Top 10 Animated Villains Excluding Disney and Pixar

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they're as dastardly as they are digital hello pretty bird okay - gotcha throat welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 animated villains in film for this list we're focusing on film villains that are completely animated and excluding those from Disney and Pixar flicks because we've got other lists for that we're also excluding anti-heroes and comic book villains let's try and clear this up okay pumpkin what hurts more number 10 Tai Lung the Kung Fu Panda franchise the real Dragon Warrior is coming home it was quite the battle choosing between this badass Snow Leopard and the villainously charismatic Lord Shen from the sequel your parting gift in that it will pop you part of you here part of you there and part of you in the end we went with Tai Lung because he's the villain that motivates PO to transform from overweight Panda to dragon warrior a kung fu prodigy in his own right Tai Lung betrayed his master and home when he was denied the title of Dragon Warrior this is one kitty you do not want to cuddle number nine Darla dimple cats don't dance why on earth would we put a cute little girl on this list well she's actually so bratty we'd go so far as to call her the anti Shirley Temple this spoiled child actress will do anything to keep herself in the spotlight ranging from getting her freakishly imposing bodyguard to knock you about to flooding an entire studio geez and we thought Justin Bieber was bad number eight general mandible ants there comes a time in the evolution of a perfect colony when the strong are meant to rise above the weak now is that time this vicious military commander believes that only the strongest should thrive and the week should be purged from the colony and what mandible means by the weak are all the worker ants and even the royalty that's just what we need to start our new colony rinse away all the filth from our gutters not above sending hundreds of soldier ants to their deaths to root out those loyal to the Queen this insect will sacrifice anything and anyone to achieve his goals that's for Zee killing but you said he didn't matter it's for the good of the colony number seven Mewtwo Pokemon the first movie this was the legendary creature that all Pokemon fanatics wanted little did we know he'd make an equally awesome villain yes the world's greatest pokemon master is also the most powerful Pokemon on earth this is the ruler of new Island and soon the whole world knew - after discovering he's actually a genetically engineered duplicate of amou and then treated as a slave by Team Rocket Mewtwo makes plans to destroy all humans and clone all Pokemon the world will heed my warning the reign of Mewtwo will soon begin he may be arrogant and narcissistic but we can't help but be entertained by watching him toss ash around like a rag doll do not attempt to defy me number six Rasputin anesthesia consumed by his hatred for Nicholas and his family Rasputin sold his soul for the power to destroy them this fantastical reimagining of an historical figure may come without a soul but he does come with unholy dark powers and the voice of Christopher Lloyd instead and what more could you ask for in a villain seeking revenge for his exile Rasputin curses the family of bizarre by the unholy powers vested in me but his evil plans are eventually thwarted by Anastasia and her high heels still he gives us one hell of a great villain song the talk of the night I was tossing and turning and the nightmare I had was as bad as can be number five militia Tweety chicken run this is one farmer's wife you don't want to piss off tired of making minuscule profits working on a chicken farm mrs. Tweedy decides to step into the market business and turn all of the chickens into pies it's a time machine you idiot chickens go in pies come out it's much more harrowing than it sounds especially when you see the Machine she uses to turn them from poultry to pie driven by greed she'll fight tooth and nail to earn her fortune even if it lands her in hot water well gravy in the end number four Texas ferngully the last rainforest nature's dark side is unleashed in the form of this smoggy entity voiced by a deliciously evil Tim Curry Texas is a demonic being sealed in an enchanted tree for thousands of years after breaking free with the help of some greedy Lumberjacks he plots terrible revenge on the fairies who can find him with my sweet rented guy since he's able to change his appearance and is a master manipulator hexxus gets major props for having a scary as hell final form yeah we're pretty sure quite a few kids were mentally scarred from this number three Galvatron and Unicron transformers the movie one is the revamped form of Megatron while the other is the planet-sized transformer that reformats the Decepticon leader together Galvatron and Unicron wreak havoc on the universe which includes the killing of fan favorite characters and the destruction of a few planets along the way considering this is the movie where Optimus Prime dies in the first act these two are all the more terrifying did we mention orson welles voices the colossal bringer of chaos stroking them apart and destroy the matrix number two the other mother Coraline I didn't know I had another mother of course you do everyone does if hexxus gave kids nightmares then this is the villain that freaked the hell out of adults Cora lines animation style and dark atmosphere already put us on edge and then along comes this monstrosity one choose you may come out when you've learned to be a loving daughter a devourer of children's souls the other mother dwells in an alternate world where she gives her victims whatever they desire before sewing buttons on their eyes and leaving them as nothing more than ghosts sinister in every sense she'll truly turn your dreams into living nightmares darling why would you run away from me where are my parents before we reveal our top pick here are a few honorable mentions I know I'm not a pretty birdie but I used to be quite a looker mister put her down or what little man you're gonna kill me that's just about the size of it right Sheriff make your move I do not know this God neither will I let your people go ramasees please you must miss I will not be the weak link that's the name war appear at what can I do you for kid number one Lord Farquaad Shrek mirror mirror on the wall is this not the most perfect kingdom of them all well technically you're not a king solonius you were saying well the fairy godmother of shrek two could have fit the profile it's this narrow-minded villain that tops our list go on he may be an anti Prince Charming with a big ego and a small package but he's also hella entertaining man who lives on Drury Lane Farquaad will do whatever it takes to be king just as long as he doesn't have to do any of the work he also keeps us laughing all the way until the film's most satisfying end do you agree with our list who is your favorite animated villain not in the Disney or Pixar roster for more of your favorite top ten videos published daily be sure to subscribe to
Views: 4,334,591
Rating: 4.7856584 out of 5
Keywords: villain, animated, cartoon, cgi, bad guy, evil, lord farquaad, shrek, coraline, ferngully, the last rainforest, galvatron, unicron, transformers, chicken run, rasputin, anastasia, mewtwo, pokemon, anime, antz, darla dimple, kung fu panda, wmsuggest
Id: eVm6ziFL_eg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 12 2014
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