Did He Cheat? The Unsolvable Mystery of CS:GO's Most Suspicious Player

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[Music] it's safe to say that pretty much every great counter-strike competitor has a few clips that are as the kids say suss shocks just wants the engagements here he wants to shoot people in the face and he will close the distance if he has to look at that one bullet fired one man down he make it take it down from the back though are you serious you can't do this no it doesn't matter if you're shock see fallen or the 16 year old who clapped his cheeks in an online qualifier if you're inhumanly talented at cs go chances are at some point you're going to conduct yourself in a manner that appears well inhuman so i assume there might be one holding these far but probably just mid flashing there he is could be mid he heard that shot so he might peek into me so i don't want to over swing there's the peak now it could be one more but he's probably not here if he is he's outside a main which means he might be peeking from squeak right here if not a man to my left so i'm gonna jiggle this yeah if he's right there come back from a different angle hold it he might repeat in three two kind of not fair but with the exception of mr crisp clean walks and those sociopaths on the vac sucks subreddit nobody actually thinks that the biggest baddest names in counter-strike are all secretly cheating over the course of the franchise's 20-year history innumerable prodigies pub stars superstars and onliners have been witch-hunted because of their propensity for popping melons and virtually all of them have lived down their so-called accusations except for one meet robin flusha ronquist a three-time major winner who in addition to having one of the biggest brains in cs go is one of the game's most controversial figures but not because of anything he said rather because of some very dubious plays but this is flasher he's the one with the m4 he's still fully set up he does catch a glimpse of one he gets the tag he gets the kill oh how the hell did he pull that off 20 points of health and seas is so close and flush has almost a week to know this this is such a an unfair situation for flushing you almost want to say because great open bomb plan very hard to defuse back there kiyoshima waiting to fight against vw and that's going to leave crimson flusher in an awful position there there are obviously clips where i've seen a flusha where it's just like that's weird like that that's that shouldn't happen um that's kind of crazy [Music] what is he even looking at there let me look at it again in spite of flusha's countless titles claims to innocence and the effort it would have taken him to cheat consistently on land for years his catalog of fishy frags is huge so huge that people can't help but question whether or not he cheated even if they're terrified of the answer i don't want to think that he was more so because maybe i'm scared of what if he was because what would that mean for counter-strike so what is it that makes flusha cs go's sussist superstar ever and what weird explanations have been presented in his defense and how is it that in spite of all the hate he's managed to craft a cheeky persona around his notoriety it's been like this for the most part of my cs career i guess so i couldn't really give up so in order to understand how all of the controversy surrounding flusha first kicked off we have to go all the way back to dreamhack winter 2013 cs go's first ever major and the cerebral swede's breakout event flusher in a one-on-one if he does this that'll really cement his role as probably the mvp of this whole tournament he's already been playing fantastically but that would be truly something he's behind the sandbags and they come for him he gets the first kill now it's a one on two and the bomb is ticking away he's cl he's kind of stoned out here and that's not good he has to go back and get a head shot and they're waiting for it to get right and slow the bomb is being defused flush against the first kill he sprays through they stop defusing and it's a one-on-one flushes out of bullets two left he goes down deflaring but there's no time flusha did it oh my god it's gonna be eleven two four what around back then the soon-to-be-hated rabble-rousers known as fnatic were still a dark horse given that nip spent a year making global offense of their [ __ ] and the french very games roster were their only real challenger it didn't feel like fnatic should win the major but as fate would have it they did it's a one-on-two all snyder in there and jd all they have to do is just wait and buy time and there it is they win it and look at them even khan jumping up one of the most uh composed people i think encounter strike complete celebration here's the thing though immediately after their impressive performance at dreamhack fanatic's results took a nosedive like mibr after they lost coldzera nosedive or just like mibr at any point ever oh snap anyway the point is that despite being the defending champions heading into the second major in katowice fnatic looked like they were losing their edge and then in a quarterfinal that they would go on to lose this happened but this is flusha he's the one with the m4 he's still fully set up he does catch a glimpse of one he gets the tag he gets the kill oh how the hell did he pull that off watch that again he does catch when he gets the tag he gets the kill oh how the hell did he pull that off you you rush on i mean it's it's it's uh naturally this sent the community into a bit of a hysteria cheats had always been rampant and counter-strike going way back to 1.6 but this wasn't at some two-bit land cafe or an online qualifier this was a goddamn major so i'd like to think he wasn't but i i don't know i genuinely don't think he was i think it would be pretty hard to fathom but then again i'm not a programmer and you can hide stuff in the memory of a mouse even in the history going back to like 1.6 like some of the you know some of the players that we caught cheating back then or admitted to shooting back then were were some of the you know some of the top players at the time as well and they just they just wanted that extra edge um as as crazy as that sounds so i mean i mean you know anyone anyone can be a cheater and that's that's like the reality of the situation by the summer of 2014 fnatic boosted by the acquisition of olofmeister and crims found themselves resurging see what i did there but during their quarter-final match-up against navi at esl one cologne the team found themselves against the ropes and it was then that flusha decided to turn it on i'll leave it up to you to decide what it was i don't know it's i just know the guy has an amazing game in mind for the game um with without any assistance so yeah if he did it's it's tough to tell for me those those the trigger lock things those are confusing i remember there's one on best two right on the a-ramp that was a big one i remember two looking at me like whoa what the [ __ ] and flushes almost a week to know this this is such a an unfair situation for flushing you almost want to say because over the course of 2014 the community became increasingly paranoid about the possibility and prevalence of hacking at cs go's highest level of play at first it felt as if things were being blown a little out of proportion it wasn't as if the entire professional circuit was filled with cheaters right he's out in the russian wilderness just sniping did emilio just get back banned what what oh god what what did we just see i yeah i think this is a first like an official match and it's not like you know i looked over and i was like oh he just got disconnected or whatever maybe he's just rebooting and then you see like vac later that year the subject reached a fever pitch when a week before dreamhack winter 2014 a handful of tier 1 competitors were wiped out by the vacuning cs go's most scandalous band wave to date needless to say tensions were very high going into the major and given that fnatic had gone back to being arguably the best roster in the world the community started analyzing flusha's gameplay like never before ah if that's not large jump if that's not a large jump i don't know what to say from what i've heard there's a definitely possibility especially before the gear check started happening that people could have done something and now i'm just enabling all the i'm just sprinkling just gasoline on the vac sucks but yeah hell even some of his peers started drinking the haterade the issue is that come 2015 flusha did anything but settle down not only did he help fnatic secure innumerable tournament wins including two back-to-back majors but his clips continued to be stunningly suspicious great open bomb part very hard to defuse back there kiyoshima waiting to fight against jw and that's gonna leave crimson flusher in can this guy as many times as he's done go up in front of not only a giant [ __ ] crowd and stadium but hundreds of thousands of people online and the and play and compete against these people that hurt his real life friends for years and years and years and cheat them out of hundreds of thousands of dollars multiple times over again naturally the constant paranoia started getting in the heads of his opponents i was super hesitant always just because the same thing happened to me in 1.6 i'm not gonna say i was convinced 100 either way because it's just like it didn't first of all it didn't like wasn't worth it for me to spend all night thinking about this i was just kind of refreshing hmtv.org at the time seeing like who's gonna get banned today but like thinking about it more than that was only gonna like get in my head if i was gonna play against these guys on lands i couldn't let it do that needless to say flusha maintained his innocence claiming that one he lifted his mouse more than the average player and two that he was just that cerebral that he just knew where everyone was i just feel like i can read every player so well like i know what they're doing just by the sound they're making so it doesn't really give me hard hard time doing it i just always always know what they're doing really it's been like this for the most part of my cs career i guess so i couldn't really give up there was even this crazy story that began circulating about how flusha's playstyle had developed while playing on a computer that suffered catastrophic frame drops forcing him to predict where his opponents would be on the server it was just funny seeing the way that that was that was rationalized and the idea that you know this this trash can of a computer has influenced so many of his decisions and and how he's played the game at his place now that he's selected um to be this beast that he is um it's just it's just a ludicrous story and then about midway through 2016 flusha and the rest of fnatic finally began to cool off now not only was the game becoming increasingly competitive but coincidentally valve had finally started to buckle down on cs go's unbearable cheater problem and even though flusha looked to be falling off a bit and his clips weren't nearly as suspicious as before the community couldn't help but scrutinize his every waking frag could spot out guardian but the cavalry has arrived flamie is already on the site and while caesars rotate around how does flusha find him in the smoke like that see that's the thing flusha was is one of the most absurdly big brained bullies ever to step foot on a counter-strike server and in spite of all the suspicion around his play no one could deny that a lot of the time the dude was just better and there's no rush here for guardian guardian does not have to play aggressively here flusha are you kidding me this is so intelligent no he no one's going to check here he's waiting he wants to know where star exists flusha is playing a masterful game this is the absolute highest level of counter strike right now beautiful beautiful round from flusher he decides to get this he's going to walk out guardian has no idea that's the kill they've wasted so much time flusha he may have just done it he's going to go down and there's no time he did it anyway flusha was always i felt like so keyed in to these little nuances in the meta where he's like okay i know where everyone's at and i know this guy is gonna try to get testy with me at b so he's just gonna do some weird timing thing and he'll just destroy the guy go back read it or whatever the band read it is called they would look at his timing and they would focus only on him because look at the second time i'm like yeah just because you guys have never like put this much thought into anything in your life aside from find a sign trying to find cheaters it doesn't mean the guy is well hacking no matter how many times flusha proclaimed his innocence the community refused to believe him and so he opted to run with it instead ingeniously dubbing himself senor vac i can't can't get over the fact that his truck says send novak it's so ridiculous isn't it he just owns it man he leaned into it he was feeding the trolls in that sense he was like yeah you guys are calling me out fine i'll keep doing it too and you know what i'll make it even more obvious and let's see what are you guys gonna do about it you know i'm still gonna be over here winning i don't care listen i'm not gonna [ __ ] there's some of those clips are obviously sketchy some of those clips are obviously weird but again you can't do anything about it and the best part is flush has handled it i mean damn near perfectly the way he's he's handled the whole controversy the way he's leaned into it with senor vac like this he's he's done he's done such a good job of turning it into like a facet of his persona in a facet of just professional counter strike to this day it isn't clear what to make of flusha's catalog of incriminating clips both in terms of how questionable they are and just how many of them there are could flusha have cheated it's possible did he barring some kind of admission there's virtually no way we'll ever know if it happened he beat the game like i don't know there's no other way to do it because you can't but go back now and like retroactively you know enforce that that justice on them and there's i don't think there's any way to retroactively go back and actually even if we develop some like crazy ai system you know one year down the road that could 100 detect sheets i don't even know if they'd be able to to go back and like you know review a demo and detect it or anything like that what we do know is that after six years of people swearing on their lives that flusha is a dirty filthy cheater there has never been a shred of hard evidence to support that claim is flusha hacking i guess that's up to everyone else's opinion and even though it's been a little while since flusha produced a truly fishy frag he's still routinely making cs go fans question everything they thought was possible in the game however definitely spots him oh not only does he spot him thank you very much oh wow no way no way and not only that he's caused a full rotation from ivy from rain and sort of zika inside of z connector and flusha gets one more kill on this let got the whole map to play with he's hoping that flusha can anchor this position down but he has the option to go back to a look at flusha go my god this would be a harsh reset on 14 rounds for fnatic and that smoke is tantalizing [Applause] he's gonna clean out connector he figures this out now this is interesting because now it's return favor nico's snuck around behind flusha and he could actually spoil the whole plan as sneaky as flusha was oh my god it's all going according to fan right now 14 seconds on the clock and flusher he's counting it he's still hiding back there that's one kill that devolves the flasher an absolutely genius move they finally take him but that is too late they brought the fight onto fnatic's playground and they took all of their toys and sent them packing yeah he's got a smoke that's about as good as it gets no kip off the smoke on the side trying to find what oh sick no scope does he get this dude tarik alone 1v1 versus flusha man flusha dancing around gotta spot him and he gets it done he has no nades though and guardians got the angle here unbelievable hits the head shot regardless and now it's into the 1v1 caesar's holding close to the connector will flush will be able to figure this out seems to have an idea of it that he could be learning oh my god the whole big headstock replacer lift it let's go and honestly if you're gonna tear down a three-time major champion one of the clutches and most accomplished competitors counter-strike has ever seen you're gonna have to do better than a few head scratching clips but of course flusha knows that and has spent years thumbing his nose accordingly we're staying but i've never used aimbot man i have both hacks though and look as crazy as it might sound you gotta admit that there's something kind of badass about that the mystery around whether he cheated or not is actually i don't know i find it in a certain way kind of kind of cool i mean i know that's like insane to say um but i really like the way he's built that legend around it whether you like it or not senor vac has ingrained himself into the very fabric of counter-strike he's a specter of death and uncertainty whose deep dark dank dumpstrings will forever aggravate and excite his scene if it does come out you know if he ever comes out you know a year from now and admits to it or if he ever gets caught for whatever reason then there should be massive consequences but until that happens um until that happens then you know let's just enjoy the flusher ride because i've been having a fun time with it and i i love everything about it for the moment until until it gets ruined i'm i'm buckled in i'm ready i'm here for the whole thing but flush up a little bit more of elephant titus oh finds the angle on to olaf and the info on the other one surely not a 1v3 from flusher rain see you later [Music] see this [ __ ] like i don't think
Channel: theScore esports
Views: 1,435,582
Rating: 4.8686986 out of 5
Keywords: esports, gaming, theScoreesports, thescore, offbeat, flusha, did flusha cheat, flusha aimlock, flusha best plays, fnatic vs navi, summit1g reacts to flusha, stewie2k, csgo, counterstrike, 200 IQ plays, pro players accused of cheating, kqly, VAC bans, senor vac, dreamhack winter 2013, fnatic vs nip, IEM Katowice 2015, flusha vac moments, esports documentary, olofboost, players banned mid game, csgo wallhacks, aimbots, unsolved mysteries, forsaken csgo, flusha clutches, flusha cheater
Id: _pPemBY_2bA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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