Top 10 Dealing With Bullies Movie Scenes

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you enough is enough and it's time to kick some minis asses welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 dealing with bullies movie scenes for this list we're looking at the best and most memorable movie moments in which a bully gets his or her comeuppance we will be discussing important scenes in the films in question so here's your spoiler alert have you heard about his brass knuckles brass knuckles mr. muth amuses them especially number 10 fuming Fred dazed and confused you wouldn't mind if I went first here would you said all right it's kind of a personal thing between you I mean it's a little piece of [ __ ] here if you put yourself in the shoes of someone who's about to be chased down and violently beaten with a paddle then we totally understand if you get the impulse to run but when the man wielding the paddle is Fred O'Banion you might be well advised to take your lumps because if you defy him there is little chance he will let it go but these guys don't it's truly epic to watch him drive over a curb and realize his car seat must be covered in paint oh my god number nine raging Regina Mean Girls hello may I please speak to Taylor word out she's not home yet who's calling oh this is Susan from Planned Parenthood I have a test herself if you could ever give me a call as soon as she can it's urgent thank you if you haven't had the pleasure of watching Mean Girls you are missing out written by Tina Fey it's a great film that leaves you loving its characters even the outright awful Regina George when all the young women in this teen comedy make peace she is the only one who can't or won't take part this makes the audience pity her for the briefest of moments oh yeah Katie you know my friend Katie Shia she made out with Regina's boyfriend and then convinced him to break up with her Oh God and we gave you a foot cream instead of face wash despite her humanity though Regina is not at all kind and deserves to be the odd woman out you can take that fake apology and shove it right up your hair hit by a bus maybe a cruel punishment but it's also hilarious and that's how Gina George died no I'm totally kidding but she did get hurt number eight tricky tab Dumb and Dumber when Harry and Lloyd set out on the road to return a briefcase they don't have survival instincts or intelligence to rely on but when they encounter a man only known as seabass who makes them feel small and spits in their food the unlikely happens seabass the fellows offered to pick up a chair if with what we can only assume is divine inspiration they actually outmaneuver their adversary and trick him into unknowingly taking on their tab well if that guy at the table over there is seabass it's hysterical and surprising although things do get awkward when lloyd runs into seabass later [Music] number seven awful apples Good Will Hunting just history it must have been a survey course that ya was so surveys have you ever met someone who desperately wants you to know how smart they are I remember that class it was on it was just between recess and lunch go away why don't you relax we have which is why it's so great to watch one of these pretentious pricks be absolutely schooled a ponytail sporting douchebag desiring to make strangers look inferior in order to impress ladies and bystanders this blonde bar patron proves that knowledge flaunted is knowledge wasted enter Will Hunting a genius who really is the smartest guy in the room would drastically underestimates the impact with drastically underestimates the impact of social distinctions predicated upon wealth especially inherited wealthy you got that from Vicky's work in Essex County page 98 right yeah I read that too were you gonna plagiarize the whole thing for us do you have any thoughts of your own on this matter proving that the mind is more powerful than a pair of fists will swiftly puts the jerk in his place do you like apples [Music] yeah [Music] well I got a number how do you like their max number six flash fight spider-man when we're introduced to Flash Thompson in the first spider-man film he seemed like the type of guy who would make life difficult for many fellow students Peter Parker on the other hand seemed like the type of guy that the strong-willed could walk all over with ease I think you're pretty funny don't you freak this breakin your teeth that's the accident there is a hint of inner fortitude in puny Peter however with the bite of a radioactive spider the power balance is reversed [Applause] [Music] [Applause] though Peter may not have been entirely comfortable with the unfamiliar outcome we sure were here it's amazing [Music] number five bud beaten by brass three o'clock hides you and me we're gonna have a fight today after school three o'clock in the parking lot buddy Revell is the type of person that makes you want to cross the street instead of having to walk by him buddy I want you to go to my office and wait for me there sorry mr. O'Rourke I just can't do that really why don't I give you a little help when Jerry a fellow student is assigned by the school paper to question him he arouses buddy's ire and wins a date with his fists it's your turn Jerry's destruction is seemingly set for the end of the school day after choosing to pay him off Jerry receives a sincere and severe insult that inspires him to not only stand up for himself but also challenge the beast to a fight [Music] aided by brass knuckles Jerry knocks his massive adversary out and wins the day [Music] number four prom pyrotechnics carry each [ __ ] Carrie White is an innocent soul who spent her life under the thumb of everyone around her whether it's the supposed cool kids or her possessive mother the set by her maturing body and dastardly peers she is set up to feel accepted until the moment it's all pulled away from her [Applause] fueled by telekinetic powers and an anger that only a lifetime of abuse can foster she then unleashes hell upon prompt and particularly those who trespassed against her number three Ralphie's revenge a Christmas story a Christmas story does a delightful job at capturing the Wonder and whimsy of childhood it also wasn't afraid to address the darker colder moments of youth either listen jerk when I tell you to come you better come Ralphy is one of the most beloved characters in film history so the neighborhood bullies that frighten him and his friends make us both uncomfortable and angry when our little man loses his cool and mercilessly pounced cut all the while spouting profanity the relief we feel is incredibly powerful number two Gordy's gun stand by me guys have two choices either leave quietly we take the body or you stay it's a [ __ ] out of you we take the body Kiefer Sutherland may have gone on to play one of the greatest TV heroes of all time in 24 but he plays a very different sort of character here chambers you little [ __ ] this is your last chance what do you say kid why don't you go home your mother smaller looking like evil incarnate ace Merrill would be terrifying even two grown men yet he spends his time contending with a foursome of young friends gonna have to kill me ace [Music] [Applause] young Gordie played by nerd icon will Wheaton is the farthest thing from fearsome which is why it's so satisfying when he pulls a gun and stands up for himself and his friends in this scene from the coming-of-age drama I'm not taking it nobody's taking before we stand up to our top pick here are some honorable mentions number one beaten Biff back to the future oh hello anybody home boy the villain of Back to the Future Biff Tannen seems like a typical bully that comes from a long line of bullies Buford Tannen was a notorious gunman whose short temper and a tendency to drool earned him the nickname Mad Dog spending his days threatening others with violence and extorting schoolwork the only thing that makes him stand out is how entertaining he is at first sight why don't you make like a tree and get out of here then we watch Biff interact with Lorraine Baines and recognize that he will stop at nothing including sexual assault to get what he wants in the other corner there is the weak and scared George McFly that couldn't hurt well a fly in the end however Marty's father turns it all around and knocks Biff out in a single blow for us there is nothing better for you okay do you agree with our list what's your favorite dealing with a bully movie scene ma'am do you have this in next time I'm sorry we only carry sizes 1 3 & 5 you could try Sears for more courageous top 10s published every day be sure to subscribe to I did some things that I thought were funny at the time but now I realized they were just mean and stupid and I just wanted to apologize and I hope you forgive me
Views: 17,224,743
Rating: 4.6622963 out of 5
Keywords: film, movies, bullies, bully, Dazed and Confused, Mean Girls, Dumb and Dumber, Spider-Man, Good Will Hunting, Three O’Clock High, Carrie, A Christmas Story, Stand by Me, Back to the Future, top 10, watchmojo, bullying, watch mojo, Movie Scenes, bully movie scenes, bullying scenes from movies
Id: UTt33udwRw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 22 2016
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