Top 10 Stupidly Overpowered Disney Characters

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they got the power welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the top ten stupidly overpowered Disney characters can you stand on your head before we begin we publish new content every day so be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos for this list we're looking at uber powerful figures from Disney's theatrically released animated movies with no restraint on heroes or villains all are welcome in this free for all of magic and sorcery and while Disney has an extensive TV universe as well we're gonna save that for a list of its own sorry bill cipher fans you're gonna have to sit this one out I could really use a castle of some kind number 10 dr. Vasily a The Princess and the Frog I got friends on the other side when Disney released the princess in the frog in 2009 they pulled out the big guns in creating the evil voodoo witch doctor Vasily a gentleman a salty tip of the hat from dr. Vasily a commonly known as the shadow man dr. facili is charismatic presence in the city of New Orleans brings about his reputation as a man not to be trifled with which is a pretty fair assumption to make as he has the ability to transform people into reptiles as well as cast evil spells with a little help from his friends on the other side however it's dr. facility's belief that money and not magic is the root of all power that makes him one dastardly purveyor of the dark arts now you will spend the rest of your life being a sly little number 9 Merlin the sword Emma Stone but my magic is you was paid live for educational purposes it can never hurt to have an all-powerful wizard on your side such as the case for young King Arthur when Merlin takes up the responsibility of being his tutor while Merlin may have immense clairvoyance and foresight in helping Arthur become the once and future king he sure does make up for it with his clumsy behavior and general absent mindedness despite these challenges Rowling is indeed a powerful being able to metamorphose into just about any creature and bend the rules of time in order to go on vacations to Bermuda hundreds of years before the territory's discovery just don't ask him what he thinks about the place when he gets back one big modern mess Alakazam number 8 Ursula The Little Mermaid favorite among many Disney fans the devilishly charming Ursula sachets her way into presenting herself as the devil in disguise while her magical abilities extend to transforming the poor unfortunate souls who seek her guidance into shriveled up polyps she gradually works her way up the ranks to rule the oceans themselves but on the whole [Music] along with an excellent musical sales fish Ursula's true power lies in her smooth talking which gives her an advantage over pretty much anyone she wants to use her for her own means now do we have number seven Maui Moana Maui shapeshifter demigod of the wind and sea I am on a row of men this wisecracking demigod of Polynesian folk legend is not one to be messed with armed with super-strength a magical fishing hook that grants him the power of shape-shifting and a perfect understanding of sealing Maui proves to be a strong-minded if not passive-aggressive partner to help my wanna return the heart of TAFE Fiji back to its rightful owner got you'll shape-shift or something you see my hook no magic pump no magic powers as perfect as Maui may seem his back story involving a fall from grace and they need to redeem himself give him an incredible sense our in overcoming his shortcomings although sometimes he takes a little extra convincing from a sentient tattoos or the odd blow dart to the butt really blow dart and my butt cheek number six the Blue Fairy Pinocchio prove yourself brave truthful and unselfish and someday you will be a real boy although she features very briefly in the classic early Disney film Pinocchio the Blue Fairy is one of the first magical beings to ever enter the Disney verse sweet in her demeanor and genuinely helpful the Blue Fairy dazzles her subjects with powers and enchantment and magic chief among them the ability to regulate life and death and always let your conscience be your guide among her biggest accomplishments it's the transforming an inanimate puppet into a walking talking being with compassion being her strongest suit the Blue Fairy goes the extra mile in granting actual life turning him into the real boy he strives to be and someday you will be a real boy [Music] number 5 Maleficent Sleeping Beauty Wow this is a pleasant surprise in contrast to the Blue Fairy Sleeping Beauty's Maleficent proves to be one of the darkest Disney which is to ever grace the screen an incarnation of pure evil the jealous and dangerously powerful Maleficent can harness the abilities of teleportation and hypnosis the latter of which she uses to her advantage in crusing and nearly killing the Princess Aurora punish the spindle Duchess I say her powers are given full steam at the end of the classic Disney film as she takes the form of a fire-breathing dragon to clash with Prince Phillip with an iconic appearance Maleficent has since become one of the most recognizable Disney villains even earning herself a live-action spin-off movie starring Angelina Jolie number four Elsa frozen [Music] while having phenomenal powers can be a huge asset not being able to control those powers and makes things a little more difficult such is the life of Elsa outcast queen of arendelle traumatized as a child after her ability to harness the cold and ice injures her younger sister Anna also story is one of caution in opposition to most magically endowed characters in Disney's history thank you I never knew it I was capable of however all her suppressed power sends the kingdom into a perpetual winter state leaving Elsa to live in isolation on the brighter side Elsa also has the power to create life as seen in her creation of the sentient snowman Olaf no I'm not leaving without you Elsa yes you are [Music] number three Hades Hercules what are those I thought they looked kind of dashing not only is he one of the more hilarious Disney villains the fast-talking and sarcastic Hades is also quite the nefarious thorn in Zeus side he uses his underworld powers for usurping the throne of Olympus in order to rule the cosmos on top of being an immortal Devi Hades can control fire and smoke as well as teleport to anywhere he pleases Hades is also another one of those silver tongued malefactors who can use the power of words to get what they want hear that sound it's the sound of your freedom fluttering the window forever interestingly enough Hades proves to be the ultimate match for his older brother Zeus who he manages to overpower until his also powerful nephew Hercules comes to save the day number two turn a bhag Fantasia you can't go wrong with the devil himself closing the instrumental feature film Fantasia in the Night on Bald Mountain segment Chernabog is seen conjuring up evil spirits and the undead from the ground on one dark night tossing his victims into hellish flames with an iconic evil grin on his face Turner bog is representative of a real Slavic deity which Walt Disney referred to as Satan himself sure enough this evil being of nearly limitless power can only be brought down by the morning sunrise also featured in this film is the mystical sorcerer against it who in a fitting meditract Fantasia's creator serves as an anagram for the name Disney [Music] number one genie Aladdin 10,000 years will give you such a crick in the neck he says it best we could never have a better friend than the lovable genie chief among Disney's super-powered beings genies way over-the-top antics and ability to make nearly everybody laugh except maybe Jafar made him an instantly iconic presence in the Disney canon topped up with phenomenal cosmic powers that Genie has the ability to grant his master three wishes making for nearly endless possibilities he also has a knack for making whimsical anachronisms centuries ahead of his time such as turning poor Abu into a car referencing the Ed Sullivan Show and showcasing electrical lights all about a thousand years before they even existed making genie the most oddly powerful being in the Disney verse high your direct from the lamp ray true for your Hermits wish fulfillment thank you do you agree with our picks check out these other great clips from WatchMojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos
Views: 918,077
Rating: 4.759635 out of 5
Keywords: disney, disney characters, best disney characters, best disney villains, most powerful disney characters, maui, the rock, dwayne johnson, elsa, frozen, adele dazeem, genie, the genie, aladdin, robin williams, Film, top 10, watchmojo, watch mojo, list
Id: NIdKQw3WrtA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 11 2018
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