Top 10 Funniest Clarksons Farm Season 2 Moments

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we've harvested a small child that's almost certainly going to go on the news isn't it welcome to WatchMojo UK and today we'll be counting down our picks for the top 10 funniest Clarkson farm season 2 moments I've got banginocular rivalry I can see two things at once like an Apache gunship before we begin we publish new content every day so be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos for this list we're looking at all the best moments from the continuing Saga of diddly squat Farm let us know in the comments whether you'd ever start a farm number 10 saving pepper we already saw Jeremy get attached to a struggling lamb in series one though that ended very sadly but then he got attached to one of his new cows Pepe the white one after the daughter of the farmers he bought her from made him promise to look after her what did you say to me about Peppa you fella got to look after pepper didn't you exactly and Pepper is having the great times by the end of the series however pepper hasn't been able to get pregnant either artificially or with a bull the farm hires so far the ball had managed a bit of drinks party chat but that was it this means they only have one option to make any money from pepper send her to slaughter and sell the meat it's touch and go for a moment but eventually Jeremy decides pepper is more important than turning a profit Lisa we've got a pet cow number nine chili tasting Jeremy decides that this year on the farm he wants to start growing chillies chillies are relatively easy crops and extremely useful in cooking but first he needs to decide exactly which varieties he wants to plant how does he do that by Tears testing them of course Naga Naga you know you've got to chew it ten times before you swallows otherwise it burns your stomach he struggles to get the chilies down and then turns to some professionals to cook them but the fumes from the chilies are so powerful 10 feet away from them oh my kitty aren't but everybody in the kitchen can't stop coughing they're trying to talk to each other but the smell is just too important how many poles so how do we stop the slot getting we will have to shut the birds in what really generally bird flu is no laughing matter and during filming of season two the entire UK was gripped by one of the worst outbreaks in history but you can find humor anywhere and when Jeremy's told he needs to bring his flock of chickens indoors to stop the disease from spreading they come up with some Creative Solutions to enrich the chicken's lives there's ways that you can make their lives more enjoyable inside this includes playing the music and audio books over the speakers including at one point some racy erotic literature oh you're being silly no home Brew Farm every shed has a radio have you got any audio books that we could play them if anything's going to keep you entertained while you're isolating for months it's that and we're sure that deadly Squad chickens were far from board number seven tricking the council much of CVS 2 is preoccupied with Jeremy's quest to build a restaurant on Diddly squat a step up from the notorious Farm Shop the restaurant would be a Cooperative between diddly Squat and many other local farms who are being run out of business in the middle of the field we don't need planning permission no but the council blocks Jeremy at every turn until he gets the idea to convert an existing derelict Barn which wouldn't need planning permission we will then need to go hell for leather to get the restaurant built fitted and serving food within two days to pull it off they need to send an email to the council and then get everything built before the council can object which they estimate will take about two days it's an exhaustive operation but they pull it off and the restaurant is running with Farm to Table produce just in time I kept pinching myself that we'd actually done it that we'd opened a restaurant in the face of such a Relentless barrage of opposition number six beer tasting right is this it yes hmm it's a nice beer Jeremy's been growing barley on Diddly Squat and once a local Brewer to turn that barley into a unique Cotswolds themed beer this of course entails a large amount of beer tasting just to make sure the flavor is exactly right we've chosen some quite interesting Hops and one has melon type characteristics he Downs paint after pint of fresh beer while completely ignoring the Brewer explaining to him what he's done at the end of it all Clarkson is too drunk to drive back to the farm meaning the Shore's assistant director has to step in it's quite good fun developing their own beer yeah the little bit of he says he can tweak it that's what Brewers do the drinking doesn't stop when Jeremy is back however as he then invites Caleb and Gerald round and they blast through a whole case of beer samples number five carving focusing on the job in hand I headed to the cow department where I was amazed to find exactly what I was looking for the cows are ready to give birth and because they are supposed to be making a TV show Jeremy wants to get a birth on film unfortunately the heifers keep carving without warning meaning that if they do want to film it they've got to find a solution oh heavens no no I don't believe on seeing this this turns out to be a device Jeremy buys from a shop that gets attached to the cow's teal and then sends a text message when it's going to carve it's amazing what you can do with technology these days so what you do is you pop it on the animal's tail and then when it's about to give birth you get a text message from this little machine and the techie solutions to carving didn't stop there as the vet later had to lend a helping hand which involved extracting a calf using a wrench which YouTube won't let us show you number 4. free clothes or that's local that's fine this is our local this is our local this is all local the farm Shop's been having trouble since the beginning with Lisa stocking things that aren't from the farm or from a 16 mile radius it was pineapples back in season one now it's coffee beans and far more egregiously Farm branded clothes produced far overseas they get numerous warnings from the council over this and then decide to take advantage of some loopholes shift the stock we don't sell t-shirts we're giving them away for free but if you'd like to buy a Brussels sprout for 20 pounds I can give you a free t-shirt Lisa tells customers she can't sell them a t-shirt but she can sell them an outrageously expensive vegetable that believe it or not comes with a t-shirt or a hat for free yeah what type of potato would you like I've got the potato with the flame number three shrew oh my God what it's a little shrew or some ink oh there he is oh wow they've got to get the tractor out ASAP but unfortunately a rogue shrew has gotten into the Machinery they're not floating the mice I don't like rats and mice it's not a rat can you finish them off please I'm not going to finish him off they eventually get it out by sliding a hose down the tube it's hiding in only for it to run straight underneath the wheel of Clarkson's infamous monster tractor there he goes well Mr Mouse it's underneath your wheel he's got to move the tractor out of the way without accidentally reversing a little which is easier said than done in the end the wheel rolls backwards and he and Caleb fear the worst only for the Shrew to miraculously survive and go running off to safety he lives number two crisps so here are potatoes rinse them are washing just just rinse them in the first series the potatoes caused a lot of trouble Jeremy had far too many of them and he wasn't able to shift them in time even resorting to giving them away in series 2 he was determined to not have that problem and decided that crisps were the solution he brought in a makeshift chip Kitchen in a storage container and got to work slicing potatoes with disastrous results look yeah so you go down like this but your fingers are there if you get them too low look can you imagine how easily you can take a drink while trying to demonstrate how to use a slicer without cutting your fingers off he only went and did just that since no one would want to eat some flavored crisps I was bandaged up and nagged out of the door by Lisa we won't show you the injury but it was nasty pulling a chunk out of his thumb and leading to emergency plastic surgery to fix the wound that evening number one loose cows that's through the fence series one was all about sheep but after they proved to be far too much work that resulted in a net loss Jeremy ditched the sheep in favor of a small herd of cows no no no stop it stop it but cows aren't easy either and more than once they prove themselves to be capable of scape artists it took a while for Jeremy to get the security of the field just right to stop them knocking down the fences and escaping and they're eventually moved into another barn for the winter Daniel down you go no no no but one cow just doesn't want to go inside and needs to be tired out so it will go in who knew cows were so good at climbing oh my God one of them's a mountaineer it's Chris bottington the cow do you agree with our pigs check out this other recent clip from WatchMojo UK and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos [Music]
Channel: WatchMojoUK
Views: 196,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alan, Brexit, British, British TV, Charlie, Clarkson, Clarkson's Farm, Diddly Squat, Gerald, Jeremy Clarkson, Kaleb, Kaleb Cooper, Lisa, List, Mojo, The Grand Tour, Top 10, Top Gear, UK, UK TV, WMUK, Watch Mojo, WatchMojo, WatchMojo UK, WatchMojoUK, agriculture, best, builder, comedy, council, environment, farmers, farming, funniest, funny, government, greatest, hilarious, humour, iconic, lifestyle, pop culture, rural, season 2, series 2
Id: QAhSzetKQC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 14 2023
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