James Bond and The Queen London 2012 Performance
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Channel: Olympics
Views: 44,102,836
Rating: 4.8504901 out of 5
Keywords: IOC, Olympics, London 2012, Games, Sport, Athletics, Track, Field, 2012, Rio, 2016, Brazil, Team GB, USA, China, Russia, France, Olympia, Olympiad, Ceremony, Queen, Elizabeth, Monarchy, James, Bond, Royalty, 007, Daniel Craig, Helicopter, Stunt, Funny, Comedy, Skydive, Parachute, Agent, James Bond, Elizabeth II, Royal, Royal Family, James Bond 007, Daniel Craig James Bond, Spectre, Skyfall, Casino Royale, Spectre Daniel Craig, Bond 24, Happy and Glorious, James Bond Olympics 2012, James Bond Queen
Id: 1AS-dCdYZbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 15sec (375 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 27 2012
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IIRC, the Queen's line of dialog here ("Good evening, Mr. Bond") is literally the only time she's ever "acted" in any sort of public venue. The "speaking part" was by her own request.
This was the first and only time a British monarch has ever participated in this kind of promotional event. Under any other circumstances than something like the opening of the London Olympics, it would basically have been a massive breach of royal etiquette.
This part was slightly unexpected and one of my favourites.
In my opinion, one of the best openings! Thank you for the reminder.
I remember watching this on TV. It is one of the best opening ceremonies I have seen so far.
The entire opening ceremony was overly British in a way that only the British can be. If any other country had put on that performance, I would have said they were mocking the British.
This was one of the best Olympic opening Ceremonies.
I'm still sad we didn't get David Tennant running the torch in; yes I know Matt Smith did it because he was the current Doctor at the time, but David was the Doctor for "Fear Her", an episode that took place during the opening of the 2012 Olympics. The Doctor ran the torch in himself and lit the brazier.
I remember that. They also just missed Floyd's pig by battersea
I remember watching this live. It was incredible. We debated for ages afterwards if that was really her at any point.