TOON SHADING IN BLENDER (EEVEE) || Using IMAGE TEXTURES in Toon shading || Realistic Outlines

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hey guys this is hat from Zero Effect and in this video we will see how to create a tune shed inside blender along with that we will see how to properly use image textures for tone shading and also how to create this uneven outline for a more handr look okay we iner now this is just a simple blender SC we have an apple over here we have a camera pointing right at the Apple and we have a simple Point light lighting the scene okay let's switch to the camera view coming to the material uh first make sure that you're in the viewport rendering mode and also make sure that the render engine is set to a so the material over here is just a simple diffuse bsdf with an image texture Plugged In which is this image over here so let's convert this into your tune material first unlink the texture shift a and add a shatter to RGB node shatter to RGB node doesn't work with cyes render so make sure you are in EV render otherwise this won't work what shed to RGB node will do is it will convert the Shad into RGB color values and output step why do we want that because we want to control the color values using a color ramp node so add a color ramp node and change the interpolation from linear to constant linear interpolation means uh if there is a white value and there is a black value so so everything in between will be filled with gray values so that there will be a gradual uh change from white to black Conant interpolation means there won't be any values in between so suddenly the white value will become a black value so this will help to give that flat 2D look which we can see on 2D animations okay now let's shift the white point to control the white value uh something like that also let's change the black value to a gray value these are all just personal preferences okay that's looking good now let's add the image texture hit shift a and add a mix RGB node plug the color ramp into the color two and the image texture into the color one change the blending mode to multiply and increase the factor to one let's plag this into the output to see the result okay this just looks weird I don't know why most of the tutorials actually leave it at this point I mean we have a photo realistic test with a 2d shading this just this just doesn't look convincing at all at least to me so let's convert the texture into your tune texture which is very easy by the way add a color ramp Noe to the image texture and change the interpolation to constant just like before and adjust the white point to something like that okay now let's give some color to the white and black values so the white color over here is this yellow color over here so let's pick that color we can increase the value to make it bright and the black is nothing but the red color so let's select this red color maybe we can make it slightly darker and we can make some adjustments until it looks good to you so this is before and this is after see lots of difference there okay now time to give some outline to our tun art first go to the material properties and add a new material let's rename this to line art in the material window delete the principal bsdf and add an emission shter change the color to Black now to add the outline select the object and go to the modifier stamp and add a solidify modifier go to the normal section and flip the normals and to assign this lineup material to this solid fed object under the material section change the offset to one now everything's black in order to fix this or to see our Apple go to the material properties and in the lineup material enable back face coling to make only the back faces visible and to fix this shading artifact set the shadow mode To None there you go now we have an outline inside the solid Fame modifier I usually set the offset to zero we can also increase the thickness of the outline now the thickness is very uniform over here which is not what happens when things are actually hand on so we need to give some variation to the thickness to do that luckily inside the solid fa modifier we have this vertex groups option so what this will act us do is the thickness will change based on the weight of the vertex for example if a particular vertex weight is one the thickness will be the value specified over here if the Vex weight is zero the thickness will be zero to understand this a little bit better let's switch to the weight point mode now everything is blue which means all vertices have a weight of zero right now so to give some weights go to the object data properties panel add a Vex group and rename this to line art vertices the name can be anything now go to the edit mode select all the vertices and assign a weight of one there you go everything's R now indicating that all vertices have a weight of one at the moment now let's give some random weight to each vtex to do that go to the modifier properties and add a Vex weight edit modifier make sure you place it above the solid F modifier otherwise this won't work this is very important now inside this modifier select the lineer veres as the Vex group here under the influence properties we have an option to use an imix texture to control the Vex fights so go to the texture properties panel and create a new texture let's name this noise and from the roll out select a distorted noise texture go back to the modifier and make sure that the noise texture is selected here now we don't see anything happening over here open the fall off properties and hit this button to invert the fall off there you go I really don't know why it's working but it's working now we can go back to the texture properties and change the size of the noise to control the weights something like that looks good to me now go back to the modifiers and now for the final part go into the solidy modifier and select the line out vertices as the Vex group now observe closely over here let me delete the Vex group to show you this when we select the Vex group here in here it's becoming thin okay now let's switch to the object mode to see the final result there you go we have an uneven outline and the factor over here will control this effect which is pretty handy we can also go to the texture properties and decrease the noise size to increase unevenness it's up to you it's all personal preference and finally let me show you something real quick uh I forgot before do the image t we can actually add more colors if you want like I'm adding an orange color as an in between color over here so depending on your texture sometimes you might need more colors and you can absolutely do that and also if you're facing any artifacts like these over here change the offset in the solidy modifier to one and this will fix a lot of problems okay that's it for today thank you for watching and please subscribe so [Music] yeah so
Channel: zero fx
Views: 5,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: szAKlbmJJzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2023
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