Top 10 Glitches that F@*ked Over the Pros

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[Music] look the games we play are great but they can be glitchy as hell all those random infuriating malfunctioning bits of code suck when they happen to you but they can be even more annoying for pros one bad glitch can cost a pro an entire tournament so today we're going to take a look at the bugs over esports top players but before we get into that i want to remind you guys to subscribe to the channel if you haven't done so already that way you'll never miss a video just like this one and with that let's get into the top 10 glitches over the pros kicking us off at number 10 we have an absolutely out of this world incident that happened during the 2019 pub g global championship back at the bus yeah yeah sometimes crazy things happen and uh not great for poppins but the rumblers player cherry poppins was driving a car through the game when it crashed into a building but instead of exploding or becoming unusable pubg's engine sent the vehicle straight into the stratosphere nice headshot from on to xiaolou oh oh my goodness what's just happened he's gone to space okay bye-bye when the car finally came down it exploded knocking cherry poppins unconscious and leaving his prone body at the mercy of the other players who were quick to finish the job his cosmic adventure could not engine physics one cherry poppins zero well we'll pray for you cherry oh no not like this not like this indeed and he's going to get picked off too silent uh you know he what can you do taking the number nine spot is darshan and the unfortunate minion block that cost him his life during a match between clg and immortals at the nalcs summer 2016 playoffs actually moved their duel into the mid lane as well to try and pressure that central section of the map to open up space for this infernal and darshan is just taking a beating yeah and this physical damage from huni oh he gets the stun oh that's the good news there joshua going to try and get himself out of the way rooney does pick up the kill face dives onto his face up after getting trapped by the pesky bug for about eight seconds and falling to huni darshan attempted to call for a pause to get the issue sorted out sadly for him the minion block was deemed a normal part of the game and clg had to take the l on that one so this is it right here minion blocked can't move it's a normal thing in the game talks about pathing issue and he can't get out of it fast enough and that's why he gets stunned there and he wasn't able to get out coming in at number eight we have flamey's knife taking on a mind of its own yeah that's the thing i i think this navi squad now uh we'd love to see that again maybe maybe just what happened now as much as they suck team kills happen but to be fair they're mostly accidental and are usually kind of hard to avoid usually but during an esl pro league season 10 match when flamie's knife stretched across time and space to stab simple to death it wasn't flamey's fault at all so what is this about then oh what you know i've done that before when you didn't even see him though he's got he's got a full 360 harry that's a double-edged knife right there cs goad indeed everyone's smiling having a great time simple doesn't it coming in at number seven is an aurelian soul bug that interrupted the match not once but twice over the course of a summer 2016 playoffs match between clg and tsm as soon as the fortification is gone from the top lane turret clg has been very disciplined about going up there as soon as possible tsm has paused because of a suspected bug on clg so they're actually investigating that right now but it looks like they have cleaned up all the suspicions and we'll get back into the game a few moments later oh good barrel slow right there this game is keeping you anxious right now and even more so you were speaking to being anxious a little bit after the glitch appeared a second time it was ultimately decided that the game would be remade and aurelian soul was disabled tsm actually had a ward in the blue buff and off on the side you could see aurelion saul's orbs orbiting around but he wasn't actually there he was in mid lane while the matchup was close enough where it was hard to say who exactly was screwed over the most the consensus was that it was probably clg yeah it's a really rough situation i'd say probably more so for clg because they're the ones that have huhi who's been playing aurelian solve for so long and now they can't play it in the series coming in at number six is a player who has had his fair share of bad luck karrigan but the mishap that kerrigan encountered at dreamhack open tours 2019 really takes the cake during a mouse esports versus valiants match he shot someone square in the head and nothing happened he could get this gun there is a player cat though oh no he hasn't done it he's been killed no not like this you really hate to see it you just hate to see it man did he just get mega cs gold though i it looked on that's the crazy that was my first reaction is that hit him in the head i would love to see a replay of that [ __ ] yeah that's so ridiculous there's no you cannot wait let's just hope that someday lady luck is planning to pay kerrigan back for that one i'm glad we got to see that whatever fault you had for kerrigan wipe it off the board delete your reddit threads the man deserved the headshot there our fifth entry is brought to you by blizzard and their shoddy remaster of warcraft at dreamhack anaheim 2020's warcraft reforge tournament thor's aim was about to take a victory off of one of the best warcraft 3 players out there moon when the game disconnected we have no breath of fire by the way it is drunken haze so big miss chance on these dragon hawks and a disconnect i'm gonna assume thousand dropped but i feel like moon was on the way to holding this attack oh wow that fight was the most important one in this game yet well [ __ ] happens right the two then played a rematch that was also cut short by a premature disconnect costing thor zane yet another sure win once this and looks like another drop just happens oh wow their third game ran without issues except this time moon took the lead and won and the tournament lifeline of the swede is relying on tanks even as an ap and torso is just gonna tap out moon moves on to the semi-finals where you will face foggy later today absolutely master versus apprentice coming up you cannot uh yeah you have to feel bad for thor's lane that's for sure that is one protracted loss for poor thor zane thanks blizzard coming in at number four we have proof that not even the great fallen is immune to getting csgo'd the smoke molyburg caused smoke grenades to be completely useless against molotovs for a time ending in many a fiery death for pros and non-pros alike plenty of players fell victim to this bug but none more prominent than fallen who got burnt to a crisp at esl one new york 2017 starting off a key round of overtime with a hot molly bath molotov's doubled up again fallen same example has to fire through glitches and the smoke nearly costs him as he goes down to two hp so he loses this smoke his eighth big please valve here's the smoke we were discussing that should pick the flames out but sometimes it does bug out and doesn't go off fallen didn't go down because of it but certainly didn't help his round taking the number three spot is a moment where plop learned that sometimes you can't even trust the ground beneath your feet i love it i look at this that's right the crowd is right sdj just rolled with it too he was just like stop stop stop yeah great in shine 2018's top eight pluck was facing off against s2j on pokemon stadium things were looking pretty good for plops fox but then s2j grabbed him and yieted him clean through the stage and into the shadow realm all right can suj put together a johnny stalker we get to see club go up 2-0 for the first time could we see oh what the hell are you kidding me the pokemon glitch in top eight and shine unreal freeze this map freeze this man even though this wasn't the first time this had happened the chances of plop falling through the cracks at that exact spot were minuscule fortunately though pluck bounced back from that disastrous bug and won the set 3-1 and i think that is gonna do it the shine will end the set what a again we had that moment we had our our sort of game-breaking moan right there but again congratulations to club just proving too fast too punish heavy imagine completing your in-game objective and popping off in celebration only to be killed by the opposing team's sole remaining member because the timer kept going it's panic on the streets of london as we try to work out what has just happened as unlikely as that sounds that's exactly what happened to faze clan's call of duty roster at cwl london 2019 which is why they're taking the number two spot on our list selling zooma they're in and amongst these zoomers and to save my goodness but i think the zone didn't i don't even know what happened there here it is um look at this look at the red bar the red bar is contested he's contested right now slack slides in the zone he's gone and just to prove there's no justice in this world the referees were rather unfazed by the whole situation and ended up ruling in lg's favour [Applause] and finally taking the top spot on our list is the moment cs goes chickens fall back love them or hate them chickens are as iconic a part of cs go as its legendary maps and skins but at star series eye league season 4 rops fell victim to one of the feathered menaces when a chicken killed him by standing in front of a door and effectively blocking rox's only escape path fur has done a massive job ten seconds left rox has to hold on to his gun chicken blocking the door i've not seen that before if that gets him killed oh my god a chicken blocking the door just got robbed killed obviously falling prey to a glitched ai bird sucks but considering the way some players treat them perhaps it was only fair there's no justification for having them in the game absolutely not but you can press e on them and they can follow you that's true all right there you go guys those were some of the glitches that really over the pros which one of those was your favorite did we miss any out that really should have been on the list let me know thanks for watching and i'll see you all in the next one hello one corner off corner dead come on what the [ __ ] what's going on here i'm gonna fall back via control there's a chicken there i bet i can't open this door t apps what the hell it was a [ __ ] chicken
Channel: theScore esports
Views: 511,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: esports, gaming, theScoreesports, thescore, top 10, glitches, esports glitches, game glitches, broken glitches, csgo glitches, cod glitches, call of duty glitches, smash glitches, smash bros glitches, worst glitches ever, lol glitches, league of legends glitches, vandiril, pubg glitches, cherrypoppins glitch, minion block, creep block, csgod, getting csgod, chickens glitch, chickens csgo, worst glitches, glitches that ruined games, tp 10 glitches, plup glitch, fallen glitch
Id: i0FdUd9xdbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 28 2021
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