TOP 10: Yu-Gi-Oh! Spin-Off Dueling Styles

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Fred the life of the yugioh series there have been a few spin-off versions to the traditional you go dueling style this is where the normal dueling style we all know is thrown out of the window in place of some really weird and wacky variants now before we begin it's important to understand the significance of the rule changes in the spin-off duels by first knowing what the baseline of Yukio is and what is that baseline well it's master rule dueling master rule Yukio is where both you and your opponent have 8000 starting Life Points you both have a starting deck of between 40 and 60 cards made up of monsters spells and traps and you begin it all by drawing 5 cards as your opening hands you then proceed to use those cards damage each other's Life Points you continue this until what have you runs out of Life Points no one left standing is declared the winner it's worth noting that as of this video we are at master rule 4 which means the field is currently made up of two extra monster zones five main monster zones five spell and trap zones with the two end zones being pendulum zones as well we also have a fill tone main deck zone graveyard zone and Extra Deck so and speaking of Extra Deck we might as well mention that we have five variations of Extra Deck cards fusion synchro xcs pendulum and Link this is where the game has evolved too so this will be our baseline from here on out so with that either way let's jump into my top ten spin-off styles of dueling and number 10 we have concentration dueling first appearing in yu-gi-oh 5ds episode 116 a concentration duel is a mashup between the rules of the yu-gi-oh card game along with the mechanics of the real world card game concentration if you don't know how normal concentration is played basically it's a game which tests a person's memory and look who's played by spreading out an entire deck of cards across a table each player takes it in turns to turn over to card aiming to get a matching pair if it's a match they keep the cards and go again the winner is the player with the most amount of cards at the end of the game concentration dueling however is essentially all of the normal dueling mechanics rules and zones of standard dueling however each player's main deck is spread out in front of them facedown they do not have a hand but instead three times per turn they can randomly choose one of their facedown cards and declare an action with it you can only use one of each of the types of actions per turn which are to summon a monster to activate a spell or to activate a trap after one of these actions has been declared the card is flipped over if it is the said card type and it can be used at that time then the card is played however if the revealed card is the wrong type or the timing is incorrect the player will have to place the card back to its original position as well both that card and action type become unavailable for the rest of the turn in honesty I never would have thought these two card games could have been brought together however the results is an interesting one having the yukio game with an added layer of memory tests could be a genuine challenge for many people since you can't already relies on both players having to remember so much about their own decks along with what their opponents have in their deck - as well throwing in an extra level of randomness into the game could result in some pretty unique styles of dueling since stories could risk looking at random cards in their spread to build the pieces for a powerful combo later in the door this would be of course at the cost of potentially your opponent getting a monster first doing some FT early damage also I like to imagine the sensation for risking a clutch spell when you're in a pinch and through just pure chance you get the card you need it's an interesting idea in premise however for this list I also want to judge the spin off dueling styles and how possible they could be brought to the real world with concentration dueling I imagine 90% of the time duelists are probably just going to brick the door will then turn into just a back and forth until someone gets a monster first and then I imagine that the player who got the monster first probably just go off after that since they know the majority of their facedown cards so I think that would make it near impossible for ever player to make a bounce back also I guess the rules could be abused simply by making a deck entirely out of monster cards since this would guarantee you a summon every single turn about risk so you'd have to create some extra rules like you must have a minimum of ten of each type monster spells and traps and then you can just sort of put ten extra monsters in ten extra spells or whatever you kind of fancy for the rest of them I guess they can make you just a little bit more balanced regardless exit' fun premise and it could absolutely be played at home right now by you so why don't you go play that right now and tell me if it really is as unbalanced as I think it would be let me know and number nine we have sealed booster pack draft dolls first appearing in Yukio duel monsters episode 46 interestingly this dor-win variation has actually become quite common in the real world but you see a great example of this in the anime when Joey duels duke devlin in this style of duel a player does not use their own personal decks instead they are given five and opened packs to create a deck from the idea is to choose the best cars you were lucky enough to pull in order to create a deck of either 20 30 or 40 cars depending on the tournament rules the real beauty of this format is that everyone is equal as all the participants are using cards from the same card pool this means that new yugioh players or players who just don't have the budget to buy the most expensive meta cards can finally be on equal footing to those that can so now we've paid to win out of the way all that's left is luck and one's own ability to build the most efficient deck to use in a duel now in terms of innovation a might seem like this type of dueling is pretty much exactly like normal dueling apart from the way you build the deck however there is actually a few unique variations to the rules for this style of dueling you might not know according to the official Konami sealed pack rulings if you're lucky enough to pull more than three of the same card then you're actually more than welcome to play all of the copies you pulled in your main deck so for example let's say you pulled five beast king Barbarossa's then you can play all five of them in the deck or so there is no extra deck limits so if you pull more than fifteen extra deck monsters feel free to use them all and fun facts all of your leftover cards that don't make it into your main deck actually become a part of your side deck which just like the extra deck has no size limit so yes sign away my friend I think this style of dueling is perfect at the number nine spots it can be enjoyed by anyone and creates an equal miss between the two duelists I dare not put it any higher on the list at the end of the day it is more or less the traditional dueling style so it loses points in terms of innovation pull that from personal experience of playing in a draft duel tournament I think it's a lot of fun and I would highly recommend it because it's really good and about eight we have action duels first appearing in New York five episode one now action duels I will admit that for everyone if you're somebody likes the the comfort of playing you go in a chair this isn't for you action duels are essentially where you duel in a giant arena with loads of primal surfaces ramps and environmental things that all spawn thanks to the help of solid vision solid vision allows augmented reality to become physically tangible and not just for the environment but also for the monsters this means that duelists can run about climb up surfaces and even ride their own monsters in a duel I like the idea of this for many reasons it creates a more visually appealing duel as duelists are running about dodging attacks and making death-defying jumps to acquire the action duel exclusive cards known as action cards yes the reason why you need to run around and parkour everywhere is because at the same time the environment spawns in so does a bunch of action cards which is scattered throughout the arena action cards come in a few varieties spurt at their core they are split between spells that benefit the player and traps that give detrimental effects the player because of this it's always important to be careful whenever you grab one because you never know whether it be good or bad but if all hope is lost and the incoming attack spells let's say the end of your duel then risking an action card for possibly an instant dodge well it's a no brainer one of the biggest benefits of this type of dueling is that if you were and entertainment duelists competing in these tough events all the time you would be in such good shape since not only would you have to play test with your deck before a tournament we'd also probably be given a personal trainer by whatever company is sponsoring you meaning you'd look absolutely Dench while you duels and you would have to be in order to get a physical advantage over your opponents you will be able to sprint to the action card before your opponent can park or Plus yu-gi-oh is a future I never really knew I wanted until I saw it hello how realistic would action dueling be well let's go through each of the mechanic shall we action cards yeah you could implement them get some guide to scatter the cards around in a big room or something or even better just get like a confetti cannon on the roof blast them all over the gaff if they land face-up then you get a tactical advantage cuz you know what they are they land facedown it's a risk reward kind of scenario you might need to adjust the rules a little bit so you can only pick up say one action card per turn and possibly only hold one action card at a time as well as people might spend a bit too much time running around collecting cards so a bit a bit of revisions this could be an order so you don't want people just running around too much not dueling so how about realism in terms of solid vision well sadly I don't think we will ever be riding on top of our monsters in fact just think of all the things people would do when they can give real mast yukio cards however the idea of a parkour inspired arena with a confetti cannon on the roof that blasts a bunch of cards onto the field I like it it does sound like a lawsuit waiting to happen but if it means I get to play park or Yukio then I will happily sign and Disclosure waiver where if I lose on my teeth I can't sue yeah absolutely and number seven we have labyrinth dueling first appearing in duel monsters episode 19 the labyrinth duel only appeared once in the series it happened in duelist Kingdom at the behest of the paradox brothers the dolls died out as any other however after labyrinth war was played the field completely changed the normal dueling rules were still sort of in effect of the field was now a nine by nine grid in two spliced with walls that formed a maze in this style of duel a monster now needs to move in order to get in a 1 square proximity of an opponent's monster in order to attack their amount of moves are determined by their monsters level so a level 1 monster will only be able to move one space whereas a level 12 can move anywhere between 1 and 12 spaces based on the anime the way to win is to either reduce your opponent's wide points down to zero by attacking the monsters or to reach one of the two always at the ends and to solve the riddle in order to defeat the paradox brothers / guess what this type of dueling actually has been attempted to be brought to life in the real world the Yukio manga attempted it weirdly enough in Yukio dualist vol 4 he had a printout for the rules field and monsters and in that version it was quite a bit different from the anime 1 as well as it was exclusively two-player only and the grid was now 16 by 11 in it rather than drawing cards each player chooses 7 monsters that total 20 stars all together they then place the seven monsters onto the starting points on the field the game then plays out just like it does in the anime with both players taking it in turns to move around the labyrinth to get close enough to battle three monsters are allowed to move per turn monsters cannot move past spaces occupied by an opponent's monster though they can for friendly ones after every movement of a monster is made it is then placed in either an attack position or a defensive position battling works just like it does in normal ukyo as well except for one gigantic difference and that is if two or more monsters are facing an opponent's monster the player can attack with all of them together uniting all their attack values together and that sum total is their attack value a winner is declared when someone destroys all of their opponent's monsters overall I really like the idea and strategy behind this style of dueling it combines the tactics of chess and yugioh together being able to move monsters around the board and positioning them so you have let's say three hulking monsters going to town on a water park could make for some absolute comedy moments in a duel but I say the rules as they stand could be brought into the real world possibly it seems like a game-mode that could get boring quite quickly hell of that with some revisions the mechanic may be an increased board size make it a little bit bigger how about let players use their actual own decks as well keep the Life Points at 8000 just like in the anime as well and allow spells and traps to be set like at random locations on the board they've put my little magnets underneath the board when you decide to place them I don't know there's like a few different ways you could do this I think you get over yourself a winner here but for now labyrinth dueling sits at number 7 and number six we have battle royale dueling first appearing in a few different yugioh series now when i say about Royalle I am legitimately talking about the same kind that's taken the world by storm now things like fortnight apex legends Tetris 99 they all have no idea that the real original battle royale was Maximillion Pegasus duelist Kingdom Battle Royale tournaments Pegasus set it up so 40 skilled duelist would be set loose on an island and forced to duel each other for 40 hours straight until only one was left you collect star chips as proof of victories in a duel and while the island didn't get smaller constantly with a ring of death we instead got that as the final few people were left in the tournament the Battle Royale moved into a castle for the finale where it turned into a traditional tournament and it was a great idea if that there's been a few more modern versions of this things like Kaiba's Battle City which took place in an entire city yu-gi-oh GX is genex tournaments that wasn't of a battle royale I think and in Yugi Rock 5 there was an actual Battle Royale tournament in like that augmented reality kind of space of all the different environments and stuff that was awesome the question then becomes in terms of real-world implementation the normal tolling mechanics are in effect here so that's pretty much sorted however the huge scale of the battle rails would probably not be feasible I mean less Konami fancies doing an event where they hire an entire island out and just set $100 lifts until only one remains that could be cool Hunger Games meets you you know anyone the biggest roadblock however is the lack of real-world duel disks so the question becomes how do we duel each other on foot well there are two solutions this one is to create a ukyo battle royale video game where'd all the sky died down and duel each other on an ever enclosing battlefield you need loads of stuff with this you can have like an ancient Egyptian area you could have Battle City kind of city kind of things he even implements the kind of other type of battle royale where if two people are dueling a third player can come in at the cost of like their life points and you can just keep doing that with as many duelists as possible so I don't know there's some ideas there Oh even better create a all-digital duel disk which funnily enough I've been talking about in my recent videos so yeah an arm mounted or digital duel disk Konami the ball is in your corner and number five we have speed dueling first appearing in you Kiev rains episode to grateful fat by the way you give rains the first yukio series that doesn't have a single duel in this first episode it's crazy in the UK of rain series a new type of dueling exists where people would duel in virtual reality and dueling surfboards there was surf around on data storms using for speed dueling formats what is the speed dueling formats well it's basically a revised rule set created to make duels faster the difference is between a speed duel and a regular doll is that both players start with four cards instead of five the main phase two is completely gone both players have only three main monster zones and three spawning trap zones as well the extra monster zones are aligned slightly different and a new type of mechanic has been added known as skills a skill grants a player a unique ability that they can use in a duel if a certain criteria is met unfortunately if he wants to bring dueling on a surfboard into reality it might prove a bit difficult though dueling in virtual reality now that is something that is very much attainable in fact I really do hope that we see a polished virtual reality game at some point in the future as that's the most realistic way that we could have just normal dueling like they do on the show and it would be amazing right and hey if you want to throw in some surfing around as we duel I'd be all up for that that could work moving past the card games on surfboards in terms of speed dueling rule sets we actually have two real-world variations to this one is the mobile and PC game known as you go do links that uses the speed duel format for its gameplay the other is a real world speed dueling trading card game with new cards fields and mechanics what I like about speed dueling is that it isn't just the mechanics being simplified the speed dueling the pool of cards that you can use has been turned back to a much simpler time with the duel links game being back in the syncro era and the speed duel TCG being all the way back at the duel monsters era honestly it's so refreshing to be able to play a more slow-paced yukio where you actually have a back and forth with your opponents and people aren't just going off with all these massive combos and you don't see your turn but like half honestly I really hope they could keep the format in the fusion and ritual era for the real world game and maybe instead just innovates on the skills rather than the extranet so many mechanics however we all know that this probably won't be the case since you Kiev reigns has already had all the summoning mechanics appear but from pendulum though interestingly to summarize speed dolls are a fresh alternative to the traditional yugioh trading card game and when VR dueling it becomes a thing that is gonna be really awesome and in the fall we have deck master dueling first appearing in yu-gi-oh duel monsters episode 99 deck master dolls first appeared in the virtual world arc of the anime these style of duels were almost identical to regular dueling however each duelist at the start of the duel chose one card in their main or extra deck to act as their deck master the chosen monster in stands by the duel is sight not actually classed as being on the field until the Duelist decides the special summon it's what makes the deck masters unique is that they have a mechanic that allows them to have their own unique skills that they can use in a duel in fact wait a minute this sounds familiar this is just speed dueling except with a monster instead of a skill so the question then becomes why is deck master dueling higher up on the list to speed doing if they're essentially the same thing well first the deck master dueling uses the master duel field so we get 5 spaces and everything so that's a plus as well choosing a monster to represent your ace that stands by your side I think it's like a reflection of kind of how you see yourself or just I don't know it shows your personality doesn't it however the real reason why I like the deck masters is because they can actually enter the duel at any points since whenever you're in a pinch you can special summon it as I imagine like a quick play spell card it's a quick play special summon you can use this at any time during the duel however it doesn't come without a risk as if the deck master is destroyed then the owner of the monster loses the duel then this really creates a risk/reward kind of scenario do something your deck master early on in the doll to gain an advantage at the risk of its destruction and an instant loss or do you wait to win your life points are a quick risk and then you send your deck master in to keep you in the dorm what's interesting as well is that the anime expands on this mechanic as well since if a deck master is tributed to summon another monster or it's used as a fusion-material for a newer monster then the new monster becomes the new deck master and this opens up a whole host of combos and abilities now if I remember that masters can use their abilities whilst they're actually on the field as well if that's the case do you use your deck masters abilities so it's the field attack should be your new deck master to summon a new deck master then use that deck masters ability again so I don't know opens up a whole host of new abilities a couple examples of some deck master abilities we've seen in the anime include a musician girl who has the skilled soul circle which is during your turn you can reveal one card from the top of your deck for each monster in your graveyard then add one of them to your hand it's pretty damn powerful rod of Dragon this has the ability once per turn you can pay 500 Life Points to normal summon one Dragon Type monster in addition to your normal summon offset and we have Dark Magician whose skill is double magic drink your turn you can pay 1,000 Life Points to activate the spell effect twice now of course this pretty much has already been adapted into the real world in terms of speed dolan however you could bring deck master tools into the real world quite easily either in a video game i guess or just as easily you can actually make you as n-never spin-off style of real world card game just create a new deck master zone and give every monster card their own unique deck master ability that you can find out by checking online let's say saves you reprinted all the cards anyway or hang on a minute idea one day down the line maybe master all speed dueling because I won't make it speed dueling but still you know what I'm talking about and make some skills that are actual monster cards that behave like deck masters is perfect can only take my idea send me money and that also ties back to speed alone as well so rather than adding new so many mechanics to speed dolan sad deck masters sorted and number three we have the make stuff up as you go dueling style first appearing in yugioh duel monsters episode 4 in the early episodes of yugioh specifically everything that happened in duelist Kingdom a lot of shenanigans went on so many in fact you could probably make a top 10 album and it would become your most viewed video however if would be in fair the reason why there were so many deviations the rules of ukyo is because duelist kingdom was set before the actual Yuya rules existed so it was quite a bit different back then for example each player had 2000 Life Points the Stars direct attacks were not allowed ending a turn with no monsters on the field and being unable to summon one would result in an instant loss monsters destroyed by card effects when inflicts effect damage equal to half that monsters attack to the owner as well and only one monster was allowed to declare an attack per turn over on the plus side you didn't need to tribute for high level monsters that's pretty cool now that's not the reason why I like this type of dueling though the biggest poll is that if you can explain how you did something with enough confidence you can get away with just about anything as long as you have the imagination to chap the world of bullcrap you will succeed in duelist Kingdom then make stuff up as you go dueling is exemplified a lot in the anime but the best one to go with for now I will say is Yugi versus Panik Yugi is losing this duel he's being oppressed he has the idea to use his catapult turtle to launch his monsters at panik's castle of dark illusions in order to destroy his flotation rings because why not then the castle after its flotation rings are destroyed doesn't fall straight away this tricks Panik into thinking that haha Yugi you failed however obviously the reason it didn't fall was because the swords of revealing light was holding the castle up in the sky while it was active so when its effect ended it would fall at all of panics monsters below and skewer them because the castle had a spiky base and you might be asking why would the monsters underneath just move out the way forgo realism well it's obvious isn't it because Panik activated another card and it trapped them all inside so they couldn't escape obviously has a few other duelist Kingdom duels I could talk about for example like oh no Yugi and Makos door which lets not open that can of worms shall we stone soldier destroy the moon [Music] so yeah I think this way of dueling would be quite fun ukyo meets Dungeons and Dragons basically for the rules at the window and duel using our imaginations and number two we have turbo dueling first appearing in yu-gi-oh 5ds episode one turbo duels it boggles my mind that this hasn't been made into a real world thing yet check any ukyo comment section the demand is clearly there people were genuinely sad when speed-dialling was announced and it turned out it wasn't the turbo duels literally as soon as the equipment is ready to buy everyone is going to flock to the DMV to apply for a motorbike license so they can own a D wheel to do lon I I don't even know why I need to explain this one its card games on motorcycles make you happen Konami and finally at number one we have dungeon dice monsters first appearing in yu-gi-oh duel monsters episode 47 also known as dragon dice and dungeons and the Japanese which I guess would make it the first and use the abbreviation DDD in New Year this spin-off dueling style is basically Yukio if it was in the form of a board game rather than a card game it was created by duke devlin in the anime to be a completely different style of dueling to the classic dueling style for instance in Dungeon dice monsters both players take it in turns to draw dice so it's just like duel monsters then you use those dice to summon holographic monsters to the field so it's just like duel monsters and both players get free heart points and when they run out the game is over it's just like duel monsters yugioh Bridge jokes aside the game was a real unique treat to watch unfold in the anime we were able to learn the mechanics of the game through yugi as it was his first time playing we learnt that when it all started both players would choose 15 dice to serve as their deck from the pool of hundreds of dice each of the dice were color-coded based on the type of monster they contained inside white with spell casters blue bob aureus yellow was in debt green were beasts and red was dragons there was also a special black dye that had some unique abilities specifically happy belated to create a vortex that could teleport a monster from one side of the board all way to another if two of them were use on the fields as well as the unique colors that I would also have unique crests on each of the faces depending on what you rolled you were able to instantly use one of the crests that you rolled or to stockpile these resources in your bank the different phases were cement movement magic attack defense and trap this game actually just have quite a few layers so there's quite a bit to explain poor Yugi when he dual Devlin he had to learn it all on the fly so to summon a monster in Dungeon dice monsters when you roll at the start of your turn out of the free diet that you roll two out of the three of them need to roll as summon crests as well both of them need to be at the same level if you manage this you can summon a monster straight to the fields higher level monsters were harder to summon as they had fewer summon crests on their sides making them tougher to roll the overall grand plan of the game is to summon your monsters to build a path to your opponent's heart points not to get in range to attack them I mean there's loads more rules and unique things about Dungeon dice monsters with like the traps and the effects the skills and things but the reason why I like dungeon dice monsters is because it really feels like a spin-off to the ukyo game if it's in the law of the world because it has the actual monsters from duel monsters as well it uses many of the mechanics that you use in normal dueling so it's not super hard to get to grips with the game plus the uber rare red crested black died could create portals and do all sorts of things that I'm not too sure about it's not my favorite things about this as it happens at random and even if you do get one of the black dies like that excitement you still have to roll the right roll in order to get the benefit of it there are actually two real-world versions of this game that have been attempted one is the 2001 yugioh dungeon dice monsters video game for the Game Boy Advance it's a really cool game that would love to see an updated modern version of it the other incarnation is the real world dungeon dice monsters that I would have bought for this video but it costs over 200 pounds off of Amazon but it's still pretty damn cool it comes with a physical board color dice figurines and pathways it's so damn cool I really wish I could have experienced it before it became like this collector's item so Konami can you please give me a new modern version of Dungeon dice monsters with like a bigger ball odd more figurines and more monsters in fact I know what the company's called but the company that made the Dark Souls boardgame they make like fan board games I think so can you guys make this please so yeah what do you guys think should they make a dungeon dice monsters 2019 version or whatever year you're watching this do you think any of the other spin-off dolls should have been higher up on the list and are there any that I missed out let me know in the comments section below but before we go let's say a special thank you to all my patrons that make this video possible firstly thank you to will hate who actually gave me the idea for this video he sent me a list of some of the spin-off styles so thank you well thank you for giving the idea for this video thank you so much to my platinum backers you know you do 97 J to 409 to chairman 36 and Spencer Davis you platinum guys and legends as well thank you to my YouTube and gold backers Dylan Coonans a wolf 18 silver defender Chung Ling Zen David Shanahan shogun reyes sanchez and spencer Geller as well to all my silver backers thank you very much to you too and to everybody else thank you all for watching and I'll see you next time bye everyone
Channel: TGS Anime
Views: 648,475
Rating: 4.8995776 out of 5
Keywords: yugioh, reviews, yu, gi, oh, duel, online, dueling, Cards, Deck, Opening, update, tips, network, rulings, rules, vs, HD, Saitama, Yugi, Muto, Yusei, Fudo, Jaden, Yuki, Judai, Yuma, Tsukumo, Yuya, Sakaki, Yuri, selena, yuzu, yuto, yugo, dark, magician, blue, eyes, seto, kaiba, abridged, yugioh top 10, top 10, dungeon dice monsters, action duels, speed duel, turbo duel, card games on motorcycles, labyrinth duel
Id: 1SvVjAd0G1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 57sec (1797 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2019
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