Cards From The Anime - The Unknown Side of YGO

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Yu-Gi-Oh is a game that's been around for more than a decade or two and has over 10 000 cards some of them really good some of them are but there have been tons of really unique cards have been released throughout the years and in today's video we're going to go over some of these in between and lesser known cards that are found in the depths of Yu-Gi-Oh starting off the video is symbol of friendship this is a spell card that is essentially a really complicated search card that embodies the heart of the cards aspect from the original Yu-Gi-Oh anime the reason why it's so complicated is its effect which requires you to draw the card during your draw phase while your opponent controls three or more monsters and you control no cards and then you reveal symbol friendships until your main phase one then you can activate it from your hand to add any one card from your deck to your hand an effect that's better pulled off in Yu-Gi-Oh duel links with the skill Destiny draw fans of old school Yu-Gi-Oh should recognize symbol of friendship because the artwork is basically ripped from the anime slash manga the card is based on the Friendship symbol of Yugi with his friends Drew before his duel against Kaiba while he had the three blue ice white dragons on the field which is why it requires Three Monsters to proc as well and then through the power of friendship and believe in the heart of the car cards and some plot armor he drew Exodia to win the duel anime cards in general don't have the best rap in the TCG in the anime the plot relevant cards are typically really strong extra effects like with wall shadow and Labyrinth wall which are less than decent monsters but in the anime it had extra effects that didn't really make sense but were really strong and when they came out to TCG they were not anything close to special just 3K walls like even wall shadow which was supposed to be the offensive counterpart to Labyrinth wall has 1600 attack points which doesn't quite make sense for level 7 monster whose gimmick is the offensive counterpart but most anime cards follow this trend when they're adapted to TCG where the crazy effects are just not there or in some cases the effects are there but it's either way too strong or just too complicated to see play and the perfect example to Showcase this is symbol of friendship being too bad and number s0 utopic zaxel being too good utopia's Axel to be brief is an anime card that features the anime character who plays the Utopia archetype on its artwork and is on the ban list for being way too good for its own sake because with its relatively easy summary requirements you can detach a material to have a one-sided lingering Floodgate for a turn meaning your opponent can't activate cards and effects can be activated that turn so it basically stops your opponent from playing the game for a whole turn now there are a couple of issues with symbol of friendship despite the fact that being able to search any card from your deck is a great effect the fact that you have to first draw the card into draw phase makes it essentially a dead draw if you draw it outside of the draw phase then your opponent needs to control at least three monsters while you control no cards meaning you can't have any face Downs or anything granted it does let you search any card from your deck which is a very premium effect that any deck would love to have but in most cases where the time would come where you would draw a symbol randomly you probably wouldn't have a field State set up in order to allow to even resolve its effect next up we have van dalgan the dark dragonlord this is a level 8 dark dragon type monster with 2800 attack and has the effect that if you negate the activation of opponent's spell trap or Monster effect with a counter trap card except during the damage step you can special summon this card from your hand and then activate an effect depending what type of card was negated if it was a spell you inflict 1500 damage to your opponent trap cards lets you destroy a card in the field and if it was a monster you get to special summon one monster from your graveyard and dalgeon was originally a promo card for the Yu-Gi-Oh art manga back in 2005 for Japan and 2009 for the rest of the world and for its time it seemed like a pretty cool boss monster with a very intimidating artwork and a name that translated to funeral March of the dark dragonlord or Hades funeral which really adds to the dark lord theme daogeon also suffers a bit from the same Nerf that similar friendship did in that originally dagyan was a car that originated from the manga in anime and when it got a TCG version the effect was changed although it definitely wasn't as drastic as symbol of friendship in the manga the effect rather than being triggered by specifically a counter trap was just any trap card that negates the effect of a card so not the biggest change but a change nonetheless as any of a car does van dalgan is especially with its really specific effect with counter traps only it actually saw competitive play specifically within an archetype that was basically built for him the counter fairies this was an archetype that like the name implies was based around fairy monsters that had effects based on counter trap cards that were interestingly enough based on the Greek gods with different monsters being based on the Greek Roman gods like Hermes Perseus and Zeus what makes this connection so interesting is with the counter fairies boss monster voltanus the educator see both cards have not only a similar design but both have the same attack points and have effects based around the same Niche mechanic of counter traps so it can be said that dalgeon is almost the dark brother of voltanus now I didn't say evil counterpart because there is actually a dark volcanus card that exists which has a similar countertrap effect another interesting design fact is that van dalgan has a rival card of sorts which is Tualatin a level 8 fairy monster which has the same stat line as dalion and it has a similar effect as spells of itself when a specific condition is met in the case of Tualatin it's if your opponent destroys two of your monsters during the battle phase although the Rivalry is entirely based on the manga that van dalgan came out of and Yu-Gi-Oh are in which Yugi's special summoned dalgan to destroy Tualatin so definitely a really Niche card but interesting card with a bunch of different relationships to other cards in the game and Van daugen's effect is not bad by any means the main issue is that trap cards in general don't see much use outside of a couple of cards like evident impermanence and dimensional barrier and counter fairy decks are not really in the competitive space anymore next up is Doom donut this is a level 1 dark fiend monster with zero attack and defense that has the full effect to destroy all face up monsters in the field with an original attack or defense of zero Doom don't is on this list because of its unique but weird effect there's a pretty small group of car that fit into the categories of monsters with original zero attack or defense but those monsters when used were typically game closers monsters like this summoned to the field and then gain a bunch of attack points to their effects but this doesn't just include monsters with zero attack because the effect also works on Monsters with the infamous question mark as their attack point value like Appaloosa the goddess or eat her a million so Doom Donuts is actually pretty effective against this small subset of monsters which is cool and all but the cards themselves at Doom Donuts is effective against don't see a lot of play outside of a couple of Niche cards and the ones that do can stop the effect like Appaloosa on top of that flip effects in general have fallen quite out of favor due to how slow they are in nature not only burning up your normal summon for a car that just sits there for a turn you then wait a full turn without your opponent destroying it or setting up a massive feel to then activate the effect flip effects are unfortunately just too slow for the modern game and need some support to speed them up in one way or another like for example with Subterra Guru which is a flip effect monster that has the effect that lets it search and reset itself and has support cards that enable the flip effects even further in Old Yu-Gi-Oh when the game was played at a much slower Pace flip effect monsters were great and saw a lot of play because they had the best effects in the game at the time but again as the game got insanely fast and better effects were printed on non-flip Monsters there just isn't a place for flip cards with no support next up we have trial of hail or trial of nightmare this is a simple level 4 dark fiend with 1300 attack in 900 defense it is a normal monster of the flavor attacks that reads this fiend passes judgment on enemies that are locked in confidence so what makes trial of hell so interesting is that it was one of the early cards that got censored in North American release the original name of the card was trial of hell but then it got changed to trial of nightmare later on a lot of cards get changed when they make the translation to worldwide release there are mainly four categories of artwork changes that include religious symbols like Exodia violent slash Gore like trial of hell as well guns or weapons like Barrel dragon or sexual content like Amazon as Queen by far the biggest category is the religious symbols with the best examples being Exodia with the background of the card being change of a pentagram to a spellbinding circle or the majority of cards with Dark Ruler Hades who got his demonic horns changed to blue orbs in the case of trial of hell not only did the name get changed to trial of nightmare but the artwork got changed too so there wasn't blood coming out of the coffin so comparing trial of Hell to archfiend Soldier which has the same attribute and type but has 1900 attack and 1500 defense which is the standard for good vanilla level 4 monsters you'll find that you can buy one for less than a dollar but if you compare that to trial of Hell you'll see that you can buy at least 20 archiven soldiers for the same price this is because with the first North American release of the card the name didn't get changed but the artwork did so the English version of trial of nightmare with the old name is an extremely rare card with a PSA graded version of the card the price can reach almost 200 which is pretty crazy to say the least next up in this video we have the gate Guardian this was the first level 11 monster that was released and is a level 11 dark warrior monster that has pretty high stance of 37.50 and 3400 defense and can only be summoned by attributing one Sangha of the Thunder causation and sewage in on your side of the field gate guarding falls under the same category of a symbol of friendship that we just talked about and that gate Guardian originally came from the anime with a super strong effect then when it came to the TCG the card was notoriously bad and that's how a lot of players know gay Guardian has one of the worst cards out there despite it being the non-extra deck warrior monster with the highest attack in the game and the only monster in the game with a 3750 attack point value an interesting thing about get guardian's massive attack points is that it's equal to half the combined original Attack Of The Three Monsters that make up the kid Guardian Sangha has 2600 attack kazai Jin has 2400 sui Jin it has 2500 totaling at 7 500 attack points so dividing that by two is how you come with a pretty unique number of 37.50 for its pretty high stat line the summary requirements really put a dent in the use of get Guardian see as the effect reads the only way to get gate guard down the field is to attribute three specific monsters and the issue is that these three monsters are each a pain to bring out each are Level 7 monsters that require two tributes each to bring out so if you were to bring out gay Guardian you'd be losing 9 monsters all said and done because each of the three parts of bring out okay Guardian requires two tributes onto themselves and then the monster itself being tributed assuming you bring them all out the slow way and even when you do bring out gay Guardian it doesn't really do anything with such a strong summary requirement cake Guardian has no effect that has any impact other than making 70-day pain it definitely is one of the worst cards out there unlike the three parts of git Guardian with each of them having the effect that when the monster is targeted for an attack as a quick effect you can make the attacking monsters attack become zero and this effect was actually kind of decent and let the pieces see some competitive play dual links during its early years but gay guardian's anime counterpart is the exact opposite that being it's stupidly strong each of the different parts that makeup gate Guardian had multiple different effects all three parts could be set like artifact cards and would spuddle some of themselves when the other two parts get Guardian are on the field then when it was on the field you could just negate an attack that targets the card and it wasn't a one-time only effect then gate Guardian had the same summoning requirements requiring all three tributes of Sangha kazaj and Tsui Jin and then get Guardian has three attacks during each battle phase you can get the attack of one monster with less attack than it and on top of that it had the unique effect that if it was destroyed you can instead treat get Guardian as two of the above cards with their respective attack and defense so the anime effect was certainly unique and could pretty easily make it to Modern Yu-Gi-Oh because it's not broken by any means given how much it takes to bring gate Guardian out but as for right now it's quite the different story next in the last card on our list that follows the theme of adapted anime cards is Jack's Knight this is a level 5 light word or Monster with 1900 attack and 1000 defense points with the flavor text that reads a strong Master swordsman his loyalty is to Justice his duty to protect the weak there isn't anything too special at first glance with the below average stats for a level 5 monster and no effect so why is Jack Knight in the video well there's some pretty cool lore to the card as well as the archetype it's part of see Jack's Knight is part of the Three Musketeers of face archetype and used to be one of the smallest archetypes of the game with only three core monsters and four boss monsters but now now there have been a good couple of support guards that have come out during the recent years to expand their archetype cards like the monster Joker's night that can foolish and bury one of the Musketeers copy its name and recycle Itself by shuffling another Light Warrior into the deck and Joker straight which is a spell card that for the cost of discarding one card you can special somebody Queen's knight from your deck and either Jax or King's knights from your deck to your hand and then immediately normal summon one additional time and also has a similar recycling effect to Joker's Knight by shuffling a light warrior monster from a graveyard to your deck to add Joker straight back to your hand the main group are all Light Warrior monsters that are based on traditional playing card faces cards of jacks queens and kings so Jax Knights is based off of the Jack's cards Queen's Knights is based off of the Queen's cards and King's Knight is also based on the king's cards and the boss monsters are simply just evolutions of the knights as they combine with a joker card or a combination of the three with a royal straight slasher that is based off of a royal straight Flash in poker which is a group of cards in poker that contained 5 cards a sequential rank all of the same Suite like a 10 Jack queen king and Ace of Hearts what's interesting about the Musketeers of face is that the king's Knight and queen's Knights are both level 4 and King's Knight is the only monster to have an effect of the three which is to special summon Jack knight from the deck when you normal summon King's Knight while controlling a queen's Knight but if kings are a higher suit than Jax why is Jack's night higher level and have higher stats well in a lot of different card games like Bella and clabberjazz actually value the Jack higher than other cards like the king or queen and so Jax Knight took some inspiration from that with a pretty cool inspiration who else would use the Musketeers of the face in the anime well of course it would be none other than the main character yugiomoto although his deck in the anime was pretty diverse with dark magicians and Exodia in the battle City Arc Yugi debuts the musketches of the face and his deck to replace the hole that Exodia left and Yugi has used the Musketeers to face a lot throughout the anime and were pretty reliable cards but what's interesting is that although Yugi use the Musketeers to face cards Jack's Knight alongside the other Musketeers didn't get a TCG release until the GX era in Elemental energy Jack's Knight also saw some competitive play in Monarch decks despite its subpar stats although it wasn't the most impactful card as it was a garnet for most decks with brilliant Fusion engine while also being a way to play around rivalry of Warlords which was a Floodgate that only allowed you to control one type of monster so at the time there was the brilliant Fusion engine that almost all decks were using because brilliant Fusion for little cost got you a ton of Advantage really infusion lets you summon out gemite monster using materials from your deck typically the mods you'd bring out is Gem Knight Seraph night because the effect allows you to have an additional normal summon and Seraph night has a pretty cheap summoning cost that being you need a gem Knight monster and a light attribute monster and that's where Jack snites comes in basically it was just fodder for brilliant Fusion but also could be used to Pivot due to arrival of the warlord's effects so with Jack's Knight which was a light Warrior and the main boss Monsters the deck being fairy and zombie types Jax Knight was a decent Bridge because one of the main cards that you attribute was idea the Heavenly Squire and rivalry's effect only works with face-up monsters so with Jack's night set you can somewhat bypass rivalry in order to go into your other Monarch Cards but this was back in 2016 and now that the brilliant engine is not what it used to be Jack's Knight hasn't seen much play alright and that's the video if there's any other cards you can think of that would be perfect for this series please leave them down in the comments below [Music]
Channel: TheDuelLogs
Views: 197,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yugioh, ygo, dev, pro, link, duels, auto-matic duels, online, current, ban, list, dueling, network, theduellogs, the, duel, logs, loggs, Yu, Gi, Oh!, YGOpro, gimmick, links, top ten, edopro, 2021
Id: u7tnmGbIxdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 19 2022
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