Simple Blender 3D settings to render anime style background art

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[Music] oh [Music] hello and welcome here's a 3d model that i made i will be using this model to demonstrate how i usually set up my render settings first go to the scene tab and make sure we are using the heavy render engine then scroll down to color management change filmic to standard filmic is usually used for for realistic renders while standard is often used for realism now we can turn on the viewport shading for real-time preview of our render it looks a bit dull now because the default setup is only using a single point light so let's delete the default print light and make a new light setup for our scene first we will add a sunlight to our seam [Music] then reposition the sunlight to cast the surface of the model [Music] but it still does not look good enough go to the light tab and change sunlight to a warm orangish color [Music] as you can see our scene looks more interesting after we add color to the light but it still looks a bit too dark [Music] go back to the light tab and increase the strength [Music] good now it looks like a warm sunset next we want to alter the shadow color this can be achieved by adding another sunlight let's rename this as ambient light next we position the second sunlight pointing towards the shadow area [Music] disable the shadow option since we don't want a second sunlight to cast shadow now change the sunlight to a cool bluish color and increase a little bit of strength as well the colored shadow makes a significant difference [Music] there is still one area that we can improve on our render which is this shaded area that is still not in the blueish color we want [Music] we can fix this by adjusting the world shader [Music] open the shader editor and make sure we are editing in the world shader by default blender is using a dark grey color as the skylight adjusting this option will affect the darkest ballad i'll render so let's change this to a very dark bluish color [Music] now we have successfully added color to the dark shaded area the light setup for our scene is now complete we can now proceed to adjust the object's material color [Music] open shader editor again but this time we want to did object shader for object material i only use the default principle b as df shader then change the base color to a suitable color for the material [Music] let's quickly do the same for all the objects in the scene as well nice now scene is ready to be rendered for the paint over but there is still one last step that we can do in blender go back to the scene tab as an option you can enable ambient occlusion or bone dome is the option that give a soft glowing look it is always a good idea to adjust the bloom intensity as well [Music] in my case i usually leave these options off since i will be adding the glow in photoshop later finally enable transparent option under film this will allow us to save our renders a transparent png [Music] now the render is ready to be painted over in photoshop but since i have a lot of painting videos which you can view in my channel i will go through the steps briefly in a sped up time lapse if you like to watch a more detailed explanation on the painting process please leave a comment below first i add a new layer for the sky then paint bucket tool is used to quickly fill up the layer with a solid color a soft round brush is used to paint the gradient sky i also added a little bit of warm color in the whole resin [Music] a new layer is made for the clouds and painted with a hard brush in this process i will first layer the shapes of the clouds before adding in the shading the preserve layer transparency option is turned on so i can shade the cloud without accidentally painting on the transparent area as you can see here i'm using the transform tool to quickly adjust the shapes of the clouds next i paint another layer of clouds in the background to give the artwork more depth then i continue to add more detail and shading on the clouds [Music] now the crowds painting are done the next step is to paint over the 3d render a step that i always take is to paint a beaver line to draw a straight line in photoshop press the shift key [Music] i feel that the scene still looks a little bit empty so i quickly painted a tree using a custom brush [Music] i'll be adding some graphics and text on the billboard in photoshop but you can do this step in blender by adding an image texture on its material [Music] i am using the transform tool to match the image to the billboard but a better way is to use the vanishing point filter in photoshop [Music] one last step to put everything together add a new layer then use a soft round brush to paint the glow change the glow layer to screen all blend mode that would suit your artwork nice now we have finished the painting process [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: mclelun
Views: 420,736
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender3d, anime style, render settings, blender, material
Id: tbWBIT28Zts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 07 2022
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