TOP 10 Board Games RUINED by ONE thing!!!

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we've all been there before we've played a game that you really wanted to like but there was just one thing one thing that ruined it for you well this is a list of my top 10 games that were ruined because of just one little thing now look I enjoy games I I love playing lots of different types of games and some of these games I'll still play that's fine beginning at the bottom of the list but as we go forth these things that have been put in the game to ruin them become more egregious and more annoying to me so I I don't particularly like to play those games at the end but look if you like these games that's absolutely fine okay I'm not here to yucky yum this is just my personal opinion and I'd like to know your actual um games that you felt were ruined by just one little thing that was added into the game all right let's jump into mine so number 10 looking at Scythe Scythe is a game that has a lot going for it it has beautiful artwork I love the artwork in this game this cold war feel of slowly encroaching on the territories and making sure you know you're not jumping into a combat until you're quite ready and the action system is really awesome and not something that you see very much of but there is one thing letting the game down and for me that's faction imbalance the rustat faction is crazy powerful being able to do the same action again and again and again and on top of that the kicker is they have the most powerful starting location as well so for me it's something I can't really look past it really and bugs me and irks me that that's in the game My Number Nine is nemesis now Nemesis has a lot going for it as well it's got a grim dark horror sort of vibe to it you've awoken on their ship to find out that aliens have infested themselves in there and you're trying to wipe them out while getting off the um ship before you get killed and you don't know who you can trust because not everyone is on your side they might have some kind of secret agenda against you now what is the problem with this game it is a long game and that's not NE necessarily a problem the problem is the player elimination if you're killed in this game then that's it for you you're on the sidelines you're a spectator and you're watching everyone else have fun so I don't like that particular thing I think Nemesis gets too easy of a pass for that particular thing but it is well received and I do see why people really enjoy it my number eight is Dinosaur Island who doesn't want to own their their very own dinosaur amusement park it's like a dream come true right until you find out that these little pink meeples can come along and ruin your day they're called holigans and every time one of them stays at your park theer it at random they come out of a bag you get no victory points no money nothing for your troubles now I've only played this game once but I was the poor unfortunate soul that picked up several of these Hooligans through the whole game and it completely tanked me I could not recover from it and it was just ah it made me wonder why why are Hooligans in this game I couldn't stand it and everything else about the game I liked but that one thing just ruined it for me okay the next game on this list is Skull Skull is a really interesting bluffing deduction sort of game you have these cardboard tiles that you're placing in front of you face down and you have to determine whether it's safe or not to flip other people's tiles you're making bets on whether you can reveal flowers or skulls skulls you do not wants but you could actually be laying down these skulls to trick other people the premise is really really cool the issue I have is with the components you see these tiles a cardboard and they come out of a punchboard unfortunately my game was ruined before it even hit the table as I punched these cardboard tokens out of their little cardboard thingies Punch Out boards I guess you could call them two of them were torn leaving marks on the back so you can identify which token I've played in front of me you can get around this I guess by placing your hand on top of the tiles but man it just really is a feel bad it really ruined the game for me and I think it's such an awesome game the next game on this list is smashup who doesn't want to combine two different fantasy or creatures together to create this wonderful hybrid faction that's yours and it is a really cool concept the problem for me is the game play you see when you're playing these cards and you're shuffling two decks together to make this deck you're placing cards on these bases and you want to meet a certain threshold of points like a value on the cards before you can score those cards the problem with that is that there's no good way to keep track of this you're constantly looking around counting them again counting them again and yeah okay you could probably use some counters to keep track of that but what's worse is that some of these cards their values change as the game goes on oh when it's my turn this one has more power than when it's on your turn and oh it's a nightmare to keep track of this so that's why it's made this list Smash Up the next game on this list is dwellings of eleval dwellings of elderil I know put your pitch folks down a lot of people really like this game for me it didn't quite get there and I'll tell you why it's a worker placement game where you're placing your workers on the board and potentially combats can happen if workers happen to land on the same space now the way combat is determined is by Rolling at ice and having more workers in a particular fight can sort of skew things in your favor so that's a good thing but you could roll Ford ice as opposed to the other person's one they roll a six and you roll a bunch of fives You've Lost That combat and what's worse is the punishment for losing these combats is so harsh your workers go into the underworld and when you take your recall action which is one of the most powerful actions in the game you get no benefit from that so it really really hurts when that happens and I just yeah that was one thing I just couldn't look past that's really rough the next game on this list paperback now I love a good word game I like Words With Friends on occasion when I've got nothing to do and I want to Chuck some words down but the problem is that this is a deck builder inspired by that type of game where you're drawing five cards and you want to make words out of those cards deck builders are inherently very very fast you draw your cards you play them next turn so on so forth but if you're looking at these cards studying them trying to build words out of the letters on those cards that takes a while and man everything slows down to a real crawl in this game everything slows down and it gets boring actually so I just I wanted to like this game and just couldn't because of that the next game on this list I've heard a lot of Praise about this particular one and I'm sorry I don't like this one Cosmic Encounter Cosmic Encounter look it's a glorified popularity contest the fact that several players can win together is ridiculous to me why is that a thing I played a game where three people teamed up and they just kept going in on each other's combats and there was no real reason why they shouldn't and they all just won together and it was very anticlimactic very uninteresting for me because I was just watching them you know wipe the floor over with everyone and it was just ridiculous it's doesn't even feel like a game at that point so Cosmic Encounter did not do it for me and that rule is why it didn't work for me okay now we're at number two and this one I really wanted to like I heard some really good stuff about this one you may be familiar with its sister game final girl I haven't played that one but I have played hostage negotiator so the idea behind this game is you are a hostage hostage negotiator you trying to save hostages from a deranged man man who is threatening to kill them right you you play these cards out and you acre these sort of um uh negotiation points that you can use to buy further cards that you can play now you can ACR some really powerful cards but when you play them every time you have to resolve them with a dice roll and it could just do nothing or it could do something really bad actually and it was like what why am I spending all my currency to buy cards they don't even do anything it was really frustrating to me and um the the dice mitigation of having to roll a particular face to discard certain cards so you could get another success no that didn't do it for me at all I really didn't like that yeah hostage negotiator for that reason ended up getting sold by me I could not stand that and finally number one the most egregious little thing that was thrown into a game that really really hurt it and made me go this game is not for me this game is time stories now time stories had a really interesting premise you've been transported into a world you're chucked in there you know nothing about the world that you're in and you're doing a lot of exploring and a lot of Investigation to find out what's going on in the first scenario you're exploring this um mental ward and you're trying to figure out what's going on cuz there's something sinister there's a Sinister undertone there you're trying to figure out what is going on here my problem with the game if you're spending time to explore this world the game will slap you in the face and go nope you're getting punished for that we're going to take away your only resource and that is time once your time runs out the game is over for you and that was ridiculous I wanted to see more of this world you created this this awesome interesting world for me and I wanted to see it and now you're punishing me for looking at it I just I couldn't do it it really bugged me especially since we I've played this game twice and the first time it really drew me in and we went a particular way we made a lot of ground the second time we played I was like okay we tried that direction let's go another way and then we just got hit wall after wall of punishment but just wanting to see what was there it was really ridiculous and I just I cannot abide that in a game so time stories you're out of here okay well thanks for listening guys I want to know what are your games that you just could not Overlook one particular thing about that game that really ruined the experience for you if you like the video please subscribe my aim by the end of July is to have a 100 subscribers so Help Me Make It Happen thanks guys and have a good one
Channel: Dice on a Hill
Views: 4,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tabletop games, tabletop, top ten board games ruined by a mechanism, board games, Top ten board games, Board game mechanisms, Board game mechanics, board games to avoid, BGG, Board game geek
Id: Qe_k4ekn9GE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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