Top 10 Best Weapons in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild ft. Arekkz

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hallo there lovely people it's Alex from Nintendo life here and today we're going to be looking at the top 10 weapons in the Legend of Zelda breath of the wild and I'm not gonna be doing it alone yes this time around I'm gonna be joined by the disembodied voice of the wonderful Eric's from Eric's gaming say hello Eric's oh okay cool all right yes hey guys how's it going it's good to be here there are so many weapons in breadth of the world then it can be hard to pinpoint what are the good weapons and what are the pretty pownce weapons and so we thought we'd make this little list view but before hand a few rules and a bit of a warning warning first we are going to be talking spoilers in this game not story based spoilers but there will be spoilers gameplay wise so do please be aware of that and if you don't want any spoilers then please stop the video now don't just complain in the comments after you watch it because I've given you a massive warning so you've been warned also we do want to say that we are discounting the master sword in the Hylian Shield because they are so obvious and overpowered that we thought you know let's just nak is not bothered because what's the point it's so obvious so we're doing more weird stuff that's always good but anyway enough faffing around let's get right into things next up currently ah yes I love the coral reef I mean it's it's fencing combat isn't it well it depends on how you look at it it's pants if you use it in combat however however right if you look at it the other way around say if you go over to your good old friend Ibaka Berlin and you shook him and make him drop his weapon and you then conveniently place a coracle leaf and he picks it up yes it's pants in combat but that's not no problem because he can't do much damage with it so in actual fact it's really really good that is a really good idea I'm not considered that actually it's all and also you can like you can use it to like blow bombs over to people as well can you from a distance precisely yeah and especially considering you know I know that you are a huge fan of tying October lose to things so you put another blog that I don't air balloon on it Coralie fit all the way over and you just sit back while it explodes at the enemy base camp flight it is just a brilliant weapon it's a bit annoying when it kind of takes up your inventory' space and you need that better weapons bar very useful it's more of a useful weapon than a good weapon but definitely something that I always try and have with me and that's why it's only in number 10 exactly [Music] guardians shield plus plus now if you need a shield this is one of the ones to go for it is so shiny hello I love the lights I do love the Guardian shields more than anything I mean it's got really good defense but you know it can still break more than anything it just it just looks pretty and I like the fact that it's not on your back and so you you sort of feel like you're phasing out the enemy it's like haven't got a shield up and got a chinois did you expect but surfing on your shield which is like my favorite thing in this entire giving with a guardian shield it's based like you're surfing on blue light it is it's it's wonderful it's like pimp my shield exactly it's just if there's something and also I think the fact that they're so rare do you mean you can get the standard Guardian shields but they're much smaller and the Guardian shield plus plus is that much bigger it's gigantic and I don't know quite how the head boxes work but I'd like to think maybe it gives you more defence I don't know whether it does you know it just gives you more coverage and that just makes me a very happy man well it definitely does have more defense than the other Guardian shields it does these numbers yeah yeah doubtless and that's why it deserves a place on this list exactly moving on to the ancient blade saw now this is just super awesome because who doesn't want to wield a chainsaw indeed indeed I mean it takes me back to the the geekier days of my life if you can believe that there are geekier days than when I was playing things like Warhammer 40000 they had the chain sword and think it's it's basically that in many ways in my opinion yeah there's this there's a chainsaw a weapon in most hunters role or the chainsaw as well but yeah exactly it's like that but also you know being a tool and a weapon it's good for you know it's got great damage output it's good for obviously dealing with Guardians up enemies anyway plus it's probably more special because of course you have to Croft this one from the car workshop so it needs a little bit more efforts but definitely uh definitely really good weapon to have it's just you know good damage good utility and just looks really cool and again it kind of falls into what we said before about the Guardian shield goes in your back and it kind of hides half of it so again you kind of like looking like you look like you have too much on your back yeah if you want to go for a more sort of traditional Zelda look you can get that without going for the Master Sword bird as we've said previously we're not including the Master Sword because that's cheating it's too damn obvious what's better than a small boomerang I don't know what is better than a small boomerang why if you've been paying attention to the video it's the giant boom thing I love this thing so so much I mean not only for the fact that it's a giant boomerang but also it's a two-handed weapon a bit like the was it the ancient blade saw and so you've got you can do that swinging around thing which is all the most wonderful thing with two-handed weapons but also you can throw it like a boomerang and I just love the idea that this giant metal you know that thing has got away how many kilos or pounds if you're in America too many in my opinion and then you can just throw it as a boomerang and it comes back to you and if you're quick enough on the a button you can just pick it out of the air and links like it's no bother doesn't even drain my stamina bar and that's something very reassuring about that and okay it doesn't do a lot of damage but it's a ranged weapon yeah I mean the thing is also though yeah we ranged weapons like that are really really useful anyway for you know going into enemy base camps I mean you know if you don't want to kind of take stealthy approach you can still pick people off especially if you like the the ones you normally pick off right or the weak ones the weak ones that sound the horn so you can still use a boomerang to kind of dispatch them although you do still want to be careful because I have seen a boomerang being thrown and the enemy catching it Oh God really I've not seen that at all yeah yeah I haven't seen it with the giant boomerang but I threw a list through a Liz elf or spume rang and the Liz airforce caught it that is genuinely quite scary is - do they have a weapon in their hand already no nothing in their hand okay cool there's the tip for the day don't throw boomerangs for enemies that aren't holding a weapon cuz they might crap out the air that's genuinely terrifying it is it is but it's not as terrifying as our next weapon is it no next weapon is the Thunder spear now this will you just wait for them ah this weapon is probably what our favorites you do like you do like your Spears don't you I do yeah you know what like I think again yeah the only way I discover these weapons like I never would have even considered spears if it wasn't for the weapon degradation system but the fact that I would like at times during the game I was forced to use them they're now probably one of my favorite weapons you know they've got great reach so you know for anyway any kind of enemies that have slightly longer reach anyway it's good to deal with if you use the charge attack it's actually really good in fact I typically use Spears a lot if I'm fighting Lionel but thunder space specifically it's actually more durable than most on the Spears in fact that goes for all the elemental ones the fire in the ice ones as well is it really yes it is it is yes you've got one of the highest high spared your abilities so just on this and that's just naturally without the durability bonus so that's useful however on top of that and I mean this doesn't actually this isn't actually kind of like exclusive to the Thunder spear this has also Thunder great sword and sword but if ever you play through the game and you're kind of doing shrines and you go gates you know if ever you've kind of done of those minor major or moderate test of strength and you have to fight the Guardians sometimes they're quite tricky but with the Thunder spear every single hit there's the Thunder shock it just it just shuts down the day of the Guardian so just can't move you just sit there and you poke it with the spear it's like and then you just kind of wait for the spear to recharge and you just poke poke em again and cuz they're durable you'll probably find that you don't have to use any other weapon during that fight so really really useful and yeah just an all-round good weapon you heard it here first guys thunder spear is opie exactly the blizzard rod right now we've already talked about thunder and I know that you're a big fan of thunder but me personally I'm more of a fan of ice and I think it comes down to the fact that when you freeze someone with the blizzard rod or even just the ice rod or even just an ice arrow or anything like that it freezes them in place and I found that as long as they're not in Garuda there's or death mountain or something they don't move they don't break free and I think that's wonderful and the blizzard rod it's just like it it's just the best ice rod you know you just from a distance you try not to actually hit the enemy because its durability is really poor and if you actually use it as a melee weapon it's even worse I don't really found with rods yeah they're pretty they're pretty awful as many weapons but you keep a little bit of distance and you just freezes them solid and you can go and kill some other enemies or if there's that's the only enemy you just shoot a fire hour them and they're dead or if you combine our number 10 weapon and you use a coracle if you can blow the enemy once they're frozen canyon and then if you yep and if you blow them off a cliff they will then fall down and shatter there are so many things I still don't know about this game and I think that's what's wonderful about it it is it is it is exactly this is you always discovering new things but no I definitely agree blizzard rod is a cool weapon oh he went there I did indeed moving on to the savage Lionel Bowe specifically specific amounts yes specifically speaking about the five shot variant this is a rare candy this is a shiny Charizard version right but they do exist there are there obviously I'm sure a lot of you guys have encountered triple shot post really good anyway because for any like multi shot bow is still only consumes one arrow but you basically get one for the price of three or five but five three for the price of one that is exactly what I meant yes yes three for the price of one but there are actually five shot bows and the savage battle bow is one of the kind of strongest bows anyway and it's just like it's nice you know it's incredibly powerful bow it's got good durability so you know it will last you quite a while they're relatively easy to come by because you know there's a lot of savage liner was especially if you start marking on your map you kind of know when to revisit them but if you're fighting big monsters later on especially say Mon Duga then you pull out your bull arrow you have five palmero's for the price of one and it's just you know you're doing sane damage to the monsters you know you stun people a lot easy to stun look vinyl as well with bows and a five-shot bow is even better than that so yeah savage Landor bow five shot is borderline o P it's it's a no-brainer isn't it I mean if you can find a five shot then that is fantastic but to be honest even just the standard one is well worth getting your hands on if you can best align all which is not as straightforward as you know you might in you know initially think I mean I found you know the first Lionel I took on was in zora's domain and oh lordy I was not prepared for that that was an amazing battle that was that was you know that was one of the few line of I fought when I was like not supposed to fight it was so early and like defeating it then feels so much more satisfying the defeating one now yes but you might have better luck if you defeated using our next weapon or menning and you may not [Music] the sheikah bomb now this is a bit of a cheeky one because it's actually a rune but I just love the fire I think it's really underrated as a weapon from what I've seen of people talking about online and just generally well talking about the game in general no one seems to be using the sheikah bomb and it's like what are you even thinking I mean it's it's infinite obviously it will never break because it's not you know really a weapon in the traditional sense you can use it to you know enemies gets thrown off you can get them to throw them off a cliff essentially and also it's multifunction you can use it to cut down trees and a lot of people seem to be ignoring that and using weapons and obviously they're breaking overtime I mean you can use the master sword and that doesn't break but then it's got to recharge with the bomb you just throw it it just blows up knocks a load of trees down then you throw another one they blow up you've got a low wood straight forward it is yeah is it really a weapon in fact I discovered two very cool things about the bottom as well right one I didn't realize it until I had to use it to solve a puzzle I never realized that it sees the spherical bomb as a separate item to the square bomb so you can actually put down two bombs at once you can indeed I'm not sure whether I knew I had a shrine where I'm not sure I needed it to do to complete the shrine but I did still put two bombs down to send this big block shooting upwards and I ask you Lord did I shoot upwards when I put two bombs it's a slightly like I mean that was really cool but also another one of the dangerous things to watch out for so like I had a friend who was running who liked to show me a videotape he was running forward and he dropped a bomb in front of goblins and then like he ran away from it and blew up the second time he drops it they got wise to it and they like kick the bomb back at him did they really so like they learn like literally if you if you if you run forward and you just drop the bomb the first time they will be susceptible to anything but the second time you try and do the same thing no black no no no I know get you that is incredible we need to talk more about this game just you know not even when we're actually doing a professional video with professional people on the professional Internet exactly professional professional just like our next weapon [Music] this is a beast of a weapon no pun intended because it does come from a beast but it's these savage Lionel of Russia this is obviously the Lionel's have different weapons they either have sword and shield Spears or the crusher the savage Lana crusher is also one of the highest damage weapons in game it's surrounded typically around 78 damaged and it's also got pretty good durability but being one of those big heavy 200 weapons of course you know you have the your charge attack is the spin attack and you combine that like my typical combo for effectively one-shotting I hear knocks or a high knocks how do you pronounce that I pronounce it he knocks but I'm not from difference either way when it whatever yeah if I were to watchtower he knocks I go walk up behind it when every sleeping I spin it around their savage land on crusher having three bars of stamina means I can spin for quite some time and then you let go and in the slam triggers or BOCES fury and you can typically one shot I hit ox before it even stands up so this is an incredible weapon but I only ever use it for that specific reason because obviously I don't want to use it for general combat have it get broken what a shame you can use on Eventide island ah what a say yeah gold bars are good that's it that's a good shrine but we've got one last weapon to looking haven't we and it's number one what could it be what could it be I hope it's uh I hope is the coracle Eve plus plus [Music] okay now I know what you're thinking you're thinking will this pose a big crap it's not very powerful and you can find them all over the place the only advantage is that it zooms in and there is another bow that does Lance the sheikah bow what's it called mate remind me the ferric moat the ferric bow can do it as well but the thing is is that when was the last time you saw a ferric bow was golden bows you can just find the blowing around everywhere and they zoom in they are a sniper bow if you like they don't do a lot of damage but if you're doing you know if you want to attack from a distance or you want to just you know just shoot something from a distance if you're doing one of the coreg seed things you can't get a better bow than this it does the distance it goes the distance it is the golden bow and it is the golden child and the fact that you can just find them lying around everywhere means that you never have to be without one exactly yeah I mean this is death this is incredible you know I didn't even realize this before speaking to you about this today like I was carrying one of these bows and I didn't even realize that when I was firing with it it actually zooms in I mean eyes I mean you say it's a genuine game-changing because there are some useful times where you know you can you can make other bows go further if you kind of arc the shots but yeah this is genuinely very very useful for picking things off at range or again there are some shrines where you have to shoot things like over a ravine to destroy like walls and stuff and like you know it's there's nothing better than using one of these because you just have extra range yeah and I also think that maybe even shoots arrows faster I can't say that for sure it might just be something do to do to the perspective of being zoomed in and stuff like that but I found that going against a guardian if they're a distance away and they like to be just shoot them in the eye there's nothing better than a golden bow and if you can find a golden bow with multiple shots you are you are sitting very pretty indeed and I think there's something sort of because again it's such a common item that is just so useful and offers such a great advantage over most other bows you know that makes it deserve the number one place in my opinion and I hope you agree I would say yeah I would say so it's always so difficult when there's so many weapons to try sort of like narrow them all down and everyone have a different opinion on different kind of things on what is important but I would definitely say this is at least one of the number one item musicians different you always carry is gonna have like maximum utility and also going back to what you're saying about the foster shot it's probably because this type of boat can roll with a speed shop bonus so that's probably where you where that kind of comes from that is entirely possible and there you have it the top 10 weapons that you can use in the legend deserve a breath of the wild not including the Hylian Shield that's the sort but that is not all we've got another video going out and exactly the same time as this one over on Eric seas channel where we look at some of the most important general items in the game for general gameplay not just weapons so make sure you check that out how can they check that out our eggs-it is linked down below and I can also be on my channel forward slash Eric's G yes indeedy-do or you can also click that card up there which will take you directly to that video and good lordy is it a good one you could also find Eric's his channel by clicking the link in the description and if you like this video then why didn't you leave a comment it was nice wasn't it if it was horrible I apologize thank you so much for watching and once again thank you to our guests for coming along they even have me it's been awesome some good weapons some good choices if you like this video then why don't you find out what weapons are best against that subscribe button and be sure to check out intercom for all sorts of lovely Nintendo related content thank you again for watching bye bye [Music]
Channel: Nintendo Life
Views: 4,662,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NX, botw weapons guide, Switch, Wii U, best weapon breath of the wild, alex arekkz, News, top ten breath of the wild, New 3DS, 3DS, Nintendo UK, Alex, Nintendo, Nintendo Life, top ten weapons zelda, botw weapons, zelda best weapons, Nintendo Switch, best weapons botw
Id: zNSxCWjxjX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 47sec (1127 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 23 2017
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