7 Secret Choices You Didn't Know You Had In Starfield

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in Starfield you're going to come across many choices that can alter the fates of various characters and factions but Starfield is a very large game in fact starfields may have more choices than any other Bethesda game to date so I wouldn't hold it against you if you weren't aware of the many choices which Starfield has but doesn't tell you so in today's video we're going to take a look at seven secret choices you didn't know you had in Starfield number one have two lovers one of the cornerstones of MPC interactions in Bethesda games is the romance options and though Skyrim and Fallout 4 have enough bachelors and bachelorettes to satisfy everyone Starfield is sorely lacking in the booty core Department of all the interesting characters you find only four of them are romanceable Barrett Sam Co Sarah Morgan and Andreia Helm with these numbers might settle for the robot being included what's worse is that whereas poom Mori was the norm in Fallout 4 starfields characters are a little more clingy they won't tolerate you having multiple flings or so they say once you TI the KN with your second lover your first romance will be a little more than upset they'll threaten to leave and stop being your companion you can ask for a second chance which will prevent you from having further relationships with other partners or if you have a high enough persuasion skill you can convince them that an open relationship isn't so bad although it may seem like they're still in a sour mood by the end of the conversation sleeping with both Partners will reveal that going skin-to skin with either lover is a okay now number two meet your parents at the strip club although all the traits are unique in their own way nothing comes close to the kid stuff traits in terms of entertainment value not only will you finally have parents who love you but they'll also dish out a plethora of rewards in entertainment value that make the 2% of credits you send them every week more than worth it but I'm sure most players opted to pass on this trait due to just that and doing so will make you miss out on all the secret encounters that could have happened if you pick this trait one of the more entertaining and easily the most awkward encounters with them can be at the astral Lounge in neon the astral Lounge is a nightclub known for its runchy dancers copious use of Aurora and Shady clientele it's the last place you'd expect to find your wholesome parents who otherwise spend their days with pokon knites and making the child feel embarrassed but this makes finding them here all the more hilarious your father even begins to get mad at you for going to such a shady Place despite them coming there before you well at least the situation is dealt with quickly as you go on your way pretending you saw nothing number three join the disciples one of the bide missions that you can find yourself doing is The Showdown acquired in neon this Quest has you joining a street gang known as the strikers and taking down the notorious and psychotic rival gang known as the disciples and when I call these people psychotic I mean it they're about as crazy as your character after quicksaving they take what they want by force and don't care about the casualties that get in the way knowing this even the hardest of criminal characters will want to see this gang be thrown overboard neon and turned into seafus but maybe your character is A Cut Above the standard criminal and is instead a Bonafide villain if that's so then there's a chance that you'll befriend the disciples towards the end of the quest you're ordered by the striker leader Briggs to begin a full-blown gang war what this amounts to is going to various corners of neon and killing any disciples you find but the last area you visit you'll notice that these disciples are not as aggressive as the last few talking to them will present you with an offer betray the strikers and in return you'll be rewarded with 9,000 credits and a permanent place in the gang number four get a hidden reward collecting snow globes in Starfield can be somewhat compared to the insect jars that you could find in Skyrim but unlike the bees and butter flies that you collect in that game the snow globes in Starfield serve a purpose there are a total of 13 snow globes that you have to find across the landmarks within the soul system most of which are marked on your map after reading a specific book once you do finally get around to finding 13 of these ornaments a special text will pop up on your screen that reads as follows you have seen sites on Earth the moon and Mars that no one has seen collectively for over a 100 years it has inspired you to make a space suit to commemorate your extend exploration after closing this text box a new set of armor is added to your inventory I don't know how my character managed to make such a fine piece of armor with no spacit design training but I'm not complaining as this spacit is packing some serious Buffs it has higher stats across the board than that of the Mantis spaceus which is a piece of legendary armor that's obtained after going through an entire quest line and unlike the old Earth spacesuit the Mantis armor doesn't leave you with an entire collection of snow globes at your dispos Al which makes it objectively worse even excluding the massive stat increase number five join the Crimson Fleet the Crimson Fleet quest line is not only one of the best quest lines in Starfield but one of the best of any Bethesda game periods the quest line is you working as a double agent for the United Colony system defense or sister for short this is starfields version of the CIA or any other secret intelligence service during this you'll be infiltrating Pirates known as the Crimson Fleet as a recruit and working with them in finding a legendary treasure what makes this Quest so great is the amount of agency you have over the quest Line's outcome we've come a long way from being forced to kill the emperor and the Crimson flee quest line has multiple endings depending on the choices you make it's rather fitting then that the First Choice you make in the quest line has to do with you beginning the quest line depending on what kind of character you're playing you'll likely come about the quest line in two very different ways not knowing the second option if you're playing as a somewhat Good Samaritan who keeps his nose clean from any smuggling murders or anything else that can land you into a cell then you'll likely stumble onto the quest as an accessory to the UC Vanguard quest line where Captain tuala will mention the US def during your initiation with the Vanguard however if you're playing a character with a personality and a pension for being on the wrong side of the law then you're more likely to meet commander rande on opposite sides of an interrogation room where you're crying will be forgiven in exchange for working with cyf the cool part about this choice is how naturally both paths work although it may seem like reluctantly joining cyf as a prisoner seals your fate as a partisan for the Crimson Fleet I prefer to see it as a chance of redemption conversely your UC loyalist character will be far more interesting if they end up being Charmed by Delgado and his ragtag family and betray the United Colonies number six convince Captain Petro in the main quest no sudden moves wiled by Vladimir to steal an artifact from Captain Petro it turns out space is big and constellation isn't the only one looking at these artifacts but unlike Sarah Morgan and her crew Petro seems to only want the artifact as a trophy rather than to do anything with it so you're given the task to infiltrate a ship the scowl and take it from him whether by persuasion or by force killing Petro is strongly discouraged so players will opt to talk to him and run the risk of failing his persuasion checks which will result in you running around the ship looking for any clues you can find but a far more direct and faster option is not known to most players upon your first meeting with Petro immediately attack him to low health and he will surrender not only will this make Petro give you the exact location of the artifact but he'll also be generous enough to make his men stand down so you can freely explore the ship unbothered number seven border haunted ship there are many Elder RS references in starfields in our last video we already talked about the prisoner named Delvin mallerie and the plants that look similar to ner routs however no other reference is quite as detailed or spooky as the secret haunted ship you can visit as a random encounter during your travels across space you may come across a derel United Colony ship and it already becomes spooky when you hail the ship and your only response is a distorted laugh upon boarding the ship you'll find that all of the crew has violently been killed by someone or something further investigation reveals this ship is rumored to be an urban legend with the UC Navy known as The Pale Lady are you starting to see the reference this ship became famous during the colony Wars where the ship was found floating aimlessly across space with all of the crew dead from unknown circumstances afterward the ship was decommissioned and sold off for civilian use however the hauntings never ended scattered audio logs revealed that much like it Skyrim count carts crew members began to have the same dream of a pale lady eventually dreams turned into hallucinations and many of the crew went mad this is all up until you arrive and it's already too late and the ship isn't crawling with amazing loot so most players probably just left after exploring around for a little bit but if you stick around for long enough then the menacing laughs of the Pale Lady can start to be heard in your head as well subscribe it to fall damage you milk drinker
Channel: fall damage
Views: 147,134
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Keywords: starfield, starfield gameplay, starfield review, starfield news, starfield update, starfield bethesda, starfield guide, starfield info, starfield game, starfield impressions, starfield leaks, starfield trailer, starfield xp glitch, starfield pc, starfield news update, starfield latest news, starfield multiplayer, starfield release date, starfield xbox, starfield 2023, starfield tips, starfield tips and tricks, starfield release trailer, bethesda starfield update
Id: cuy8ENGakHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2023
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