7 AWESOME Linux Terminal Applications and Utilities

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hello everybody this is teca and in this video what we're going to be doing is looking at seven awesome linux terminal based applications and utilities that i use on a daily basis now while we're going through these seven please put some of your favorites down below especially if i did not mention it in this video now a lot of newer linux users are kind of afraid of getting into the terminal and they don't really see a need for it and i would just encourage you to go ahead open it up start playing around with it and some of these applications may be a good starting point for you to do that all right so now we are in our terminal i will note that i'm just going to be quickly overviewing these uh utilities or applications this isn't going to be a full-fledged tutorial but down in the description below there'll be a link to all the github pages where you can go ahead and learn quite a bit about all these and the first one we're actually going to be starting with is ranger now this is a really good terminal based uh kind of file management system file explorer and you can go through and go through all your directories open files do just about everything you'd normally do with a file manager there's also add-ons that add like for example drag and drop functionality to the terminal to ranger specifically but the controls are really easy right now i'm using the up and down arrows just to go through you can see there's two columns i'm on the middle column right now the column right there that's changing is the actual uh kind of directory preview and if i go back you can see now i have control over the two users if i go forward i am now in here folders are blue well at least in my terminal the folders are blue files are green and let's say for example let's go into my documents and then you can see here if i hover over an actual file it will it won't show the preview window because you'll be opening a file you can hit over and it will open up the file that's just the basic functionality this like i said has everything a regular file manager can do but within the terminal so it's something that's really really nice especially if you get a hang of it there's a bunch of different shortcut keys to do different things skip to the bottom uh go back up to the top i don't know all them yet i'm still kind of learning it it'd be really cool if i was able to switch over to this full time and just use terminal applications like this but that was a quick overview of ranger next one is a little bit more simple we all know the remove command if you use the remove command it will completely delete your files off your system no questions asked but so there's not really very much trash bin functionality within the the terminal by default so that is where the trash command comes in this is a it's called trash cli essentially it just adds a lot of functionality to kind of interact with your trash bin if i go trash dash list old obs videos that i've recorded so you can interact with that the one command you could do a trash dash restore if you want to undo something you can remove individual files from your trash bin you can use the trash dash put command to move things to your trash bin or my personal favorite the trash slash empty and then let's run the trash list again and you can see nothing shows up and that is trash cli next up we have kind of a two in one this is both p fetch and neo fetch the reason why these are together is they basically do the same thing they're created by the same developer but uh p fetch was written in p.o posix i believe and neofetch was written in bash so if i go ahead and type in pfetch you can see it's very very simple it has a uh the manjaro logo and a little bit of specs or a little bit of information about my system all this on both p-fetch and neo-fetch which is much more familiar much more popular all of this is customizable but these are two really nice kind of system utility viewing applications that i would recommend you go ahead and check out chances are you are more aware of neofetch than p p fetch because we all know neo fetch is meant to neo flex on others to show off your system specs and whatnot all right so next up we're going to be looking at probably one of my favorites and that is h-top h-top is a beautiful terminal system monitor you could see here i have all my threads for my cpu i can monitor them i'm running about maybe 30 percent on average that's because i'm running obs studio using about eight gigabytes of 32 gigs of ram you can see my up time my load average a lot of different things are here down here are well is a list of all your processes you can a search filter see a tree of all of it an example that i can give you is if i go down and find the kate so this is kate right here uh i have kate running in the background you can kill processes through this too so if i go back up to it and i hit f9 and enter i've killed the process so you could kill processes through here uh there's a lot of different things you could do if i go ahead and press f2 this will take you to a bunch of settings so you can actually customize all the different meters and everything up there you have it various display options so it'll actually show up you can mess around with the colors that has kind of a color scheming and theming and then you can go ahead and customize the columns add remove and change things so there's a lot you could do with it you can customize it almost exactly how you want it and it's actually live that's one of the differences between neofetch and pfetch and this is that just gives you a quick snapshot of what was going on right once you hit this the command and this is updating live all the time we'll go ahead and hit f10 saying we're done and then f10 to close that out now we're going to do is take a look at a disk usage analyzer and this is n n c d you you hit enter it's going to scan your entire system and give you some analysis of what directories and where the most storage is being taken up so you can see i can scroll down uh for example let's go into my documents you can see that i'm using 61 gigabytes from that directory uh there are options to change the order and all that if i go ahead and hit the question mark it will gives me all the different keys and all that so i can move the cursors up and down sort by name size items m time delete selected file directory so you could actually delete directories through this hit q to close so for example if i want to know why my system is or what's taking up the most space on my system i can see it's in documents the gnome speed test folder and the solace of video are taking up a lot of room so these are really long 1080p videos so they're going to take up some room so if i want to clear some space on my computer i now know clearing those out of my documents folder would be my best bet and that is one of the reasons why i like the ncdu disk analyzer so last but not least we're going to be looking at a little utility called speed read and this is actually a utility that helps you quickly read through things i created a little text document that we could test this out with and then we're going to go speed read rope dot txt and if i start that you can see it starts at 150 words per minute and you can see it that's pretty quick but it is going at a speed that you can read it very comfortably and it kind of centers the word based on what's easier to read i'm a college student so i do use this a lot by copying and pasting uh pages from my textbook and putting it in here because i'm not sure if it's ocd or whatever but i i'm the type of person that when i read i have to like use an index card and go down line by line or else my brain will jump all over the page but there's some functionality here too so if i hit the brackets you can see i'm actually speeding up the words per minute so that's how you make it go faster and you can slow it down this way if i go ahead and stop the process real quick i'm going to go ctrl z and then i'm going to go back here and you can actually set a custom words per minute so if you just do dash w you can set however many words per minute you want so for example if i want to start out at 350 hit that it reads it so now you can see that it is at 350 words a minute and then i can use those brackets to go ahead and speed it up slow it down there is a little glitch it's kind of hard to pause if you actually do pause it with the space button it does this it does pause it technically but hit it again and it keeps going again and now this would normally be the end of the video but what i'm going to do is show you an exclusive patreon only video i did create a patreon to kind of help support this content so if you're interested in that please go support me there'll be a link down below one of the benefits to it will be little follow-up videos like what you're about to see so go ahead and check that link out down below hello patreon this is a follow-up to video i'm going to upload pretty soon in regards to some terminal based utilities and applications now go over a list of seven applications that i like that are terminal based but in this little bonus i'm going to show you some that are just pretty cool and the first one you might be there's going to be three of these now the first one you might be familiar with it is simply hollywood if you type in hollywood it does kind of the um it looks like you're doing a lot basically if i zoom out here you can see it a little better it just runs a bunch of script with a bunch of different things going on there's a world map it makes it look like you're a hacker it's pretty cool i use this in the background of my videos a lot of times if i'm facing away from my computer screen and i have the screen in the background sometimes i'll full screen a terminal and throw up hollywood it's just really cool effect another one of these uh tools that kind of does the same thing it's called no more secrets um it it adds an effect from an old movie it's called sneakers speaking of one of the commands you could use is sneakers so sneakers enter and you can see it's just kind of an encrypted looking uh text blob but if you do the uh nms command it will show you some stuff there too let's open a new tab here another thing is called c matrix if you go ahead and install this and type this in the terminal it will do the classic text falling down matrix effect then you could go ahead and full screen that do whatever you want to do and it it just looks cool so that was those little bonuses i will be doing more content like this just as a quick shout out some other things you might want to look at is a application called boxes lol cat is a good one and that's really it for now we'll leave it at that um i hope you guys have a good one once again thank you so much for supporting me um yeah see you later so i hope you enjoyed that little sneak peek if you're interested in the patreon again the link is down below as well as a link to my library account if you're interested in subscribing there i hope you have a wonderful day if you did like this video give it a like if you hated it give it a dislike comment your favorite linux terminal applications below again have a beautiful day and goodbye
Channel: TechHut
Views: 209,960
Rating: 4.9329028 out of 5
Keywords: linux, linux tutorial, desktop enviorment, programing, terminal, hacking, bash script, file manager, neofetch
Id: ZNNqkeeOdrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2020
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