dude to activate monster reborn you had to leave your battle phase so you don't have any attacks left and that also means during the end phase slifer goes to the graveyard what's the deal this is the last time canali this is the last time i fill a plot hole in for you perhaps the battle city rule normal spell cards can be activated like quick plays during your battle phase or set face down and they basically become quick play spell cards has carried over from battle city into this door but at the end of the day who the hell cares if attempt activated monster reborn in his battle phase or outside of his battle phase because it's about to get negated yugi reveals that the card that he had banished was in fact his own monster reborn atem's monster reborn is negated and slifer returns back into the grave this play holds two special meanings yugi knew the pharaoh so well he predicted and planned for this eventuality solidifying that yugi really was the true king of games and it also shows yugi's resolve to free the pharaoh's soul because remember he was hesitant to lose one of his closest friends this maneuver is saying to the pharaoh the souls of the dead aren't meant to linger in the world of the living it was yugi's way of saying goodbye through the door attempt with a proud smile on his face ends his turn it's yugi's turn and the final turn of the duel he draws but it doesn't matter what it is as he simply enters his battle phase and attacks the game the pharaoh is defeated his soul has been set free and yugi is now the new king of games yugi cries at the loss of his closest companion the one that helped him grow so much over his journey atem leaves for the afterlife with a smile on his face giving a final thumbs up to everyone that was a part of his life and i think as well that thumbs up is also to all of us he's given us a thumbs up saying thank you for coming on this journey with me what a beautiful ending to a great series now let's dissect the crap out this door shall we yugi a champion doesn't belong on his knees so let's go in reverse of potential ways this tool could have been different first of all i want to point out that attempt ends his last turn with four cards in his hand they're never revealed nor are they ever set or activated so it's safe to assume that they were probably unplayable we have kind of already covered this but the reason why he didn't will more better cars to his hand to keep the duel going is because he really felt like he had game there he can't see the future so he can't predict that yugi's got monster reborn in the box this is why he only got two cards to help him out rather than an entire hands worth in terms of shenanigans throughout the duel the monster reborn thing uh it's a bit weird but we've seen monster reborn be activated like a quick play spell in the previous season so we're gonna let that go with attempt really did think he had a game and had yugi not been able to stop monster reborn then yeah he he would have won on top of all this even if atem had a couple more plays left the next turn on yugi's turn he has seven cars that we don't know what they are in his hand so he potentially could keep going in the duel so he might have more plays still available if the duel like had to continue however i will say it's lucky that atem didn't have a kuriboh during that final attack that would have been a bit embarrassing you could go to the attack tears in his eyes oh oh kuribo i thought he was going to swim another month stuff who's going to attack me twice i'm surprised kuriboh never made an appearance right this whole door it's weird really isn't it could a tim have stolen victory earlier well we did discuss the whole pot of greed fiasco had he activated that in his main phase one he would have drawn two more cards his schleifer's attack would have been four thousand he'd have tried to attack over silent swordsman yugi would have had to have used his face down card to boost his monster attack 4000 both would have destroyed each other attempt can then attack the two remaining gadget monsters and then attack directly with jack's knight which still has an attack he would have won that way and then he still had obviously tormentor which i don't think could attack could have won all the way back there so atem did have gain they never capitalized on it so he misplayed real hard back then and also fun fact if you remember me talking about activating card of sanctity during the first turn which could have completely changed this entire duel he would have got oblique scout super early and he would also had a face down mirror force so potentially atem could have won like within the first 10 turns or something like that because it would have just been like a snowball effect might as well quickly bring it up one more time obelisk couldn't use its tribute to monsters ability to deal 4 000 damage to the opponent that was because yugi's card negated his effect and he never had an opportunity to use that and then when it was negated that's when the monsters were on the field so that's why you never won via that so overall who do i think won this duel i do think it was yugi atem could have 100 won this duel much earlier on but he didn't capitalize on it so it's his own fault really but in the grand scheme of things yugi came more prepared to this tool attempt plan for yugi defeating the egyptian gods and then he planned to beat yugi whereas yugi planned to defeat the egyptian gods and then defeat the pharaoh he'd planned that far ahead so i think yugi without a doubt is the true king of games
Channel: TGS Anime
Views: 2,085,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yugioh, reviews, yu, gi, oh, duel, online, dueling, Cards, Deck, Opening, update, tips, network, rulings, rules, vs, HD, Saitama, Yugi, Muto, Yusei, Fudo, Jaden, Yuki, Judai, Yuma, Tsukumo, Yuya, Sakaki, Yuri, selena, yuzu, yuto, yugo, dark, magician, blue, eyes, seto, kaiba, abridged, yugi vs yami, yugi vs atem, Yugi vs the pharaoh, egyptian god cards, obelisk, slifer, ra, mo9nster reborn, shennanignans, tgsanime, master duel
Id: lGNREWf_Wdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 21sec (1821 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 05 2022
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