How to make REAL Anime Shader | Blender Tutorial Part 1

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want to learn how to make high quality and modern 3D animations that AI can copy well let's find out how AI can completely make an anime already it scares a lot of artists and makes us think that we need to level up our [Music] artwork on the contrary the anime industry has improved a lot as well let's take a look at Makoto shinkai films do you think AI can just copy this without being able to tell that is made with AI well maybe but not too soon there is also this thing that I wish I had known before if you notice modern anime today like J kaisen Attack on Titan and a lot of Makoto shinkai anime films they use 3D a lot in their scenes 3D has become a part of the anime industry already and will be necessary now to combat AI make animation that is truly looking amazing and saves a hell lot of time well here's the secret to 3D anime shading hey guys I'm T CG and welcome back to another video I have a question for you do you really know how to make an anime scene now modeling and shading is easy but before doing those we need to know how anime scene really look like before we start can you tell me what looks more anime here if you choose this one you're getting the vibe of it here's a reference notice the bevels it's lighter in color than the base color here's another one another one and another one now you're getting the vibe of it but we're still far from our goal so lighter colored bevels are important to achieve an anime look I will teach you step by step how to achieve this first a cube and we will put bevels on it apply your base material make an attribute for the edges and break the edge Shader now we have our base anime shading here's a challenge for us now we will have five steps if it's red it's not yet done if it's yellow it's on process if it's green it's done add your reference first into anime look so check the bloom set it into point2 go to the World Properties my color is color white and this rank is 6 and my sunlight has a strength of two so step one let's add a cube let's scale this here and let's rotate it step two bevels go into the modifier search for bevel set the amount four but before we continue as you can see in the view shading the bevels are not evenly distributed so in order to fix this press crl a all transforms then set origin to center of mass surface then good shade smooth this by angle let's reduce the amount to around 0 four and now we have this object step three going to the shading let's make anime wood shading here so this video has two tutorials anime wood shading and the bevel design for anime objects let's continue let's add the noise texture here first contrl T color ramp and set this into color then from the texture coordinate connect the object to the vector and scale it on y AIS you notice on the top part here it's not aligned on the other faces of this object so make sure that this X and Y values have the same scale in this case let's try to make it 10 and for the Zed axis this is the stretching and we're going to make this to around4 and now we're getting the vibe of it right by the way if this is too fast for you feel free to pause the video anytime and follow the steps let's try to face the sun TOS there so that we have the same Shadow here now another technique for anime shoting is that if you want to make the shadow part here a lot darker you may want to decrease the strength of Your World Properties but that might cause a lot of problems in other parts start scene right so a good practice here is to add the Shader to RGB use and a color ramp once again connect this three then after this three nodes mix these two and set it into multiply and now you could manually adjust the darkness of your Shadow well you could even change the color of your Shadow could see if you rotate our sun our wood texture looks very smooth right by the way I'm going to change this into point two first then select this four nodes copy by pressing shift d then add the bump node here set the color into height then connect the normal to the normal of the principal bsdf now you could see the difference we are having a bump nodes here while rotating our sun so here's with normal and here's without you could see the difference so let's connect this asly we're going to just set the color of this and make this much tighter if you're wondering why we have a different colors here it's because my color management here is set into standard also I forgot to mention set your shadows into like this and voila magic so here's our full node setup for the base shading so I will just explain it to you everything so as you can see this is the part that we did but I just added this kind of node syrup to give it a painterly texture have that watercolor effect on our anime shading so as you could see if I scale this and if I change or if I change the vectors here the details of this one as well the details on my noise texture for example like this and if I set my details on my noise something like this would happen you could see the difference there so it gives like that painterly texture oil pastel texture on our scene but let's undo that and here's my setup you can just simply copy this so another noise texture here connected here add means we are adding the two light colors of the colorum and excluding the black color here so as you could see my diffuse Shader color ramp is connected here then once again this multiply is connected on the ad here why so that if our sun is rotating as you could see let's spin this so that if you press the sun you can still see it so if we rotate our sun the oil texture here almost disappears on the Shadow and it will drastically appears once again on the light part of the object where the direct stores on it so you could pause the video here and copy my node setup once again now for step four we're going to assign an edge attribute here add a gon node here so gon nodes are modifier so if you rename this automatically rename on the modifier properties as well so let's name this Hood now if you press in here if you notice the circle is in front of the name here means it's an input so let's add an attribute here then color up so connect the color here control shift left click nothing happens right open the output attributes here name it pels this one makes it black meaning there's nothing on it if you add an edge angle here and connect it to the an sign you would now see a lighter color in the bevels well another problem Rises here if we increase the amount you could see a triangle shape here that it's a lot lighter and you won't even this by just moving the color so could try to add a map range here so map range it's like a contrast in values so but here map range just acts a factor for our G node setup now let's add a capture attribute here and shift d once again and set this in Edge now attribute to unsigned angle then here attribute to the value now seems like nothing happens but if you duplicate this two it softens so meaning we need to soften this as much as possible so how can we do that first for repeat Zone and add here geometry with value here then geometry value to unide angle then let's simply plug this here as well value now the iterations here could simply decrease the amount here and as you can see bevels are same color ready would make this smaller around Point next step five for step five this is pretty simple first of all let's make this two then set it into add and connect it to the principal B St once again now as you can see you already have this one but it's not finished of course I think we should set this into around 10 only could now make this a little bit of yellow in color and now how could we break the edges here add the noise texture contr T color ramp color then mix this two and set it into multiply set it into multiply factor to one and let's bring this up here let's make this constant bring the white color into the middle part of the color out so as you could see we are breaking the edges now here you also set it into is add a lot more details you could set the T around7 and set the detail a lot more and there you go could try to set this into 1.5 make this add into one and transfer this here and just a little bit there you go you already achieve your anime wood Shader and now what once you have achieved this you might want to extrude this and select this edges and extrude faces along normals and now the new problem arises here like this subdivide so in order to fix this subdivision surface let's try it into our four and trial and arrow once again find the perfect spot for it so what are the difference of subdivision surface and subdivide mesh of course we're going to find that out as you could see for subdivide mesh our six levels but while in subdivision surface only took about around four and of course could adjust your Edge grease and vertex grease so it's a way handier or to rather than the other one in this case and we're done wait wait what there's a lot more steps all right um guysi says he will teach the whole process in the next videos so what are you waiting for make sure to like And subscribe to get notified but wait wait I do really have something for you if you want to get this Advanced version of this tutorial where the gray Parts here are only accessible in the advanced version we also have a switch here to make it more realistic and there's also a sparkling effect here where it's your choice on how many you want to add on it if I rotate the sun it will disappear on the dark side but it will appear once again on the lighter side so this is not just the best but the ultimate anime shading which will be available at the ultimate anime package this has a limited time offer right now and only have a limited seats for student you will get unlimited yes unlimited anime files anime courses and Anime assets so what you're waiting for check the description below so that you can start your anime Journey as early as possible so I hope you learned a lot in this tutorial and see you soon [Music]
Channel: TadayoshiCG
Views: 30,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, 3D, Anime, 2D, Animation, 2D Animation, 3D animation, Blender Animation, Anime in Blender, 2D Anime, 3D Anime, 2D Anime in Blender, How to make anime in Blender, 2D Animation in Blender, How to make 2D anime in Blender, Grease pencil in Blender, Grease Pencil, How to make 2D animation in Blender, How to make animation with grease pencil in Blender, Anime style in blender, anime style, Blender anime style, Blender npr anime, npr, Grease pencil anime Blender
Id: sNcp0PvCQCU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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