TOP 10: Awful Trash Yugioh Cards

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not all yu-gi-oh cards are equal let's be honest here there are over 10 000 yu-gi-oh cards nowadays and oral averages states that some of them are gonna be pretty trash however knowing this got me thinking that obviously they're gonna be some cards that just aren't very good because there are cards that are better than them they do a better job than them so essentially they've been replaced they're not really bad cards they're just inferior cards what i want to talk about today are the cards that are the lowest of the low the absolute utter trash the literal embodiment of you know you're cleaning your bin out and like you tips upside down to get all the crap out of it and like some slime comes out it goes up your hand you're like oh what the hell is that that is what these yu-gi-oh cards would be talking about today are they are bin slime they're bin juice these are the bin juice yu-gi-oh cards yeah so i'd like to invite you all to my top 10 hot garbage trash tear awful yu-gi-oh cards that have ever been made zone eater and swordsman from a distant land two cards together already i know you're all thinking what's he playing at cheating already well funnily enough despite these two monsters looking nothing alike they might as well have actually been the same terrible monster you see both have the exact same attack points the defense is pretty close close enough and both are level 1 monsters which just based on those stats is pretty trash however is with their effects that we see both are equally awful you see zonita's effect is a monster attacked by this card will be destroyed during the end phase of the fifth turn after the attack while swordsman's effect is if this card attacked an opponent's monster after damage calculation destroy that monster during the fifth end phase after the attack wait wait a minute they both just said the same thing but different corporate needs you to find the differences between this picture and this picture they're the same picture now i want you to imagine an effect that to trigger requires you to slam a 250 attack point monster into something that potentially and most likely is going to have 3 000 attack points already gonna take some hefty litecoin damage and let's be real your monster is probably gonna be dead the question is what do i get out of this well after five turns after you slammed your monster into your opponent's monster and you took damage and hopefully you've defended yourself and the fact that that monster hopefully doesn't go anywhere you can destroy that monster this is essentially a bad investment that is not going to bring you anything good logically what's going to happen is that monster is going to be tributed it's going to be fused it's going to be synchro'd it's going to be exceeded it's going to be linked something's going to happen to it and not only that but on average yu-gi-oh dual only lasts 15 turns max maybe this effect essentially requires a third of a duel to destroy one card and that's me being generous sometimes duels don't even go three turns so you could say you could squeeze two whole duels in the time it takes for this monster to destroy one card just play anything else please snowman either just don't play these cards they're awful first second third sarcophagus and spirits of the pharaoh this set of cards right here is what i believe is the embodiment of a big buildup for a very lackluster result and if you don't want to take my word for it these cards actually appeared in the anime and let's take a look at what jaden and the gang thought of them to tell you the truth you haven't even been doing that great i was hoping for i don't know some super sweet monsters or wicked rare cards but so far i've been kind of underwhelmed yeah his cards are hardly better than a starter deck for a legend this guy is a bit of a letdown so the way these sarcophagus suck off a guy whatever so the way that these work is you have to draw the first sarcophagus first then after has been placed space down you activate it drink each of your opponent's end phases you can play the second sark and then the third sark then when all three are on the field you can summon the ultimate egyptian monster spirit of the pharaoh my goodness i hear you cry at all that build up it must be a powerful monster well let's take a look at it shall we it has 2500 attack which well not bad is honestly nothing special but prevents effects oh well when it is summoned you see you can special summon four very specifically level two or lower zombie type normal monsters from your graveyard to the field and that's it oh it's a bit trash isn't it now i know some of you might be thinking well nowadays that's not actually too bad of an effect especially something four more months to the field you have a whole field full of link materials pretty good and what i'd say to that is right okay let's just see the setup that you need to get all this out okay to achieve this you will need to get the trap card in the hand first and keep in mind that all the other cards are bricks because they can't be played so playing one of each makes sense but if any of them get banished or go to the grave then you're screwed next step is to cross your fingers and hope nothing happens to your sarcophaguses drink each of the turns you're forced to wait through and remember to leave space in your spell and trap zones so don't play too much back row to keep yourself alive during these turns oh and also on top of all that at some point i hope you've also sent four level two or lower zombie type normal monsters into the grave what you haven't oh well what's the point to get this monster out then oh you know what i've just realized what making this video there's only eight level two or lower normal zombie type monsters in the entire game and they're all awful the point i'm really trying to make is just play scapeghost instead that's it fusionist let's go nice and simple for this one a fusion monster a fusion monster is the result of two weak monsters getting smushed together with polymerization to create something superior and better something that is better than the sum of its two parts this can be quite a process as you need to get the specific monsters required for the fusion into your hand and at the same time get and use a polymerization card that allows you to merge them together taken to the extreme you can get a monster like red eyes dark dragoon a combination of red eyes and dark magician that is a thing of nightmares with its crushing effects and decent stats now then if that's like the top tier if we go all the way down here what can we find down here why on the other end of the spectrum you get a monster like fusionist a fusion monster that has a whopping 900 attack and 700 defense and no effect why would you make this monster you might be asking you wouldn't to top it off the irony is its materials are almost as strong as it's merged for as petite angel only has 300 less attack and in fact it actually has more defense the same for mystical sheep too it has only 100 less attack and has an even better defense value than it too [Music] how does a sheep and an angel make a cat in the first place don't make no snence konami why have you done this perfectly ultimate great muff here we go this is an iconic one and for a good reason too weevil underwood used a monster called perfectly ultimate great muff on paper for early yu-gi-oh this thing was technically a beast blue eyes white dragon was considered one of the most powerful yu-gi-oh cards in the game with its 3 000 attack and then this thing waltzes up with 3500 attack that's a bigger number however when you realize the hoops you have to jump through to get this thing out let's see if those extra 500 attack points are really worth it first up its effect cannabinol summoned or set must first be special summoned from your hand by tributing one petite muff on your sixth turn or later after it was equipped with cocoon of evolution so you're telling me first of all i need to get out a petite moth a normal monster with like 300 attack and 200 defense i've got to have that on the field and then i'm going to hope to draw a cocoon of evolution to equip it to that monster which will fair enough increases defense to 2000 but the monster is not going to be in defense because it's going to have to be face up attack to equip it on unless i've kept it there from previous turns but how has it survived previous terms of 2300 attack so i'll put it in face down defense if it's attacking based on defense it's not gonna be able to tank an attack so probably it's dead [Music] [Applause] and then after all that you're telling me i have to keep this thing alive for six turns which we've already established is like the equivalent of three whole duels in modern day and then after all all of that you're telling me my perfectly ultimate great moth there's nothing else it's just a big monster so if it's destroyed by any literally if i summon that monster i attack and i get mirror force it's dead oh and i forgot it also has to be in the hand to be summoned so it doesn't get something from the deck or anything like that you have to summon it from the hand yeah nah i'm all right an unfortunate report listen to this effect and tell me how in any way it benefits me your opponent conducts their next battle phase twice what why would i want my opponent to attack me twice where is the logic what is the point all right i'm being too critical in this card let's make an effort let's think of a way that this could be useful to us maybe i have a reflect bounder or some monster on my side of the field that if it's attacked it does good things for me however no way that won't work since the card doesn't force my opponent to attack so they could just say you know i enter my battle phase i end my battle phase i enter my battle phase number two i end my battle phase hmm this is a tough one to make good abba hang on a minute what about if i have a card that when they enter the battle phase something real nasty will happen oh no wait that won't work either since they don't have to enter their battle phase they could just wait to deal with my card that's gonna ruin their day and then jump into the battle phase and then have two battle phases to absolutely ruin me i'm stumped on this one i don't know the good angle do you let me know in the comments cold feet once upon a time there was a card called cold wave it had the effect until your next turn you and your opponent cannot play or set any spell or trap cards many people use this card as essentially if you had a winning play if you activated this card there was nothing your opponent could do about it guaranteeing you the win as a result this card was banned and has been so ever since now fast forward in time many moons and in its place we got a new card a card called cold feet its effect is you cannot activate set or use the effects of any spell or trap cards this turn you didn't hear that wrong you can't use any of those things me the person that used it i activate this card i can't use anything why would i do that why bizarrely as well this card is a quick play spell so if you really want your opponent to think you know you have brain damage you can activate it during their turn so you can't even defend yourself nice card shuffle pay 300 life points to use this card's effect shuffle either your or your opponent's deck you can only use this effect during your own turn once per turn i mean look i'll level with you if your opponent has a deck that's focused around like putting certain cards at the top or bottom of his deck and he relies on that this card's gonna count to that you can shuffle it all up and he's not gonna be able to do anything about it but let's be serious that's never gonna happen cards nowadays they just get added straight to the hand or they just come straight to the field there's no middleman anymore so like there's no point of shuffling your opponent's deck and the fact that you have to shuffle it during your turn like how's that going to benefit you at all however saying all that if you're at a tournament and you're playing against someone that you suspect is cheating you don't have enough evidence to prove that they're like stacking their deck as they do or they have like a special way of shuffling their cars they got like their best cards on top you don't have to call them out you don't have to look silly in front of anyone you could just put this card in your side deck side it in in the second game and then just activate it willy-nilly and shuffle your opponent's deck and he's gonna be distraught it's brilliant it's actually a great car that's like a top tier play right there except it's not because this card costs you 300 life points however in the official yu-gi-oh tournament rules if your opponent ever shuffles their deck you are allowed to cut their deck for free as a gameplay mechanic so you're paying 300 life points to play a card for something that you can do for free as a gameplay mechanic that's not stunks that's silly red eyes black metal dragon let's be fair joey wheeler summoning red eyes black metal dragon is pretty cool it's got a cool name it's got a cool artwork it was kind of cool i'll give it that but let's be real beyond the superfluous aesthetics of the card why on earth would you summon this thing this this thing is used it's awful it's awful the only way you can get this card out is by having a red-eyes black dragon on the field whom is equipped with metal morph fair play this guy gets summoned from the deck but to get it out those two cards have to go to the grave first and let's look at exactly what you're replacing red eyes black dragon has a base attack of 2400 when equipped with metal morph it goes up by an extra 300. so now it has a base attack of 2700 but that's not all when red eyes attacks with metal morph it gains attack equal to half the attack of the attack target during damage calculation black metal dragon does none of the it gets none of these abilities like why wouldn't they give it the metal morph ability so it's like built into it they didn't get that when you summon black metal dragon all you're getting is a hundred attack point more monster that does nothing else and also keep in mind that if you were to draw black metal dragon before you summon it if it's in your hand it's useless you can't summon it you can't normal summon it you can't tribute summon it you can't special summon it you have to get it back in the deck for it to even be able to be summoned so it really is trash you would have to play a card some sort of like terribly designed card that allowed you to put cards in your hand back into your deck oh wait that's the next one pot of generosity part of greed is the most powerful card in all of yu-gi-oh it is so powerful in fact that if it wasn't banned right now every single deck ever would just put it in their deck that's why it's banned because everyone would play it if we held a magic mirror up that showed the absolute polar opposite to something and you held up to pot of greed you would actually get part of generosity but what makes pot of generosity so bad well you see in this japanese it's called humility which means someone who has a low view of their own importance and i can safely say generosity you really are not important at all its effect is you return two cards from your hand to your deck then shuffle your deck this is what we like to call in the yukio business as a negative free something you don't ever want to say in yugioh since cards in hands wins duels why would you want to put them back well you wouldn't the only time this card would ever come in slight handy is if you have a card that wants to be back in the deck but is that really worth playing part of generosity for maybe you just shouldn't be playing that card so if i'm playing a red eyes black metal dragon maybe i just shouldn't dark artist and for the number one trash tier yu-gi-oh card which i'd just like to point out if you actually go to the yu-gi-oh wikia page this is what they write about it this is the first line this card is one of the few if not the only one in all of yugioh whose effect provides no benefit to the user neither intrinsically nor fruitful for the use of another card effect oh no it's terrible well how about we see what it does first its effect is if this card is being attacked by a light monster its defense is halved during damage calculation only now bonus trash points for actually having confusing wording as well who's having their defense reduced is it my monster or is it my opponent's monsters being attacked unclear but guess what it doesn't really matter because it will never matter why doesn't it matter because if a monster attacks with very specifically keep in mind a light monster as it's plowing through the whopping 1400 defense of dark artists or god forbid if you've left this monster in attack with 600 the only thing that will happen is my monster's defensible half why do you see the stupidity yet his monster's attacking me why do i care if my defense is getting carved i mean it's gonna be destroyed either way like he knows he's already gonna beat it if he's attacking into it so he just confirms that he's gonna kill it what is the point of this card why was it made why did they design it who thought this was a good idea to let through into the open world it has no purpose it serves no function why do they make this i'm sorry it's just embarrassing you're embarrassing why do you exist get out of here you've ruined this list you're the very essence of bin juice hot garbage uh i'm done that's you know what that's it that's the end that's the end oh but before we go i'll leave a huge shout out to the people to make these videos possible first of all my platinum backers that give a little bit extra nemo chan 77 and daniel toms as well to my youtube and gold backers michael buklowski stefan poll silver defender danny bound ignastra seal yu-gi-oh everything goosey q yokaido kenya queen elizabeth denise leggin you know you do jeremy pontia ian smith kobe salvanayanga and jeremy benj as well to everybody else thank you very much for supporting this channel see you all next time
Channel: TGS Anime
Views: 552,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yugioh, reviews, yu, gi, oh, duel, online, dueling, Cards, Deck, Opening, update, tips, network, rulings, rules, vs, HD, Saitama, Yugi, Muto, Yusei, Fudo, Jaden, Yuki, Judai, Yuma, Tsukumo, Yuya, Sakaki, Yuri, selena, yuzu, yuto, yugo, dark, magician, blue, eyes, seto, kaiba, abridged, top 10, top 10 yugioh, pot of generosity, bad yugioh cards, worst yugioh cards, best yugioh cards, seto kaiba vs Yugi, tgs anime, tgs archetype
Id: 1xx57zWhG3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 23sec (1163 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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