Top 10 Best Linux Terminal Apps of 2021

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hey guys ksk ryle here in this video i'm going to show you the top 10 best linux terminal applications of 2021. now these terminal applications are my all-time favorite which must have installed on any linux distro now all these tools may help to improve the workflow on linux operating system and make your task easier than ever before so watch this video until the end without missing anything and experience the power of linux command line applications and utilities let's get started now starting with the number one in our list tmux now tmux is a terminal multiplexer it enables to create a mini terminals are accessed and controlled from a single screen the tmx may be detached from a screen and continue running in the background then later you can reattach for example you can create a session that runs a bunch of commands at the same time side by side now i use a tmux to run these commands all on one screen like compiling the source code and monitoring the system sources downloading a file or even affecting the network speed all can be done right from the single screen so to enter into tmox you can simply type a tmx then press ctrl b then pressing a percent key and splits the screen horizontally with a brand new workspace the same way you can press control plus b then pressing a double code splits the screen vertically you can press a control plus b then pressing the arrow keys to switch between these workspaces now to exit from the workspace you can simply type exit and that's it now to exit from the session or detach from a session you can press control plus b and letter d now overall i would say tmux is a must-have tool to be installed if you are a powerful linux user and want to do a multiple things at the same time on a single screen the next up we're having a b python the b python is the next level python repel tool that provides an intelligent suggestions within the terminal application while typing now just like an ide the auto suggestions will be shown in regards to what you type b python doesn't aim to be a complete ide the focus is on implementing a few ideas in practical useful and lightweight manner now let's see b python in action no just like python just type a b python to launch the rebel environment now then inside let's import something now as you can see it provides an order suggestions to choose from now keep in mind it doesn't let you select with a mouse but still you can autofill the suggestions by pressing the tab key now i would say b python is more flexible than the vanilla version of the python interpreter and helps in writing the code more easily now next up we're having a seamus no siemus is a terminal based music player based on n curses now you might be wondering why would i need this well if you're using a cli based linux then this tool is extremely useful to play a music now take an example of raspberry pi now i use a siemens on my raspberry pi which serves as a nas server for my home and guess what it allows to play music right from the raspberry pi which has connected to speakers it is very easy to use just like a normal audio player you can play pause stop and even adjust the volume of an audio file now siemens is my all time a powerful favorite a terminal based music player to play a music on a cli based linux distro next up we're having a simple http now simple http is a tool that quickly helps to share a folder or files in a local network that can be accessed from the browser now let me show you how it works for example i want to transfer a files from linux to android or iphone via browser i can simply type simple http with the option and the folder you want to share then find the ip address of this computer with ifconfig now that's it now this folder can be accessed to devices in a local network or http with a default port 8080 now as you can see on my iphone i can simply download these files very easily now overall i would say simple http quickly it serves a local directory or http next up we're having a neo fetch now neofetch is a command line system information tool that displays information about the operating system software and hardware in a static and a visually pleasing way the information by default is displayed alongside your operating system's logo you can further configure a new fetch to instead use an image or an ascii custom file or your wallpaper or nothing at all next we're having a coin top the coin top is a fast and a lightweight interactive terminal based ui application for tracking and monitoring a cryptocurrency coin status in real time it shows the price statistics of every cryptocurrency out there now the interface is inspired by h-stop and the shortcut keys are inspired by vim now next up we're having end load now end load is a command line tool to keep an eye on a network traffic and a bandwidth usage in real time it helps you monitor incoming and outgoing traffic using a graph and provides an additional information such as the total amount of transfer data and network usage the by top is the ultimate and an incredible command line tool for linux and unix-like operating systems it is the most powerful linux and mac os command tool that shows the running processes system usage cpu status memory information and network speeds in real time now by top is a modern robust system monitoring utility that is much better than bashtop and gives a visual representation of the system statistics with customizability so if you're a linux user then definitely how to set up a tool on your computer so next up we're having aria 2. now aria 2 is my all-time favorite download manager that supports a multiple downloads at the same time you can also pause and resume the file without re-downloading now this tool supports downloading files or http and different protocols like ftp smb and more also you can use a torrent magnetic link to download the file hassle free overall i would say aria 2 is a linux based download manager which works the same way as the internet download manager for windows next up speed test cli now speed test cli quickly lets you check the speed of your internet connection this is a one handy command line tool that every linux user must have to find the speed of their internet connection you can simply type speed test and pressing the return key will execute the command and start finding the speed of the internet connection now as a bonus part of the video we're having a map sky now map sky is an ascii based world map we can use our pointer to drag and zoom in or zoom out a location anywhere on the world map now map sky is an example of a sky art software it is a graphic design technique that relies primarily on computers for presentation and consists of pictures put together from characters defined by the ascai now overall i would say it's a fun to look through the world map using a terminal and that's pretty much it these are the top 10 best linux terminal applications of 2021 that you must try so let me know which one is your favorite in the comments section down below now if in case you like this video show the support and help me in reaching 100k subscribers and thanks for watching this video it's been ksk ryle i will see you in my next one you
Channel: Ksk Royal
Views: 11,866
Rating: 4.9101124 out of 5
Keywords: Technology, terminal apps, best linux terminal apps, tmux app download, fun terminal apps, linux terminal tools, best linux terminal applications, best, linux, linux terminal commands, best linux tools, best linux tricks, best linux terminal commands, cool linux terminal apps, best linux utilities, best linux tools 2021, linux terminal apps, best linux apps, best linux command line apps, best linux cli apps, best linux console apps
Id: ajigN4nJ8eI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 23sec (683 seconds)
Published: Sat May 08 2021
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