Too Powerful For Marvel Movies: The Void

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Interceptor88LH 📅︎︎ Sep 02 2019 🗫︎ replies
what's going on guys this is Rob if you guys enjoy my content make sure you hit the subscribe button and make sure you hit that little bell so you never miss out on my sexy voice okay so I did a poll on Twitter which Loza guys who were new you can find me on Twitter at comments explained I did a poll on Twitter and I asked you guys who should the next character that we do a too powerful for the MCU be about and I listed on the century the void and in the marquee of death and protege was the fourth one that we did but the void one now in reality the void in the century kind of go hand in hand I mean they're basically the same person so I don't really know how you separate the two so this will be this will be a discussion this akin to like the molecule man in the Beyonder right I mean they're basically the same thing so those you guys who don't know this century goes back to the year 2000 and in fact this century miniseries is my favorite comic book story of all time like it's my absolute favorite in fact Sal overcome a pop was at uh he was in a Comic Con here which when he was at or maybe was a comic book story but he found the whole collection of this century the original series by a by Paulding is in jail II and the one-shots in sin at all to me and I was like I need to repay in kind and so I sent him I bought a hand-drawn picture of spider-man or a Peter of a Tom hall and as Peter Parker and sent it off to him I was like yeah you you kind of you kind of deserve this but yeah okay so the way the Centurion and the void originally appeared back in Marvel Comics in the year 2000 and the idea was that Paul geing is in jail II had this this concept where they wanted to pretend like there was a superhero from like the 2000 I'm sorry from the 1960s that was forgot why he was a forgotten superhero made by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby that just kind of went under the radar was Sodor under the rug away over the case maybe and so you ended up getting this century what was told here is that it was just a guy named Robert Reynolds like in the first issue it looks like he's crazy like right up to the end of the first issue it seems like he's crazy because like like he seems like a schizophrenic he wakes up hearing voices he starts seeing things that aren't there the dog starts talking to him but he attacks the dog when the dog turns into the void and then his wife Linda freaks out and she believes like he succumbed to alcohol again and then leaves him and so it's basically just like Robert Reynolds is there and he seems like he's absolutely insane well like he's he's talking about stuff like I need to go back to being a hero and I have to wake up a century and like you know I need to go back and get my powers back he takes like a takes like a a sheet like some kind of bed sheet and sticks it to his back and they're just like wow this guy's bonkers and then at the end of the first issue he flies and you're just like holy cow this guy is really a hero and what you end up learning is that before the Fantastic Four before the x-men before spider-man before any of those guys there was the century and the surgery was just this guy who had consumed a serum that was model the one originally given to Captain America but a thousand times more powerful and what it did is it basically just like it gave him like always use godlike abilities like insane levels of strength and speed and durability you know I kind of get stuff and he went forward as a superhero and because of the actions of the century as a superhero that's what inspired like Reed Richards and Susan storm and Peter Parker and like Bruce Banner when he became the Incredible Hulk that's what inspired like all of them to become heroes was the century well somewhere along the line this century just vanished off the face of the earth and nobody nobody remembered him nobody knew whatever happened to him he was just gone it was like he never existed but what is up happening his Robert Reynolds starts traveling around to like the Fantastic Four into the x-man and to like the Incredible Hulk the only one who remembers him he starts calling him golden man he goes to see like spider-man and all these different characters and says like you have to remember who I am and so ultimately it's revealed that what had happened was with the century came the void which is basically like the evil dark persona of Robert Reynolds and and following this like with avoids first appearance the void killed like a million people in New York and almost destroyed the entire city and so the Fantastic Four realized Robert Reynolds as the void and there ended up being this this kind of device that was created it was on top of Avengers Tower I think was a vendor maybe was Bakshi building but it was on top I won at one of the superhero buildings but what it did is it basically emitted a constant pulse that shut down everyone's recollection that basically like stripped away everyone's memories of the century and so when they reactivated it because the voids coming back then the void comes back and so of course you know they end up like fighting against it and it's kind of crazy because like the void is like the only thing the incredible hoax really been scared of at least that's how it was at the time so the void returns all the superheroes enough facing off against it they managed to momentarily defeat it and that's when Robert Reynolds realizes that so long as he's the century the void will always be there and so they go back to the to the tower they end up reactivating the device and ultimately everybody goes back to forgetting who the century is now this was published as part of something called Marvel Knights those you guys don't know what mama'll Knights is if you go through and look at various mobile comics they were in like the late 1990s specifically like daredevil black panther was another good one you start looking at those you'll see like Marvel Knights written in white with a black banner at the top and then OC like the title of the character the reason why was because in the mid 1990s a Marvel own sweat broke it was cheaper to take the characters it just weren't selling and just like outsource them to outside publishing houses and have them write the stories and then it gets published by Marvel and there was a company that was called event publications which was owned by Jimmy call me Adi and Joe Quesada and they were the ones who who basically published the Marvel Knights line and so when when okasada was made editor-in-chief of Marvel uh he basically took although all the marbleize all the concepts that were created as part of Marvel nights and then rolled them over and so in 2005 2006 when Brian Michael Bendis launches New Avengers uh you end up getting the century who makes an appearance at the end and then you get the second story who is the century which is the New Avengers run you actually find that video down in the description but that story comes one of two of the century's most powerful displays during the the whole story of who is this century right like at the end of New Avengers vol 1 which is called breakout you basically have Robert Reynolds who's there like like they go in there they're like we don't know who like we don't know who this guy isn't ever heard of him before and he actually confined himself there and what you end up finding out is that that Robert Reynolds exists in the main Marvel Universe and I can't reject Lee how been destroyed him in it was kind of confusing and weird but he essentially escapes he was basically takes off and escapes and through like a weird series of circumstances basically the void returns and the void starts to go on a rampage and so what ends up happening is like the combined forces of the x-men the Avengers and the Fantastic Four all band together and go to the house of Robert Reynolds now this is what made the void so powerful all those teams Fantastic Four the x-men and I mean like a full roster of the x-men all the most powerful superheroes in the Marvel Universe on earth could not stop the void that the void was able to take on a combine like all of them at the same time and in reality it took like Robert Reynolds stopping the void there was no way to superheroes could have defeated him and that concept was continued on when you got to siege now siege was a story and it was a really really good story siege was a story about the destruction of Asgard a little bit of backstory here so there were a lot of things that led up to the events of siege right like you have Thor Ragnarok which is basically the death of Odin's son and then following the death of Odin's son going into the aftermath of Civil War Odin's son comes back and because of the fact that bit Asgard and like all the Asgardians in it had basically been destroyed during the events of Ragnarok Thor starts traveling around the world trying to wake up their their spirits that are stuck inside physical bodies well before all of that he rebuilt Asgard in Broxton Oklahoma as it was literally just like hovering above the ground by like a foot or something something all in those lines and then of course with the restoration of the Asgardians the so on and so forth they all take up residence in in Broxton Oklahoma the alternate residences in Asgard and that goes into the events of Dark Reign and Dark Reign was the aftermath to Secret Invasion right like where the scrolls basically were replacing all the earth superheroes but with Ironman being director of shield and not knowing that Secret Invasion was happening he was basically kicked out and the Norman Osborn the Green Goblin was put in his place and because he was a bad guy he did what Magica a bad guys do he basically like dismantled shields rod in a whole bunch of supervillains and so with with that happening most of the superheroes all went underground this led to the formation of the dark x-men the Dark Avengers basically like villains playing the roles of superheroes and so during that time Norman Osborn looked to consolidate all of his power and so what he did is is originally like he tried to capture the x-men they all took off they went off to to this island called utopia off the coast of San Francisco and then like Norman Osborn went to go attack Asgard and brought in like this century and all that kind of stuff well during this whole conflict the century like basically unleashes the void right like the void is unleashed and totally obliterates Asgard like destroys all of Asgard and its entirety I mean crushes the whole place and it's all brought burn is all brought crashing down around that same time Loki tries to find a way to defeat the void and Loki's killed in the process so like the void was killing gods I mean it's it's it's crazy how powerful he is now like the void is not all-powerful right I mean there is a what if story its what if siege and it's like what if the void hadn't been defeated and basically the the void killed all the superheroes on earth and then ascended into the universe and then destroyed the universe and like that was that was basically it but those are what if stories they're not really in continuity and so you can kind of say sure that could happen but it would be like you have an alternate reality version of you became president it doesn't mean you're actually president it just means in alternate reality version of you as president and so with that in mind the the void has consistently been considered one of the most powerful villains out there and depending on the circumstance can be considered like an in like the top three the problem with this is that the void has largely been an earthbound character but as I feel like the molecule man Franklin Richards Matthew Malloy Shepherd there aren't really that many people on earth who are universe level powerful there's there's a few but you can count them on like two hands the century depending on the circumstance can be that powerful but if we're talking about like universe like a universal constant which is to say like they can intrinsically control the fundamental forces of the universe then you got Franklin Richards you have Clyde Winchell you've got Shepard you've got the molecule man Owen Reese the Beyonder which is essentially kind of an earthly character ya know that's about it in terms of vast reality-warping powers there might be a couple of obscure characters that I'm leaving out there but again like we've never seen a void transcend earth I mean there was a what-if story where it did but we never saw what happened but like we've never seen the void fight Galactus we've nourish him a void fight the silver surfer we've avoid fight you know Thanos or Franklin Richards and because we haven't seen it it's hard to gauge his power so we don't really seen the void fight characters like that so it becomes of self when you're talking about the void versus like these cosmic beings but having said that the question becomes it's really the million dollar question why could the void not work in the Marvel Cinematic Universe well the reason for this is is really it's it's pretty simple and it's twofold the first is the fact that the void is the opposite of order the void is chaos and the second is the amount of power the void possesses so when you look at the Marvel Cinematic Universe it really is just ordered and structured it's not as far from what you would normally expect to see in a comic book in in the Marvel Comics as you could hope that's why it's more akin to the Ultimate Universe it's more tangible more grounded and then what you're doing with the void is you're throwing it in there you're throwing the void into the MCU and all the void wants to do is destroy that's that's the only thing the void wants to do and like you throw that in there you're basically throwing chaos into an organized system and the result is that that organization will become chaos literally you could set your watch to it and then in turn you're taking that chaotic structure that chaotic nature and then you're giving it power that Dwarfs everything we've seen so far I mean I would say the void from Marvel Comics if he was thrown in the MCU could easily crush Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet because the Infinity Gauntlet and Marvel Cinematic Universe is not as powerful as the one in the comics when you're talking about someone like the void who can who has like the ability to mess with reality then you're talking about a scenario where like Thanos uses the reality stone and the voids like nope and then undoes it it just wouldn't work I mean he would just annihilate everything everything and everyone you know I mean it would it would take no time at all I mean they would be hopelessly outmatched because it's just such an extreme display of power but again it's really more the chaos that the void represents more so than anything else how many the void became infectious and and literally like went through and and just sort of like infecting people then it would just start it would turn it would turn the one like a chaotic place where everybody would like fight and kill each other all the time you know it would be the end of days and and that's what you're talking about by throwing his character into the MCU there's no real way to there's no way to win like there's there's no real way to come back I mean maybe you could I mean they could possibly pull it off if like business because the void is the century if they could like reason with Robert Reynolds but we don't have any telepaths in the Marvel Cinematic Universe even if you had a character who had like vast amounts of telepathy and could go into the mind of the void and then bring Robert Reynolds out and get the void under control then there's a way to win didn't like there's there's a way to pull that off but short of something like that it's almost impossible here's the bonkers thing if you guys think however with all the curves we've talked about so far all the characters we've covered so far and too powerful for the MCU we've covered a lot of them but of all the characters that we've covered so far there's one that we haven't covered that is essentially immutable and indestructible and is nothing but pure evil that character is the marquee of death and for those of you guys who don't know who've never heard of the marquee of death to give you an example of how powerful Clyde Winchell was in Marvel Comics there was a point when he was annihilating entire universes with a wave of his hand just wafting them away and that was it he was probably more powerful in the Living Tribunal to be honest like I mean I would like if I had to create a hierarchy with a marquee of death yeah even going back and reading Hickman's of engines of New Avengers and like the model cosmic hierarchy I would do the one above all and then the marquee of death the beyonders and in the Living Tribunal like I would probably organize it in that cadet in that fashion but that's not this kind of just off the cuff probably I do a lot more research to see if that's actually the case or not but ya know like he was a super-powerful character but what happened he said you guys we're gonna bring this video to an end if you are new here to come this explain make sure you guys are the sub button to become part of the Rob core if you guys enjoyed this video make sure you drop a like and I will catch you all later peace you
Channel: Comics Explained
Views: 1,034,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: comicsexplained, marvelexplained, fluidicbeats, Comics, Comic Books, Marvel, Marvel Comics, Marvel Movies, MCU, The Sentry, Robert Reynalds, The Void, Void, Brian Michael Bendis, Avengers, New Avengers, Too Powerful, OP, Who Is The Sentry?, Spider-Man, Iron Man, Hawkeye, Captain AMerica, Thanos, Infinity War, Franklin Richards, Molecule Man, Omega Level, Beyond Omega Level, Overpowered
Id: HwlK85mHo6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 24 2018
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