Kaleb Cooper Reveals All About Working on Clarkson's Farm | This Morning

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[Music] now then he's become an overnight sensation thanks to his hilarious working relationship with jeremy clarkson on the amazon series clarkson's farm well farmer caleb cooper joins us in just a moment live from jeremy's farm before we speak to him let's take a look at the show that's amazing caleb welcome it's so nice to meet you how are we doing you're okay we're really really good really good so listen you'd been working this land long before jeremy had come along so you know that farm inside out when you first found out that jeremy clarkson off the telly was coming to own that land to be your boss essentially how did you feel well actually he bought it in 2008 and i started working here must be in 2016. so i didn't actually know who actually owned the land i was working for another chap in the village who used to contract farming and i used to just turn up to work go to work and go into the fields and spray them and cultivate them and then he told me i was jeremy clarkson's farm and i said oh right you're brilliant or whatever okay anyway uh it got to the point where um the chap i was working for retired and he was like i'm sorry but i've not got a job anymore for you and i was like that's fine i set my own business uh three years ago and i'll just go and do something like that and then that point jeremy was like well you can come and still run this family if you want we know we still need to farm it he said but the only problem is i'll be i'll be your boss and family with you and i was like oh right okay well it made it a little bit interesting but he is uh come and i watched uh three of them last night and i can't i literally can't wait to watch the rest it is brilliant television you are both fantastic it's a it's a perfect mix of characters what it is though it's them it's such a perfect highlight of how hard it is to farm yeah i mean it is hard i mean it's every day non-stop you know it's not just eight hour days you know it's 16 hour days and through the summer i mean through the winter i do do a little bit of a less hours you know probably got seven hours or something like that but in the summer i did this non-stop continuously with the harvest you know with jeremy does the sheet work i don't do any sheet work at all um which probably made it very clear in the in the in the episode that you've probably seen um but yeah it's hard work it's hard work so how is he as a boss then because the relationship between you is i mean it's comedy gold it's it's brilliant to watch but you know he is your boss however you're the one that knows everything yeah i mean i'm the boss really um you know he he will say that he's a boss and technically he is my boss you know don't get me wrong he is my boss but he's a boss and a friend and um yeah i mean it's very difficult uh you know to work with him you know he doesn't listen to me but the good thing is he has a genuine interest in the farming which makes it easier i must admit but yeah don't listen that's why you see me probably shout at him and i do get genuinely angry when he when he does make a mistake but we've actually got that clip got we've got the clip because you've specifically told him uh how to how to drill seeds into a field in a very and you see it in the countryside and it was amazing thinking oh that's why they do it i understand now why you have those tram lines in in fields we'll we'll explain what happened after we've had to look at the clip because again he didn't listen to you so so it would help it would help and save time if he listened to you yeah i mean that's only like 30 seconds but i mean i was out there for like six hours trying to teach him how to do it and you know and i was like what you know what you're doing yeah yeah yeah and you can see it going in one ear and just out the other so i was like oh this is not going to go around well and um i mean you've seen you've seen that little 30 seconds yeah it's like i say six hours we was out there and i was teaching them how to drill it's one of the most important jobs on the farm drill drilling a field ready for the end of the year to harvest it with a track and he messed up and i mean i was genuinely with a tractor that you hate uh this massive tractor that's way too big it's all in germany you can't read how to work it yeah i mean it's the worst tractor er anyone could have i mean i've got an old lamborghini but that is something else i mean it's in the shed now where it should stay and rot if i if if i'm honest with you i mean i think there's a list of things that i hate about it and the list would just be like you know folding out like three bits of paper so you're the the thing is how how's this been for you because obviously you love the nature of you work you're very good at what you do very knowledgeable but this being sort of a reality star of star of this new show was not on the cards for you originally however you are everybody feels very george to you because of your character i mean walking down the street if things changed for you yeah massively i mean my instagram blew up like it went i think i got 80 000 followers over like literally two weeks or a week or something like that and i mean i can't walk down the street now without someone going can i have a selfie and i'm like yeah absolutely and i you know i'm a general you know a nice guy i don't want to go no go away you know i can't do that i have to sit there and talk to them and take the selfie which is you know i like talking to people i'll talk to anyone for hours on end if i had the chance but um oh yeah it's changed massively i mean i i like where i am now in the middle of a field you know that's me i'm happy here take me to london it's horrible it's the worst day of my life going to london well you did come once didn't you or was it a school trip yes i went on a school trip with the school and stayed in the coach and then i also went on i mean on the series if you watch the series on episode 7 i went there jeremy sent me to london to sell wasabi which was very interesting and you hated it absolutely worst day of my life um would you caleb would you recommend uh any uh younger people watching now the uh the farming life what do you get out of it why should they take up farming oh absolutely i mean i love my life and and to me a job you know if i had to get up every morning eight o'clock and go oh god i gotta go and do that job again you know that's not a job you know that's something you hate why would you want to do that to me i get up in the morning go right what am i doing today i know what i'm doing i'm going on the tractor and i'm going to go and put some fertilizer on brilliant go shout out give me the clothes tea or whatever and then go out yeah absolutely um so yeah i mean it's a way of life it sounds like it i mean it certainly looks like a an incredible way of life but it looks like hard work and if you're jeremy clarkson are very expensive i know cost him a thank fortune thank you very much thank you thank you thank you for having me on amazon prime they're all there to watch that'll be your afternoon you
Channel: This Morning
Views: 2,082,570
Rating: 4.8818402 out of 5
Id: vpSH0Xt9EaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 9sec (429 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 21 2021
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