Toon Shader | Blender Tutorial

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hello everyone today I'm going to show you how to create an advanced tune Shader that reacts to lights so without further Ado let's just jump right into it the first step that we have to do in almost every scene of all is to delete this Cube over here now the next step is to press shift a and add a new Cube I'm just going to drag this up a little bit and also I'm going to add a new plane so that we can see the Shadows when we create the Shader now this is very important you have to go into render properties and go down to color management and change the real transform from filmic to standard why do we need to do this because filming will actually change the color of your scene which will create some problem where choosing our color so the next step is to go on top over here drag your mouse over here until it turns into two arrows do a right click and do a vertical [Music] split now I'm going to convert one of them to the Shader editor I'm going to select the cube and create a new Shader now that we have done that we have this basic Shader over here so the principal bsdf is for realistic stuff but we do not want realistic stuff so what I'm going to do is to delete this node and next I'm going to add a node called the diffuse bsdf this diffuse bsdf is actually the foundation of almost all shaders it just provide this simple Shadow on top of your object so when you are creating a tun Shader the trick is to think of this mix not as layers inside Photoshop so a is the layer below and B is the layer on top if we look at the result I can adjust the opacity of the layer below this is how the mix node work so come back to our diffuse bsdf we need to convert the Shader data to RGB so I'm going to add a Shader to RGB node plug the green into the green and plug the yellow into the factor and congratulations you have created a tune Shader but this doesn't look great does it so we need to improve this more more by doing some magic stuff all right so let's do this so the first note that I'm going to add is the separate color so with this separate color please change the mode to HSV now connect the color into the color and I'm going to add another note called the map range plug the value into the value now if you look at the result it should show exactly the same thing but now if you adjust the from Max input you can see that the shadow moves so this is one of the functionality that we want to give our of T Shader Also let's go to the world material and make sure that the color is set to Black so that the background color does not affect our tun Shader I'm just going to make some Advanced background real quick so this is kind of a more advanced background so if I just use the original background node when I change the color of the background node you see that it affects our tun shade but with this new setup I can change the color of the world to anything I want and you can see that our shadow of our tun Shader is not affected now let's go back to object and let's continue our tune Shader now add a math node and let's set this to ceiling and plug this in and let's see the result and as you can see we have a s shaded tun Shader now and if you adjust the Fring input of the map range node you can see that we can move the shadow like this like I told you this is very easy this is almost too easy now let's go down here I'm going to duplicate this separate color node and let's plug the output of the Shader to RGB into the color of the separate node now I'm going to add another node called the combined color node be sure to set the mode also to HSV and plug the Hue into the Hue saturation to the saturation and set the value to one now let's see if the result it all should look white but if you select the point light in your scene and if you change the color as you can see the color of the point light is being picked up by our Shader next what I'm going to do is that I'm going to add a mix node make sure that this is set to float and plug the output of the ceiling node into the B input of the mix node now plug the output of the map range node into the a input of the mix node now let's see the result of this one as you can see now we have a slider here that we can adjust if you put this on zero you can see the shadow is Smo but if you put this on one you'll see our shadow is still shaded now let's add some color control to our tune Shader next I'm going to press shift a to add a mixed color note make sure the mode is set to color and plug the result into the factor now let's see the result so what we can do now is that we can select our base color and our shadow [Music] color the next step is that I'm going to duplicate this mix color and place it over here now pluck the color output of the combined color into the B now we can change how much the color of the light is affecting our base color so let's plug this into the B input of our mix color and then let's see the result again so right now my tun Shader it's being fully affected by the color of the point light now if I change the color of the point light to something else you can see our base color changed accordingly but I don't want it to replace my base color I want it to mix with my base color so I turn down this Factor over here to maybe. five so right now the a input of this mist color is going to be the color of the base of our tun Shader of course you can do a lot of complex stuff instead of this m color so you can have an even more advanced color mixing let's make this into a node group so select everything except for the material output and press contrl G to make this into a group and you can press tab to get in and out of the group and let's name this group tune Shader and as you can see now our group does not have any input so let's get back into the group by pressing tab so we have this group input over here but nothing is connected to this so let's connect some inputs I want to be able to control the smoothness of my tune Shader so I'm going to connect this mix factor into the group input next I want to be able to control the position of my shadow so I'm going to connect from Min and from Max into the group input and of course I want to be able to control the base color and the shadow color so I'm going to connect the a input of this MX color and also the a input of this MX color into the group input also and next I want to plug this factor of this mixed color into the group input so that I can control the blending of the lights you can press n to see the side panel and I'm going to rename this [Music] accordingly and I prefer this base color to be on top and also the shadow color oh almost forget let's connect the norm of our diffused vdf into the group input also so right now if you press tab to get out of this node group you have this beautiful node group that you can use in any scene you want you can adjust the base color and also the shadow color you can adjust if you want it to be cell shaded or not and you can adjust the shadow position too you can also blend the light color of the environment and you have this normal input that you can plug the normal texture into this tune Shader and voila that's it this is our tun Shader and next I'm going to use this in a real scene so that I can demonstrate how to use this so I'm going to press save and I'm going to open a scene and now look at this I have this scene over here as you can see this box does not have a material yet it looks sad so I'm going to give it some mercy so let's go to file and append I'm going to navigate to my tun Shader file click on it and click on node three and you can see our tune Shader over here now select that and click append now let's edit the material of this Cube I want to select the cube and make a material over at the Shader editor and search for tune Shader now I'm going to plug the result into the surface and voila look at [Music] that I'm going to adjust the base color of my [Music] Cube and with the power of go engine I can also add an outline to this [Music] Cube I'm going to mix it with a mixed color and yeah look at that almost too easy so that concludes my tutorial until the next video stay positive and have a great day thank you so much for watching [Music] bye-bye
Channel: Tawan Sunflower
Views: 100,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime shader blender, blender, blender 2d shader, blender anime, blender anime shader, blender cartoon shader, blender cel shading, blender cell shading, blender shader, blender shading, blender stylized shader, blender toon, blender toon shader, blender toon shading, cartoon shader blender, cel shading blender, cell shading blender, goo engine, toon shader, toon shader blender, toon shading blender
Id: VE-B4yu4ysk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 46sec (586 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2023
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