Top 10 Hilarious Celeb Encounters with the Royal Family

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turns out celebrities are just as awkward as we are welcome to Ms mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 funny celebrity encounters with the royal family before we begin it we publish new content every day so be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos for this list or looking at 10 funny and cute encounters between famous celebrities and royalty number 10 Prince Phillip asks Kate Blanchet about his DVD player every family has that one person who just does not get technology for the Royals its Prince Phillip while appearing on the Jonathan Ross show and sitting on the floor Kate Blanchet told a story about going over to Phillips for lunch as one does once a lunch and then would there were 12 of us that couldn't work out for the life of me why I'd been invited while there he began talking to Kate and told her he was having trouble setting up his DVD player unfortunately Kate couldn't help as it was not her area of expertise seems at the end of the day even royalty has trouble setting up the new toys their non-techies just like our non-techies grasping at the first person who seems like they know what they're doing number nine ben affleck son played with the prince and princess at kid neighs IAM there's a surreal headline you probably never expected to read Ben Affleck once took his son to London's kid neighs iam a place filled with in his own words Jeremy balls that they kick around like when it's raining outside germy balls on this visit he couldn't help but notice that the place was filled with well-dressed men wearing earpieces despite initially admiring Keynesian hard core security he quickly realized that Prince George and Princess Charlotte were in attendance now just imagine that you're minding your own business at kanae's iam when you realize your kids are playing with the frickin prince and princess that's like now tells his son that he got a cold from the king of England which his colds go is quite the honor indeed so now I can tell them like you got a cold from the king of England number 8 Emilia Clarke bumbles her way through saying your royal highness meeting royalty is quite the process and it seemingly got to Emilia Clarke yeah to go it was good anyways good she apparently got a little flustered with all the formality rules and regulations one of which included a dressing William as your royal highness unfortunately Emilia was so nervous that she couldn't get the words out and was left to mumble her way through a painfully embarrassing greeting and for whatever reason probably cuz I was so scared I couldn't I couldn't manage to get out your Royal Highness so it's kind of a co-write and fYI William has also met Tom lytia and asked him to reveal precious oilers Tom obviously refused due to non-disclosure agreements or some nonsense but come on when the second in line to the throne asks you what happens you tell him what happens rules be damned that's certain but time is not number seven Alice and Jenny was barefoot while meeting Catherine and William after attending the BAFTAs in 2018 allison janney rid herself of her high heels owing to some extraordinary foot pain live I just my feet were had had it so I took my shoes off unfortunately she met up with William and Catherine who just so happened to be pregnant and wearing heels naturally this made Jenny feel like a bit of a win to make matters worse she called Catherine honey which surely breaks royal etiquette and only made things more awkward at least for Allison it was an awkward moment but um because I did I called her honey and that might have not been royal etiquette in the end this was just a smorgasbord of fail that said Catherine was apparently a good sport and declared her love of I Tonya so it seems like no harm was done they loved I Tania and and it was it was a pretty cool thing to meet number six Emma Thompson is denied a kiss by Prince William in November 2018 Prince William bestowed the always delightful Emma Thompson with the title Dame commander of the British Empire you received an order yes commander of the British commander during the formal process Emma who has known Williams since he was a child playfully said I can't kiss you can i boo - those silly rules unsurprisingly William told her no and said that the day was about her not him that sounds like a clumsy Hey not everyone is denied a kiss by the future King of England so she is that going for her that and you know being made a dame number 5 Shawn Mendes sits an uncomfortable silence with the Queen we all have that friend who we can just chill without saying a single word apparently Shawn Mendes and the Queen of England aren't quite there yet Shawn was backstage at the Queen's 92nd birthday extravaganza when he suddenly found himself stuck in a room with the birthday girl herself I'm Simon I'm in like this backstage area before you go on you go on stage and and I'm standing there waiting onstage and the Queen just walks up next to me and she's and I'm like however it was a long 10 minutes of unbearable silence as you cannot address the Queen without being addressed first which unfortunately for Sean didn't happen awkward so it was like this very ten minutes of just awkward silence in his words the whole experience was super weird super weird is probably how a lot of people describe meeting royalty if this list is any indication and then should she look at you I didn't look at me at all I looked over a couple times and I was like I probably shouldn't be looking Number Four simon pegg broke the Queen we're starting to think that maybe meeting royalty isn't as fun as it's made out to be I did I met her recently yeah yeah yeah I met her at the Narnia premiere and she I thought I broke her to be honest while attending the voyage of the Dawn Treader premiere the Queen met Simon Pegg and stared at him in silence for a solid 30 seconds at least bye Simon's watch this was because he wasn't allowed to address her and as such Simon could only stare back in anticipation and awkward unease luckily she finally snapped out of her funk and addressed him by asking who he was we guess Her Royal Highness isn't a big Hot Fuzz fan what's the matter Donny you never taken a shortcut before number three David Duchovny explains booty calls to Prince Charles David Duchovny shared quite the interesting story on James Corden after he revealed a photo of David talking to Charles at a concert one song in particular the classic All Saints booty call visibly confused the elder royal I saw Prince Charles was kind of looking perplexed and he said booty Cole luckily David was there to help and explain the term to the prince in that typical reserved British fashion Charles responded with a simple nonplussed oh he said oh we can only imagine what was going through his head we don't think too many people on this earth can say that they've explained booty calls to royalty so enjoyed that distinction David number two Margot Robbie tells Prince Harry that he looks like Ed Sheeran as any redhead can tell you to the general public every redhead is an exact twin of every other redhead margot robbie is no different in this regard while attending Suki Waterhouse is housewarming party she spoke to a friendly ginger took goofy pictures with him and told him that he looked like Ed Sheeran at some point throughout the night she realized that this hunky mystery man was none other than Prince Harry to her credit she didn't realize it was Prince Harry because he wasn't wearing a crown which is totally understandable but she now has his personal phone number so the two clearly got on how do we go about getting into these parties you have Prince Harry's phone before we unveil our top pick here are a few honorable mentions [Music] number one the Spice Girls meet Prince Charles and the most unsophisticated behaviors shown towards a royal award goes to the Spice Girls the first thing you may notice is the incredibly inappropriate attire even by the late 90s Anders their behavior is also straight-up gutsy which includes cheek kisses and even a cheeky butt grab by ginger we don't know too many people who have grabbed the princes butt and gotten away with it or anyone whose grabbed his butt at all for that matter but then again he was clearly enamored this clip is just adorable and it shows a rare fun side of the otherwise rigid and rural filled process of meeting royalty do you agree with our picks check out these other great clips from is mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos
Channel: MsMojo
Views: 330,906
Rating: 4.8638792 out of 5
Keywords: Celebrity, Royal, Royal Family, Celebrities meeting Royals, Hilarious times celebrities met the Royal Family, Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Philip, Prince William, Prince Harry, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, Pop Culture, MsMojo, Viral, Countdown, lists, listicles, top 10, royal family funny moments, queen elizabeth funny moments, prince philip funny moments
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2019
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