Top 10 Budget Board Games

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hey guys I don't know about you but there's a lot of feeling out there that ball gaming is a really expensive Hobby and there are some really big kickstarters out there that cost you a pretty penny but it doesn't have to be expensive there are a lot of budget options out there that don't sacrifice the game play that's what inspired this list I want to come up with a list of 10 different games really 20 because for each of these genres that we're going to be exploring I I've made two selections so you can choose between the two for those of you playing at home I'm going to be talking about these games in terms of Australian pricing so Australian currency but at the end of the video I'm going to do an exchange rate for our collection that we've put together here so you can see how much it would cost in your region as well if you're living in the US or in Europe all right let's start with a genre that's near de to my heart and that is deck building so first of all we've got Abandon All artichokes and we've got Star Realms when I say deck building what do I actually mean by that we're all starting off with the same deck of cards but as the game goes on we are building up our deck choosing different cards to add into our deck and trying to eliminate other players by destroying them or by gaining victory points in this particular game you're actually trying to do a little bit of the opposite you're trying to get rid of and call a lot of cards in your deck Abandon All AR chokes you win the game if you draw five cards and there are no AR chokes in your hand how do you do that a lot of the cards that you're going to be putting into your deck as your deck building will help you get rid of those cards or just build up your deck so that you've got so much in there so that you can avoid drawing those artichokes a really fun filler Style game over here we've got Star Realms which is more of a competitive deck building game where you're typically versing one other player this edition of the game Frontiers comes with the scenario cards which will allow you to play solo or cooperative as well if we're looking at Star Realms this will cost you for $25 you could get the base game which is just the head-to-head Style game but Frontiers is going to set you back $35 on the other hand abandoned all all AR of chokes is a $22 game so a really nice budg option for me I think I'm leaning more towards abandoned all AR choke let's set that one aside and Star Realms you're going over here the next genre we're looking at is Miniatures I love having Miniatures on the board there's something to be said about the table presence they give and that tactile nature of moving them around on the board so what are my choices when it comes to miniature Games first of all I have cave trol and Vault two very different games in Vault you are hiding dice Behind These screens to program your robots you're trying to eliminate all the other players in this Arena robot battling Style game really cool game but over here we've got cave trol which is an area majority area control Style game where you'll be drawing a card and playing a card to place down your Miniatures on the board you're trying to control these rooms and the Miniatures that you place will have these added effects that help manipulate the board state in your favor your cards as you play them could have these hourglasses on them and as five hourglasses get played it triggers all players scoring and you can there's a lot of push and pull um trying to decide when to play these cards and putting yourself in a good situation to so I really like that aspect of the game both of these games cost $35 you could go with either one and I should also note that both games come up with an additional way to play cave trol has additional cards you can change up the abilities of all the Miniatures in here and then this one here comes up with like a more expert mode where you're using these weapon cards that can give your robots different attacks so between these two my personal choice would be for cave trol so I'm going to sit cave troll over here and Vault you're going over that way what is the next genre that we're looking at so the next genre I want to look at is engine building what are my choices for this one all right I've got Splendor and project L when I'm talking about engine building what do I mean by that your actions will get stronger throughout the course of the game for instance in splendor you're taking these poker chips and spending them to collect cards as you acrew cars in front of you they also contribute resources that you can get more difficult cards it's raced to 15 points in this game over here project L you start off with the modest two pieces and you're trying to complete these small puzzles in these double layed player boards and as you complete those you're rewarded with more pieces that makes it easier to complete more difficult puzzles and getting even more rewards and more points so which of the two do I like let's talk about prices first so project L is going to set you back $35 whereas over here Splender is a $45 game I've played Splendor quite a bit but I think project L is going to get the win for me I also like that this game has a solo Edition I should mention so if you're a solo player this is probably the way to go so project L you're going in my collection Splender you're going to go over there all right what is the next genre we're looking at and is tile placement so I've got a few different choices here we've got King Domino we've got blus and as a bit of an honorable mention I also wanted to mention Patchwork and the reason I want to do this is because block is I really feel is a four-player game really there are some variants where you know if you're playing two-player you take control of two different colors or if you're playing three player you take turns controlling the fourth player trying to cut off other players but I didn't really like those modes as much this really feels to me just a four-player game whereas Patchwork is a two player only game and you are placing these Tetris style pieces on on the board in a way that you're trying to cover it up as much as you can but the way you draft these pieces depends on two different resources time and buttons you have to spend buttons to get these different tiles but also the time that it takes you to place the tile down which is your resource gives your opponent further opportunities to place more tiles down so there's a bit of a push push and pull with those two different mechanics there King Domino is available at all player Counts from 2 to four in this one you are drafting pieces and placing them down in front of you to build up a kingdom you're trying to create big territories of the same type of landscape but you also want lots of crowns which you add a multiplier so say for instance I'll have three crowns in a section that has seven desert tiles that's 3 * 7 21 points there right as you're drafting these tiles the better ones are further down in the drafting section so placing your meeple there to to claim those ones actually puts you last in picking order for subsequent rounds so there's a bit of push and pull in that one as well which is really interesting let's talk about prices if we're talking about blockers or if we're talking about Patchwork you're looking at $30 but if you're looking at King Domino you can pick this one up for $22 I really like King King Domino and I like the flexibility of playing a all player counts so this one's going to be the pick for me so King Domino over there you go blockus you're going over here all right what is the next genre Bluff and negotiation a lot of table talk a lot of deception a lot of trying to keep information hidden from the other players of the table so what are the games that I chose for this one I went with citadels and Sheriff of Nottingham okay so what's the difference between these two games citadels will have you picking a secret role every single round and these rols come with these powers that will help you gain resources to build up your own City you want to be building up seven cards in your city to trigger the end game game scoring now the secret is you do not want people to know what roles you are claiming because there are some roles that can sabotage other ones like the thief can steal money from a selected role or the Assassin could knock out a selected role so they don't even have a turn that round right so that's citadels and then over here you've got Sheriff of Nottingham well you'll be taking turns taking on the role of the sheriff as the sherff you're trying to catch out those people who are trying to bring in those Contraband Goods into the city if you catch them out you get some of their money but if they trick you into looking into their bag and they didn't have it then you get a penalty so a lot of bluff a lot of deception you might want people to check your bag you might not want them to so there's really interesting gameplay here the cost of citadels this addition of the game comes with extra rolls that you you can swap in and out so you've got a little bit more replay value in this one this one is only this one's $40 but if you want the base game that just comes with the one set of rolls which to be honest with you I haven't even played with the other rolls in this game I've only played with a one set of rolls cuz we all know what we all know what they do and it's much easier to just sit down and get it played so $25 will get you that basic edition of the game which I would recommend since I've only played the basic ones in this one anyway whereas over here Sheriff of Nottingham is going to set you back $50 personally I like citadels so I'm going to go with this one I'm going to pop that over here and sheriff is going over there all right what is the next genre that we're going to be looking at we are looking at dice chuckers so my dice jocking picks are King of New York and bang the dice game in bang the dice game you are playing as a hidden role there are sheriffs and their deputies there are outlaws and there are Renegades the sheriff and the deputies want to wipe out all the Outlaws and the Renegades to win the game whereas The Outlaws are just trying to gun for that sheriff and get him down as quickly as possible the Renegade is secretly playing both sides and trying to be the last man standing by wiping out the sheriff last so this game is really fun both of them utilize the yachy style dice mechanic where you're rolling dice picking up the ones you don't like and rrolling them again up to two times over here the king style games is actually a line of three different games King of Tokyo is the simpler version of this game King of New York which is the one I prefer there's a few more things going on this one that I enjoy and then king of Monster Island came out just recently which is the Cooperative edition of the game in this game again you are rolling and rrolling like you do in Yi and you're trying to either wipe out all the other monsters at the table or accruit 20 different victory points so you can do that by destroying buildings you can do that by trying to roll Stars which will give you points or by using energy to purchase upgrade cards which give you extra effects or additional victory points between the two of them which one do I like let's talk about price first over here bangad di game is only $25 whereas over here King of New York $50 okay which one do I want oh I think I'm going to go with King of New York I really do enjoy this game and there's a lot to be said about the variability that comes with all the expansions if you're willing to go there and get a few extra expansions into the game all right so I'll pop you over here and bang you're going over there what is the next one that we're looking at we're looking at drafting next so what are my choices for drafting I have coloretto and I have whoop Sushi go when you're drafting you would taking cards from a shared pool and you're trying to get the most optimal selection of cards both of them play in very different ways Sushi go will have you pick from a hand of cards and pass the rest on and you're trying to create sets that will score you lots of points for example some sets of cards will ask that you have three of a kind and you'll earn a lot of points for that but if you fall short of that then you score no points the trick is that other people can see what you're drafting so they might try and hate pick your cards and stop you from getting those really good points over here coloretto has you either drawing a card and placing it into a pile or taking a pile from in front of you the piles can only have three cards in them but the trick is not all cards are good some cards are very bad for you you are trying to collect only three different color colors of card if you have additional colors of card those are going to be negative points to your score the trick of this game is trying to place cards in a pile to make them really not wanted by everyone else at the table but nice for you to pick up it's very difficult if you make the piles too good other people are just going to snatch them up before you get a chance to what are the prices for these games coloro is a $22 game where as Sushi go you can pick pick up for his little 20 bucks I like both games but coloretto is the one for me I'm going to be picking that one so Colorado is over there Sushi go and you're heading over there all right what is the next genre we're looking at it's strategy games strategy games you're looking at trying to outwit your opponent and you're making a lot of moves to try and further your plans two different style games here I've got trick draw and I've got tiny epic galaxies tiny epic galaxies will have you rolling Dice and using the resources provided to either colonize different planets or build up your Colony so you've got more dice at your disposal or you can use culture to follow the actions of other players as they're rolling their dice you can spend culture to copy their actions so really interesting mechanics in this one I should also mention that this is the pocket style edition of the game it's called Ultra tiny epic galaxies this line of games is very very small they're known for a lot of gameplay in a very small package this addition of the game I was able to get for $15 but it's very hard to find this travel size edition of the game typically you're looking for how much is it give me a second $27 for the more I would I struggled to say deluxified edition of the game although the components in that 27 $27 edition of the game are much nicer so there is that over here you have trick draw this one I was able to pick up for $15 however that was on sale I haven't been able to find it lower than $24 unfortunately so in trick draw very simple game but a lot of strategy goes into your plays you you have a hand to cards and you are playing them either face down or face up in front of you face down means they're hidden and people don't know what you're going for in addition to that they're also worth points while they face up so your opponent might want to try and flip them up with their own card effects but they don't know what's under there your cards might be better face up there are also a lot of card combinations in this game cards work really well with each other that you can use to combo off and get lots of points in a very fast Manner and the trick of this game is trying to catch people out before they get those combos going now which one of these games do I want to pick is very hard I like both of these games but this one is newer to my collection I think I'm going to be playing that one a bit more so trick draw you're going in and Tiny epic galaxies you're going over there so the next jar I want to look at is cooperative Style games and the first one I want to talk about is the mind the mind will have you all silently working together to play cards in a sequence you can't talk to each other so you have to sort of Mind read and look at the tales of players to be able to play these in the correct fashion if you get it wrong you lose lives and there's several levels that you have to get through to be successful in this game so really interesting one the other one that I had in mind was Forbidden Island in this one you are traveling an island trying to collect artifacts and get off the island before it all sinks to the bottom of the ocean the mine is going to cost you $15 whereas forbidden island is going to set you back $30 which of the two do I prefer I have a soft spot for the mind I have some really funny stories with this one so the mind it is it's sticking around what is my final genre it's my head to ahe competitive two-player style games so for this one I have Hive and I have seven wonderers duel two of these games play very differently Hive is a asymmetric Style game I often when people ask about it I tell them it's a lot like chess the pieces move in very different ways and you're trying to surround your opponent's Queen to win the game very quick it's good for traveling all the pieces are waterproof so you can play it anywhere so good for that and then over here this one has a little bit more crunch to it if you're interested in that seven wonders duel has your drafting cards in a way that they're placed out in front of you and taking cards could give your opponent opportunity to grab cards that they really want so you have to be very selective with which cards you're grabbing and when you want to try and give your opponent either really bad options to pick or perhaps make them choose between two really good ones at the same time so there's a lot of thinking behind that one and I also like that there's multiple paths to Victory you can win through points you can win through achieving a Science Victory or by destroying your opponent with a military Victory so really fun game let's talk about price Hive this this edition of the game is going to cost you $33 however you can get a smaller pocket edition of the game for only 23 whereas Seven Wonders duel is a $25 game personally it's a really tough one but I like the crunchier games I'm going to go with seven wonders duel so I'm going to pop that over here and hi you're going to go over to this pile so I'm going to be calculating the cost in Australian dollar and you'll see it up screen right now and at the time of this recording I'm also converting that cost into Euro and Us doll so you can follow along at home all right well thank you so much for watching guys this was a blast to make this list and I hope you found it helpful if you did subscribe I've got lots more videos coming until next time see you later
Channel: Dice on a Hill
Views: 1,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Boardgames, top tens, board games, budget board games, affordable games, budgeting, board game hobby, save money
Id: TGW9wW09jYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 52sec (1312 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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