The Story of Yu-Gi-Oh's Most Hated Card

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[Music] like many video game communities Yu-Gi-Oh has it split between its casual and competitive audience some enjoy their fun strategies or their connections to the television show While others want to win whatever it takes destroy get locked out and look these two communities argue over everything they have completely different wants from out of the game in 202 to though there was something the entire Yu-Gi-Oh Community could truly get behind ban Mystic mind Mystic mind would be a card that would be so incredibly toxic to Yu-Gi-Oh it would Define the game for a full on year while Mystic mine is on the field the player with the most Monsters can't attack or can't activate monster effects so big surprise in a card game all about monsters yeah uh Mystic mine is pretty good nice enough for Mystic M it does destroy itself when both monster counts are equal at the end of the turn the problem with this however is it just creates these little mini games where one player is trying to remove all the monsters on his field and so yeah on paper this card's pretty toxic but Mystic mind would be a card that would go through development go through generations from being a gimmicky wind condition to decking people out to being the format defining card in 2022 this is the competitive story of Mystic mine Mystic M's humble beginnings starts in dark neostorm on January 12th 2019 dark neostorm released to store shelves in Japan and the Asian market the dynamic in Yu-Gi-Oh is that Japan typically gets their sets 3 to 4 months earlier before or the rest of the West does so here in America Europe Australia and wherever else the Yu-Gi-Oh TCG is we get to see what happens in Asia to try and see you know what cards are going to be good the most prevalent cards out of dark neostorm were the orist cards which would make this deck's popular Skyrocket in terms of meta viability and soon orcus would fit itself into a four deck format known as toss thunder dragon orchest Sky strike Aker and salaman great and throughout the next couple months of dark neostorm format these four decks would reign supreme over Asia and the TCG would watch however there was something going on in the ocg with this card called Mystic mine no no no no no no no wait wait wait wait at release mine was seen as the central component in this strange like tiered but largely unexplored control deck that was just sort of difficult for individuals to get a grasp on because it required not only playing cards that truly individuals had never heard of uh but also required like understanding game States and advantages in a way that Yu-Gi-Oh does not train you and uh unfortunately just a couple of months after uh Darkness neostorm released I believe with mine uh Mystic mind burn as a strategy was born three extravagance three demise and and three Duality after that are three and such was the evolution of Mystic mine stun decks now a stun deck in Yu-Gi-Oh is the complete antithesis of a card game the whole point is to stop your opponent from playing the game and you basically doing nothing the whole point of this Mystic mind deck was to stun your opponents stop them from playing the game and then resolve a bunch of trap cards that inflict damage to your opponent over the course of the game while of course if your opponent just has the out to Mystic mine that being a card that can remove it from the field allowing them to then play well uh the strategy would kind of just go in the tank while a lot of people find a lot of enjoyment flipping a bunch of floodgates against their opponent and watching them you know get a little angry Mystic mine burn would become a deck that could cheese out a couple of wins so in May when dark neostorm finally released Mystic mine as a wind condition as its own deck was seen as just a bit of a gimmick but there were murmurs about Mystic mine as a card being theoretically absolutely insane versus the now very powerful danger thunder dragon deck the reason being is that danger thunder dragon runs nearly no spell cards they are a deck sometimes consisting of 37 monsters and three copies of a draw card called Sea's light which reads you can't activate spell card for the rest of the duel and with most of the removal cards for Mystic mind being spell cards well you can kind of see how things can go off the rails when thunder dragon faces a Mystic mind so a card like Mystic mind that strictly targets monsters only all of a sudden becomes unbeatable against this deck so theoretically you just slap Mystic M on the field and well your deck doesn't run these burn trap cards though if you're not not playing The Mystic mine burn deck So eventually you're going to have to try and like break the board and play the game right enter Yu-Gi-Oh's alternate win condition deck out make a difference if you the player are not allowed to take certain actions face face face and here's the thing like there's no way [Music] to [Music] he's wasting a little bit of time he's not going to have it out and concedes game one absolutely nothing he can do after that so how these Mystic mind strategies would work is typically thunder dragon would assemble a full combo a bunch of different negates and whatever on their first turn your goal as someone who has Mystic mind in in their grip is going to bait out these negates in sequence and then drop Mystic mine on the field all right your thunder dragon opponent can no longer out this card so what happens next well in theory since your thunder dragon opponent cannot get rid of Mystic mine or alter the number of monster counts to equal yours which theoretically is zero they would go ahead and pass turn right back to you you seeing that your opponent has no out passes right back to them your thunder dragon opponent draws for turn we're going to do this like 20 to 30 more times and as the thunder dragon opponent attempts to draw with no more cards remaining in his deck he loses the game via deck out but that was all Theory would it actually work ycs before that point uh or before the wcq with the set legal that was Knoxville uh and you may or may not have won yeah yeah we knew about Mystic mind for that and uh my testing group we wanted to intentionally play a deck that didn't have any anything crazy new in it any new Innovations really because we wanted to save stuff for the points playoff and for the wcq we wanted to go to Worlds that's that's the keeping our eye on the prize um and we expected many other the better players to do the same so I assume a lot of the better players would not play Mystic mine outside of the usual context cuz the usual context in like in ocg was it was used for Mystic mind bur decks but many of the better players here obviously knew that the thing is though um some people did top uh Knoxville with these Mystic mind and like orcus de for example I don't remember who did but I'm pretty sure there were a couple people who did and that kind of was like a damn uh because the kind of cats out of the bag you don't have to play this in Stall deck they can play in pretty much anything and it meant for WC format you'd be an idiot if you didn't have an optimistic mind like in any kind of corner so on June 21st almost a month after ycs Knoxville and the day before the main event of the nawcq there is the worlds points playoff this tournament includes the top 32 circuit point leaders they then engage in a brutal single elimination bracket where the top two finishers qualify for the Yu-Gi-Oh world championship and so fresh off of his ycs win Jesse cotton again would uncork a card that was seen as just a gimmick and turn it into a win condition I really really liked my uh my Striker deck I almost consider like my magnum opus whenever we're building a deck you want to look for the flaws of the deck and then try and solve the problems and every single problem I encountered I worked my ass off to try and find a solution and I feel like I did for uh for that deck I found solutions to black garden which was a one that was void with Sky Striker right cuz people were playing these these field spell engines and uh they'd have Mystic mine for these Thunder decks and then and say okay well if reversus Striker let's put black garden in and then give them tokens so my logic was okay we can lean into beating these now really agur comex with with trap trick metaverse Mystic mine but now we can turn the Trap tricks into sanctums and some the scythe and they give us the tokens the tokens they gave us will now kill them because they because they can't play anymore they have to pass give with four tokens on my field and then they die uh so that's like one solution came up with had we win the mirror match now with so many cards not not not like kind of geared towards the mirror Utopia was a surprise Factor there so it was a whole kind of string of things together Sky Strikers have a lot of inherent Synergy with Mystic mind Sky Strikers are a control deck that only really need to use one monster at a time so theoretically you could play underneath your own Mystic mine as well as you can shut off your own Mystic Mine by activating another field spell right on top of it Jesse cotton rolled up to the world's points playoffs and played a total of 10 w is to fetch Mystic mind from his deck three copies of trap trick three copies of metaverse three copies of Mystic mind and two terraforming wait that's 11 he also played a very funny Tech called double or nothing it allows you to make a monster that can attack for 10,000 damage so if your opponent's locked underneath Mystic mine you just attack with a monster that has less than 2,000 attack and hit them for 8,000 damage through their own card and so with this absolutely obscene concoction Jesse cotton would place in the top two and qualify for the Yu-Gi-Oh World Championship but now we go into a bit of a conundrum Mystic mine as many other format warping cards go through this sort of vicious cycle when the card is good people prepare for it and therefore the card is bad and then when people don't prepare for it because the card is theoretically bad then the card becomes good however there were certain decks in this format that just simply couldn't play the outs to Mystic mind like danger thunder dragon so Mystic mind then became a viable Tech card to play in the format however as the premier event season ended no one truly got to experiment with the Jesse Cotton's Mystic mind deck Mystic M and Sky Shar again known quantity but just not enough time to experiment because as the July band lfts ruled around metaverse got limited down to one that reduces the total copies of Mystic mine in your deck from 11 to just six and arguably the best way to bring Mystic mine out from your deck was metaverse cuz you can do it during your opponent's turn so after the ban list Mystic mind decks would just get worse now they're more inconsistent in terms of their wind condition and so it doesn't really make sense to commit so many cards to a strategy that might not work and you can't resolve every single game and so Mystic mind would fade from competitive relevancy and and more so just be considered a gimmick enter Jeff [Music] Leonard so by Orlando um I was feeling really good you know we had been uh traveling to these events and it had been uh really fantastic to see like a third party infrastructure sort of develop around Yu-Gi-Oh because there there aren't very many of those with in Yu-Gi-Oh's history you know there's no like Star City Games of Yu-Gi-Oh the closest we get basically is ARG in 2015 and pro play games in like 2019 so it's this burgeoning uh incredible new tournament series that is attracting uh a lot of players not only from like the areas where they would do events but also dedicated PPG Grinders um they had their own equivalent of a Nationals season so some people would come to every single event and one of those people was Jeff Leonard Jeff learned Yu-Gi-Oh basically as a way to hang out with his kid uh but he was frustrated that combo decks existed and there was uh so little he felt he could engage with and so Jeff Leonard was like well forget it I'm not even going to engage with that part of the game uh I'm just going to play stun deex and he functionally dedicated like months of his time to playing exactly Mystic mine and he got like really good at it can we also just acknowledge the fact too that we we've talked about this multiple times but if you're just joining us here in the Stream Jeff is a father to another one of the competitors and you know here he is this is his Solomon Moto moment yeah yeah this is Grandpa Moto at its finest have one draw step if Nicholas has a way to win this on the last turn that I not aware there's a cyclone there's a c that's a cyclone right there putting it on the bottom Jeff says oh you won't be drawing that c it says Final Countdown oh my God Final Countdown resolved his win condition Jeff has just taken game number one I I'm losing my mind this is incredible oh my God Jeff is one win away from top eight if you're Jeff do you think you shotgun a cursed seal if you have it on this uh engage if you have honestly I would I I feel like in the long term it depends on what your other back row is a fo immediately immediately flip that met the second Ash Blossom oh Jeff he's talking about Prohibition real quickly I'm sure it's naming a card that Nicholas isn't likely to send and he there's no way that's just going to be it but you know what wow I mean Jeff Leonard would set the Yu-Gi-Oh community on fire it wasn't that he was just winning with Mystic mind burn but just how happy and what his demeanor was what he represented to the game he was good at his little stun deck and brought about the brand that anyone can play Yu-Gi-Oh he understood the mechanics of his stun deck to a very high level and he was a genuine threat in these tournaments everyone knew he was on the deck and had the capacity to top people were like bringing cursed seal of the Forbidden spells in their like 2020 magician Souls spiral side decks at the pro playay games Invitational because they had to beat Jeff Leonard if they saw him in bracket no no no mystic mind burn was not good that was still very much the case it still required a little bit of luck to take you down to the finish line but Jeff Leonard vastly increased the popularity of the deck it went from being just a cancerous gimmick to people wanting to replicate the success of the most uninteractive deck in like the last 3 years so for the next year Mystic mind would never truly see widespread play outside of its hermit crab shell of Mystic mind burn cauldron of the old man cooking field barrier protecting demise of the land fetching Mystic mine so MB bur would see a little bit of competitive success here and there it couldn't hang on to be like the best decks but definitely could cheese a few wins over the course of a nine round tournament and so a ban list in January of 2020 would put an end to Yu-Gi-Oh's Eternal format the 8mon long tenure of four decks Salomon great orcus Sky Striker and thunder dragon would be nuked to unplay Ability but Mystic mine as a card still couldn't find success even in a post toss environment it had ell andat emancipator and while Mystic mind was good against at emancipator ellich just plays three Conquistador inherently and like plus an emancipator if going first you just set up so many negates and disruption that it didn't feel that great playing Mystic mind uh when your opponent has all this Interruption and not even good into half of the decks as we were all penned up in our households forced to play Yu-Gi-Oh through the almighty webcam Mystic mind would again continue to undergo the vicious CLE prepare for it or don't it it wasn't like this card was a secret or anything but people thought about it in this very black and white way will people prepare for it or not and if people do prepare for it therefore it is bad and making the card theoretically worse alongside the list of decks that would be prepared for it is the availability of in engine removal One Way Mystic mine was used during the lockdown era of Yu-Gi-Oh was to play it in going second decks the goal goal would be again to force out the majority of the negates from your opponent and then drop a Mystic mine on the field and hope to play or even just otk them through the mine so Mystic mine going second could be this absolutely you know comeback card to beat these full comboed outfields just in the worst ways possible as the year turned 2022 and we all emerged out from our homes out into the real world to play some in-person Yu-Gi-Oh Mystic mind would still find itself in the predicament we kick off with Ys Charlotte Elijah green taking the event with a souped up prank kids deck this is actually just about when I started to play Yu-Gi-Oh again uh I had been a casual player from the years 2015 to 2020 I've been playing a pet deck at locals and being angry at meta players because you know I I couldn't get the deck I had like a a $100 anti meta deck that I played for like three years but I think I watched like an NBT video around this time and I kind of gave the look like the the Green Goblin mask up onto the Shelf to go ahead and bring back and play a game a here we go again so just around this time I'm giving the side eye to this uh to the deck box so predicament was going on [Music] overseas Jonah singer Peter mitros and po Jang were just a group of Australian Yu-Gi-Oh players but stomping around in Australia isolated from the rest of the Yu-Gi-Oh Community wasn't enough for them and so we as Hartford was the target here for the Australians it'd be their first overseas ycs or or would it uh hello everyone my name is Jonah or online known as JoJo or JoJo ASMR initially po was wasn't even going to go to the ycs I just floated the idea amongst the three of us saying it'd be fun to travel internationally to play at one of these events and during this time Peter and I were doing really well with the prank kid Brave DP deck we were just really good with the deck we were doing really well at regionals with it and po was just playing his little cuki his little Sky Strikers in the corner just having fun and taking it easy and so originally po was a bit lazy to go on the trip in all honesty but he saw that we were really enthusiastic so he thought last minute he'll book his tickets and come along so on the day of the trip we're at the international terminal po Peter and I we Peter and I get through customs no problem but po hasn't filled out his Visa he realized or he filled it out incorrectly or something and it takes up to 24 to 48 hours to get it approved when you submit it so it's an hour before the flight po hasn't signed his Visa so we're getting called on the intercom like this is the final call for the flight and we're sitting just at the ter International Terminal waiting for our flight and we're thinking there's no way PO is going to make it and I have this video recording where we're sitting at this like lunch table I suppose and we found this like little tourist toy kangaroo that you get at one of those like tourist places and we just sat it down next to us like thinking this was Po and then magically post spawns like 1 minute before the plane takes off and that's so that was pretty funny but the worst part was that when we get on this 17-hour flight from Sydney to um to America as the plane takes off just before the internet cell goes out the ban list drops Peter and I are scrambling cuz miamu has just been banned the ycs for context is like less than 7 days away and POS just sits there saying oh my deck broken now after the May 2022 ban list prank kids was no longer a playable deck a strategy that made up a third of ycs Charlotte's Top Cut was now just you couldn't play it alongside extra deck Staples like Mecha Phantom Beast auroradon and Verte Anaconda also hitting the band list putting an end to random small commitment combo piles to add lots of recursion to these random decks and everyone was scrambling to try and solve the format but it was most people were just going back to their comfort picks like sword Soul like despar as neither of those decks were touched I'm trying to figure out what deck I'm going to play Peter is also in the same boat but he also has his Sky Striker cards just in case and Po's just sitting there chilling not even testing he's just he has his little cuki deck his Sky Striker cards and I'm talking with Peter I'm trying to figure out like what are we going to play and I just just remember one night when I was saying to Peter okay I'm going to sleep and Peter was testing some ABC theory on Brave Punk variant and he says I'm going to test this deck all night long and I see him start sing the cards up I'm like okay I'm going to go to sleep I wake up the next morning I go to the living room all of the ABC cards all the theoreon cards are just unsleeved and he's just fully sleeved a sky Striker deck so the one issue with this entire format is that it is completely monster FOC FOC somehow people just forgot that Mystic mine was unbanned desia literally had no way to get rid of a Mystic mind in their entire main deck swords Soul had swords Soul blackout and that's a hope and a prayer that's a one of in the deck that needs more setup but furthermore most of the combo Decks that were siding three Min most of them played mine as a counter to combo decks to deck them out but how mine was a abused in Sky Striker was completely different and the most broken card as well being demise of the land activating one demise of the land into Mystic mine that's already two spells for engage like we always just assume there'd be one Cosmic cycle in at least somewhere in the deck post side and so you have to play eventually so this idea that they were just like decking out people with Mystic mind was not real yes the deck out can happen here or there but if you just assume that you will deck your opponent out and and then suddenly your opponent has a copy of cosmic cyclone in their deck you just lose taking those kind of risks is not how you're going to win a 15 plus round tournament but yes it does involve passing back and forth for just a little bit so when ycs Heartford Po and Peter entered with the format Destroyer three Mythic bind terraforming a metaverse three copies of demise of the land a weird field spell tech card that people don't really want to play oh and it gets even worse uh three copies of trap tricks and three copies of dimensional barrier I changed my mind this is a glorified stun deck I mean what makes this deck even crazier is the fact you're playing trap cards in 2022 in your main deck trap cards seen as the worst type of card in Yu-Gi-Oh because they're just slow but I guess if your trap cards are good enough and you can slow down the game and up your trap cards become pretty good so now Jesse Cotton's prototype from 3 years ago was going to change the course of Yu-Gi-Oh one there by really on the back Mystic mind right that what his deck built to do we saw even when he was 13 Even plays cards like Dem mise of the land right to like support that [Music] further oh oh oh oh there's the C drawn was Ray the judge is clarifying the position for everyone here Tok collector was activated token uh on the summon of the Hornet drones removing the horn from the field Ray is then normal summon going to be able to link summon uh strike Striker Ace kagari yeah this engage is going to draw card and I think likely he's going to go after that axis code talker making it uh back to 2300 or just getting the ray back o oh he's has to send it to gain a th000 and then that is that is enough PO is going to move on into top four incredible game incredible that was one of the best games I've seen so far to that was so he declares fusion monsters here and that's going to negate the effect of rebellion see it in his face you see [Music] it and that's and that's it minutes away from missing a flight to winning a Ys Halfway Around the World however Po and Peter were not the only people to find out that Mystic mind was a really good card this format mine at this point and at that point on was no longer a card to deck people out if your deck inherently played field spells already it gave you another tool to help you slow down the like the pace of the game and just give you more ways to like come back possibly there were other Decks that cropped up in top cut that also had IC m in their deck list a couple of fluer list and combo piles would also consider playing the card and a lot of people and I'll say a lot of people saw just how good it was welcome to the North American World Championship qualifier look I know it wouldn't take a lot of effort to edit another one of these but nah going into the nawcq it was an EXT exceptionally diverse like 20 deck format and it all devolved into a Mystic mind mini game nearly every top level player had a copy of Mystic M of their deck it didn't matter if you're playing Sky Striker anymore Mystic mine was just a good card and that is even when people were considering preparing against the card why was Mystic mind good I thought if people prepared for the card it was a lot worse and so why would are in a very monster heavy format Mystic mind just does ask your opponent the question do you have a cosmic Cyclone if not a player is able to come back into the game recoup the card advantage and break the Mystic mind when they feel like it it didn't matter if you prepared for it you had to draw one of your unsearchable outs it's like people just don't like Mystic M cuz it's not fun and that part is true it's the game is better off without Mystic mine even if it could be healthy in some formats it's just not fun the games that it exists aren't fun they're not good for viewers they're not good for players so it shouldn't exist because of that reason like yes there is skill involved like you can't go to try and deck everyone out but just the feeling of staring at your opponent and saying pass for 10 turns straight and then getting killed with your opponent having seven cards in hand to break your empty board that feels pretty bad so hanso Aguero would win the North American World Championship qualifier with sword Soul three copies of Mystic mine in the main there would be a short break in the action until the EU wcq just a month later the Yu-Gi-Oh Community had a month to think about whether they wanted to play Mystic n I'm not going to edit another one of these at the ecq it was exactly the same Mystic mine was now the best board breaker in all of Yu-Gi-Oh it had evolved out out of it shell of being this gimmicky wind condition and now could be played in any deck it's a way to get yourself established versus your opponent's monster Focused Field when it's activated all of a sudden it becomes a scramble to try and clear your entire field of monsters so that Mystic mind destroys itself or you draw a cosmic Cyclone or you get Decked Out Mystic mind sucks and now it was the worst best tool in all of Yu-Gi-Oh and it epitomized the summer of 2022 but that's not even the worst part about Mystic mind one week after the ecq the defining chapter of Mystic mind is about to [Music] begin so the so since Co had happened um I was getting told I was washed cuz I hadn't hopped any events I kind of bubbled like Charlotte cuz I lot lost cuz of the clock on the bubble on a future match and then I hadn't top the Lost since Co it can be a bit discouraging so I remember I wasn't testing much for the event and I really wanted to go to Brazil to go to Brazil and I was about to play El cuz I'm like whatever I just didn't care and I showed up and left my deck at home and I'm like okay well what else am I playing now and then I saw what went on euros and the Innovations I I saw like kman Hansen whatever's danger tier deck and then I know Mystic m is very popular so I prepared I put Mystic mine outs in my deck and I still once I knew I was playing tier which was literally a day before the event I spent a couple hours kind of in my head theorizing all the problems and they were entirely hypothetical it was on zero testing so I had to theorize the potential problems that I can hope I was right and I I turned out to be right thankfully um but I was also going based off of what I'd seen the previous weekend at the wcq so my theory had a base base Point um so yeah mytic line was something I wanted to make sure I was prepared for and then ended up having two searchable out Eradicator I mean I do search why it's to Mystic m in my deck and I think it was super easy to prepare for really wasn't much of a deck building like downside and they had applications outside of Mystic mine but I Mystic mine really wasn't ever going to beat me at that event so Jesse might have been prepared but nobody else was J Paulo Lima showed up to ycs Rio and won with Mystic mind burn the total cost of his deck at the time was like a hundred bucks his extra deck was filled with useless meme monsters that he was never going to use anyways his main deck zero Monster cards in one of Yu-Gi-Oh's highest power formats ever of tier limits and Sprite this was probably the most ridiculous ycs win ever afterwards the clamoring couldn't be louder however competitively speaking Mystic mind would cool off after the Raging summer at the time when playing it almost felt like a handshake between both dualists rather than a format consensus that the card was bad Cosmic Cyclone would be found in every deck list and slowly but surely tier liament climbed the ranks to become one of the best decks in between Mystic mwood even Dodge a bandlet but Yu-Gi-Oh kept chugging along the theme of having in archetype removal for the card in tier L's heartbeat also more so pushing Mystic mine away from extreme relevancy it saw play in the fall but far less than usual but it was also on everyone's mind when deck building there's a certain psychological element to losing to this card moving on into ycs Pasadena ushered in in one of the most high power and skill intensive format in Yu-Gi-Oh history now I made a video on it a while back and say say I think I've gotten better at this video essay making thing but anyways Hey nearly the same group of Brits from my last video the disciples rocked up with Mystic mind and tear El and had an incredibly good conversion rate but so everyone knew it was the best deck but no one had anything to copy so you saw people just making death building mistakes uh and I think the reason we did it is that we streamlined death building and we understood what were the win conditions of the Mir cuz the end of the day the one match up with the matter was the Mir and we realized Mystic m is the best way to win the Mir that's we did thankfully not everyone caught on of that but in general versus even the highest power deck of the format Mystic mind wasn't good because of the tier limit field spell Primal Planet perar Rhino this didn't stop the wider Yu-Gi-Oh Community from hating the card Mystic mind is a card promoted the most toxic and unfun gameplay Yu-Gi-Oh may have ever seen Mystic mind was such a unique card because over the course of its existence it turned from a gimmicky wind condition into the meta defining staple that was played in every deck no matter how truly good it was like people knew that this card was just awful horrible terrible just anti- Yu-Gi-Oh but people couldn't imagine it taking over the game in the way that it did it had to go we're going to keep moving on oh Mystic m is back oh my God and beautiful right out of the Starting Gate these why they got to ban my favorite card bro Little People mourn the death of Mystic mine it won a ycs it created one of the most good but toxic formats ever to play in during the nawcq and it was a card that had great intentions but terrifying execution but one thing that I did do was toine Yu-Gi-Oh thanks for watching before we wrap this up a quick shout out to the patreon for those who want to get more Yu-Gi-Oh insights all the interviews done for this video will be posted in full unedited down there whether you want to hear Jesse Cotton's experiences with Mystic mind and his competitive mindset the full story of ycs Hartford or Jeff Leonard's competitive Journey you can check out my patreon with all those full length interviews there I also want to shout out blade wo for giving me a massive wealth of information that kind of made this video completely possible come back into yuki2 buddy and last but not least shout outs to Zachary Jones Greek eyes restrict and Michael Morales thanks for joining the bubble folks and maybe we'll make another tier to Top Cut see you then on that note folks peace
Channel: Garret "Phy" Schier
Views: 131,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oC1wCYFUs1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 42sec (2262 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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