Top 10 Celebrities with TERRIBLE Plastic Surgery

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they went under the knife and under the scrutiny of public opinion in 1999 Miki's plastic surgeon also said that his client needed surgery to fix callus formations and Worx cheekbones caused by years of boxing welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 celebrities with the worst plastic surgery every year they're falling a little bit more than and that's why it's getting more tense sensitive and severe to take them out sooner for this list we're excluding celebrities that improved their look with surgery a la Renee Zellweger and we're also excluding individuals like Jocelyn Wildenstein that are famous only for their devastating procedures she's famous for all this plastic surgery and as soon as the Catwoman number 10 meg Ryan making it that's what she's got some weird idea should save myself for an astronaut or something once the sweet darling of 80's and 90's rom-coms Meg Ryan's appearance was given an overhaul sometime during the 2000s mainly by puffing up her famously firm lips given the fact that meg Ryan hasn't exactly been landing the most notable of roles these days it begs the question why would she make herself look like one of the Real Housewives don't like being interviewed it can see it's in the way that you were you sit and the way you are that's you don't like she's an American sweetheart of cinema but as we all know Hollywood and fame can take a toll on starlets so there's Amanda Bynes walking into a liquor store to wash gasoline up her dog perhaps meg is content with her new look but she forever changed that natural physical grace that we all came to love number nine Lara Flynn Boyle she made her film debut in 1988 poltergeist 3 and soon after starred in David Lynch's Twin Peaks but it was on ABC's the practice where Lara Flynn Boyle became a household name when she's good she's good when she's bad she's a murderer however it's no stretch to say that she's become straight-up unrecognizable after all the work that's been put into her face very beautiful beautiful woman in these photos there's just there's something off as with meg Ryan Laura's gone with a real housewife look that Rob's her of the uniqueness that made her a standout only the worst photo seemed to float around the internet but it's proof as to how subpar plastic surgery can make a star totally unrecognizable I really want to learn how to be an underwear model they told me I've got real potential number eight Tara Reid first arriving at Fame through roles such as bunny Lebowski and the Coen Brothers cult classic and Vicky Latham in American Pie Tara Reid seemed to be going places in the late 90s nothing is perfect and you can't plan everything then along came her plastic surgeon the big botched job ski it all began with the infamous nip slip which revealed a tiny bit of work on Tara Reid's breasts and she's actually been on the record about her quest to level out her lopsided Tatas but then a tummy liposuction fail was followed by a doughnut mastopexy to try and control Z The Situation's still the cosmetic cock-ups haven't phased the good people behind the sharknado series one bit number seven Mickey Rourke no sense of time I took my picture when I was out in California it's a good picture man when you were the preeminent bad boy of 80 cinema just ride it out man even then it only took one look at Mickey Rourke to know that he hadn't exactly been left in his original packaging it looks like he may have had some cheek implants and a chin implant and it looks like he had some reconstructive surgery on his nose a former boxer it was never hard to accept Roark as a tough guy but surviving the biz has seemingly led him to believe he's still that young tough guy even if nature and the calendar say otherwise Randy you almost died next time you might not be so lucky to that end Roark has chased an endless array of bizarre styles and a butt ton of Botox in recent years he may look Haggard but rugged not so much who were you besides an angel of mercy I got two-time loser like me the night of his life sure that wasn't my looks number six Courtney Cox he finally asked you out yes oh this is a dear diary moment with all due respect to 90 0 Jennifer Aniston one could make the argument that Monica Geller was the sexiest of the female friends I've watched home movies of you eating ding-dongs without taking the tinfoil off you said that was sexy Courtney Cox has managed to put together quite the impressive TV resume with her leading role on Cougar Town but it seems that she's taken a real-life liking to the Cougar look look at her she always has that expression she's got resting [ __ ] blessed with gorgeous blue eyes Cox's Botox and surgery now distracts from her natural pearls while conveying more of a socialite facade rather than distinguished grace she's got a new set of friends they're just all cosmetic surgeons don't joke with me okay I'm very very upset right now number five Lil Kim she used to roll with the notorious b.i.g and she provided an iconic MTV Music Video Award moment with the notorious ti T but unfortunately this MC has become more known for her surgical raps than for rhyming ones once a fresh-faced star with a gorgeous natural presence Lil Kim has juiced up her lips and face making her completely unrecognizable to even her own fanbase you want to talk about little Kim and that face of hers of course it's not easy to stay relevant when the likes of Nicki Minaj come along but Kim has seemingly fallen victim to the idea that perceived flaws can be fixed with loads and loads of facial sculpting okay whatever you know what I mean number four carrot top you're not gonna believe this but I'm the Wendy's girl look at swimming it's shocking just thinking about it but carrot top does qualify as a celebrity he's always been an easy target for jokes given his schtick and mop like red hair but frankly speaking the obvious plastic surgery doesn't quite help either Oh in a bigger mug born Scott Thompson carrot top managed to secure a starring role in the 1998 film chairman of the board and has since become a recognized name in the industry thanks to his proper teen and let's face it that mop like red hair this is great I made chopsticks you look cool from a distance in a restaurant there's plenty of from behind like oh my god however it seems that clownish act has gone a little too far when you look at old carrot top and the slightly revised facade of today the night when I was having a bad choice I said god I wish my name wasn't on the carpet number three Angelica Houston - say hello to my father he called me over building on the legacy of her father John and granddad Walter Angelica Houston earned an Academy Award for her performance in Prizzi's honor and leaders stunned audiences with her sultry representation of Morticia Addams in 1991's The Addams Family don't torture yourself gomez that's my job but time has more than slightly altered the visual vibe of Angelica Houston given that she sold her home for a cool 11 million dollars in 2011 one wonders if she didn't invest in some facial reconstruction with the profits it's her money to spend but still don't be too surprised of Angelica shows up in another Wes Anderson flick B we'll stop feeling sorry for ourselves it's not very attractive see we'll make our plans for the future can we agree to that number two Donatella Versace nobody's afraid of man I love that's mr. the sister of the late Gianni Versace this Italian fashion icon took over family matters in the late 90s while taking on a new and improved design of her own as time progressed the raw Calabrian beauty of Donatella Versace has transformed into a look that screams out too much money only someone with a huge bank account would keep trying out new surgery procedures as if they're a brand new pair of shoes will cut Donatella some slack though because after the original flub you might as well double down before we unveil our number one pick here are some honorable mentions was it was all for the sake of what I thought was looking better I mean you were a beautiful man you were lauded why did you want to change him I just wanted to change it number one Michael Jackson the King of Pop actually lived a good portion of his life with his natural-born look however by the early 80s his insecurities public opinion and industry racism played a major factor in Michael Jackson's evolving and shocking look regardless of what you believe about Jackson the person it's obvious that more was going on than just some skin treatment as MJ's nose dwindled away until there was literally nothing left well number one thing that we all sees it he's got multiple rhinoplasty procedures and has ended up with a much skeletonized nose as the most famous case of a filthy rich individual desperately trying to be comfortable in his or her own skin Michael Jackson sadly set the bar for celebrity surgeries gone wrong do you agree with our list this happening which celebrity do you think is the worst plastic surgery but that stuff made me feel good maybe feel like I was in control in some way for more mind-blowing top 10s published every day be sure to subscribe to I've never had plastic surgery in my life
Views: 11,168,741
Rating: 4.3584256 out of 5
Keywords: politics, history, celebrities, worst plastic surgery, surgery, cosmetics, tara reid, lara flynn boyle, meg ryan, anjelica houston, carrot top, lil kim, michael jackson, donatella versace, pete burns, top 10, watchmojo
Id: CI_Y6RLRtis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 09 2016
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