10 Famous Child Celebs Who Ruined Their Careers

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hey guys how's it going extreme trends here with another video for you Hollywood is a glamorous world if you're lucky enough to become a successful star then you can have just about anything you want from giant mansions to legions of adoring fans however being launched from obscurity to dizzying heights of Fame isn't always as easy as you might think especially if you're a child star after all it's an enormous amount of pressure to have in your shoulders I'm more often than not they go off the rails leaving their reputation and career in bits let's take a look at ten famous child celebs who ruin their career number ten Steven Anthony Lawrence American actor Steven Anthony Lawrence had the world at his feet when he landed the role of Bernard beans Aaron guren in the smash hit Disney show even Stephens although the role only lasted a couple of years Lawrence had a pretty successful run starring in other shows such as That's So Raven married with children and feature films Cheaper by the Dozen and kicking and screaming to name but a few all in all he had a promising career in front of him unfortunately it didn't quite work out that way in 2015 fans started posting pictures of Lawrence in his latest role as Santa's helper at Sun Valley Mall the star was barely recognizable and has definitely aged so much that it's not hard to see why the 27 year old actor is out of work let's hope that there's enough jobs at the North Pole to keep him going for a while number 9 Winona Ryder while Winona Ryder was once one of Hollywood's hottest the Edward Scissorhands star had a highly publicized fall from grace in 2001 when she was caught stealing over $5,000 worth of designer clothes from sakes Fifth Avenue in Beverly Hills the incident was quickly leaked to the media and the whole world saw the security footage of Ryder stealing the goods during the trial prosecutors accused the 90 star of using a variety of drugs illegally including oxycontin valium and vicodin in December 2002 she was convicted of grand theft shoplifting and vandalism and sentenced to three years probation and 480 hours of community service writer did manage to work through her issues and land consistent roles but it wasn't until she backed herself a main role on the uber popular Netflix series stranger things that she was fully accepted back into the fold that was a close one Winona number-8 Tom Cruise one of the most successful actors to ever grace our screens Tom Cruise started his career at the tender age of 19 in the 1981 feature film and lists love since then he's been the lead in many successful blockbusters most notably the mission impossible franchise however things may be about to change during the filming of American made two pilots were killed Allen / wen and Carlos Burle perished when the small twin-engine plane they were flying went down in bad conditions on location in Columbia according to the lawsuit filed by the payer separate estates earlier this year crews and director doug liman are largely to blame after repeatedly adding entire scenes and aerial shots without warning an executive producer voiced his concerns at the time saying it was some of the most insane stuff he ever had to deal with the families do not directly name crews are Lyman as defendants in the suit but claimed that the cocktails star could have flown the plane himself as he is a qualified and experienced pilot according to them the flight was a spontaneous rushed ad-hoc mission on unfamiliar terrain in unfamiliar weather from a small jungle airstrip undoubtedly Cruz's reputation has been tarnished beyond repair number 7 Shia LaBeouf Shia LaBeouf had a wide variety of roles as a kid playing Lois Stevens and even Stephens alongside her first entry Steven Anthony Lawrence as well as in feature films his successful career went on as he landed the role of Sam Witwicky in the Transformers franchise along Megan Fox which was a commercial hit but sometimes the pressure is just too much for Superstars and they simply crack things started going awry in 2014 when the buff was char with disorderly conduct and criminal trespass at Studio 54 his behavior definitely didn't resemble that of a Disney star when he spat at officers swore and yelled all the way to the station while he attended rehab after the incident a similar occurrence happened in July of 2017 where LaBeouf launched a horrible tirade of abuse against officers who tried to detain him in Savannah Georgia on the grounds of public intoxication he was subsequently sentenced to a years probation fined $1,000 and is required to attend anger-management it's no surprise given this behavior that Shia isn't on our screens anymore instead choosing to go down the performance our crowd if you ever catch one of his shows be sure to turn your cell phone off you don't want to hanger this guy number 6 kendall Jenner you might be wondering why the uber famous kendall Jenner is on this list but bear with us part of the tremendously popular kardashian-jenner clan there's hardly anyone in the world who doesn't know who the older generous astir is a successful supermodel and reality star there was a time when young girls everywhere wanted to be just like her sadly for Kendall she made a disastrous career choice earlier this year when she agreed to star in a Pepsi commercial the advertisement entitled live for now sees her using a can of the beverage to make a truce between police officers and protesters upon its release it was highly criticized for making light of important issues such as the black lives matter movement and police brutality the ad was pulled within 24 hours Pepsi issued a formal apology including one to Kendall but maintained that she had the right to approve it before it was released many also speculated on her silence throughout the scandal wondering why she hadn't apologized at all although it was later discovered that her contract prohibited her from speaking out on the issue regardless of what went wrong here Kendall lost a plethora of fans and respects from making such a careless career move number five Justin Bieber regardless if you hate him or if you're a die-hard believer you can't deny that popstar Bieber is one of the biggest names in the industry today he had his first head with the annoyingly catchy baby when he was just 16 years old MA though he had the face of an angel he's now notorious for his bad-boy shenanigans even early on in his career Bieber wasn't the nicest to his fans often telling them to go away when they asked for autographs or selfies last year the star released a statement saying it has gotten to the point that people won't even say hi to me or recognize me as a human I want to be able to keep my sanity I realize people will be disappointed but I don't owe anybody a picture couple that with his brushes with the law following a DUI and vandalism among other things and the sweet face Prince of Pop has definitely gone rogue he seems to be holding on for now but time will only tell how this one will pan out our bet it won't be pretty number four Adam Levine lead singer of maroon 5 Levine may seem like the epitome of nice after all he's an expert at writing love songs the reality is quite different one fan was left disgruntled and burning all of her CDs according to one Reddit user his girlfriend approached Levine super-excited to get an autograph from one of her favorite singers rather than agreeing and happily signing Levine reportedly said I don't give autographs to ugly chicks before walking away that's not the only story out there the singer being less than gentlemanly either as a judge on The Voice audiences just assumed that his no-nonsense persona was simply an act unfortunately not is this kind of behavior that ruins careers and alienates fan bases number 3 Iggy Azalea some of these stars might seem infallible but they land themselves in hot water through the wonderful world of Twitter rap sensation Iggy Azalea is notorious for being outspoken but she's also notorious for being a keyboard warrior we've lost count of the amount of feuds Iggy has conjured up out of thin air in 2011 tried to start an argument with crayon constantly tweeting negative things at her and retweeting ones about her crayon didn't lower herself and never responded in the same year Azealia Banks tweeted her admiration for a geek but surprisingly that escalated into a massive issue too when asked about her constant Twitter arguments azalea maintained that she didn't have a problem with anyone but the evidence says different gone are the days where a key was solely known for her music these days she's more famous than a cattle farm for the amount of beef she rears number two Julianne rose Morelli oh if you grew up in the 2000s chances are you'll have seen an episode of the ultra colorful and quirky lazytown full of bright characters and annoying songs pink haired Stephanie often stole the show Julianne Rose Morelli Oh played the part until she was deemed too old by producers according to website glossy news Morelia was arrested several times for prostitution and drugs although many have called this false information Morelli owe herself claims to have never been arrested at all let alone for offenses such as these a debunked false story or just a crafty cover-up from this child actress who knows but we'll be watching this space number 1 Britney Spears Spears was the picture of innocence in 1998 just 16 years old when baby one more time was released it's not been all sunshine and rainbows for the once pristine starlet she had more scandals than you can shake a stick at from the messy breakup with Justin Timberlake due to alleged infidelity to her very public mental breakdown where she shaved her head it's been a long road for Britney due to substance abuse issues she lost custody of her children to her ex-husband dancer Kevin Federline and bounced in and out of rehab while Brits carried on making music for the entirety of her career many still fear the singer will have a tragic end for the moment though spear seems to be doing well having just finished a residency in Las Vegas and posting numerous photos of her post-workout bod on Instagram don't know about you but we're rooting for and that concludes our list for today like always if you enjoyed it be sure to give us a big thumbs up and leave us some love in the comments section to keep up-to-date with all of our awesome videos be sure to hit subscribe and turn your notifications on to never miss a thing until next time thanks for watching see you later
Channel: Extreme Trends
Views: 34,193,279
Rating: 3.5540652 out of 5
Keywords: 10 famous child celebs who ruined their careers, famous child celebs who ruined their careers, child celebs, famous celebrities, celebrities, celebrity news, celebrities who ruined their career, famous kids, kid celebrities, viral, video, new, education, entertainment, kid friendly, family friendly, extreme trends
Id: ipz5h6kO7Jc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2017
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