Queen Elizabeth II funny moments - Part 2

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[Music] [Music] is going to be in the cars take you to a counter your right side you see 16 people I made a flop say about tomorrow keep a straight face when he himself said to me it was a gorilla coming in so I said what an extraordinary marked make very unkind but anybody and so I stood in the middle of the room and press the bell the doors open and I had the most terrible trouble little isn't keeping Renee he had short body long arms [Music] the Queen set out for Westminster Abbey in the gold state coach it weighs nearly four tons horrible there's not meant for traveling in the door it's just not it's only sprung on leather encrusted with 440 precious and semi-precious stones and with a frame of solid gold it weighs 5 pounds but it still is heavy it weighs a ton [Music] [Music] to San Francisco me heavy well I think it's three pounds or something quite a bit comfortable man no no nothing like that just come put it on it stays I mean it just rains itself you have to keep your head very still yes and you can't look down to read the speech you have to take the speech up because if you did your neck would break for off so there are some disadvantages to crowns but but otherwise quite important things can I ask if the crown could be brought a little bit closer to the Queen this is what I do when I wear it the visit was the presentation to Her Majesty our two magnificent halfling a ponies at the Spanish Riding School the Queen you what to do when they showed too much exuberance as yet they weren't completely trained mummy the Queen was also happy the eminent persons group was on its way to end apartheid and the lid was back on a difficult relationship with mrs. Thatcher had just been reunited with their children after five months away on a world tour they were extremely polite I didn't could they knew who we were at all but twenty yards of chiffon around her now because we were eight evening dressed for dinner when she goes to leave just as she reaches the sliding door Britannia goes to get ah and she grabs hold of the door puts her back gates it and that goes with the door and this twenty yards of of a chiffon going out and she says we and then it goes the other way and she flickers are armed that way holding on to the doors she fine that way and she says good night [Music] [Applause] my goodness I've been busy
Channel: HM The King
Views: 3,281,896
Rating: 4.8631577 out of 5
Id: X7R-cOtsLS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 37sec (337 seconds)
Published: Fri May 25 2018
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